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Country Reports (Part One)

Country Reports (Part One)

Country Reports (Part One)

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Population: 198,804,000

Peak Publishers: 359,146 Ratio: 1 to 554

It was a real joy to get the August report for the United States because it proved to be a thrilling climax to the 1969 service year. The publishers in the United States of America reached a new all-time peak of 359,146 publishers, even surpassing April’s peak of 357,851. Undoubtedly the “Peace on Earth” International Assembly of Jehovah’s Witnesses stirred many to get into the pioneer service because we also reached a new all-time peak of 9,368 vacation pioneers in the month of August. And we reached a new peak in the number of pioneers generally, including the vacation pioneers, the special pioneers and the regular pioneers. This total came to 13,513.

On leaving the assemblies in the United States in July, the brothers went right into the field with a determination to get the good news of the Kingdom preached, and the congregation publishers averaged 11.3 hours and 15 magazines in August. Pioneers averaged 105.4 magazines and the special pioneers 169.3. This indeed is remarkable!

In addition to all of this, these publishers of the Kingdom good news placed more bound books in one month than ever before, namely, 936,913. In view of this report we feel sure that our factory will have to work a second shift for at least three months. We have every reason to rejoice in the fine report, and our brothers have enjoyed many very fine experiences. A few of them are related herewith.

“Get out of her, my people,” warns God’s Word at Revelation 18:4. In droves honest-hearted persons are responding to this command. A Baptist minister, after being witnessed to by his fleshly brother, enjoyed reading the Society’s magazines and soon began using material from them to preach to his congregation. They also liked what they heard. So he continued using information from the magazines. However, when preaching at other Baptist churches, he would teach according to the Baptist creed. When his own congregation heard of this, they approached him to ask why he would change and preach error. “Why not stick to the Watchtower literature?” they asked. So he did. When he received a copy of the Truth book in October 1968, he read it in two nights and saw that this was the truth. He took the Truth book to the officers of his church; they liked its contents and decided to ask the congregation if they wanted to consider a study of the Truth book. This was agreeable. After only a few weeks, the entire congregation saw they could no longer stay in false religion and voted to withdraw from the Baptist organization and associate with Jehovah’s witnesses. The congregation was dissolved, the church building was sold and all families but one began studying with Jehovah’s witnesses and now are attending meetings. Additionally, the former preacher and his wife are now sharing in field service.

The Bible-study folder has helped many to flee from Babylon the Great. A sister called back where she had left the Bible-study folder and found that the couple had read it and wanted a Bible study. Being well known in the community and prominent in the Presbyterian church, they immediately encountered opposition from friends and relatives. After five months of study, they withdrew from the church, now attend all meetings at the Kingdom Hall and have joined the Theocratic Ministry School. When a minister and others from the church brought up doctrinal points that they had not yet studied, such as blood, birthdays, Christmas, etc., they answered: “We have not learned about this as yet, but everything we have learned thus far has been from the Bible, so if Jehovah’s witnesses believe this, then they must have Scriptural reasons for doing so.”

Even the deaf are hearing. A sister contacted a deaf-mute who showed interest in the magazines. She asked the deaf woman to teach her the sign language so she, in turn, could teach her the Bible. She writes: “The first thing I wanted to know was how to say Jehovah, and it was a beautiful sign. She taught me the ABC’s and Genesis 1:1, as well as twenty other words in one day.” Was the progress slow? Six months after the deaf woman started studying in the Truth book she was baptized. Now she is giving student talks in the Theocratic Ministry School using sign language, which is translated for the audience by one of the other sisters. Now she and the sister who contacted her have seven studies with deaf-mutes.

The Truth, book has had very wide acceptance. An eleven-year-old sister spoke to her classmates regarding it. Initially, two of her classmates took a copy of the Truth book, but others saw the book and wanted a copy, so she finally placed thirty-seven copies in all, including the one placed with her teacher. She writes: “Now I’m busy making back-calls on my classmates. My teacher is reading the third chapter.”

Countless young people are responding to the call to leave Babylon the Great and are making changes in their lives as they do so. One young girl with “hippie” tendencies found the book “Let God Be True” in a box of old books. After reading it and recognizing the ring of truth, she began searching for Jehovah’s witnesses. A study was started in the Truth book and she progressed rapidly. In order to get the most out of her study she phoned the sister studying with her, asking all the questions she had in mind, explaining, “Then we can spend all of our time studying when you come over.” As she gained knowledge, she could see that her appearance was not the same as others at the Kingdom Hall and stated: “I need a more clean-cut look. Do you know anyone that cuts hair?” She is looking more and more like a sister as she makes her mind over.

Do you witness to your employer as opportunity affords? When a sister was called in to talk with her employer, the discussion turned to the coming bank Halloween party. When she explained why she could not have any part in it, the brief business talk turned into a two-and-a-half-hour Bible discussion. A copy of a special Awake! and the Truth book were placed and by the following day the employer had read both from cover to cover. Thereafter discussions were carried on at every opportunity. Eventually the employer talked to his wife and a home Bible study was started. Both are now regularly attending meetings at the Kingdom Hall. What started out as an attempt to aid the employee, turned out, through Jehovah’s blessing and guidance, to be something that would change the life course of a family and work for their everlasting blessing.

Besides all of this intense witnessing in the United States and reports of many fine experiences concerning people who have been aided to come to a knowledge of the truth, there are still some forces in the land that would like to interfere with the ministry of Jehovah’s Christian witnesses. In addition to the usual scattered threats by police and by mayors, there were a number of arrests, but in most cases the charges were either dropped or dismissed. One case was tried but no decision has been reached as yet. Another case was tried, a conviction resulted and an appeal has been lodged. A third case has not yet been brought to trial. Usually the district attorneys in the smaller towns and cities are quite well acquainted with the Constitution of the United States, and they know that there is freedom of press, speech and religion. So the ministers of the Kingdom are still going forth with great energy in the United States, declaring the good news of God’s kingdom to the people of this nation.


As you read along in this Yearbook and enjoy the accounts of experiences of the witnesses of Jehovah in the field you will note that the countries are not alphabetically arranged. If you wish to read about any particular country you can always look it up in the Index on pages 3 and 4. Under certain countries you will find other countries or islands listed. The reason for this is that these territories or islands come under the jurisdiction of a certain branch office. If you will check last year’s Yearbook you will find that Guam, Palau, Ponape, Saipan and Truk were listed under the United States. During the past year it seemed advisable to transfer these territories to the branch office located in Hawaii because they are able to give them better service, being closer and having faster air service. Also they are able to serve all these territories with circuit servants from Hawaii. So this year when you check under the Hawaiian branch you will find these islands listed. Bermuda still is under the jurisdiction of the United States branch and circuit and district servants are sent there to assist them with their Kingdom activity. Here are some interesting experiences from there.

BERMUDA Population: 50,000

Peak Publishers: 112 Ratio: 1 to 446

The good news has continued to spread nicely in this small island. In former years we were, to a great extent, insulated against the “distress of nations” and did not, perhaps, have the same sense of urgency as our brothers in other lands. Now, however, due to changing circumstances and constant encouragement from the Society there is an evident effort to “seek first the kingdom.”

We hope to see more of the brothers grasp the privilege of pioneering and have experiences such as the one from a pioneer sister who relates: “Early this year I was assisting a new publisher in the house-to-house ministry when we called on a very friendly young woman who invited us in and readily took the magazines. She said she was so happy we had called as she was in need of advice. Her marriage was on the verge of breaking up, and she wanted so much to save it. Most all the friends and religious leaders she had sought advice from had sided with her against the husband and had given no sound counsel but, in one instance, had condemned him to hell if he did not change from being an agnostic. On hearing this I explained about the wonderful counsel to be found in the Bible on marriage and showed her the Truth book, pointing out the chapter on ‘Building a Happy Family Life.’ From the study, which I was able to start right away, she learned of the God-ordained arrangement for happy families and the principle of wifely subjection. She said that she would try this ‘new approach’ to make her marriage work. Now she felt that she and not her husband was the one who had fallen down on the job. She has continued to make fine progress and now tells us how much happier her marriage is due to applying the information gained from studying the Truth book​—something she now tells her friends about.”

A sister, baptized at the end of the last service year, already had around ten studies at the time of her immersion. She had to return to the United States shortly thereafter with her serviceman husband but was very conscientious in making arrangements with others to continue these studies. A sister who took one writes: “It was my happiness to take over this study with two fleshly sisters who had been studying for only a short while but who were showing keen appreciation for the truth. As a pioneer I recognized how valuable the Truth book was proving to be in showing sheeplike ones how to make important decisions quickly and in directing them to the organization early in the program of Bible study. But my appreciation of the book grew more as I watched these sisters arrange their schedules to include first one and then another of the meetings until they were becoming regular at the congregation book study, then the public talk and Watchtower study. Only recently I found out that one of them has been studying the book with her children. Both of these interested ones bring their children along to the meetings, at times with difficulty, as they are in divided households. It is surely a pleasure to note their eagerness to follow the suggestions given in the Truth book, such as the importance of speaking to others. They have already started to witness to friends and relatives and have brought several to meetings with them.” And what about the new sister who returned to the United States? She is pioneering.

ALASKA Population: 294,000

Peak Publishers: 728 Ratio: 1 to 404

It is a frequent experience to contact in the territory someone who had previously studied with Jehovah’s witnesses in another part of the country or who had been active in the ministry, but for one reason or another did not contact the organization upon arrival in this area. Moving from one home to another can easily distract one from Kingdom interests if one is not careful. There is much joy when one of these “lost sheep” is contacted and reunited with the brothers. In one congregation here the circuit servant reported that during his visit a father allowed his son to make a call at a nearby home. Soon the youth, full of joy and excitement, returned to the car to summon his father. He had found someone of unusual interest. This couple our young brother had located had studied in the “lower” states for some years but had not gone ahead with the truth as seriously as they should have. They had lived in Alaska for many months without being in contact with the Witnesses, but were eager to renew their association. A study was immediately arranged for the entire family, and they soon began attending meetings. Imagine the happy reunion when, a short time ago, the brother who studied with them years ago was visiting in Alaska and they were able to meet. By this time the couple had progressed so well that they had given up their tobacco habit and had been baptized as praisers of Jehovah.

Many people in outlying areas are not found so easily, and this is our concern. Therefore, in the summer months the congregations branch out into some of the hundreds of isolated villages to preach the good news and offer subscriptions. Then during winter months when the temperature can reach down to 60 degrees below zero, the brothers write letters to residents of these isolated villages and to men in remote construction camps. Imagine the thrill of one sister to receive an appreciative reply to her letter. “I still can’t believe all this happened. I am so thankful to you and especially to Jehovah for inspiring you to write this letter. Please write, as I have found a new friend through Jehovah.”

Do you sometimes hesitate to speak up at the door because you just recently learned the truth? You may be encouraged by the experience of a new sister. She was so nervous that her voice gave out while offering the magazines to a householder. Yet she placed the magazines and later developed the placement into a magazine-route call. It was suggested that she take the direct approach and offer to study the Bible with the householder, and, to her surprise, the offer was accepted. Now this interested person has been instrumental in contacting still others. As a result of personal initiative and full trust in Jehovah at least four persons are now studying the Bible regularly and a total of fifteen others have accepted Bible literature. What a wonderful reward for someone who felt hesitant to speak the truth. Surely Jehovah uses his people to find and feed the “sheep.”

ARGENTINA Population: 23,983,000

Peak Publishers: 16,583 Ratio: 1 to 1,446

There have been increases in all features of the work and a new peak in publishers. Most outstanding of all was our receiving 150,000 copies of the Truth book and placing all of them. The publishers have not been able to get enough of these books.

A special pioneer tells us: “I started a study in the Truth book. Three months have gone by and now the person is attending all the congregation meetings and is taking part in the service with me. I had explained about the six-month study and what we expect of the people. The result has been another praiser of Jehovah, which is the purpose of all Bible studies.”

A publisher tells how people are responding to the call of the “Good Shepherd”: “In August I started a study with a woman and her son. In September they came to the meetings in the Kingdom Hall; they also attended a study at my home. They have attended meetings regularly even though it was financially difficult to do so at times. In April they started out in the service with me and want to continue in May.”

A circuit servant tells us of the results of the circuit assembly program where the six months’ study was emphasized. “A publisher had been conducting a study with a lady for three years. She showed interest and seemed to want to learn the truth, but something was always in her way. No effort was made to attend the meetings, although she was invited and efforts were made to help her. After seeing the demonstration at the assembly, the sister decided that she would try it with this study. Upon returning to her congregation, she talked to the lady about what she had learned and how she would conduct the study now in the Truth book, but it would be for only six months. She also mentioned comments that the district servant made at the assembly, asking: ‘If a person continued to attend one of the churches of Babylon the Great after studying for a time and did not attend the meetings at the Kingdom Hall, then why continue the study? We should talk frankly to the person about the reason for not attending and obeying Jehovah.’ This comment moved the lady to action. She and her two children are now attending all the meetings. She is also taking an active part in preaching the ‘good news.’”

The Bible-study folder is having good effects on the people. A publisher offered the Truth book to a lady. She liked what she heard but did not want the book. The folder was given to her, and the publisher told her that he would return. Finishing the morning’s activity, the publisher returned by the same street. Now the lady called out that she wanted the book since her interest was aroused by having read the questions in the folder. Not only was the book placed, but a study was started. So do not forget to leave this folder at all homes.

All publishers were encouraged to take part in the vacation pioneer work at any convenient time. To our joy, 4,194 have been able to do so this service year.

A sister tells us of the arrangements she made with her family so that she could be a vacation pioneer. “I talked to my husband and children. It was agreed that my husband would take his meals with him to work, thus I would be free at mealtime to go out in the service. The four children of school age would help with some of the housework, even getting things ready for the meal. When my husband returned from work, he would start the evening meal. In this way all the family worked together so that I could take on the vacation pioneer service for one month. During the month I started a study with a woman, and now she and a son of thirteen years are attending the meetings at the Kingdom Hall.” When all the members of a family work together, it is often possible for one to be a vacation pioneer.

The work that can be done by the district and circuit servants to encourage vacation pioneer activity is outstanding. In the meeting of those interested in the pioneer work at the circuit assembly, seven filled out applications for vacation pioneer service and one applied for regular pioneer service from just one congregation of forty publishers.

A circuit servant says that he has been encouraging the pioneer service: “In nine congregations 450 have been vacation pioneers in the last six months. In my visit to another congregation of 110 publishers, 89 took the applications and from 15 to 20 will be sharing in the vacation pioneer service each month in the future. This same congregation has over 150 persons attending public talks. In large measure this good public talk attendance can be attributed to the vacation pioneers and the work they are doing.”

The branch servant, Brother Eisenhower, writes: “I want to thank you, Brother Knorr, for the opportunity that Brother Schemmel and I had to attend the month-long branch servants’ meeting and the ‘Peace on Earth’ assembly in New York. I feel that the meeting was a milestone in my theocratic activity. Outstanding in so many ways was the love shown by all the brothers who had part in the meeting, their interest in our problems, their way of seeing things and helping us to appreciate the time in which we are living and that the most important thing to do right now is to preach the ‘good news’ of Jehovah’s kingdom. Although this has been expressed, I again wish to say, ‘Thank you, Brother Knorr and the Bethel family, for making our visit so beneficial and such a blessing for the work in our country.’

“All the missionaries want to say ‘Thanks’ to all the brothers for their contributions to help them get to one of the assemblies.”

AUSTRALIA Population: 12,173,300

Peak Publishers: 20,624 Ratio: 1 to 590

How true the words of our heavenly Father when he said that his people would be willing in the day of his military might. This has certainly been our experience here in Australia during the past twelve months, and we thrill to the expansion that has taken place, thirty-two new congregations being formed this past service year and new peaks in publishers being reached practically every month.

The brothers are having wonderful success using the Truth book, being able to sound down the principles of God’s Word by making thorough use of its contents. After one family studied it and resigned from the church, the minister came around, but he proved to be no problem. Then a man from another church was sent, and he made the mistake of saying it was impossible for Jehovah’s witnesses to explain Philippians 2:10. Then a ladies’ night was arranged, presumably to win the mother of this family back; but, like Daniel going to the lions’ den, she went off courageously armed with scriptures in abundance on any given subject. She had “Make Sure” with her, the Awake! issue “Is It Later than You Think?” the Truth book, the Diaglott and three large encyclopedias, but her husband suggested, “You don’t have to prove any points tonight, dear; all you have to do is arrange a study with these people.” So she told all these ladies that before they would be in position to criticize Jehovah’s witnesses they should study the Truth book. As usual, Babylon the Great, when beaten by the “sword of the spirit,” resorts to slanderous literature against the organization. But this woman refused to read it, saying, “I know all about that slanderous thing; it is better for us to discuss scriptures.” This person has now joined the brothers in door-to-door work, even with her two small children; and the congregation is looking forward to seeing them continue their growth to maturity as they sound down the truth into their minds and hearts.

This experience shows the need for keeping an accurate record of our not-at-homes. A brother was driving home from the territory with window cards in the car windows advertising the circuit assembly public lecture. A young woman started waving frantically as he drove down the street. He could not make this out and did not think that she was really attempting to wave him down, but then he noticed that was her intention, true enough. When he stopped, the young woman related that she had seen his car in the street and noticed the window card and also the magazines in the back of his car and was very glad that he had stopped for her. She wanted a subscription for the “magazine that publishes world news so accurately.” She used to get the magazines in New Zealand and likes them very much. However, she had been waiting for the Witnesses to call on her for at least a year, but for one reason or another she was missed each time the territory was covered. Now a study has been arranged and she is keen to get her husband involved so that he will start coming along with her. How necessary, then, for all of us to keep an accurate record of our not-at-homes in order to make sure that all these sheeplike ones are contacted with the “word of life.”

One of our pioneers writes of the children in a sister’s home where she stayed: “I was thrilled to observe some of the activities of the children. One little one arrived home one day and, rather than play, she gathered a lot of study equipment. I thought that maybe she was going to do personal study, but no. Ten minutes later there was a knock at the door. I opened it, to find a little girl standing there with a Paradise book. She made her way to the lounge. I went on with what I was doing until, five minutes later, there was another knock. This time there were, not one, but two little girls, armed with Paradise books, Bibles, prayer books, etc. These also made their way to the lounge. Before I had much time to think, another knock came and in walked the fourth, apologizing for being late. Interested, I stayed around and listened. All the children sat on the lounge and the sister’s child sat out in front. Next, when all was quiet, a prayer was given asking Jehovah to bless each one so that they might understand the truth and also thanking him for everything. Then the study proceeded. First a review, which consisted of questions on the twelfth chapter of Revelation. Who was the woman? Whom did she give birth to?, etc. All knew the answers and the study proceeded for forty-five minutes. The study was then closed with a humble little prayer of thanks. The children were thanked for coming, and arrangements were made to see them all the next day for another study. So here was this little girl, six years of age, able to conduct a study with four of the neighbourhood children, even to the point of explaining Revelation and opening and closing with prayer. Doesn’t this make your heart glad, parents? How diligent we should be in training our children to praise the Creator while young!”

