Psalm 52:1-9

  • Trusting in God’s loyal love

    • Boasters in badness warned (1-5)

    • Ungodly ones trust in riches (7)

To the director. Masʹkil.* Of David, when Doʹeg the Eʹdom·ite came and told Saul that David had come to the house of A·himʹe·lech.+ 52  Why do you boast about your evil acts, you mighty one?+ The loyal love of God lasts all day long.+  2  Your tongue, as sharp as a razor,+Schemes harm and works deceitfully.+  3  You love evil more than what is good,Lying more than speaking what is right. (Selah)  4  You love every harmful word,O you deceitful tongue!  5  That is why God will pull you down once and for all;+He will snatch you up and tear you away from your tent;+He will uproot you from the land of the living.+ (Selah)  6  The righteous ones will see it and be filled with awe,+And they will laugh at him.+  7  “Here is a man who did not make God his refuge,*+But he trusted in his great riches+And relied on* his own evil plots.”*  8  But I will be like a luxuriant olive tree in God’s house;My trust is in God’s loyal love,+ forever and ever.  9  I will praise you forever because you have taken action;+In the presence of your loyal ones,I will hope in your name,+ for it is good.


Or “fortress.”
Or “took shelter in.”
Lit., “adversities by him.”