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Annual Meeting

Annual Meeting

Annual Meeting

On October 1, 1969, the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania had its annual meeting at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, at its registered office, 4100 Bigelow Boulevard, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213. N. H. Knorr, its President, presided at the meeting and at 9:50 called on George M. Couch to bring to the attention of all present, a total of 2,376, the text for the day, as well as to give comments on it. At 10 a.m. the annual meeting was called to order and Brother Curtis A. Smith opened the meeting with prayer.

As was reported in last year’s Yearbook, there were 481 members in the Pennsylvania corporation. However, the Secretary and Treasurer, Grant Suiter, reported that ten died or resigned, making the membership as of October 1, 1969, 471. It was reported by the Secretary that 461 persons were present in person or by proxy so that there was a quorum to handle the Society’s business. One of the matters to be taken care of was the election of directors for three vacancies occasioned by the expiration of terms of M. G. Henschel, N. H. Knorr and L. A. Swingle. All of these individuals were renominated and were reelected by unanimous vote for a term of three years. After the election of these directors the President of the Society called on Brother Abrahamson of Denmark, Brother Piccone of Morocco and Brother Rosam of Canada, to give reports on their respective countries, as these three members of the corporation were present in person from foreign lands. They gave excellent reports on their countries and what was happening. This was enjoyed by all. Following these reports there were greetings read from all parts of the world. This was handled by Grant Suiter. Then followed a talk by the President of the Society on the subject “Go . . . Make Disciples . . . Baptizing Them.” This talk was greatly appreciated by all in attendance. The information will be published in the December 15, 1969, issue of The Watchtower in English. Then followed further comment on the work world wide, along with some very interesting experiences. The annual meeting adjourned shortly after midday. The meeting was closed with prayer by the President of the Society.

The very next day, October 2, 1969, the entire membership of the board of directors of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania met in the office of the President and they unanimously reelected N. H. Knorr as President, F. W. Franz as Vice-President, Grant Suiter as Secretary and Treasurer and J. O. Groh as Assistant Secretary-Treasurer. The other members of the board of directors are M. G. Henschel, L. A. Swingle and T. J. Sullivan. A brief report was made on the work accomplished by the Society during the last year, and the board of directors was given details on the receipts and disbursements of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania for the 1969 service year. All of the directors appreciate their respective privileges of service and they expressed themselves as looking forward with joy to the new service year and its many activities.

Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.

The annual meeting of the members of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., was held pursuant to charter and bylaws and the provisions of the law at the executive offices of the Society located at 124 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, New York, on Saturday, January 4, 1969, at 11 a.m. At this time they transacted such business as normally comes before the members at the annual meeting. The President, N. H. Knorr, presided. Prayer was offered by T. J. Sullivan. All 56 members of this corporation were present in person or by proxy. A report was made on the cash receipts and disbursements for the service year ending August 31, 1968. This report was unanimously accepted. The business of the election of directors received attention. The vacancies occasioned by the expiring terms of G. M. Couch, F. W. Franz, J. O. Groh and Grant Suiter needed to be filled. These same directors were reelected unanimously. Reports were heard from H. E. Miller concerning the field service in the United States. G. M. Couch gave a report on the activities at the Bethel home and farms, and M. H. Larson gave a report on the progress of the Society’s printing establishment. Then followed a general report on the work by the President, N. H. Knorr. The annual meeting was closed by prayer offered by the President.

At 11:45 a.m. Saturday, January 4, 1969, immediately following the annual meeting, the members of the board of directors met and by unanimous vote the following officers were reelected: N. H. Knorr, President; F. W. Franz, Vice-President; Grant Suiter, Secretary and Treasurer; J. O. Groh, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer. The other directors of the New York corporation are G. M. Couch, L. K. Greenlees and M. H. Larson.