Are you an invalid? Do not be discouraged by that. A sister who is a widow and an invalid has to travel seventy miles each way by rail once every two weeks. She happened to notice that once the evening passengers had finished their newspapers they had nothing else to do. So this sister, who was vacation pioneering, packed her bags with magazines on her next trip. As she finds walking difficult and even standing in fast-moving trains almost impossible, she did not start visiting the carriages until the train started on the period of the journey that takes it up very steep hills. At that time it moves slowly and our sister was able to talk comfortably to the passengers and visit them. She relates that she met many interested people, some already having subscriptions for the magazines, and placed thirty-two magazines in just half an hour. The interesting thing about it is that our sister, until the last eighteen months, had been inactive for many, many years due to discouragement, but now she is enjoying the blessings of Kingdom activity to the full. What a blessing to develop this positive attitude in the strength that Jehovah can give!

AUSTRIA Population: 7,322,800

Peak Publishers: 9,081 Ratio: 1 to 806

Bearing in mind the admonition of the apostle Paul to ‘buy out the opportune time,’ the publishers in our country have made fine use of their opportunities in the past year to strengthen the faith of others in God’s promises.​—Eph. 5:15, 16; Col. 4:5.

Since it is the custom in Austria for persons in many fields of occupation to receive tips, a circuit servant has made it a practice to give magazines to gas station attendants as his acknowledgment of good service. In one such instance the attendant replied that he had recently returned from Australia, where some of Jehovah’s witnesses had lived in his neighborhood. The brother immediately seized the opportunity to ask for the gasoline station attendant’s address so that someone could call on him. Arrangements were made and, after only a few calls, a home Bible study was started. How much more joy this brother’s “tip” has brought the gasoline station attendant than a small sum of money would have.

At meetings we can find many fine opportunities to encourage new ones and strangers. During the course of a Watchtower study, the conductor observed a woman whom he did not know personally, and he spoke to her afterward. In their conversation he learned that she had known of the truth for seven years but, because her husband had been opposed, she had taken the course of least resistance. Since her conscience had continually plagued her, however, she had sought association with God’s people. The brother invited her to start attending the congregation book study. There he spoke with her again and made arrangements to visit her husband. The first call on the husband lasted from 8 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. At the next call a Truth book study was started. By the time the first chapter had been completed, the whole family was attending the public talks and Watchtower studies. Before the second chapter was finished, they were beginning to come to the other meetings too. They have made fine progress in the truth. Taking loving interest in each individual attending meetings has borne fine fruits.

To successfully assist inactive publishers calls for great ingenuity sometimes. A special pioneer sister worked hard for several months to help a family start studying again. The wife was an inactive publisher, the husband an interested person. At first the efforts seemed to be of little avail, for the wife repeatedly remarked that she was no longer interested. But the special pioneer continued looking for opportunities to help the family and finally found one, by way of the couple’s child. The child was often at home alone, so the sister started to help it with its schoolwork and to build up its self-confidence. Soon it was possible to begin a Bible study in the Paradise book, which the parents rather liked. For a while the study was conducted with the child alone, but, later, first one of the parents would sit in and then the other. Finally, the entire family was regularly taking part and they made rapid progress. The wife has now become one of the most zealous publishers in the congregation and the husband has been immersed and is enjoying the blessings of field service and is taking part in the Theocratic Ministry School.

There is much work still to be done in helping all of these individuals and still others, and we will endeavor to keep on buying out time and opportunities for Jehovah’s praise and for salvation​—our own and that of those who listen to us.​—1 Tim. 4:16.

BAHAMAS Population: 145,000

Peak Publishers: 380 Ratio: 1 to 382

Another year can be chalked off the Devil’s old system, bringing us closer to the approaching thousand-year reign of peace. How we long for that time to come! As our text for the year reminds us, we can ‘lift up our heads because our deliverance is getting nearer.’

The experiences of the brothers confirm the trend that the work took during the year​—increases, new peaks and urgency. A pioneer brother tells of a chain reaction that illustrates the trend, as well as the effectiveness of the Truth book as a study aid. He said: “In May 1968 I started a Bible study with a young man. As soon as the study was started in his home, his younger sister and first cousin manifested their desire to join in with us. Before long another music student of mine heard about this Bible study and asked if he could join us. However, one study a week was not sufficient for him, so it was arranged for him to meet with me three or four times each week. One study was held at his home, and this was the way his mother started studying. After a few weeks had passed, the first young man with whom I started studying invited his fiancée to sit in on the study. She showed immediate interest. At this point, there were six studying. A few more weeks passed and the fiancée of the first young man invited her girl friend to the study. So the study grew in size. Along came the month of April 1969, and five of this group started field service, they by now having attended meetings for several months.

“Well, the question now was, Had this chain reaction come to a halt? No, for the first young man who started studying back in May of 1968 introduced me to another young man who plays in the same band as he does, as well as this man’s wife. Yes, they also wanted to study. After the very first study they saw the importance of the organization and started attending the Watchtower study. In the case of this latter couple, I was again called upon to conduct more than one study with them each week. Nine studies weekly were held. To show how serious these two were about the study, and the extent of their preparation, they often have a closed-book study.

“So summing up what happened, from a single study a chain reaction got under way that has resulted in regular meeting attendance on the part of eight out of nine persons, field service on the part of seven, and five being baptized. Four of them attended the New York assembly. What a wonderful climax, after a year’s study, for these four!”

Have you ever gotten a good supply of literature, thinking it would last you a good while, and then, all at once, it is almost all placed before you get home? This happened to a brother who lived on an island over two hundred miles from the branch office. After having spent some time in Nassau doing secular work, he prepared to return to his island by boat. He obtained fifteen Truth books, among other things. As the boat pulled out of the harbour he took his personal copy and began reading. Soon a passenger approached him and inquired what he was reading. The brother explained that it was a Bible-study aid. The passenger wanted one, and the brother was happy to oblige. Only a few minutes later one of the crew spotted the brother reading his book, made inquiry, and immediately wanted a copy. He took it with him into the control room while he relieved the navigator. It was not long before the navigator came seeking one for himself. He disappeared into the crew’s quarters, and it was not long before a third crewman came in quest of the Truth book. By this time the second crewman said he enjoyed reading the book so much that he wanted four more for relatives and friends. The next day the brother was talking to the only remaining crew member who did not have a book, the captain. He was bewailing world conditions, and this naturally led the brother to offer him the Truth, book. The captain was delighted to get two copies. Before the trip was over the third crewman returned and asked for two additional copies. All told, the brother placed twelve books, arriving home with three. So he immediately had to send in an order for Truth books.

As we looked at the number of islands that lay unworked, and the limited time that remained to reach them and get the people warned, we wondered how it would be done. Now we feel that the need is getting filled. Three families, composed of sixteen members, have sold all their possessions, purchased three boats, and will soon be going to some of our out islands to assume the responsibility of preaching to the people and searching out the sheeplike ones. Another brother and his wife constructed their own boat and soon will be helping out in another part of the Bahamas. Local brothers have made plans to move out from Nassau to other islands to carry on the ministry. With these fine examples, we are sure that others will soon follow suit. Thus, we see that Jehovah is accomplishing what he has purposed to in his own time and way.

BARBADOS Population: 252,024

Peak Publishers: 804 Ratio: 1 to 313

Six mountaintops called Barbados, Bequia, Carriacou, Grenada, St. Lucia and St. Vincent rise prettily out of the limpid, turquoise-tinted Caribbean sea. This is our territory, and a peak of 1,260 of us have the privilege of witnessing to approximately 600,000 persons living in the area of the Barbados branch. Included in that peak of fellow Witnesses are 34 missionaries and special pioneers, all of whom received some help to attend a “Peace on Earth” assembly this year, either one of the larger northern conventions or our own inter-island version to be held in November. All are unanimous in wanting their expressions of gratitude passed on to all you friends around the world who made their traveling possible. May Jehovah bless your generous and kind spirit. Each island in our branch was represented at the New York convention, and more than 150 were able to attend one of the larger assemblies.

We have really enjoyed the last twelve months of service, and there has been a variety of activities to keep us busy: arranging for charter flights for the conventions, aiding missionaries with their itineraries, completing the new branch office and Kingdom Hall and publicly dedicating them to Jehovah. Incidentally, 870 attended the dedication held on March 29, 1969. Now with our new service year we are anxious to apply the thoughts of 2 Corinthians 13:11, to be “readjusted,” as The Kingdom Interlinear Translation puts it, to the things learned at the conventions and to enjoy the gradual application of information and direction that all the branch servants discussed during their four weeks at Brooklyn Bethel during June.

It is not strange that you should think of our Caribbean home as a place of sea and sun; however, not all who live here can see the sea and sun, but they can “see” the Sun of Righteousness through eyes of faith. In this connection we have a most heartwarming experience to tell you. Unknown to a special pioneer who was having a discussion in a certain home, an elderly member of the family, stricken with blindness, listened attentively to the Scriptural discussion. Evidently visions of Kingdom blessings were painted in her mind’s eye, for when the pioneer was leaving, the lady quickly dispatched her maid to ask the pioneer, “Would you come back and study with me?” Promptly they began to study in the Truth book. Though not being able to read, she showed a good grasp of the message, aided by a bright and retentive sixty-seven-year-old mind. Within a few months she was attending meetings at the nearby Kingdom Hall. At the meetings she was again impressed by the varied comments of both young and old, and she too wanted to share. So a loving provision was made for different publishers to drop by and help her prepare for all the meetings so that she could have a complete share. Her name is on the enrollment list of the Theocratic Ministry School, and we are eagerly awaiting her first talk.

The special pioneer concludes: “She is always willing to do whatever she can to share in preaching the good news and cooperates with all the arrangements made. Right now, as we go through the questions in the ‘Lamp’ book, she is overjoyed with the prospect of registering her dedication.” Although she cannot see the sea and sun, she rejoices to be able to “see” the King of Righteousness, who will shortly restore her sight in the new order.

BEQUIA Population: 6,000

Peak Publishers: 28 Ratio: 1 to 214

The brothers were delighted that their overseer and another special pioneer were able to get to the “Peace on Earth” assembly in New York city. These two special pioneers have rendered much kind assistance to the brothers, and we are confident that the fine counsel from the convention will be faithfully passed on to the brothers. Bequia is one of the larger islands in that group called the Grenadines that break the surface between Grenada and St. Vincent. The pace of life is leisurely and pleasant. A result is that many Bible studies do not progress quickly. However, if Jehovah is patient, then we can afford to be, since this is his work and he will bring the increase in his own due time. Among the brothers, of course, the spirit is much different. They regularly meet together to build one another up and encourage to faithfulness. The spirit of self-sacrifice is much in evidence too. One brother took a job as a sailor on an oceangoing vessel. After a while it became evident to him that the situation was not contributing to a happy and well-balanced family life, particularly on the spiritual side. Finally he decided he could not afford to be away from his family any longer. The job on the high seas was very remunerative compared to the one he has now, but he knows that money cannot purchase the happiness and balance that come to a family whose chief concern is the worship of Jehovah and who stick together for that worthy purpose. Some of our experiences have not quite jelled as yet, and “if God spare life,” as we say, we hope to tell you more next year.

CARRIACOU Population: 8,000

Peak Publishers: 24 Ratio: 1 to 333

The humble brothers of the Harvey Vale congregation, many of them quite elderly, have a new sense of confidence in speaking the truth as a result of the Truth book’s publication. The brothers credit the Truth book with aiding three new publishers to take up the ministry in the past year. Witness the lady who said, “All what you used to tell me I can now see so clearly in this book.” This lady has severed all connections with Babylon the Great, a step that usually brings on intense persecution and ridicule from immediate relatives and friends who are steeped in false religion. Since then she has been regularly pressing the attack on false religion by preaching with the congregation and assembling for instruction at the Kingdom Hall.

After a period of twelve years the brothers were blessed with a circuit assembly, which was well supported by the brothers from the neighbouring island of Grenada. This was indeed a joyful occasion for the twenty-three aged publishers on Carriacou. A fine witness was given to the island’s approximately 8,000 inhabitants. One thing that impressed the local people was the zeal and devotion of the youthful publishers from the mainland. They were not familiar with young persons’ being in the organization, as it is not uncommon for many to refer to the religion of Jehovah’s witnesses as the “Ole people religion.” This no doubt incited many people to attend the public lecture.

The district and circuit servants were privileged to stay at the government guest house with the chief government officer on the island. He was visibly impressed by the conduct of the brothers. Prior commitments prevented him from attending all the sessions, but as a gesture of his appreciation he left his car for the brothers to use while he was away.

GRENADA Population: 105,000

Peak Publishers: 171 Ratio: 1 to 614

Despite the tropical beauty of our area, there are still many people who wish to emigrate to other countries for various reasons. Such is the case on Grenada, and as a result of constant emigration the increase in island praisers of our God does not appear to be as great as it really is. There have been some fine strides forward here, and the five congregations are happily caring for their respective assignments in this verdant paradise. At the beginning of the last service year, Brother Knorr assigned a missionary couple to the St. George’s congregation, and how the brothers have appreciated the help! The friends here really do show enthusiasm for theocratic activity. When the announcement was made of the “Peace on Earth” International Assemblies, the brothers began to prepare right away; and, with much sacrificing and saving, more than half of the 77 publishers in the St. George’s congregation were able to attend the New York convention. One sister, who is a headmistress, wrote to the school board for a leave of absence. When her request was denied, she sent her letter of resignation, whereupon she received a letter granting leave.

A sister who enjoys vacation pioneering when she can writes us this encouraging happening, reflecting her delight in the effectiveness of the Truth book. “Just after the release of the Truth book,” she says, “I was given the name of a lady to call on. She had studied years ago, but now there was a possibility of developing more interest. She liked the idea of the six-month arrangement with the Truth book. I could not help but be amazed at her lively interest in the study and that she applied all things learned directly to herself. Soon she was attending the meetings. Shortly thereafter she expressed appreciation for the need to have all aspects of her life, including the moral, in harmony with Jehovah’s righteous precepts. But a change of this type is often accompanied by economic hardship and is quite a crucial point for many. I rendered all the Scriptural help I could short of making the decision for her. Then one night just after completing Chapter 21 she told us of her decision and her plans to make her life completely acceptable to Jehovah. I asked her what had helped her most in her resolve to do what was right. She leafed through the Truth book and said: ‘I can only say that this book has done it; it just makes you know before many chapters whether you want to be a Witness or not.’ She is reading other Society publications on her own and is hoping to be in attendance at the ‘Peace on Earth’ inter-island assembly in Bridgetown, Barbados, in November.”

ST. LUCIA Population: 110,000

Peak Publishers: 117 Ratio: 1 to 940

Island living is greatly enhanced by knowing the truth and having the knowledge that these islands will be even more beautiful in the very near future when all their inhabitants will effectively care for their earthly trusts under God’s kingdom. We are having some fine success in finding members of the “great crowd” who anticipate coming out of the “great tribulation” that will affect even this island. One of these was a lady who obtained a Paradise book, but in view of the limited number of publishers in that area and since she lived a little out of the way, she had to be content to read and study the book on her own. Even personal reading was enough to convince her that her Catholic church teachings ran counter to what the Bible taught. It made good sense to her to stop attending mass, since it did her no religious good; besides, she could better spend the time reading her Bible along with the Paradise book. As with Cornelius, her prayers went up as reminders until finally our special pioneer brother called. The Truth book was placed, the six-month study course introduced and the study began. To make up for lost time, she wanted the study twice a week. The study progressed smoothly, with the requisite changes being voluntarily made along the way, until by the time the book was finished our new friend had dedicated her life to the service of Jehovah. We think there may be quite a few more like her.

Is there any chance you could come to live on this or another of the islands under the branch to help look for more friends of peace? Perhaps you could retire here or start a little business, as one family did several months ago. This the government encourages. If you write the branch office in Barbados, the brothers will be happy to do all they can to assist you to make a move.

ST. VINCENT Population: 95,000

Peak Publishers: 116 Ratio: 1 to 819

What would you say if a “queen” asked you to study with her? Probably you would say Yes, as one of our sisters did in Kingstown. We should add, though, that the “queen” was not of noble birth, but had this appellation given to her by judges appointed to pick the Carnival Queen. This is no small thing on the islands, since carnival time is the highlight of the year for most islanders. This woman, like many other Vincentians, had read some of the Society’s publications and even had some acquaintances in the truth. In telling of her background the sister writes: “She even had a relative in the truth living in America. Various reasons caused her to reject the idea of studying before now, an emotion-based view on the blood issue being her strong objection. It so happened that she accepted an invitation to our circuit servant’s Sunday talk, and during the discourse some reasonable points on blood, illustrating God’s viewpoint, were presented. Shortly after that, I was pleasantly surprised when she asked me to study with her. It has been a model study and very progressive. She began attending all our congregation meetings and now does public witnessing with us. In addition to this, she is enrolled in the Theocratic Ministry School. I know she is grasping the truth well because she has been witnessing to a young cousin who lives with her, and the cousin is making just as rapid progress in Christian understanding. They both have had their share of opposition and ridicule from friends, relatives and business associates. But their view is that they have gained much more by comparison. The former ‘queen’ attended the New York ‘Peace on Earth’ assembly and saw many thousands of subjects of God’s kingdom. Now, rather than having subjects herself, she is content to be among the more than one million subjects loyally serving Jehovah and his king, Jesus Christ.”

We have a part-time, unofficial, floating congregation here. It consists of three brothers who work on the banana boats that ply the waters between the islands and England. When in port they attend meetings onshore; however, when on the high seas they conduct all their meetings aboard and have a good schedule for this. This year they were at sea during Memorial, and so one was assigned to give the Memorial talk. Fourteen of their crew mates attended, and now one of the sailors is studying and attending meetings with the first three brothers. So, if you ever happen to travel the Atlantic by boat and you pass a banana boat with strains of Kingdom songs coming from it, chances are you have found our floating congregation.

BELGIUM Population: 9,631,910

Peak Publishers: 12,061 Ratio: 1 to 799

A major problem in Belgium is nationalism. Belgium is made up of two language groups, Flemish and French. At present a growing confusion has taken hold of the Belgian Catholics. In Flanders demonstrations have taken place in the churches, particularly in Antwerp and Vilvorde. Flemish Catholics protest against the celebration of the mass in French for the French-speaking population living in those territories. It is not uncommon at all to read slogans such as the following written on the walls: “Stop saying mass in French in Vilvorde.” Many sincere persons are shocked at seeing the divisions existing inside the Catholic church. Certain authorities have said that the church is going through the most serious period since the Reformation.

