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The Letter to the Galatians


1 2 3 4 5 6

Outline of Contents

  • 1

    • Greetings (1-5)

    • No other good news (6-9)

    • Good news preached by Paul comes from God (10-12)

    • Paul’s conversion and early activity (13-24)

  • 2

    • Paul meets with the apostles in Jerusalem (1-10)

    • Paul corrects Peter (Cephas) (11-14)

    • Declared righteous only through faith (15-21)

  • 3

    • Works of Law versus faith (1-14)

      • Righteous will live by faith (11)

    • Abrahamic promise not by Law (15-18)

      • Abraham’s offspring, Christ (16)

    • Origin and purpose of the Law (19-25)

    • Sons of God through faith (26-29)

      • Abraham’s offspring, those belonging to Christ (29)

  • 4

    • No longer slaves, but sons (1-7)

    • Paul’s concern for the Galatians (8-20)

    • Hagar and Sarah: two covenants (21-31)

      • Jerusalem above, our mother, is free (26)

  • 5

    • Christian freedom (1-15)

    • Walking by spirit (16-26)

      • Works of the flesh (19-21)

      • Fruitage of the spirit (22, 23)

  • 6

    • Carry one another’s burdens (1-10)

      • What is sown is reaped (7, 8)

    • Circumcision of no value (11-16)

      • A new creation (15)

    • Conclusion (17, 18)