To Titus 2:1-15

  • Sound teaching for young and old (1-15)

    • Reject ungodliness (12)

    • Zeal for fine works (14)

2  You, however, keep on speaking what is consistent with wholesome* teaching.+ 2  Let the older men be moderate in habits, serious, sound in mind, healthy in faith, in love, in endurance. 3  Likewise, let the older women be reverent in behavior, not slanderous, not enslaved to a lot of wine, teachers of what is good, 4  so that they may advise* the younger women to love their husbands, to love their children, 5  to be sound in mind, chaste, working at home,* good, subjecting themselves to their own husbands,+ so that the word of God may not be spoken of abusively. 6  Likewise, keep on urging the younger men to be sound in mind,+ 7  showing yourself to be an example of fine works in every way. Teach what is pure* with all seriousness,+ 8  using wholesome* speech that cannot be criticized,+ so that those who oppose may be put to shame, having nothing negative* to say about us.+ 9  Let slaves be in subjection to their owners in all things,+ trying to please them, not talking back, 10  not stealing from them,+ but showing complete trustworthiness, so that in every way they may adorn the teaching of our Savior, God.+ 11  For the undeserved kindness of God has been manifested, bringing salvation to all sorts of people.+ 12  It trains us to reject ungodliness and worldly desires+ and to live with soundness of mind and righteousness and godly devotion amid this present system of things,*+ 13  while we wait for the happy hope+ and glorious manifestation of the great God and of our Savior, Jesus Christ, 14  who gave himself for us+ to set us free*+ from every sort of lawlessness and to cleanse for himself a people who are his own special possession, zealous for fine works.+ 15  Keep on speaking these things and exhorting* and reproving with full authority.+ Do not let anyone look down on you.


Or “healthful; beneficial.”
Or “recall to their senses; train.”
Or “caring for their homes.”
Or possibly, “Teach with purity.”
Or “healthful; beneficial.”
Or “vile.”
Or “this present age.” See Glossary.
Lit., “to ransom us; to redeem us.”
Or “encouraging.”