Because of the confusion existing in the Catholic church, it is not unusual for people to ask for a Bible study, as shown by the following experience: “An interested person went to a town to sell polish from house to house. In one house she saw a Bible prominently displayed on a table, and she immediately asked the lady why she had placed the Bible there. Her reply was that she wanted to draw the attention of Jehovah’s witnesses when they passed by in the street. ‘I want to have a Bible study,’ she said. The peddler in polish took her address. Continuing her work from house to house, she was invited indoors to drink a cup of coffee. Immediately her attention was drawn to the Society’s calendar, and she asked if she was in a home of Jehovah’s witnesses. The lady said No but that each week she received a Bible study. Arrangements were made for the Witness who conducted this study to visit the first lady contacted. Now, in spite of opposition from her husband, she has been baptized.”

Numberless are the ways in which persons are drawn to take an active part in witnessing. What do you think of this way? An interested person had difficulty in undertaking Jehovah’s service in spite of the help given him. Then early one morning at about 6:45 a medical student knocked on his door and asked: “Are you one of Jehovah’s witnesses?” Rather embarrassed, he replied, “Yes.” The student explained that he had seen a copy of The Watchtower in the interested person’s auto and, wishing to know more about Jehovah’s witnesses, came to his door early that morning. “I want to have a Bible study!” he said. Arrangements were made immediately and since then this interested person has become a regular publisher.

It is never too soon to invite someone to the Kingdom Hall. After working all morning and being constantly rebuffed, a brother rang at the office door of an income-tax expert and, to his surprise, was immediately ushered into his office. He very briefly presented the book “Things in Which It Is Impossible for God to Lie.” The offer was accepted immediately; the publisher asked if he might call back to have his opinion on the book, and the person agreed.

The following week the brother called back and the gentleman told him that he had read about two-thirds of the book. He liked particularly the chapter “Your ‘Soul’ Is You,” and he began to discuss intelligently the things he had learned from the book. When he subscribed for the two magazines, the brother told him that a series of public talks had been organized in the Kingdom Hall and left him four invitations for the coming month.

The following week he was at the Kingdom Hall. He was very much impressed by the talk and the warm friendly atmosphere that prevailed, so he stayed for the Watchtower study that followed. When the announcements were made at the end of the study, he learned that we also have a service meeting, so he asked if he might attend. Since then he has never missed a meeting.

A week later the brother began a Bible study in his home. However, as he began the application of the truth in his home, his wife became very much opposed. Realizing his responsibility as head of the house, he took his two children out of the Catholic boarding school, put them into the public school and started taking them to all the meetings with him. Now his wife was really alarmed. She made a special trip to the monastery at Maredsous and returned armed with some literature supposed to expose the errors of Jehovah’s witnesses. The brother examined the literature together with the husband, and he was convinced that it was Jehovah’s witnesses who had the truth. Enraged now, his wife left him. She rented a furnished apartment and lived alone.

The publisher continued to study with the man at his home and, although sometimes heavy in heart, he never once missed a meeting at the Kingdom Hall. Jehovah blessed his efforts to preach the good news, and his accountant, bookkeeper and stenographer all subscribed for The Watchtower and Awake! His two children liked the truth and began to preach with him in the service. After two months his wife came back to him and to her home; however, she requested that no one speak to her about the Bible.

During the months that followed he read every publication that exists in the French language and bought all the bound volumes of the magazines that were available. He was baptized eight months ago, and now a congregation book study is held in his home.

But what about his wife? Well, two months ago she said that she was very much dissatisfied with her Catholic religion and would like to have real faith, so she asked a publisher to study the Bible with her. She has studied eight chapters of the Truth book, and we are very happy to tell you that she, her husband and the two children attended the “Peace on Earth” assembly. We feel certain that just attending the assembly will prove to have helped her to find real faith.

The Belgian brothers wish to express their thanks for the wonderful assemblies that they had the joy of attending. Five thousand French-speaking brothers were at Paris; 5,000 others, Dutch-speaking, went to Nuremberg, and more than 1,000 Italian brothers went to Rome.

BOLIVIA Population: 4,334,021

Peak Publishers: 869 Ratio: 1 to 4,987

A number of families came from various countries to serve where the need is great for the first time in the history of the work in Bolivia. This meant many sacrifices and adjustments for them, but the majority have persevered and have been richly blessed. We are happy to have more than a score of such ones serving with us now.

In October a missionary took over a home Bible study that had been conducted about three months in the “Good News” booklet without much progress. When the study was transferred to the Truth book in November, the student, on learning it was to be completed in six months, wanted to study two times a week to advance more rapidly. She began to attend the meetings on Sundays, and, on attending the district assembly in January, was thrilled with what she learned. She soaked up the truth like a sponge. Her mother, who is president of the Legion of Mary, began to worry, because she saw her daughter was taking her study of the Bible seriously. She told her mother she did not want to continue her studies in the university, which would take five more years, because the end was coming and she would never exercise her profession. The mother, who worked with a young gynecologist who was a friend of the girl, asked him to convince her that she was being deceived. But the doctor himself began studying in the Truth book with the missionary’s husband and began attending all the congregation meetings. Besides enrolling in the Theocratic Ministry School, he started several home Bible studies of his own, and turned one with another young lady over to her. As a result, the doctor and the second young lady were baptized at the international assembly in New York city.

The first girl, who is under age, began to receive strong opposition in her home. Her parents came to the Kingdom Hall and angrily prohibited the missionary from entering their home, but the girl continues studying in the missionary home and has begun to publish the good news. She has expressed her desire to get baptized. All of this resulted from just five months of study in the Truth book, showing the rich blessing of Jehovah upon progressive studies conducted with this fine new instrument.

Another experience illustrates how the Truth book helps persons to take action on what they are learning. A missionary, conducting a study with a woman on Chapter 7, explained how the demons can use images as an instrument to influence persons. The woman was surprised to learn this and did not want to leave herself open to such influence. She wanted to know what she could do with the images of her relatives who lived with her. The sister explained that she could not destroy the property of others, but she could destroy her own images. However, when she returned the next week she noticed there were no images or false religious pictures at all in the house. The lady explained that after she destroyed her own images she put the others within reach of the children and, as she expected, they broke them; so when she asked permission to throw them out, it was granted. According to the woman, if more images are brought into the home they, too, will have an accident.

BRAZIL Population: 92,200,000

Peak Publishers: 57,641 Ratio: 1 to 1,600

The service year of 1969 will long be remembered in Brazil for a number of reasons, the main one being the dedication of our fine new Bethel home in São Paulo and the transfer of the branch office there from Rio de Janeiro. It is certainly proving to be a wonderful place from which to carry on the work in our territory, and it has caused all of Jehovah’s servants here to repeat the words of the psalmist in Psalm 119:171, 172, “May my lips bubble forth praise . . . May my tongue sing forth your saying.”

The Truth and Evolution books have both done a wonderful work in aiding our brothers as they ‘bubbled forth praise.’ In just the month of July over 100,000 books were placed, which is 44 percent of the total placed during the whole previous year. One doctor, a teacher in a clinic, liked the Evolution book so well that he ordered forty of them for his students in the biology class and he regularly uses the information and illustrations in the book.

A brother who works in an automobile factory had had little success in arousing interest in the truth among his fellow workers. When the Evolution book was released he decided that this was just what he needed. He went first to one of his foremen who had offered him the most resistance, especially on the subject of the origin of man. Much to his happy surprise, the book was accepted. Others in that section, when they learned that the foreman had taken the book, came and requested copies. The brother used his lunch hour to good advantage and placed twenty-nine books. The following day he ate lunch with workers in another section where he had previously worked and took orders for thirty more. On returning to his desk he found others looking for the “man with the blue book” and received more orders. Such a stir was caused that the brother was called into the office of the superintendent to explain what was going on. Present also was the supervisor of the section. A brief explanation was given, with encouragement to take the book for investigation. Both men, satisfied with the explanation, took the book. The final result of these few days’ work was that the brother was able to report five hours of field service, sixty back-calls and eighty books placed; and, above all, he had the joy of knowing that at last the resistance against the truth had been broken.

In these “last days” Christian parents have a great responsibility to ensure that their children in school are not taught subjects that might weaken their faith or cloud up the pure waters of truth. So it was that one sister wrote to the director of the school where her three children attended asking that they be excused from classes of religion since they received Bible instruction at home. Two days later she received a note asking her to come to the school to talk to the director. She wrote to the branch office, saying, “I picked up my sword and went off to battle,” expecting opposition. Much to her surprise, the director kindly asked her to sit down and, referring to her note, asked her if she would teach the Bible to some other children in his group. Happily the sister agreed. The first week eight students appeared, but after three months there were more than forty children of different beliefs receiving instruction in the Word of life by means of the Paradise book. A study has also been started with the mother of one of the children. Parents, are you certain about what your children are learning at school?

When we receive a knowledge of the truth, we naturally hope that our relatives will also accept it and walk with us on the way to life, but it does not always work out that way. One brother not only hoped that that would happen, but took steps to help his relatives. In August 1968 he was assigned as a regular pioneer, and he chose as his territory an isolated place where many of his family lived but where there was not one witness of Jehovah. His parents had never heard nor seen God’s name. He began to work the territory three weeks before the date set for him to begin pioneering, so that by the first month of pioneering he had three studies, including one with one of his cousins. Early in all his studies he would show the need to explain to others the things learned, and so it was that by December he had thirteen others ‘singing forth God’s sayings’ with him. In January they began to build a Kingdom Hall on their own, and all the meetings are now held there regularly. Now, after eleven months of pioneering, there are twenty-four publishers reporting Kingdom service, nineteen of them being his own relatives. How his ‘lips bubbled forth praise’ when he saw fourteen of these relatives all baptized at the same assembly!

BRITISH HONDURAS Population: 116,669

Peak Publishers: 396 Ratio: 1 to 295

During the dry season congregations chartered transportation to spend whole days working in outlying areas, and special pioneer brothers visited the remote villages showing the Society’s films and offering the book The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life. Many persons expressed their appreciation for this service. The Truth book has been a real aid in the ministry. One sister, a special pioneer for many years, reports that, on regaining her health and returning to a territory she had worked in years before, she began to look up those who had shown interest in the past. In one case husbandly opposition caused the wife to hide, and the study was again discontinued. Then came the Truth, book, and the whole family began studying. Within a few months the father, mother, sons and daughters were attending meetings. The parents and one daughter symbolized their dedication at the “Peace on Earth” assembly.

In another town a special pioneer had conducted a study for five years with a couple living out of wedlock. With the advent of the Truth book it was explained that at the end of six months they should have made a decision as to whether they would serve Jehovah or not and that the study was not an indefinite thing. Happily, they did finally rearrange their lives to be in harmony with God’s law, and the man was baptized at the “Peace on Earth” assembly.

We are happy that Jehovah has sent more workers into the “vineyard,” and we look forward to an even greater harvest during the coming year due to the excellent cultivating and planting work done by the brothers here in the year past.

BRITISH ISLES Population: 53,942,339

Peak Publishers: 58,096 Ratio: 1 to 929

We have to tell you, Brother Knorr, what a marvelous year of joy and increase this has been. At Memorial we were delighted to have 108,511 attending. April saw a 9-percent increase in Kingdom proclaimers, and this increased to 10 percent in May and in June. For many years we have been just holding our own in the British Isles, so such fine forward movement has indeed been a joy. The year was climaxed by our Wembley international assembly, attended by 82,416. What rewards for the patience and faith of our British brothers over this past decade!

A sister has an “opposed” husband. She recontacted a Mrs. S​——​——, who had stopped her study because her husband absolutely hated the Witnesses. The sister encouraged her to study once more, using the Truth, book, and the woman agreed to do so. The study progressed to the point where Mrs. S​——​——​ felt it necessary to inform her husband what she was doing. He fell into a rage, grabbed his wife and three young children and forcibly took them round to the sister’s home, where he cursed our sister and threatened he would dismiss his wife and children from the home if the study continued. You can imagine the feelings of the sister, having an opposed husband in her own house and now facing this violent man, a weeping wife, and three bewildered children. Mr. S​——​——​ returned home and that same evening struck his wife again because she said she was going to the meeting the next night.

The following day Mrs. S​——​——​ was warned that if she left the house for the meeting she would find the door closed on her and the children. Fearing that her husband would prevent her from leaving for the meeting, Mrs. S​——​——​ met the children at school and went directly to the hall for her very first meeting. When she got home, she found the door wide open, with her husband overcome by his own wrong actions. He could not fathom how a faith could lead his wife to withstand such treatment, and was most anxious to learn how she had enjoyed the meeting. “If that religion could be such a force in her life,” he said, “It should be in mine too!” A brother was invited to call immediately to start a study with the man. Since he had burned all his wife’s books, he agreed he would have to buy some more. A study was arranged for the next night, and the Following Sunday, three days after his violent outburst against the meetings, Mr. S​——​——​ turned up with his wife and children at the hall, his wife’s face now showing severe bruising and a black eye from the beating he had given her. They have been to every Thursday and Sunday meeting since, both comment freely, and Mr. S​——​——​ has proved to be a diligent Bible student.

About eighteen months ago a nun on holiday from a convent got into conversation with a Witness who continued the contact by correspondence after the nun’s return to the convent. The nun saw the importance of what she was learning but could not think what she would do if she left her convent, since she was now aging. Shortly afterward she was given a medical checkup and moved to a Roman Catholic home for elderly ladies, just a few doors from the local congregation book study. Arrangements were made to help her study the Truth book. She quickly saw the need to be free from Babylon the Great, was immersed in March this year and now participates regularly in the ministry.

A young apprentice carpenter, John K​——​——, did repair work at a sister’s house, took an Evolution book and saw the truth of it. He was invited to attend meetings. At that time he belonged to a gang of boys who wore leather jackets with a skull-and-crossbones sign painted on them and who rode powerful motorbikes, deliberately taking risks with their lives in competition with one another. He realised this painted jacket was unsuitable for the Kingdom Hall, so took the pains to scrub off the “sign of death” from it, after which he sold the bike. Within a month he was asking, “How can I join the Witnesses?”

His mother began to oppose him viciously, realising he was taking the truth seriously. She visited the home of the sister where the boy was having his study, saying the boy was “hypnotized” and “brainwashed” and calling the sister a “wicked woman.” Then she called in the forces of Babylon the Great, including the local rector and curate and a lay preacher. She even made her son, John, attend church discussions, but he stood for the truth, becoming all the more convinced where it lay. Now the mother threatened legal action, but the solicitor advised her that the boy was within his rights and no harm was being done him. Next she threatened to drag him from the meeting and throw a brick through the sister’s windows. Things came to a climax when the boy announced that he was going next morning in the house-to-house service. But by the following day the storm had passed. The mother roused her son in plenty of time to get to the rendezvous, and he was able to place magazines that first morning. Now John has been baptised.

Recently the congregation has had a new visitor​—none other than Mrs. K​——​——! Evidently she asked her rector for a Bible study but had been told, “We used to have a Bible class, but there is not enough interest now.” The churches and chapels she had been attending had not shown any warmth or friendliness. But what a difference she is finding now that she comes to the Kingdom Hall!

MALTA Population: 320,764

Peak Publishers: 37 Ratio: 1 to 8,669

The work in Malta has gone steadily ahead this past year, particularly in the maturing of those already associating. During the year about thirty who had been associating with the congregation left the island, so the figures do not fully reflect the year’s results.

Incidental witnessing is one way to contact Maltese people. The circuit servant emphasized the importance of including in our prayers petitions that we be guided into contact with those of sheeplike inclinations. One enthusiastic new publisher adopted this procedure. Shortly afterward a person she did not know approached her in the shopping centre. Getting into conversation, she said: “I have often watched you, and I have noticed how relaxed and happy you seem to be, and your obvious peace of mind. I wish you would tell me how you can be that way in these times.” The questioner proved to be an ex-nun who, after many years in a convent, had obtained her release because she disliked the insincerity she saw.

The publisher did not hesitate to give a “reason for the hope” in her. A Bible study was started in the Truth book, with fruitful results. Although the student does not read English and there is no Bible-study aid available in Maltese, and progress is therefore slowed up, she is nonetheless regularly attending all congregation meetings.

We are particularly happy to say that about half of our publishers and associates were able to attend the “Peace on Earth” International Assembly in either London, Rome or New York. What a source of strength and encouragement this has been for them!

BURMA Population: 26,000,000

Peak Publishers: 469 Ratio: 1 to 55,437

While the Kingdom message was being preached in only five places in Burma fifteen years ago, today the truth has penetrated to various races and tribes living in interior towns and remote villages; all together, thirty-six places. It is being proclaimed in not less than eleven different languages or dialects of Burma, plus many different foreign languages.

The truth of the words of the apostle Paul at 2 Corinthians 4:17 can be seen in the following experience. An interested person who was studying with a pioneer was unexpectedly stricken with a disease that disabled him completely in both legs. He could no longer work for his living. However, he continued to study with the brother. The village and religious elders called on him to ask him to stop studying with the pioneer, and they promised to appoint him the pastor of the village. He did not accept their offer but continued to study with the brother. Then his wife threatened to leave him if he would not stop the study. All her pleadings and threats did not change his decision to become a Witness, so his wife left him, but after three days she came back. During her absence he lived only on water as he could not do anything for himself. Though weak physically, he was strong spiritually and sent in his resignation to his former church.

A clean moral standard is a must for Jehovah’s witnesses. A special pioneer met an elderly man who showed great interest in the truth from the very first call. Regular calls were made on him, and the truth sank into his heart. On the fifth call the man asked the pioneer what would prevent him from serving Jehovah. The subject of clean morals was discussed. It was at this point that the pioneer found out that the man was living an immoral life with another woman, while his legal wife was still alive. He was told that he should leave the second woman and go back to his legal wife. Though the man said he was willing to do anything for the truth, the woman did not agree to this. So a traveling minister suggested to the pioneer that a Bible study be started with the woman to help her see the importance of a clean moral life. This was done and she quickly saw the importance of having a clean moral standing before Jehovah God in order to gain life. One day while the man was away on business, she decided not to live with him anymore. So when he returned she told him to go back to his legal wife. He said he would do that the next day as he was very tired then. But she was determined that he should leave that very same day. The reason she gave was, “I too want life.” Now, after cleaning up their lives, both of them have become dedicated servants of Jehovah God, and at the time of writing this report they are both vacation pioneers.

