Proverbs 28:1-28

  • Prayer of the unresponsive one is detestable (9)

  • Mercy shown to the one confessing (13)

  • No quick riches without guilt (20)

  • Reproof better than flattery (23)

  • A generous one lacks nothing (27)

28  The wicked flee when no one pursues them,But the righteous are as confident as a lion.*+  2  When there is transgression* in the land, it will have one prince after another,+But with the help of a man of discernment and knowledge, a prince* will long endure.+  3  A poor man who defrauds the lowly+Is like a rain that sweeps away all the food.  4  Those who abandon the law praise the wicked one,But those who observe the law are indignant with them.+  5  Evil men cannot understand justice,But those who seek Jehovah can understand everything.+  6  Better is a poor man who walks in his integrityThan a rich man whose ways are corrupt.+  7  An understanding son observes the law,But a companion of gluttons disgraces his father.+  8  The one who increases his wealth by interest+ and usuryAmasses it for the one who shows favor to the poor.+  9  The one refusing to listen to the law—Even his prayer is detestable.+ 10  The one misleading the upright into an evil course will fall into his own pit,+But the blameless will inherit what is good.+ 11  A rich man is wise in his own eyes,+But a poor man with discernment can see through him.+ 12  When the righteous triumph, there is great glory,But when the wicked rise to power, people go into hiding.+ 13  The one covering over his transgressions will not succeed,+But whoever confesses and abandons them will be shown mercy.+ 14  Happy is the man who is always on guard,*But whoever hardens his heart will fall into calamity.+ 15  Like a growling lion and a charging bearIs a wicked ruler over a helpless people.+ 16  A leader without discernment abuses his power,+But the one hating dishonest profit will prolong his life.+ 17  A man burdened with bloodguilt for taking someone’s life* will keep fleeing until the grave.*+ Let no one support him. 18  The one walking faultlessly will be saved,+But the one whose ways are crooked will suddenly fall.+ 19  The one cultivating his ground will have plenty of bread,But the one taking up worthless pursuits will have his fill of poverty.+ 20  A faithful man will receive many blessings,+But the one hastening to get rich will not remain innocent.+ 21  It is not good to show partiality;+But a man might do wrong for a piece of bread. 22  An envious* man is eager for wealth,Not knowing that poverty will overtake him. 23  Whoever reproves a man+ will afterward find more favor+Than someone who flatters with his tongue. 24  Whoever robs his father and mother and says, “It is not wrong,”+ Is a partner of the man who causes ruin.+ 25  The greedy person* stirs up dissension,But whoever relies on Jehovah will prosper.*+ 26  Whoever trusts in his own heart is stupid,+But the one who walks in wisdom will escape.+ 27  Whoever gives to the poor will lack nothing,+But the one who closes his eyes to them will receive many curses. 28  When the wicked rise to power, a man hides himself,But when they perish, the righteous increase.+


Or “a young lion.”
Or “revolt.”
Lit., “he.”
Or “who is never without fear.”
Or “with the blood of a soul.”
Or “pit.”
Or “greedy.”
Or possibly, “The arrogant soul.”
Lit., “will be made fat.”