The Society’s publications have a strong effect on sheeplike persons, as the following letter shows: “I was on my way back home from one of my business trips. I felt terribly lonely and dreaded the journey ahead, which was to last three days by steamer. I tried to get something good to read on board the steamer. By chance, my eye caught sight of a book in the possession of a fellow traveler with the appealing title ‘The Truth Shall Make You Free.’ I requested him to loan me the book, and he kindly consented. I found it to be very interesting, easy to understand, and quite different from all the other books I had ever read. I was fully absorbed in reading it day and night, amidst the noise of the crowded passengers and din of the engine. But now it was time to disembark and I had two more chapters to read! Since he would not sell me the book, I had to return it to him reluctantly. I felt dejected, lonely and lost again. Not long after, on a visit to a friend’s home I saw a book entitled ‘Let God Be True.’ Seeing that it was published by the same Society as the previous book I had read, I tried to borrow the book, but my friend said he was reading it himself. The only alternative for me was to write to the lady whose name and address was written on the inner cover of the book, requesting her to send me a copy of each of the books by return mail. My, was I glad when I received the books a few days later as a free gift parcel from the lady. Both of these books opened my eyes to dedicate my life to the true God Jehovah, and since then I have never felt lonely and dejected again, rather, I am ever busy in proclaiming his coming kingdom by Christ Jesus.” Today this man is a congregation servant and a pioneer in his hometown.

CAMEROUN Population: 5,150,000

Peak Publishers: 12,240 Ratio: 1 to 421

A wonderful witness has been given in Cameroun this year, as well as in Equatorial Guinea, Gabon and Tchad, all territories under this branch.

Something long looked forward to by the brothers was the building of a new branch office and Bethel home. Construction work began on May 1, and at the time of this writing the finishing touches are being put on the building. We hope to move into the new premises before our national assembly in December. Here are some experiences we enjoyed during the service year.

The construction of the new branch office in Douala has opened up an unexpected avenue of witnessing. The building is prominently located in the city of Douala and construction has been observed by almost everyone. This has prompted many persons to remark: “If you believe the end of the world is coming in a few years, then why are you putting up a new building now?” The brothers tactfully show that careful study of the Scriptures proves that 6,000 years of human existence on this earth is nearing its close, and then they direct attention to what the Bible teaches about the conclusion of this system of things and the importance of using the remaining time wisely.

Marriage ties can be greatly strengthened by an accurate knowledge of God’s Word. A circuit servant writes that in one town a man seventy years of age and a woman sixty-one years old had lived together for forty-five years without the benefits of civil marriage. When contacted by Jehovah’s witnesses, they began to make steady progress in their knowledge of the truth. They quickly understood that in order to have Jehovah’s blessing they should comply with the law of the land for registering marriages. They immediately arranged for a civil marriage, presenting themselves to the local marriage officer for the ceremony. The officer was surprised at this action and wondered why they wished to get married, since, at her age, the woman would not leave the man and no other person would want to take the woman away from the man. The interested person answered: “We want to do this because the law of the land requires it.” On the day for signing the marriage certificate, the mayor of the town invited many people to witness the marriage ceremony as an example for all to follow.

A young man who wanted to serve God was greatly comforted by the Scriptures. One day while standing in front of his church, he noticed a Witness walking by, so he called him over to ask where he lived, since he had some questions he would like to ask. The brother at once invited him to his home. During the discussions that followed, the man explained that he had always wanted to be a “pastor.” How was it that the brother was a “pastor” at so young an age, whereas he had been studying for years and was not yet a pastor? When the brother explained Jesus’ ministry and teaching methods, showing him that long years of seminary training were not necessary to be an evangelist, the man agreed that Jesus’ methods were the best. Then followed a long discussion comparing his religious teachings with what the Bible had to say on these various subjects. He was invited to the Kingdom Hall where the brother was giving a public discourse that day. The man stayed for the Watchtower study as well.

More discussions followed at the brother’s home. Finally the interested person asked: “If I want to become one of Jehovah’s witnesses, should I submit a letter of withdrawal from my church to the pastor?” The brother referred him to paragraph 10 on page 135 of the Truth book, where an excellent explanation is given of the text found at Revelation 18:4. The brother suggested that the occasion would present an opportunity to give a witness to the pastor. Taking down all the scriptures on the subject, the interested man said he needed these, since he expected his parents would certainly oppose his change of religion. He then wrote a letter to his pastor explaining his reason for leaving the church; primarily this was because the church was not preaching the good news of God’s kingdom. Since then he has faithfully attended all meetings of the congregation, has had an active share in the preaching work and is looking forward to getting baptized at the next circuit assembly.

We would like to thank the Society for sending the funds to construct the new branch home. This will contribute immensely to the good operation of the work here.

EQUATORIAL GUINEA Population: 244,574

Peak Publishers: 321 Ratio: 1 to 762

The former territories of Fernando Po and Río Muni, known as Spanish Guinea, were granted independence by Spain during the year and are now known as Equatorial Guinea. The newly independent government has shown itself in favor of freedom of religion.

During the year six missionaries arrived to help the local brothers witness to the inhabitants on the island of Fernando Po and the mainland, Río Muni. There is a great thirst for the Bible and Bible knowledge, which at last is being quenched by the zealous activities of the Witnesses.

Up to the present time much of the witnessing has been done by English-speaking brothers from Nigeria who are employed on plantations or hold jobs in the cities. Now a Spanish congregation has been formed, and it is hoped this will help the native Spanish-speaking people gain accurate knowledge of God in the language of the country. All the missionaries are Spanish-speaking, so now meetings are also conducted in this language.

Love for God and one’s neighbor is truly the only means of uniting persons from all the nations. In one town several Witnesses were gathered together for their weekly Bible study when police interrupted the meeting because of a neighbor’s complaint that this was an illegal meeting. All the brothers were ordered to go to the police station. On the way the police asked the brothers if all those at the meeting were from one tribe. “No,” said the brothers, “we have at least four different tribes represented here.” The police then separated the different tribes and began to reason among themselves, wondering how the two tribes that are at war with each other in Nigeria could ever join together here to do something in common? The police told the brothers this convinced them that their study was really nonpolitical, and they allowed them to return to their meeting, to the shame of the rebuffed neighbor.

GABON Population: 600,000

Peak Publishers: 248 Ratio: 1 to 2,419

One of the outstanding methods of getting the good news preached in the territory during the year was by means of radio broadcasts every Sunday morning. For fifteen minutes each week our missionaries answered questions on various doctrinal and organizational matters. Many persons expressed their appreciation of these enlightening broadcasts. By this use of radio the message of God’s kingdom is getting into many homes, and it forms the basis for many discussions with interested persons when the brothers visit their homes.

For a while the missionaries in Libreville rented two houses side by side. When one missionary couple left, the second house was given up and was soon rented to a Spanish couple. At first the water in the house was not turned on, so the missionaries let them come to their house to get water. Every day when the woman came to draw water, the missionaries would mention something about the Bible. One day While a missionary was repairing his car, the woman came over from next door with a big book and asked: “Is this a Bible?” “Yes,” replied the brother. “Would you like my wife to show you how to study your Bible?” A study was started. The woman read the Truth book in one night. The next day she removed all her religious images from the house. Next, the missionaries invited the couple to the Watchtower study. They both came, along with their two little daughters, and have been attending ever since. They have started out in field service and are literally “on fire” with the truth.

How powerful God’s Word can be in changing bad habits is illustrated by a plantation owner who grew plants producing opium. He himself was also a drug user. After studying with Jehovah’s witnesses, he gave up the drug habit but felt that more should be done. In his house he had two sacks of this drug worth over $400. He called the special pioneer who had been studying with him and then proceeded to drag the two sacks out of the house. After pouring gasoline over them, he ignited the fluid and the fire consumed all the drugs. His neighbors, upon seeing the blaze, came running to his house and marveled at what he had done. Some felt he had gone out of his mind, but he explained to them that he did not mind being called a fool for the sake of Christ.

TCHAD Population: 2,700,000

Peak Publishers: 58 Ratio: 1 to 46,552

It appears that the work is beginning to open up in this country that is almost entirely surrounded by desert. During the year more special pioneers were appointed to help in the harvest work. A total of eight are now preaching daily to sincere persons who are searching for the truth of God’s Word.

Some good news was heard on April 24, when it was announced over Radio Tchad that Jehovah’s witnesses had been granted legal recognition by the Minister of the Interior. The brothers rejoiced greatly over this good news. They are now free to have circuit assemblies and to carry on their preaching work in a more organized manner.

A special pioneer related his desire to see a local person accept the truth, since the congregation was made up entirely of persons from other countries. He made a determined effort to follow up the interest shown by a native who was a Catholic. This man had several books that contradicted the teachings of Jehovah’s witnesses. When he learned that the pioneer had also formerly been a Catholic, he began to show interest in finding out the difference between the two religions. A study was started and soon he accepted what the Bible taught. After two months he began attending meetings and shortly thereafter was baptized. This man began to preach to other natives, and two more local persons began to preach. When the district servant visited Fort Lamy, there were over fifty persons at his public talk. Out of these, twenty-five, including five natives of the country, were preaching the good news. It is wonderful to see people of all the nations drinking the water of truth that leads to life.

CANADA Population: 20,479,000

Peak Publishers: 44,700 Ratio: 1 to 458

The 1969 service year, climaxed by attendance at the “Peace on Earth” International Assemblies, brought much joy to Jehovah’s witnesses in Canada.

All of us in Canada are thrilled by the progress of the preaching work in the French-speaking province of Quebec. After years of religious oppression and persecution, hundreds of arrests and court cases, mobbings and persecutions, the preaching of the good news of the Kingdom in Quebec is now being carried on without difficulty, and it brings real pleasure to all who share in it. Babylon the Great is definitely losing its hold on the people. The younger generation especially is seeking something to satisfy its spiritual needs. The potential is truly great, and many families and pioneers from other parts of the country have moved to Quebec to serve where the need is greater. Interested people are accepting the truth very quickly. An experience from a special pioneer in an outlying area in the province of Quebec illustrates this fact.

He and his wife met a young man nineteen years age and started a six-month Bible-study course with him, using the book The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life. The pioneer’s experience continues: “The third week of the course we discussed Chapter 3, which mentions the fact that the trinity is not based on the Word of God. He [the nineteen-year-old interested person] seemed to accept the truth in this regard. But the next week he told us that he was going to terminate his study. On my asking why, he explained that the teachings of the ‘little blue book’ were not in accord with his beliefs. Then we had a discussion using Chapter 14 of the Truth book, ‘How to Identify the True Religion,’ as the basis. We left, with the young man stating that he would go to his priest for an explanation of the trinity. Two days later he visited us with many questions on the teachings of God’s Word and the organization of Jehovah’s witnesses. The discussion began at 8:00 o’clock in the evening and continued until 2:30 in the morning. At the end of the discussion he said, ‘I have found the true religion!’ He explained to us that since our previous visit he had read almost all of the Greek Scriptures in order to know how the true organization of God should function, and after our discussion he knew that the true organization was Jehovah’s witnesses. He asked for not just one study but perhaps four each week. However, he was finally satisfied with three. This interested person began to attend all the meetings and has missed none of them up to the present. He underlines his answers in The Watchtower and makes comments at the meeting. He also has presented the truth to his brother, who has asked for a Bible study with the aid of the Truth book. Now he also attends all the meetings. Rapid progress is being made, as already he has tasted the preaching work, spending one whole day with the pioneers.” Experiences such as this are becoming more and more common, as people are accepting the truth rapidly at the present time.

The fact that the “sheep” hear the voice of the Good Shepherd and rapidly answer his call is also illustrated by another experience from the province of Quebec: A publisher placed a copy of the Truth book with an interested person. When the publisher returned just five days later, he was greeted by the person with real joy. The man said: ‘I read your book right through within three hours on the day you left it with me, and I know this is the truth. I would like to be baptized in symbol of the dedication that I have made.” The publisher was stunned at this response, and replied, in surprise: “You can’t be baptized now. You need to study, come to meetings and go out in the service first.” His reply? “Fine, let’s study. Come on in.” During that first study his wife phoned and he told her that he was busy studying with Jehovah’s witnesses at the moment and he asked her to call back. Her reply was that he could make a choice right then and there between her and Jehovah’s witnesses. His reply was: “My mind is made up, dear. I will choose Jehovah God, but all that that means is that I will be a better husband to you.” Her hostility cooled a little, and she is now more favorable toward the truth. On inquiring about the meetings he learned of the service meeting and Theocratic Ministry School coming up the next evening, which he attended. Enjoying them thoroughly, he acquired a copy of The Watchtower for the following Sunday, during which study he commented several times from a well-marked magazine. All of this within ten days of having read the Truth book! The publisher found out later that even before the first back-call had been made this sheeplike individual had resigned from the Roman Catholic Church and had seen to it that his children had no part in religious or patriotic activities at school. As he himself explained at a circuit assembly in Quebec recently: “I am so proud to bear the name of my God, Jehovah. This morning I had a share in the service for the first time and I am so happy. I placed my first Truth book, and I am sure it will take only two or three visits and they will be in the truth too! I guess I am still too new to symbolize my dedication by water baptism, but I will be baptized at the next assembly. Again I want to say how proud I am to have Jehovah as my God and all of you as my brothers and sisters.” Experiences such as this imbue Jehovah’s witnesses in Canada with greater zeal to carry on the work of making disciples.

Indeed, we in Canada have experienced Jehovah’s rich blessing during the past service year, and we rejoice to be associated with our brothers all around the earth in preaching the good news of the Kingdom.

CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC Population: 2,030,000

Peak Publishers: 1,197 Ratio: 1 to 1,696

We rejoice when we review the work that was accomplished here during the past twelve months. This has been by far the most wonderful year of theocratic activity ever seen in this land. With substantial increases in all features of the ministry, what else could the brothers do but rejoice? They have been turning the minds of the people toward the fast-approaching peace of a thousand years. They have not permitted materialism or anything else to discourage them, but have really put their hearts into the ministry.

We are certainly happy to see so many people now flocking to the meetings at our Kingdom Halls as well as the larger gatherings. Forty-five persons, one of whom was over sixty years of age, walked about eighty miles to attend a circuit assembly. They arrived dusty and tired, with swollen feet, but very happy to be among their brothers. At this assembly twelve persons were baptized in water. All twelve attended the meeting that considered the vacation pioneer ministry, and all twelve filled out application forms to enter this branch of the ministry.

Those really having a desire to serve Jehovah in the full-time ministry overcome obstacles in their way when they put their trust in Jehovah God. One sister who had this desire was illiterate. She was encouraged to learn to read and write first. Nine months later the Society was very happy to receive a letter from her, written by her own hand, and also a recommendation from the local congregation for her to enter the pioneer service. She is enjoying the pioneer service now, and during her first month she conducted eleven home Bible studies.

Good leadership on the part of mature ones in the congregations always brings Jehovah’s blessings. Not only did one overseer talk about the vacation pioneer ministry, but both he and his wife enrolled as vacation pioneers in April. Imagine their joy when others followed their good example. That month there were nineteen vacation pioneers, including the complete servant body, in this congregation of forty-five publishers.

A group leader in the Evangelical Church looked forward with great eagerness to being united with Jesus in heaven. But one morning when he was going to church he stopped to hear what a Witness was saying to a neighbor. John 3:13 was read. It was quite a shock to the man, but it was enough for him to see that something was not just right with the teachings of his church. The Witness answered his many questions with the help of the Bible, and a Bible study was started immediately. Thereafter, the man followed the Witness from house to house so that he could hear the truth repeated over and over again, and now he is helping others to learn the real hope for mankind to live on a paradise earth.

When Bible students stand firm for Bible truth, they receive great blessings. This was seen in the case of a young man who began to study the Bible with Jehovah’s witnesses even though his father was opposed. One evening the father tried to break up the Bible study, but the son said to him: “Before I started to study the Bible, I was like all the others, sometimes staying at the public bars all night. Now I am studying the Bible. I have changed my conduct. Which is better? My former way of life? or the present?” The father was unable to answer and let the study continue. During a succeeding study the father brought food for the minister who was conducting the study with his son, and now even attends the meetings in the Kingdom Hall. The son legally married the woman with whom he had been living and has now symbolized his dedication to Jehovah by water immersion.

Ten local brothers were thrilled to be able to attend the Paris international assembly and to see for the first time what a large organization Jehovah has on earth at this time. This is the first time any citizens of this country have had such a blessing in another land.

CEYLON Population: 12,200,000

Peak Publishers: 275 Ratio: 1 to 44,364

In this small tropical island with luxuriant vegetation, it is easy to adopt the free, easygoing attitude of many of the inhabitants. People are generally friendly and hospitable, which makes our ministry, sharing the Kingdom good news with them, a delightsome experience despite the tropical heat.

There are positive signs of an awakening among sheeplike persons in the Roman Catholic Church, among both clergy and laity, as shown by the experience of a special pioneer. “A Catholic lady refused to study the Bible with us unless we first discussed the matter with the priest. Before this could be arranged, we met a ‘Catholic brother’ who said he was not qualified to answer her questions but to see the priest. She was disappointed to hear this from a ‘brother.’ We went to meet the priest, who invited us in and expressed his willingness to answer the lady’s questions. The first question was regarding God’s name. He admitted it was Jehovah. Regarding the next question, he admitted that hell was not a place of torment, but of concealment, the grave. To the vital question, ‘Is it all right to study the Bible with Jehovah’s witnesses?’ he replied that she could go right ahead. He said that the Catholics had made a mistake in not going from house to house to teach the Bible. He already had a copy of the New World Translation and on this occasion subscribed for one of the magazines. Fully satisfied, she started a regular study of the Bible, began attending the meetings, and in April started sharing in the house-to-house ministry.”

That angels, although invisible, are nevertheless very active in the separating work, noting righteously inclined hearts of sheeplike persons, is shown by this experience. “I had been a devout Catholic from my childhood to the beginning of September 1968. As a God-fearing, loyal and faithful adherent of the Catholic faith, I took an active interest in the ‘Lay Apostolate.’ However, I must confess that I entered a state of mental disturbance when open rebellion erupted among the clergy and leading theologians of the Catholic church following the conclusion of the second Vatican council, in 1967. I had none to go to at this critical hour but God alone. I made a fervent appeal to him to guide me safely. I am happy to say that divine light shone on me and my family late in August 1968 when one of Jehovah’s witnesses made a surprise visit on us.”

How was this visit made? Well, the circuit servant who was serving the congregation in the locality where this man lived happened to be working his street. A local publisher pointed to his house and remarked, “They always take the literature but will not go any farther.” The circuit servant reasoned that if they always took the literature they must surely be “sheep” and decided that every effort must be made to feed them. When the call was made, the man’s wife answered the door and received the two publishers hospitably. She listened to the sermon with interest and, true to prediction, readily took the offer of two bound books. Arrangements were made for a return visit the following evening at a time when her husband would be at home. On the return visit, after the introductory formalities, one of the first things he said was, “I am greatly disturbed over the crisis prevailing in the Catholic church today and I want correct advice and guidance.” Asked if he had a Bible, he answered, “No.” A copy of the Douay Version was produced, and he was invited to read what Peter wrote at 2 Peter 1:19: “We have the more firm prophetical word: whereunto you do well to attend, as to a light that shineth in a dark place.” He quickly got the point that the only reliable place to get what he wanted was the Bible. Shown the similarity and yet superiority of the New World Translation, he obtained a copy immediately and a study of it was started. The circuit servant, who happened to be serving congregations nearby the following two weeks, was able to conduct two more studies with him and his family before handing it over to another publisher. They made rapid progress and before long were attending the congregation meetings. He concludes by saying: “I must admit that, thanks to Jehovah and to Jehovah’s Christian witnesses, I, my wife, son and two daughters have at last come to know the truth and the only organization that teaches the pure and undefiled doctrine as mentioned in the Holy Bible, the congregation of Jehovah’s Christian witnesses. My only prayer to our heavenly Father is that he help me to gain mature knowledge as early as possible by persistent study of the Holy Bible and other aid books and thereafter assist this band of lowly and humble apostles in preaching the good news of the Kingdom.” Did Jehovah answer this prayer? Today, less than a year from the time he began studying the Bible, he is a happy, regular proclaimer of the Kingdom good news.

We wish to express our appreciation to Jehovah and his organization that, due to the generosity of our brothers, all the missionaries will have the opportunity of attending a “Peace on Earth” International Assembly near their home, and assistance was extended to some of the local special pioneers also. Further, how gratifying it was to see twelve other publishers raise the necessary funds and, despite severe travel restrictions, realise their ambition to attend the London assembly.

CHILE Population: 9,500,000

Peak Publishers: 6,450 Ratio: 1 to 1,473

On considering the joys of this service year, Jehovah’s witnesses in Chile feel as His liberated people must have felt when singing Psalm 126:3: “Jehovah has done a great thing in what he has done with us. We have become joyful.”

Not the least of our joys was Brother Knorr’s visit in December. A special talk was arranged in the delightful Velodromo stadium in Santiago, and the brothers in the city were advised. However, word got around very quickly to other parts, and 4,083 were in attendance, some coming from great distances. All were overjoyed to hear of the Society’s plans to construct a new branch building, as the present one not only is inadequate but has to give way to a new highway. During the visit a site was chosen. Since then it has been purchased and plans have been drawn up and approved for construction. At the end of the service year the foundation was being poured, and the brothers doing the work are eager to finish it as quickly as possible. The brothers throughout the country are showing great interest in this project and rejoice in this evidence of what Jehovah is doing with us.

The joy of being among Jehovah’s liberated people is seen in many experiences. One person wrote, expressing joy for what Jehovah has done for him: “Since boyhood I attended the Catholic church, but it never filled the emptiness that I felt in my heart for God. As the years passed, this emptiness only increased, and I prayed to God for the truth. Shortly thereafter, one of Jehovah’s witnesses came to our home and started a regular Bible study with my wife. When I came home from work, my wife enthusiastically told me the things she was learning. Arrangements were made so that I, too, could sit in on the study, and I found that this was exactly what I was looking for. No longer was there an emptiness in my heart for spiritual things. We quickly arranged our lives so that we could be among Jehovah’s people as a dedicated, baptized family.”

Student unrest is as prevalent in Chile as in other parts of the world, and as a result, many of these young people are seeking the true God with the desire to serve him and sing his praises. One young man came to a meeting and asked for a Bible study. He was a young university student who desired to know about the government that would bring security and happiness to mankind. He had always been interested in just government and, hoping to change things for the better, was among the leaders of the radical groups in the university. However, he soon realized that this was no way to bring about changes for a better world, so he turned to the Bible as the last hope. His joy at learning about the Kingdom government knew no bounds, and almost at once he desired to go into the field service to tell others. In addition, he talked to two other students, and they attended the home Bible study that was being conducted with him. Now this young man is conducting six Bible studies of his own, and several of them are attending meetings. He looks forward to being baptized at the national assembly in November. “Needless to say,” writes the missionary holding this study, “the Bible study with these three university students is a real delight to me.”

COLOMBIA Population: 20,462,926

Peak Publishers: 6,004 Ratio: 1 to 3,408

“‘The truth will set you free.’ (John 8:32) How clearly this was manifest when my wife and I first arrived in Colombia several years ago to serve where the need is greater,” a brother writes. “We placed a Bible with an Adventist woman. The truth quickly overcame her sincere arguments, and soon she was studying with us in the ‘Good News’ booklet. Due to our limited Spanish, we had to let the Scriptures speak for themselves. Soon she started attending meetings. One day the overseer talked on the importance of leading clean moral lives. Immediately the woman came to explain her marital situation, and soon she made her decision to separate from the man with whom she was living consensually. She continued to progress. Oftentimes she made business trips to another city, and each time she carried an ample supply of Watchtower and Awake! magazines with her to offer from door to door in her spare time. While thus engaged she met her legal husband, who accepted the magazines and quickly became interested in the truth. The truth freed him from his consensual partner, and he and his wife decided to start living together again. She got baptized and entered the pioneer service. Although an accident left him with a crushed leg, he finally got baptized after a series of operations. His wife is now a special pioneer.”

When showing the Society’s films in rural sections of the country, a circuit servant often has gratifying experiences, as reported here: “In Mata de Caña 300 persons attended the film showing. The police inspector lent us an amplifier and microphone free of charge and suggested that the film be shown in front of his house so that, if anyone tried to interrupt, he could handle the matter. Everyone listened attentively and went away with a much better opinion of our work.” “In another isolated settlement where there is a group of seven publishers just about everyone attended the film showing. They all cooperated to make it possible. The only person with an electric generator requested that the local bar and the houses that he supplied electricity to shut off their lights in order to provide sufficient current to show the film. The police inspector gave permission to use the street, so the people erected posts and used bed sheets for a screen. Three hundred and fifty attended the ‘theater’ in the street.”

“Remember, now, your grand Creator in the days of your young manhood,” Solomon wrote. (Eccl. 12:1) A mother was surprised and pleased while in the service at her ten-year-old daughter’s ability in the service. From a nearby store where she was drinking a soft drink with her young son, she kept her daughter in sight as she offered the magazines to an elderly woman. When her daughter went inside and stayed for a while the mother thought she would go to the house, but just then the girl appeared and told her mother her experience. The woman had called in her nephews to listen, she had asked questions and had taken the magazines but wanted to have the Truth book on the next visit. Upon making the back-call the mother expected to take over the study that was started, but the woman wanted the young girl to conduct it. Because opposition arose and the family burned all the woman’s literature, books have to be taken along for the weekly home Bible study. Now the woman is attending meetings regularly and is thankful for a young child’s visit to her home to acquaint her with the good news.

CONGO (Brazzaville) Population: 1,000,000

Peak Publishers: 1,366 Ratio: 1 to 732

What would you do if you were only seventeen years old, associated with an isolated group of fourteen publishers and had to walk nine miles to attend meetings at the Kingdom Hall? Would you accept the responsibility to oversee this group of publishers, of which the majority were illiterate, organize and conduct the meetings and take the lead in all features of Kingdom service even though you had not yet been baptized? This was a challenge to one young lad when the brother responsible for this group of publishers left to enter the special pioneer service. The young boy met the challenge and, as a result, his zeal and enthusiasm have stirred up three other boys about his age to cooperate wholeheartedly with him. Furthermore, these young lads have progressed rapidly toward spiritual maturity. At the beginning of the 1970 service year all four symbolized their dedication to Jehovah by water immersion.

A greater number of publishers in the Congo have shared in the vacation pioneer service during this year. The figure jumped from 296 vacation pioneers in 1968 to 519 in 1969. Many of these brothers have expressed joy over the blessings they have received in this service. The following experience is one enjoyed by a brother while engaging in vacation pioneer service.

A Bible study was started with a humble person who had accepted a book and a booklet. As the study progressed the man revealed that, as he put it, “I had fear to approach Jehovah’s witnesses after having read the contents of Matthew 24:4, 5, where it warns us of false prophets. I had the conviction that my Catholic religion was the right one. Now I see by means of this study that it is not so; rather, the contrary is true.”

As they studied, this individual’s joy increased greatly as well as his understanding of Jehovah’s purposes. His appreciation for the truth became manifest, and at each study he expressed his gratitude to Jehovah for having been directed to the true religion, which leads to eternal life.

Foreseeing that persecution awaited him, the publisher began to prepare him for this by strengthening his faith. The brother writes: “I decided to explain to him the contents of Matthew 10:36-38, part of which says: ‘Indeed, a man’s enemies will be persons of his own household.’

“As soon as we received the Truth book, we began studying it. When we came to Chapter 3, ‘Who Is God?’ his attention was particularly drawn to paragraph 23, where it quotes the apostle John’s warning: ‘Guard yourselves from idols.’ (1 John 5:21) The very next sentence asks: ‘Why not look around your home and ask yourself whether you are doing this?’ (Deut. 7:25) The following week it was a real joy to observe his home freed from its images.” He soon began to attend the meetings at the Kingdom Hall, though somewhat fearful of other members of his church who held him in high esteem as a good Catholic. Last April during his church’s Easter festival his wife wanted their baby to be presented for baptism. Her husband objected, explaining very kindly that, according to the Bible, baptism of babies is wrong. This so shocked his wife that she took the matter to the priest, who immediately requested to speak with her husband. Courageously he told the priest: “There are two authorities: that of God, which is clearly set out in the Bible, and that of the church, the one that you support. Can you give a passage in the Bible that authorizes you to baptize very young children?” To this question the priest did not even reply. This sheeplike one then added: “Neither Jesus nor his apostles baptized babies!”

This, however, was not the end of his difficulties. His brothers and his cousins, even his wife, continued opposing his stand. Despite all the attempts the priest and his family made over a period of time to make him change his decision and return to the church, he continued to grow strong in the true faith. He has been a publisher since last April and at the present time is studying the “Lamp” book in order that he may symbolize his dedication to Jehovah during our forthcoming “Peace on Earth” assembly.

CONGO (Kinshasa) Population: 17,000,000

Peak Publishers: 13,799 Ratio: 1 to 1,232

Jehovah has certainly blessed this past year of service in the Congo (Kinshasa), as we can see by the figures indicating much increase. This past year’s peak of 13,799 is a 57-percent increase over the previous year’s peak. Indeed, this is very encouraging. It also shows the great responsibility of the brothers to assist the new ones and to help them advance to maturity. But this is not an easy task, as this country is so vast, and the population speaks eight major languages and more than three hundred tribal dialects. In order to help them, we are very busy with translations and mimeograph work. But we rejoice in the fact that we are now using the magazines, the Kingdom Ministry, and other publications of the Society in five languages, and that the Society has just approved the publication of booklets into two other languages.

The assemblies are also very beneficial in helping brothers attain to maturity. This past year, in order to give a greater opportunity to everyone to take advantage of the program of the district assemblies, eight of them were organized in the country. This arrangement proved to be most profitable for the brothers, because a total attendance of more than 26,000 was counted. The program, all or in part, was presented in eight different languages. Some groups of brothers had to walk seven days, a distance of more than 200 miles one way, to get to their assembly. Others traveled two days and two nights by little canoes.

All these theocratic provisions, including the Kingdom Ministry, are really helping the brothers and other interested persons to free themselves entirely from Babylon the Great, whose hold is particularly strong in this part of the world. The Congo (Kinshasa) edition of Kingdom Ministry, which is now published in five different languages, has recently included articles to help the brothers to become completely free from the superstitious practices that are so common here, such as those connected with polygamy, worship of the dead, use of charms and other objects connected with magic and fetishism, fertility worship, rites dealing with circumcision and sexual initiation, etc. While understanding the general principles that distinguish the truth from Babylonish practices, the brothers sometimes were in doubt as to some local customs, whether they could be practiced or not. The articles in Kingdom Ministry helped them to see that certain of these customs were purely pagan and thus had to be avoided.

Another article published in Kingdom Ministry about having a balanced viewpoint on the use of alcoholic beverages seemed to help quite a few brothers, especially those who were making and selling a local strong drink. Many were unaware or did not fully realize that the government prohibited the making and selling of such a drink, and they engaged in this activity because it meant “easy” money. Because of this some of the brothers were also overindulging in drinking, but after this article was studied in the congregations, reports were received showing that the brothers completely abandoned the making and selling of this drink. They readily found other means of making a living that were in harmony with Bible principles and that did not violate Caesar’s law. In the areas where this change came about, it was also noted that the brothers were now exercising moderation in the use of alcoholic drink.

A young brother was accidentally hit on the face by a rock thrown by another youth who was throwing rocks at a mango tree in order to knock down some of the fruit. While many people passing by stopped, expecting the brother to start a fight with the one who hit him with the rock, the young brother remembered the wise counsel given at Romans 12:17, “Return evil for evil to no one,” and he remained calm. The onlookers started to mock at him, but the youth who threw the rock approached him to excuse himself and to ask the brother who he was. This gave the brother the opportunity to explain the reason behind his remaining calm and avoiding anger, and it resulted in the youth’s becoming a good friend and one interested in the truth of God’s Word.

The publishers and pioneers in the Congo appreciate the urgency of the Bible’s message, and they realize that a great work is yet to be accomplished in this vast territory, whether ‘in favorable season or in troublesome season.’​—2 Tim. 4:2.

COSTA RICA Population: 1,706,115

Peak Publishers: 3,011 Ratio: 1 to 567

With deep satisfaction, our brothers in Costa Rica can look back on another outstanding year in Jehovah’s service. Despite the fact that magazines did not arrive for four months during the year due to dock strikes in various parts of the world, new peaks in magazine placements were reached and more magazines were placed than ever before.

Have you ever felt that there is not much use in trying to give a witness to a person who is more than seventy or eighty years old because such persons are generally “too set in their ways”? One special pioneer writes that she is very glad that she did not hold back. She writes: “While working in the territory I injured my leg and called to an elderly gentleman for assistance. As he assisted me to my home I took the opportunity to give him a witness about the new order and the blessings that God has in store. He was delighted with the message and came to my home the next day for more ‘good news.’ I started a Bible study with him in the Watchtower magazine. He came immediately to all the congregation meetings, and he has never missed any of the five meetings each week since then. This man was a devout Catholic who prayed daily, and his house was full of images. After just a few studies he informed me happily, ‘I’ve dumped all my images and idols into the river.’ Despite serious opposition from family and priest, he is a zealous publisher now and is seriously considering baptism despite his age which, by the way, is ninety-five.”

The Truth book is making a tremendous impression on honest-hearted persons everywhere. One missionary writes: “While doing magazine work I found a young man who took the magazines and who asked me to be sure to come back, as he had some questions that he wanted answered. When I called again he inquired: ‘Is there a true religion?’ ‘Are all religions the same?’ I quickly turned to the chapter in the Truth book entitled ‘How to Identify the True Religion,’ and we simply began to read the paragraphs together. The man shortly exclaimed, ‘This answers all my questions!’ Even though this gentleman was raised in a Catholic home for boys and had learned the doctrines and practices of the Catholic church well, by means of the Bible study he is slowly learning the truth of God’s Word from this fine Bible-study aid.” Have you tried to start a study using this publication?

With such fine equipment as the Truth and Evolution books and the new publication Is the Bible Really the Word of God? in our hands, we in Costa Rica look forward to another outstanding year in Jehovah’s service in 1970.


Jehovah has blessed us wonderfully. In comparison with last year, we have had an increase in every feature of the work. It is not that the opposition against the ministry has slackened, but Jehovah’s people are determined to make known the good news while there is yet time.

Even efforts to stop the spread of the truth have backfired. The Witnesses have been warned that they must not preach to others, and when some have been found preaching they have been put into prison. But what has been the result? Even in prison the brothers continue to talk about the truth, and as a result more become Witnesses. When the officials try to frighten those who show interest in the message, it only increases their interest, and those who are true “sheep” grow in appreciation for the truth. So often we find that opposition helps rather than hinders the spread of the Kingdom message. Every one of us is conscious of his responsibility to Jehovah. And we know that whether we are free or in jail, or if we are beaten, kicked or even killed for the sake of the good news or because of having Bible studies in our homes, still we will have a sure reward from Jehovah.

Continued attacks are made against the ministry of Jehovah’s witnesses in an effort to turn the people away from the truth. The papers and TV programs often have articles or programs depicting the Witnesses as being cowardly or immoral, persons who are not interested in progress and uncooperative in the advancement of the country. But we know that this is far from the truth and that Jehovah’s people have a wonderful privilege in helping sincere people to find the only real hope for mankind, which is the kingdom of God. The Society’s printing equipment was confiscated during the year, and now the homes of the brothers are being invaded in an effort to seize the personal Bible-study aids of the friends. But Jehovah can see to it that his people get the spiritual food they need in due season despite all such efforts.

A Witness talked to a woman who was very discouraged by world conditions. She could not understand why there was so much wickedness. She prayed constantly, but was unsatisfied and unhappy. So the Witness read her the scripture at John 17:3 and showed her how to study the Bible. She replied that she knew that Jehovah’s witnesses did not believe in the “saints” and she said she could not abandon her belief in the “saints” as it was a mission left to her by her mother. The sister showed her that God has the right to tell us how he wants us to worship him, showing her John 4:24. The importance of getting a knowledge of the truth was stressed, to help her see if what she believed was correct and pleasing to God. That same night the lady started to read the Bible. Every night she read from it and from the Paradise book. After a week she confided that she had not offered flowers or prayers to the “saints” since the last visit and that even her neighbors were surprised. That week she came to the public talk and the service meeting with her family.

At the next study the woman explained that she had been to the point of making herself a saint. For this she would have to pay a great deal of money; she would always dress in white with collars of different colors around her neck, and offer animal sacrifices. But now she wondered what to do. So the sister showed her what the Bible said about such things and how she could be pleasing to Jehovah. As a result, the woman cleaned her house of two bucketfuls of Babylonish imagery and now talks about the truth to others. Her daughters are also showing interest in the truth. She has lost some of her worldly friends, but she is happy now to have a truly Christian home. As the sister who made the call commented, “Now I can see how the angels guide our steps to find the ‘sheep.’”

CYPRUS Population: 613,000

Peak Publishers: 538 Ratio: 1 to 1,139

The situation in Cyprus still remains unsettled. About 4,500 soldiers from the U.N. are still on the island trying to keep the peace, but real peace comes to one only when he studies the Bible and gets to know the God of Peace, Jehovah. For Jehovah’s witnesses, this past year was a comparatively quiet one, and the brothers worked hard. (Acts 9:31) Our joy was great when we surpassed the 500-mark in publishers. In fact, in April we had ten more publishers than our 20-percent goal of 528.

Many Cypriots do not want religion to meddle in politics or in commerce, as they do in Cyprus, and they show their disapproval by not going to church. Others follow the worldwide trend of indifference and disbelief in God, and so, few, mainly old women, go to church today. Many are seeking something better, but their efforts, not being directed toward the Bible, are in vain. Jehovah’s witnesses keep on going from house to house, treasuring this freedom that is still ours, but we are facing a wall-like barrier of prejudice, which the priests and teachers have erected against us. People, usually, as is the case in small places, are afraid of the truth. They fear lest we prove them wrong, fear lest they have to change from something they followed for a long time, but their greatest fear is of man and his ridicule if they accept the truth. For one to be a witness for Jehovah in a small place one needs to be courageous. Really, we understand why God puts first the “cowards” among those who will not inherit the blessings of his kingdom, saying: “But as for the cowards . . . their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulphur.”​—Rev. 21:8.

Apart from the 72,056 hours of witnessing, what a great heap of witness was given in Nicosia, the capital, when every weekend from thirty to fifty brothers came to build a three-story building that now serves as the Bethel home and office of the Society! The neighbors have seen what brotherly love can achieve. We were thrilled and honored to have Brother Franz, the vice-president of the Society, come to Cyprus at the end of August 1969, to deliver the dedication talk for this beautiful building.

A brother writes: “My wife and I started a study with a woman. Her husband joined us and he learned the truth. He started to speak to the other members of his family, his brothers and sisters; eight persons started to publish this year from this one family. One Sunday as I was returning with this new publisher from the work, we met the priest in his mother’s house. He was trying to persuade the family not to become Jehovah’s witnesses. The priest started to speak to us about Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, how faithful they were, and he finished by saying that we must be faithful to the holy trinity too. I explained to him that those men were faithful to Jehovah, the same God we are worshiping and not to the trinity, and asked him to show us even once the word trinity in the Bible. After some discussion on the subject, the priest became angry, threatened us, then got in his car and left. After the priest’s visit, four more from this family became publishers, making a total of twelve.”

DAHOMEY Population: 2,400,000

Peak Publishers: 1,608 Ratio: 1 to 1,493

The past service year for Jehovah’s people here in Dahomey has been a most encouraging one. Its beginning saw the new branch home come into full operation, and the blessing of Jehovah has been evident in the steady increase of publishers. Also the Society arranged for five local brothers as well as the missionaries to travel to the international assemblies. This was very much appreciated by all the brothers in the country and should prove to be a further stimulus to the work here.

God’s Word has power in “overturning strongly entrenched things . . . reasonings and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God.” (2 Cor. 10:4, 5) One of such “reasonings” is polygamy, which is a real problem here. One special pioneer wrote the Society after a few months in his new assignment: “We find that almost everyone here has at least three wives and some even have ten.” This can make the preaching of the good news very difficult, but the pioneer is pressing on to find those who will listen to God’s Word and let it help them to make the necessary changes in their lives in order that they might please God.

The pioneer tells us about such an interested person. “A study was started with a farmer after placing a magazine with him. At the first study it was found that this farmer had three wives. They began to hotly dispute what the Bible taught because they knew that their position would be affected if their ‘husband’ took the Bible seriously. The pioneer’s appeal to the Bible was so clear, however, that the farmer asked him to continue to come and study with him despite the opposition from his wives. After just a few studies the brother was thrilled to see the power of God’s Word making changes in the household. The farmer received him one day for the study with only one wife present. Although she had strongly opposed the truth at first, she now agreed to join the study. Now this farmer has a theocratic household, having legally married his first wife. At the last circuit assembly he symbolized his dedication to Jehovah and is now a zealous publisher. His wife is also attending the meetings regularly and is preparing herself to be baptized soon.”

A missionary relates how the Bible gave a young schoolteacher the strength to make a wise choice when the necessity arose. Although a Catholic, he was greatly disappointed because of the church’s many false teachings. A study was quickly arranged and soon he began to make excellent progress, appreciating the Bible and its wisdom more each day. During one of the studies the question of celebrations and birthdays came up. The missionary showed him from the Bible why a Christian does not take part in celebrations if they find their roots in paganism. A short time later his family decided to have a big celebration of his birthday because of his scholastic success. What would the young man do now? When the first visitors arrived he explained that he was getting ready to attend the meeting of Jehovah’s witnesses, which he had been doing for some weeks. At that meeting he enrolled in the Theocratic Ministry School. Happy and greatly fortified by this forward step, he returned home where the party was in full swing. There he greeted all the guests and then quietly disappeared to his room, where he remained during all the rest of the festivities. After this forward step, he never looked back again. At the last circuit assembly he was baptized. There he said: “Now I am sure that I have reached the last step in my ‘voyage’ to find the right religion.”

The power of God’s Word can help us with many of our problems when we allow it to guide our steps, as testified to by this experience from a pioneer working in his new assignment. While preaching from house to house, he met an interested man. But during their discussion of the Bible, a second man came up and began beating the interested man. The pioneer learned that the interested man had just taken the other man’s wife away from him. He suggested that the two men stop their fighting so they could see what the Bible would say in this case. The two men finally agreed, and the pioneer was able to show them what the Bible says about no one separating a husband and wife. The man who had taken the other man’s wife admitted he had done wrong and returned the man’s wife to him. A Bible study was then arranged in the home of each man. Both men became very interested and in a few weeks were attending the meetings regularly, accompanied by the first man’s wife. Now both men are preparing to be baptized at the next circuit assembly. Certainly those who heed the Bible’s wise counsel find peace.

DENMARK Population: 4,873,091

Peak Publishers: 11,932 Ratio: 1 to 408

As we entered the spring campaign the brothers had great expectations because, in addition to Memorial activity and the fine public talk, we would also be distributing the special Awake! “Is It Later than You Think?” Enthusiasm built up until finally there were 1,855 vacation pioneers, making a total of more than 2,200 in full-time service. And we placed more than 545,000 magazines, nearly 200,000 more than during the previous April campaign.

We got the Evolution book late in March, and during April alone we placed more than 27,000 copies, which is excellent in view of the fact that we placed only 19,700 books during the entire previous year.

Sincere prayers helped a Salvation Army soldier get the truth, but it took awhile. Back in 1942 when he was dedicated as a Salvation Army soldier he prayed sincerely to be led of God. “I took my dedication seriously and also the point of instruction which urged prayer and Bible reading to know which way to go. I prayed to God to show me the right way. No sooner had I finished when someone knocked at the door and outside a young girl presented The Watchtower, which I took but never read. When the Salvation Army could not help me to understand the Bible, I left them and soon emigrated to Canada with my family. On the ship I sincerely prayed for the second time for God to lead my steps and, if there was a true religion, to lead me to it. On arriving in Canada we wanted help to find an inexpensive apartment. I phoned the Danish priest to see if he could help me. I dialed the wrong number apparently, because when I asked if it was the priest, the man replied: ‘No, at least not in the sense you likely mean.’ A friendly man explained that he was one of Jehovah’s witnesses, and I explained our problem to him. Within half an hour this man picked us up in a car and drove us to a fully furnished house that we could live in. That evening he brought some food items and copies of The Watchtower and a book. I was convinced that God had sent these people in answer to my prayers, but soon I moved to another part of the country and lost contact.”

Later, on returning to Denmark, this man saw a copy of The Watchtower while visiting a friend. The friend had studied a short time, then quit; he was convinced it was the truth but felt he could not live up to it. This impressed the man so much that he prayed the third time to God to lead him to the truth. He stated: “That very evening two publishers called on me and a study was started. Now I know that I have found the truth and only ask that Jehovah will use me in his work here in this ‘time of the end.’”

By a publisher’s showing kindness, a blind person came to “see.” The sister was in the hospital. One day all patients were to be weighed. As they waited, the sister noticed a girl crying, so she asked if there was some way she could help her. The girl replied that she was blind and unhappy, but she responded quickly to kindness, and soon the two were good friends. Every day they talked about the truth, and the young girl showed a real desire to gain spiritual sight. Later they were separated, but the sister sent the girl’s new address to the Society’s office and soon a study was started. She was baptized at our international assembly in August and has put forth a great effort to help other blind ones to see the light of truth. Already a young Greenlandic girl is being helped.

A study in the book The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life helped save a marriage. A couple in the full-time ministry contacted a woman with whom the wife soon started a Bible study. The woman explained that her marriage was about to break up, and she and her husband were separating. The sister urged her to do all she could to preserve the marriage, especially because they had three children. The sister also talked to her husband about the problem and he then talked to the husband of this woman. Even though the man did not believe in God, he turned out to be friendly and receptive. This couple were very impressed to note that, while most of their closest relatives and friends encouraged them to separate, it was Jehovah’s witnesses who encouraged them to follow Bible principles and try to preserve the marriage. A Bible study was arranged in April, with the husband also attending. On one occasion their fourteen-year-old son came to them with the Truth book and showed his parents Chapter 20, on building a happy family life, and encouraged them to try to follow it. In the course of one month the man really began to believe that God lives, and the whole family are now making good progress in the truth. They were in attendance at the “Peace on Earth” International Assembly in Copenhagen.

Denmark also looks after the witness work in the Faroe Islands and Greenland.

FAROE ISLANDS Population: 37,122

Peak Publishers: 45 Ratio: 1 to 825

The feeling of family and community solidarity was expressed when a sister who was a local Faroe Islander died. Though most people would never think of attending a meeting of the Witnesses, no fewer than 185 attended the funeral, the highest attendance ever for a talk by Jehovah’s witnesses. Many had to stand outside listening through open windows to hear what was said. A fine witness was given to the neighbors, many business people as well as a clergyman and other prominent members of local churches. Never had these heard so much Bible truth concerning the resurrection hope. As a result, the Witnesses are finding many more hearing ears in the territory.

On another of the small islands it drew quite a bit of attention when a local Faroe Island woman and her fourteen-year-old daughter began to witness. The local priest, also a near relative, asked this woman: “Who teaches the children Christianity now that they are excused from religious instruction in school?” “Their mother,” was the reply. He responded: “Then why are you still a member of the church when you prefer to be one of Jehovah’s witnesses?” When he learned that this would soon be changed, he explained that he should have visited the woman, especially since she was a near relative, but he had so much to do. (His house is about fifty yards from hers.) This woman has now followed the suggestion of the priest and has withdrawn from church membership.

One publisher brought his family from Denmark to serve where the need is great and opened a small barber shop. Now, while it can be difficult enough for an outsider to work up business and overcome local reserve, yet he experienced no problem when along with the usual display of newspapers and magazines he had copies of The Watchtower and Awake! on display. He states that, even when there are several customers in the shop, The Watchtower and Awake! are the most read magazines. He has witnessed to many and placed many books and magazines, since customers often ask for them.

The fifty-seven who attended the assembly in Copenhagen were much encouraged by it. Many had never seen more than a few fellow believers and now suddenly to sit among more than 30,000 every day was overwhelming.

GREENLAND Population: 43,792

Peak Publishers: 27 Ratio: 1 to 1,622

During the past service year several more families moved from Denmark to Greenland to serve where the need is great, but still there are publishers in only two towns in Greenland. The two special pioneer couples work together with the little congregation in Godthåb the largest town in the country, in hopes of establishing a stronger group before reaching out to other territory. During the summer, as opportunity avails, they travel along the coast visiting small villages, and, in addition, they make use of letter writing to reach out to the far distant isolated stations.

The congregation overseer in Godthåb sent a letter with some booklets and tracts to a man living several hundred kilometers away. Finally two years later came a reply from the man thanking the brother very much for his letter and apologizing for not having answered sooner. He had enjoyed the booklets very much and read them to his children in the evenings before bedtime. He also ordered all other literature published in the Greenlandic language.

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Population: 4,070,100

Peak Publishers: 3,144 Ratio: 1 to 1,295

Throughout the earth very little peace can be found. However, there is one group of peace-loving people, the Christian witnesses of Jehovah. Peace is being increased to them through their accurate knowledge of the Bible, and the brothers in the Dominican Republic take this opportunity to express their gratitude to the Society for the loving provision of the “Peace on Earth” assemblies and the new publications, which help them to draw ever closer in their united bond of peace.

There has been a good increase in publishers, with a peak of 3,144 in the month of August. But outstanding this service year has been the number of Bible studies conducted, reaching nearly 6,000 per month.

Sometimes it takes many years for the seeds of peace to sprout, as the following experience shows: “It was in the year 1949 that two missionaries brought the message of truth for the first time to my house. Since the missionary home was only two blocks from my home and business, they frequently preached at my home as well as bought at my store, so I was acquainted with Jehovah’s witnesses, but I was not interested in their message.

“In 1959 my wife began to study with them, and although there was much opposition to their work because of the dictator, Trujillo, I permitted my wife to study, knowing they were good people, but still I had no interest myself. In 1964 I studied for a while with the Witnesses, but could not see the importance of it, so I stopped my study.

“However, in 1966 things changed for me. I moved to a new section just outside the capital. The Witnesses asked permission to use my home as a meeting place for an isolated group, which is now the Southwest unit of the Santo Domingo congregation. It was in this year during the visit of the circuit servant that I began to think seriously about Jehovah’s will. This brother knew I liked fishing and talked to me about the value of fishing for men. So now I am using a new kind of fishing pole, the Bible, to ‘hook’ men out of this dying ‘sea’ of humanity.”

This brother works for the telephone company, and during the month of April he placed 102 Truth books and six Bibles with fellow workers in the company. So, after many years the patient watering of the seeds of peace has produced peaceful fruitage in the life of this person.

How many have tried to start a home Bible study on the first visit when the only literature placed was a tract? One brother, a circuit servant in the northern part of the country, found satisfying results from trying this method. While visiting an isolated group, a study was started with the lady of the house in the tract Life in God’s New Order. Since the husband was not home, the brother went back that same week, found the husband and explained the home Bible-study arrangement, leaving this study to be conducted by a publisher in the group.

On his next circuit visit to this group, to his surprise, the man, woman and two children were at the Kingdom Hall. The couple are preaching and the children are making fine progress in the study. Now the man is conducting a study with another married couple who have already seen the need of leaving behind Babylonish practices and have stopped worshiping images and smoking. All this resulted from starting a study on the initial visit in one of the Society’s tracts.

ECUADOR Population: 5,508,000

Peak Publishers: 2,501 Ratio: 1 to 2,202

The religious upheaval in the Catholic church in South America has been strongly felt in Ecuador. Although the common people opened their eyes to many religious falsehoods and practices a long time ago, it is only in recent years that they have really felt the freedom they now enjoy to make an unhindered investigation of the Bible. Even many of the clergy, instead of threatening them with punishment, now encourage their parishioners to read the Bible and study with Jehovah’s witnesses.

Not only the clergy, but also the common people, recognize that Jehovah’s witnesses are authorities on Bible truth. In one neighborhood where an active publisher lives, a man bought a Bible and attended some Adventist tent meetings. Other neighbors who knew of this informed our brother. Because of the previous background of the man who had bought the Bible they no doubt were curious to know what Jehovah’s witnesses could do with him. So one Sunday after the meeting the brother made the acquaintance of this man and began a conversation on the Bible. During the following week they had three further meetings, and a Bible study was started in the Truth book, the man himself setting a limit of two months to determine whether the Witnesses have the truth. That Friday he accompanied the brother to a meeting. The following week, in addition to attending meetings, he went with the publisher on some back-calls as an observer and heard objections of both Protestants and a Catholic priest overcome. After a discussion with the Adventist pastor on Christmas, in which the pastor admitted that they still had some paganism left in their church, there remained no doubt as to who had the truth. Shortly after this came the New Year celebrations when people follow the custom of burning effigies of the old year. Normally these effigies represent political or socially prominent persons who have figured in the most outstanding events of the year. This time the people of the neighborhood made effigies of the brother and his Bible student. The brother was represented as a shepherd with the text of John 10:27 on his chest; the Bible student was represented as a sheep. While some considered this a means of mocking the brother, most spoke out in defense of Jehovah’s witnesses, saying: “They are good people, better than we are. Look at the change they have made in our neighbor.” Yes, they had before them a living example of a man who used to drink, fight and spend his time away from home but who had now changed almost to the point of being unrecognizable. This man continues to make excellent progress, attending all meetings, giving student talks and sharing in the ministry. He now awaits our national assembly for this year to be baptized.

One of the missionaries began a Bible study with a person on his magazine route. The study was started in the man’s car in a parking lot, but after the first study he invited the missionary to come to his home to study with the entire family. Unknown to the missionary, there were serious difficulties in the family, but for the first two weeks everyone was present for the study. The following week the son was missing and, on making inquiry, the missionary found out that the father had ordered him to leave home because of the disharmony that existed. The mother was very upset about this and asked the missionary to continue studying with the son. The son was located and, although now studying engineering in the university, he arranged to study twice each week after classes. Both father and son progressed rapidly in their separate studies and within a few weeks they were both seeing things in a different light, and the father asked the son to return home. The son began to publish, and interest in his university studies diminished. Three months later he was baptized and, although he had to wait another three months in order to become a vacation pioneer, he put in pioneer time anyway. After being a publisher for six months he became a vacation pioneer, and six months after baptism entered the regular pioneer ranks. He now consistently reports some 150 hours and eleven Bible studies every month. The father was baptized also and is an outstanding publisher; the mother and daughter are also sharing in the ministry regularly.

There is little to report from the Galápagos Islands this year, because the publishers who work there spent most of the year crossing the Atlantic in a 45-foot yacht that they acquired in England to help them earn a living and facilitate their preaching work on the islands. They returned recently, bringing with them two pioneers who have come from England to serve where the need is greater. As soon as they arrived, some people from the interior of the island of Santa Cruz heard that they had returned and sent two young men to find them and get four Bibles, four Truth books and four copies of any other publication, evidently for the purpose of arranging group studies. One of the young men who came as a messenger asked the brothers if they would baptize him. Of course, the meaning of baptism and some of the requirements were explained to him, and arrangements have now been made for the brothers to travel up into the hills to help these persons in their quest for the truth that leads to eternal life.

EL SALVADOR Population: 3,324,552

Peak Publishers: 1,376 Ratio: 1 to 2,416

The theme for the international assemblies of Jehovah’s witnesses around the world this year was “Peace on Earth,” and this has certainly been an appropriate one for the Witnesses in El Salvador. In a relatively quiet country, all of a sudden war broke out with Honduras in the middle of July. Unsettled conditions, nevertheless, have neither stopped nor slowed down the work of these active ministers, who have given the greatest testimony ever in El Salvador.

The “little blue book,” as the brothers here call the Truth book, has indeed proved to be a blessing in the field. It contributed a great deal to the increased placement of books during the year, which was more than double the highest number of books ever placed in one year, as well as to the highest number of Bible studies ever conducted with interested people here. It has shown people the urgency of abandoning false religion, as is demonstrated in the following experience: A Bible study was started with a young woman whose mother had previously shown opposition to the Kingdom message. As the study went on, the mother of the young woman was invited to attend the study, which she did out of courtesy. When considering the material in the Truth book dealing with religious images and pictures she realized that the images and pictures she had had for so long a time would have to be destroyed. Even some that she considered to be of great personal importance were taken out and destroyed that very same day. To the surprise of the publisher conducting the study, a son of this woman knocked at his door later that evening with something in his hands. He said: “Here are a few more images we did not get around to destroying this afternoon.” This woman is now dedicated and baptized, and she is regularly telling others about the truth that leads to eternal life.

That people of all kinds are interested in seeing true peace established upon the earth was seen in a family of three living in rural territory. A Bible study was started with the man, who is a crop-duster pilot, his wife and daughter, during one of their visits to the capital. Soon opposition from other members of the family came, particularly from another daughter, who is married but who would come to their farm visiting them regularly on weekends. Noticing the change as to the things they wanted to do during that time she was with them, that is, going to the meetings and also in the field service to tell others about the truth, she would tell them that they must be crazy if they were thinking of leaving their former religion, not taking advantage of their advanced years when they could ‘take it easy and enjoy life.’ However, this did not stop the family from their weekly study nor from traveling twenty-five miles each way to attend the meetings at the nearest Kingdom Hall three times a week. It was a joy to see the three of them symbolize their dedication by water baptism at a recent circuit assembly. Now everybody around the farm where they live knows about the Witnesses, and some of the neighbors have also begun studying and are attending meetings with them.

FIJI Population: 512,062

Peak Publishers: 403 Ratio: 1 to 1,271

Among the 800 enchanting tropical islands comprising Fiji, American Samoa, Cook, Gilbert and Ellice, New Caledonia, New Hebrides, Niue, Tahiti, Tonga and Western Samoa, which are populated by 1,105,393 people, Jehovah’s witnesses, during the past year, increased from 745 to 880, shrinking the ratio from 1,409 down to 1,256 inhabitants for every Kingdom publisher. A thrilling event for these joyful proclaimers of the good news was the dedication of their new branch building at Suva, capital of Fiji, from which their enthusiastic activity is administered in the above-named islands. With keen anticipation, they look forward to the next notable theocratic event in the South Pacific, the two international assemblies, one to be held at Suva and the other at Papeete, Tahiti. They enjoyed many fine experiences during the year and wish to share the following with you.

Do you, as parents, feel that your children are too young to be able to give effective sermons? Be encouraged by this fine result of a youngster’s competent delivery: A girl of twelve years, while at an assembly, went out in the field service and was able to witness effectively to a man and his family, placing literature with them. Dutifully she submitted a proper back-call follow-up slip so that proper attention could be given them by the local congregation. A brother, on following up this interest, was told by the man that he and his family were deeply impressed by the twelve-year-old child’s ability to deliver a lucid explanation of scriptures, while he, a father of a family, knew practically nothing of the Bible, let alone preaching about it! It inspired him to make an effort to learn about the Bible, because, if a child was capable of doing it, so could he. He and his family quickly progressed in their studies and soon he was almost as capable at delivering door-to-door sermons as the youngster. That young sister, now fourteen years old, was delighted to see the man stand with her and others to answer two questions before being baptized at a recent circuit assembly.

The Truth book, with its streamlined study course, helped a woman who had studied three years without results become a publisher and helped her husband into the truth as well. During this period her husband was away at sea, and when he returned he showed no interest in religion. As suggested by the sister studying with her, she requested her husband to help her prepare the study material each week in the Truth book, as his knowledge of English was superior to hers. The material appealed to her husband as well as herself, and before long he attended meetings with her. The study was changed to a family one, too. She has now begun publishing, and he is making fine progress and is already talking to others. Could you use this suggestion if your situation is similar?

AMERICAN SAMOA Population: 26,000

Peak Publishers: 46 Ratio: 1 to 565

In this land, which claims to be 100 percent Christian, it has been a rare thing over the years to find someone not affiliated with any church. In fact, in years past, publishers were discouraged in going from house to house Sunday mornings, for they found very few people at home as most were at church. But today there are getting to be more and more who are fleeing from Babylon the Great as they see through the deception with which she has surrounded herself.

A young man was found in territory that had been covered every two months. His inherited Congregationalist faith was dead; Mormonism to him, after five years of study, was illogical; Adventists were contradictory, and the Catholic church, he learned after marriage to a Catholic girl, was not Bible-based. With an open mind he listened to what the Witnesses taught. So many were his questions that for weeks it was impossible to conduct a methodical study with him. He was especially appreciative to learn how one can corroborate the truth of Bible doctrine with science, mathematics and even grammar, and that false religion is wrong on all these points. The thing that really clinched his appreciation was the reliability and dependability of the Witnesses. As an electronics man, his work took him fixing television sets, pinball machines and jukeboxes at unscheduled hours, and the brother conducting the study always endeavored to fit in with this. One extremely bad night, in the midst of a fierce storm, the brother arrived as usual for the study. On the way his umbrella had blown inside out twice, and during the study the roof of a neighbor’s kitchen was blown away. This reliability impressed the young man. He thought: If these Witnesses are willing to come in such inclement weather they must have something of real value. A regular study was then started. His wife joined him, and both began attending meetings.

COOK ISLANDS Population: 19,250

Peak Publishers: 9 Ratio: 1 to 2,139

It is gratifying to see the Kingdom work moving ahead in this country where twenty-three persons attended the April special talk, twenty-five came to the Memorial and an average of twenty support the weekly Watchtower study.


Peak Publishers: 10 Ratio: 1 to 5,000

Twenty-five islands, spread over 2,000,000 square miles of central Pacific Ocean, make up the Gilbert and Ellice island group. The group of brothers in the Ellice Islands is located on Funafuti. Although no Society publications in their language are available, these brothers are able to use The Watchtower, Bible and some booklets that are printed in Samoan, a closely related Polynesian tongue. Their circuit servant speaks to them in Samoan. Material translated from Sermon Outlines is provided for use at meetings, for personal study and for carrying on the preaching activity.

NEW CALEDONIA Population: 100,579

Peak Publishers: 137 Ratio: 1 to 734

The brothers in New Caledonia had an occasion for great rejoicing this year. In January 1969, for the first time since the work began in that country, the government lifted the ban on Awake! Needless to say, the brothers have since inundated the Fiji branch office with subscriptions for it.

A woman being studied with felt she could not progress because her husband’s atheistic outlook hindered her. However, she was encouraged to show her husband how world conditions were accurately foretold in detail by the Bible. She also used the book “All Scripture Is Inspired of God and Beneficial” to show how accurate and specific the Bible is in giving factual details on locations of cities and other things. As a result, the husband became so engrossed in research on archaeology that he was stirred to relate back to his wife his own findings, to the mutual interest of both of them. The outcome of this was that his wife was stimulated by him to progress appreciably in her studies and meeting attendance, and he himself has now attended public discourses on the Bible and is reading it as well.

NEW HEBRIDES Population: 76,500

Peak Publishers: 12 Ratio: 1 to 6,375

In this group of islands it has been easy for people to ignore the rest of the world. However, it is becoming noticeable that some who were once active Catholics are now disturbed over the present state of affairs in the church and are more inclined toward Bible discussions or having Bible studies. A tract, published by the Society in Pidgin English, has recently become available. As Pidgin English is the communication language of people who speak different dialects and languages, the brothers are finding it to be a great aid in teaching the Bible.

The group study has now been divided into two, one in Pidgin English, attended by local brothers who are learning to be more capable in expressing themselves in this language, and the other in French and English. Two sisters who vacation pioneered for a month recently did a great deal to help the group and were able to care for many who manifested an interest in studying the Bible.

NIUE Population: 5,258

Peak Publishers: 15 Ratio: 1 to 351

Diagnoses by doctors that one may lose one’s life without a blood transfusion should not induce one to break God’s commandments. Facing a crisis just before the birth of her baby, a sister was told by her doctor that she needed an operation but that first she was in urgent need of blood to save her life. She refused a blood transfusion, saying she had every confidence that she could pull through without it. The doctor finally had to operate without blood and the sister recovered. However, beside her in the hospital was a clergyman’s wife who accepted a blood transfusion when she was operated on. She was very ill for a month thereafter and nearly lost her life. On the other hand, the sister recovered enough to be on her feet the day after her operation and was confined to bed for only three days.

TAHITI Population: 98,315

Peak Publishers: 132 Ratio: 1 to 745

A very warm Pacific Islands’ welcome, combining a mixture of Polynesian charm and French sophistication, awaits delegates to one of two international assemblies being held in Fiji branch territory this year. The assembly in Tahiti will have its own uniqueness, and its warm South Seas atmosphere will be certain to charm visiting delegates.

If groups of brothers take time off to travel some weekends, territory not often covered can be worked and sheeplike persons cared for. Brothers in the Papeete congregation enjoy doing this. Once a month up to fifty traverse a stretch of sea to work Mooréa, an island said to have inspired “Bali Hai” of the musical “South Pacific.” Strikingly beautiful with its sheer, jagged mountains and cliffs, Mooréa supports 4,500 warm and hospitable inhabitants, extremely receptive to the truth. Excellent studies started are showing good promise. Working this island has expanded the territory for the congregation, as the main island on which the Papeete congregation is located is regularly covered every three weeks. Good increase has resulted as sheeplike ones have rapidly been drawn to God’s organization.

TONGA Population: 77,429

Peak Publishers: 19 Ratio: 1 to 4,075

One should not be slow to fulfill a vow, the Bible counsels. This can have the effect of awakening interest of others in the truth. A brother was punctual about repaying a business loan, and this roused curiosity in the lender as to why he felt so conscientious about repaying it at the stipulated time when others were not so scrupulous, although it would have immeasurably pleased him if they were. The brother explained that he was now a true Christian and that as such he was Scripturally obligated to carry out Bible commands regarding honesty. His listener was duly impressed and was pleased to accept a Bible and another book. Later the moneylender related this incident to others at his work place. When the brother made a back-call on the moneylender he found that his coworkers also wanted copies of the New World Translation, and six were placed with them. On the next back-call he placed even more literature with them.

WESTERN SAMOA Population: 140,000

Peak Publishers: 97 Ratio: 1 to 1,443

Just four months’ study in the Truth book was enough to help a young couple differentiate between true religion and the false. About seven years ago the young couple studied the truth, but because of family opposition and pressure from their church they discontinued the study. While offering free home Bible studies to householders, a sister met the wife and a study was begun again, using the Truth book. A few studies later the husband joined them. A month later this couple began attending meetings. Family and church opposition started again. The wife’s mother threatened to do something to her if she persisted in going to meetings. A lay preacher’s wife asked one of this couple’s children where the parents went on certain nights. On being told by the seven-year-old child that his parents went to Jehovah’s witnesses’ meetings, she told him to tell his mother to quit attending meetings, otherwise she would be expelled from the village community. Neither of these threats affected the couple. Soon after this their priest visited them while the study was in progress. Enraged, he ordered the pioneer to leave and never to bother “his sheep” or enter the house again. The pioneer politely informed him that she would not leave; it was not his house and it was up to the couple, not him, to terminate her visits to them. Further, he had no right to order others around while not in his own home. Because of the faith that the couple had built due to the help of the Truth book, the husband said to the priest: “We know enough to realize we must study the Bible to get everlasting life, and this is what we would like to do.” The priest later returned with his bishop, but their efforts to deter the couple were to no avail. Within four months they began publishing, and they plan to be baptized at the international assembly in Fiji in November.

FINLAND Population: 4,696,211

Peak Publishers: 10,232 Ratio: 1 to 459

The number of those attending the Copenhagen assembly was a surprise to us. When the time came for the public address, there were 8,165 in the Finnish section to hear it, in addition to about 250 Finnish-Swedes in the Swedish section. The brothers greatly appreciated the abundant spiritual food and water of truth that they received at the convention. The new book Is the Bible Really the Word of God? was a great surprise to them, as they are used to receiving the Finnish editions some time after the English publication.

A publisher met a family who believed that a better society was possible through the ideology of communism. Although the family was strongly under the spell of that ideology, they still had a weak faith in God. At first they only took a few magazines at the door, and short discussions were had with varying success. The man had formed the opinion that Jehovah’s witnesses were strongly in favor of a capitalistic society and had no sympathy for anyone who had a different view of things. Of course, Jehovah’s witnesses’ neutral stand on the political goals and other endeavors of this world were explained to him. When the Truth book was released, the publisher decided to suggest a six-month course, which they accepted. After a few evenings of study, the publisher suggested opening and closing with prayer, and they agreed to that. After each study they expressed their joy at the things they had learned. The man especially expressed his gratitude. “I would not have believed that anything so interesting could be learned from you.” “People certainly do not know what a fine message you have to present.” “How could something like this have remained unnoticed by me before?” are some of the thoughts he has expressed at the conclusion of a study. Although the study has been conducted for only three months so far, they have already begun to attend meetings.

As the community and false religion cannot offer any future, many young ones have lost their hope in life and have become rebellious. They express this attitude in their manner of dress and their way of life. One young girl adopted this sort of rebellious attitude and ran away from home. Her style of dress was the same as most modern radicals. Her parents were very worried about her and asked the help of the police in getting the girl home. The police succeeded in finding her, but it proved to be useless, as she ran away time and again. Then she happened to meet a young pioneer sister who started to tell her about a better society that would replace this old one. She explained that the promise of such a society is true and why it is possible to trust in the promises that God has given. The girl wanted to hear more, so a regular Bible study was started with her. Soon the influence of the study began to be noticeable. First of all, she left the bad company she had been keeping. She contacted her home and let her parents know that she had met Jehovah’s witnesses, for which her parents were glad. Miniskirts, which had been exceptionally short, did not belong in her wardrobe anymore. After studying for three months, she became a regular attender at the meetings. When the study had continued for about five months, she was ready to begin publishing the good news. When it was announced in the congregation that those interested persons who intended to symbolize their dedication by baptism in water at the Danish convention should report to the congregation overseer, she was among the first. She was full of zeal when she said to the sister with whom she studies: “Just think, I will come back from the Danish convention a sister.” And that is what happened.

The good and balanced conduct of Jehovah’s witnesses, even after losing their jobs because of being Witnesses, brings results. An experience, told by a woman who was employed in the place of a sister, is interesting. She says: “When I went to interview the manager, I was told: ‘The woman in whose place you have been employed has become one of Jehovah’s witnesses and I want to get rid of her as soon as possible, as she causes difficulties for me.’ So when the woman in question was introduced to me I was very interested to see how strange Jehovah’s witnesses really were, so that they even had to lose their jobs. I was surprised when she instructed me conscientiously and in an admirably thorough way in my job. She did not say one word of complaint about the manager of the firm and did not gossip about her fellow workers. She was friendly to everyone, even when her religion was disparaged. I could soon see that she did not cause any difficulties for anyone. As I watched her balanced attitude in different situations, I became convinced that her ability to stand bad treatment came from her religion. I thought that perhaps she had been misusing her employer’s time, and I decided to put her to the test. I asked her to tell me about her religion. She briefly answered some of the questions I asked and then said, ‘Could we continue our discussion after working hours, as I would like to tell you more about these things?’ We met for this purpose several times, but soon I realized that the Bible study that had been suggested was essential, and so it was started in my home on a regular basis. My relatives began to oppose me, but, on the other hand, my husband admitted that I had become a better wife, as I had started to apply Bible principles in my life. Now I am a dedicated witness for Jehovah, and my employer got one of Jehovah’s witnesses in place of one of Jehovah’s witnesses. I have not yet lost my job, however.”

FRANCE Population: 49,778,540

Peak Publishers: 32,171 Ratio: 1 to 1,547

The past service year has been one of the best for Jehovah’s witnesses, for in April we were able to report, “We made it!” with a fine new peak of 32,171 publishers. The highlight of the year was the international assembly held in Colombes, near Paris. In all respects this was the greatest Christian assembly ever held in France.

Jehovah has even made it possible for people to learn the truth through the mouth of a child five years of age. A sister took her son to be registered at the infant school, and she informed the schoolmistress of their religion. The schoolmistress asked in a slightly mocking tone how the name Jehovah was spelled. Later she began to question the child concerning his faith. The child replied with pleasure, because in his home he was used to answering questions put to him by his mother when studying the Paradise book with him. One day he told the schoolmistress that the resurrection would take place on the earth and that there would even be animals in paradise. This woman was a strong Catholic, but she was shaken by the seriousness and the conviction of this child of five years. One day she called the teacher from the neighboring class, and having set this child upon her knees, she got him to repeat before the whole class what he knew about the resurrection. Then she questioned the other children, but not one of them was able to give her an answer. She then arranged to see the mother of this child and asked her how she was able to teach her young child so many things. The sister took the opportunity to give a good witness, and from that day on, she has regularly taken the schoolmistress the Awake! magazine. Later, visits were made on her at her home and a home Bible study was started. Now her husband and daughter, who is fifteen years of age, attend this study.

Another sister explained that she was going through a very difficult period when she heard of the truth for the first time. Her husband was a hard drinker and often had terrible fits of temper. He took no interest in the children, and family life became impossible. She was contemplating a separation from her husband when she came into contact with the truth. She accepted a study, understood the importance of attending the meetings, dedicated her life to Jehovah and symbolized this by being baptized. Then, with Jehovah’s help, she set out to save her husband. This was not easy. Her husband obliged her to be in the house when he was there. Appreciating the importance of the meetings, she had to face many violent scenes, sometimes having to flee to the homes of the brothers with her baby. Finally, the husband came to understand that he could not stop her from attending the meetings, and he showed a little more understanding. During seven terrible years she suffered his insults without returning the same, but, rather, she looked for occasions to speak to him of Jehovah and His purposes. Since he did not like reading, she would sometimes read him an article that she thought might interest him. One day he said to her: “You deserve a better man than me.” She replied that he was her husband, and it was up to them to be happy together. She was willing to help him. A brother came to work near their home. Later the sister invited the brother and his wife to come and spend the day with them. A friendship was struck up between the two men. The sister’s husband had many questions, and later he asked for a home Bible study. Still later he attended an assembly, and on returning home he asked his wife to forgive him for all the distress he had caused her. Since then he has changed his hours of work so as to be able to attend all the meetings of the congregation. He is the one who now organizes the family program for Bible study, and it is due to his help that his wife has been able to take up the vacation pioneer work for the first time. The truth has made them a happy family!

The branch office in Paris, France, also looks after the preaching work in Algeria and Tunisia.

ALGERIA Population: 12,150,000

Peak Publishers: 70 Ratio: 1 to 173,571

A young Algerian living in France spent several years studying in order to obtain a diploma as a turner. He was contacted by Jehovah’s witnesses and soon began to attend the meetings. This brought fierce opposition from his father, who, in a violent rage, brought his son to the police station and accused him of bad conduct. As proof of this he showed the policemen the Truth book that his son was reading. To his great disappointment, the policemen replied that they were well acquainted with this book, and that it could only give good counsel to his son. Seeing that this attempt had failed, the father then asked the chief of police to deport his son from France since he was not a good student. But the young boy took along his school reports, which were very good. A further failure for the father! Exasperated, he struck his son and forbade him to have any contact whatever with Jehovah’s witnesses.

Each year this young boy would spend his vacation with relatives in Algeria. The father, therefore, took the opportunity to take away all his son’s papers so that he would not be able to return to France. He said to him: “Here in Algeria you are a long way from them and I shall be at peace.” The nearest congregation was over 80 miles away. However, when the brothers heard of the young boy’s situation, they contacted him. This courageous young boy made great efforts to attend the meetings. After having refused several good offers of work because they would take him away from the congregation, he was rewarded by finding work with a family of persons interested in the truth. He is now enrolled in the Theocratic Ministry School and is planning on being a pioneer.

TUNISIA Population: 4,470,000

Peak Publishers: 32 Ratio: 1 to 139,688

Two special pioneers gave a witness to the father of a Mussulman family. He found the message very comforting, so he asked the special pioneers to return in the evening to talk to his daughters. The elder daughter enthusiastically accepted the offer of a home Bible study and made rapid progress. Since the work in the home took up a lot of her time, she decided to take her book along with her to the office where she worked. One day the director asked her what she was reading. In answer to his question, she showed him the book. After having glanced quickly through the book, he congratulated her on her choice of reading material, and asked her if she would lend him the book when she had finished reading it. Seeing the good attitude of her superior, the young lady gave him a witness, telling him all she knew of the purposes of God as contained in the Bible.

Later on she expressed to her parents her wish to have a Bible. However, they refused, saying that she already had the Koran and that was sufficient. She was not discouraged by this, but she persisted and finally was able to get a Bible. Soon she learned that those who want to engage in pure worship have a continual fight. As she declared: “My parents are free to think what they like, but as for me, I know from now on what I must do.”

GERMANY Population: 58,373,000

Peak Publishers: 83,450 Ratio: 1 to 699

The 1969 service year in Germany was a year of thrilling highlights and happifying results for Jehovah’s witnesses, reflecting the love of the publishers for Jehovah God. The grand climax of the service year, however, was the assembly in Nuremberg; with 150,645 attending the public lecture, it came to a splendid conclusion. The association with our brothers from the Netherlands, Belgium, Greece, Yugoslavia, Turkey, Austria, Luxembourg, Switzerland and many other countries, as well as the peace that rested on this large family, are unforgettable and effectively emphasized the theme, “Peace on Earth.” The fact that 5,095 were immersed brought great joy to all and showed all present that the ingathering work has not ended, but rather there is still much work to be done.

The new songbook, released two months before the convention, was accepted with much joy and enthusiasm. One publisher wrote: “We received the new songbook with great appreciation. Every day we sing some of the songs. In reality each song is a prayer or it brings timely truths back to mind.”

The simple, clear manner in which things are stated in the Truth book is a big help for persons advanced in age, as shown by an experience reported by a sister: “In the house-to-house service I met a seventy-three-year-old lady. When I offered her the Truth book, she told me she already had it and asked me in. Following the counsel of the organization, I started a home Bible study. She made very rapid progress. Since December she has been attending the public talks and Watchtower studies regularly, and the other meetings she has been attending since January. About the middle of February she asked me to accompany her to the courthouse, as she wanted to have her name removed from the church registry. She accompanied me in the field service for the first time in March and reported her activity. How appropriate the comment in the Truth book on page 137, paragraph 14: ‘It is never too late in life to take a stand in harmony with what one knows to be the truth, thus setting one’s steps firmly on the way to eternal life.’ In April she was immersed. Her fast progress in knowledge of the truth can be attributed to this wonderful aid.”

With the Truth book every publisher can have a share in the Bible-study activity, thus helping others in these dramatic times to find the way to life. One circuit servant writes the following: “I wanted to tell you of a brother who four years ago, at the age of eighty, learned the truth. He was a member of the vestry board for twenty-seven years and after studying for two years he was immersed. He lives in a small village of about twenty-five houses. The publishers always found it difficult working here, as the people were not at all receptive. This brother, however, who is now eighty-four, conducts eight home Bible studies in this village. He conducts them regularly each week, and the servants who have accompanied him on his studies say he is very anxious to apply the teaching methods suggested by the Society.”

A brother who formerly was a sports enthusiast learned the truth through the six-month program and told the following at a circuit assembly. “I was astonished at the Bible knowledge that the Witness who visited me had. He answered each question from the Bible. He invited me to get my own Bible and to look up the texts myself. However, I told him it was not my intention to become one of Jehovah’s witnesses. He was very patient with me, explaining everything in detail, and arranged for a study. Then came the first problem. I was an athlete, and four times a week I was on the mats as a judo and karate fighter; besides this, my wife opposed my study. Then a happy accident occurred. I was injured in my sports activity and so was able to devote more time to studying. The study advanced quickly. I was already giving my workmates a witness. I gave up sports, attended all the meetings, took up the preaching work and was baptized. Having made the decision within six months, I want to support fully the provision to ‘learn the truth in six months,’ because with the aid of the Truth book people really can make a quick decision. I am happy to be a witness for Jehovah and thank him for the Bible-study arrangement. My wife, who at first opposed the truth, was immersed on Sunday.”

How powerful prayer and Bible study are when fighting the influence of demons can be clearly seen in the following situation. In the house-to-house field ministry a woman was found who claimed to be a staunch Catholic because she said her rosary daily, attended church regularly and also attended a Bible discussion that only a select group and a few clergy attended. However, the questions she asked the Witness were answered from the Bible, and she consented to have a Bible study. At the conclusion of one of the studies the activity of the demons was discussed, and this woman said that for eighteen years now every Thursday night at the same time she had been awakened by varied apparitions and beatings. She had pleaded for counsel and help from ten clergymen, but no one could help her or provide relief. As she had received a water painting, a coin collection and dream books about eighteen years ago from an acquaintance who practiced spiritism, she was encouraged to destroy these objects. After she had done this she was no longer beaten, but the apparitions did not stop. Through her continued study, however, she learned that demon power can be overcome only with the help of Jehovah. Willingly she followed the suggestion to pray to Jehovah for strength. The special pioneer couple who had this experience then wrote the following: “One Thursday evening we set our alarm clock for 2:30 and at that time we prayed for her. As we entered her home the next morning her mother came out to meet us and asked what had happened, as her daughter had had a restful night, the first one in eighteen years during which she neither heard nor saw anything. When a Lutheran minister visited this interested person on business, she related how Jehovah’s witnesses had helped to free her from the influence of the demons. The clergyman said: ‘Jehovah’s witnesses are right. You are an intelligent woman and know that these things (mentioning the articles that the special pioneers recommended she destroy) are derived from heathendom. Throw them all away; get out of the Catholic church and do not join the Lutheran church; it is just as bad.’ The interested person took his advice to heart.”

WEST BERLIN Population: 2,140,000

Peak Publishers: 5,412 Ratio: 1 to 395

One brother reports that he was able to help a family with a sixteen-year-old daughter accept the truth in six months. After completing the second chapter of the Truth book on the second evening, since all attending had seen the need to pray, a prayer was said. At the close of the third study their attention was drawn to the friendly invitation to ‘look around in their home,’ and immediately all objects not in harmony with the true religion were removed. Then the daughter became interested in the study. She quit associating with her beatnik friends with whom she had regularly gone to the “beat hut.” The invitation to attend the meetings was joyfully accepted, and since then she has been attending regularly. Getting out of Babylon the Great presented no problem for her. However, one problem had to be overcome. Due to her previous associations, she still dressed in the same manner as her former friends. She especially liked to wear minidresses. When the seventh chapter in the Truth book was studied, she quickly realized that the demons not only sought sensual lusts before the Flood, but that they are still the instigators of sensual lusts, and anyone who dressed as she did could well be a target for the demons. As a result, this young girl sat down at the sewing machine and let out all of her hems. Now she dresses appropriately. In exactly six months’ study time this transformation took place, and today she is our sister.

Persons interested in the truth progress much faster as soon as they come to attend the meetings. One brother took out a territory that included an eight-story house where only large families lived. It was not unusual to have up to nine children come to the door when the bell rang. Studies were started with two families. The husband of one family became an opposer and caused his wife and children a great deal of difficulty. Despite this, the wife together with her children attended nearly all the meetings, and she was baptized at the latest assembly. The other family took part regularly in the study and also made fine progress. The brother reported: “With the aid of the meetings they recognized the need of getting out of Babylon the Great, and this they did. Then they joined us in the field service. On one occasion a householder said, ‘With you Jehovah’s witnesses a person isn’t allowed to smoke.’ The interested person, the father of the family, still smoked. During this conversation he learned why smoking is an unclean habit, and from that time on he quit smoking.” By attending the meetings even the children learned to be steadfast. The six-year-old boy had just gone to school a few weeks when his teacher announced the first religious class. The little boy stood up and said: “I can’t take part as my parents are Jehovah’s witnesses and I want to become one too.” Now there are six new praisers of Jehovah, and right from the outset they were invited to attend the meetings.

GHANA Population: 8,500,000

Peak Publishers: 12,678 Ratio: 1 to 670

After seven years of slow increase it has been a real stimulation to see the large number of interested ones who have been seeking out Kingdom Halls and requesting Bible studies in their homes. So many Kingdom publishers have started in the past two years that fully one-quarter of our organization in Ghana consists of new ones. It is our obligation to supply strong and mature leadership in the congregations and circuits throughout the countries of Ghana, Ivory Coast and Upper Volta.

A newly baptized brother wrote that when he began studying the Bible with Jehovah’s witnesses he soon saw that his idols and jujus were not pleasing to the true God, so he burned them all. His parents strongly protested his action and some of his relatives went so far as to disown him entirely. Then suddenly he was struck by a severe attack of yellow fever. His anxious parents declared that it was because he had burned his jujus and urged him to go to a sorcerer to find a cure. The new brother defended his faith with the Bible and stood firm despite pressure. Unknown to him, his mother did go to a sorcerer on his behalf. Later his mother told him: “The sorcerer sent his demons to contact your spirit body and get information. After about five minutes we heard something and saw that the sorcerer started to shake with fear. He asked, ‘What is your son’s religion?’ We told him you were studying the Bible with Jehovah’s witnesses. After strongly warning us not to tell anyone, the sorcerer said that the demons had not been able to get information and had said, ‘The God that man is worshiping is Almighty and he is unapproachable.’” What a change in family relationships this brought, as not only his mother but also formerly opposing relatives now listen attentively whenever he explains the Word of God to them.

In a congregation in Kwahu a young man was making excellent progress despite the fact that his own father was considered a great fetish priest, having nine wives and a large number of children. The father’s fetish, Tigari, was reputed to be powerful enough to cause sudden death. Many lived in fear of its influence. All went well until the young brother began talking about the truth to his brothers and sisters. When some of these began showing interest, the father became furious. He called together all the relatives and in their presence declared that he was disowning his son and that he would no longer be part of his household. Further, he declared: “The fetish has told me that the boy will die in three days’ time. Otherwise, it should be considered too weak to kill even a fowl.” All the relatives were extremely afraid and just begged the brother to give up his “new religion” and make peace with his father. The boy refused. The relatives begged the father to change his declaration. He refused! There was nothing to do but wait, and that they did​—apprehensively! Three days passed, seven days came and went, then a whole month, and still the young man was strong and healthy, continuing his activity with Jehovah’s witnesses. This astonished everyone and strengthened those who were showing interest in true worship. As a result, two fleshly brothers began sharing in the field ministry, and three others in the family have been attending meetings regularly.

Nketsiah is a young Witness attending primary school. He has always appreciated how his father has helped the family by means of a weekly family study of the Bible. This put him in a good position when, at school, a test in religious knowledge was scheduled for his class. A question on the blackboard read, “How many persons in one God?” Everyone wrote “three persons,” but Nketsiah, with a good grasp of fundamental Bible doctrine wrote “one person.” His answer was marked as incorrect, whereas all the others were marked as correct. After class, with Bible in hand, Nketsiah approached his teacher and supported his answer with appropriate texts. The teacher was amazed, but found it hard to say he was in error after marking all the papers otherwise. At first he threatened the boy that he would be put out of school if he did not stop challenging the teachers. Later, however, he asked Nketsiah where he had gained such Bible knowledge. The boy led the teacher to his father. A fine discussion ensued that day and arrangements were made for the teacher to enjoy a Bible study in his own home. He has made good progress and has been attending meetings at the Kingdom Hall.

IVORY COAST Population: 4,100,000

Peak Publishers: 341 Ratio: 1 to 12,023

Highlights of the year just past included a marvelous “Good News for All Nations” Assembly held in Abidjan in October 1968, with 646 attending the public lecture. Then 710 persons gathered at the various Kingdom Halls for the Memorial celebration on April 1. Six special pioneer brothers from Ghana joined the missionaries and other pioneers in May to expand theocratic activity. A firm organization has now been established in the country and everyone is eager to help all the interested people while there is yet a favorable season to do so.

Calling at a home, a publisher was invited in and given a seat before stating the purpose of the visit. As soon as his mission was known, the man of the house ordered him out and told him never to return to that house again. Efforts to placate the man were to no avail, so the brother quietly left. Outside, one of the man’s sons caught up with the publisher and apologized for his father’s conduct. Noting the young man’s sincerity, he spoke to him about his message and introduced the Truth book, which was quickly accepted. Of course, this obligated the publisher to return to that house after all in order to follow up the spark of interest generated in this young person.

With some apprehension the brother called at the home at a later date, not knowing exactly what he would find. He met the man of the house, but this time what a change in attitude! He was welcomed and given a seat. The man called out to the children, “Bring my book.” When it was brought, why, there was the Truth book. He had seen it and already had read it from front to back with deep interest. He had been seeking the publisher to apologize for his previous rudeness and to obtain further knowledge. A study was soon arranged, with all the children joining in. They study regularly and have been attending meetings at the local Kingdom Hall.

UPPER VOLTA Population: 4,955,000

Peak Publishers: 1 Ratio: 1 to 4,955,000

The light of truth has continued to glimmer in this interior country of West Africa. There are many Moslems and a large Catholic population. Our lone publisher of the Kingdom good news is an unbaptized person who has been aided by correspondence from a publisher in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. He began to do some public preaching in January and has maintained a fine share in the ministry ever since, conducting two home Bible studies with other interested persons. With Jehovah’s blessing we should, in time, see a group of Kingdom publishers grow in the capital city where the lone publisher is presently living.

GREECE Population: 8,750,000

Peak Publishers: 13,194 Ratio: 1 to 663

The big event of this service year was the “Peace on Earth” assembly, which the Society organized in Nuremberg, Germany, for the Greek-speaking brothers. For the first time in the history of our work, more than 5,000 Greek brothers attended the big international assembly. In spite of the many difficulties raised by certain local authorities, many were the brothers who finally managed to get their papers ready and travel abroad to attend this big assembly. How refreshing, how upbuilding all this was for us. Thousands of brothers and sisters came back relating with enthusiasm what they had seen and heard! All were asking when such an assembly will be held again, and all hope that it will become possible to have such a big assembly in Greece.

The Devil tried by all means to destroy the joy of the brothers returning from the assembly. As the buses and trains carrying the brothers arrived at the Greek frontier, the police, who were obviously forewarned, made incursions in a most brutal way and demanded that the brothers deliver up all copies of the “blue” book (ie., the new Truth book in Greek) which they had with them. The brothers protested these actions of the police, pointed out that they were intended for their private needs and for their families, but all of their protests were fruitless. The police agents insisted, and in a short time they gathered heaps of magazines of different dates and over 5,000 copies of the Greek Truth book, which they carried into the customshouse docks.

A tremendous witness was given through this action of the police. Many honest-hearted passengers expressed their surprise at this uncalled-for action of the policemen. All during the trip they had appreciated the association of these brothers who were their fellow travelers, and they were now at a loss to understand why the policemen snatched these blue books with such violence. Many people asked for and concealed a copy of the book in order to read it at home to find out why the police were so anxious to gather these publications. But even some of the police agents showed somewhat of a good attitude. When the brothers under pressure and violence surrendered the blue books, these good policemen told them: “Give us just one copy, and hide the others. Do not surrender them.”

I now quote here an experience showing how honest people take their stand with courage on the side of Jehovah’s people: “A friendly person attended the Memorial celebration for the first time this past April. Shortly after the celebration, the police broke into the house, wanting to ascertain whether all those attending were Jehovah’s witnesses. When their chief noticed that the identity card of this friendly person showed that he belonged to a sect of Babylon the Great, he asked him: ‘What do you want here? Most probably these people here are proselytizing you.’ The man definitely answered that he wanted to attend the Memorial. ‘But your identity card,’ said the chief, ‘shows that you belong to another religion.’ ‘Well, then,’ said the friendly person, ‘just cross it out and write “Jehovah’s Witness” instead, because from now on I will become one of them.’”

Another experience comes from brothers who are behind bars because of keeping integrity: “More than threescore young dedicated preachers are facing the consequences for the course of integrity they chose to take. However, they are well treated, and a fine witness is being given by their Christian attitude. But they had a problem. One who recently dedicated himself to do the Divine will, expressed the desire to be baptized. But how? Necessary facilities were not available. Well, they went to the chief and told him that, since they were allowed to play football every now and then, they decided that for the next game played the team losing the match would be penalized by the dipping of one of the losing players into a barrel full of water. ‘OK’ said the chief with a smile; ‘go ahead and do as you like.’ When the game was over, the boys gathered around the barrel and the immersion took place. The immersion talk had been given previously.”

GUADELOUPE Population: 300,000

Peak Publishers: 1,155 Ratio: 1 to 260

Christians have to be talkers and teachers. They have the truth. They may not be silent! They may not forget the doing of good and the sharing of things with others, the things they have learned from God’s Word. Jehovah’s witnesses have something wonderful to share. They have the life-giving good news of God’s kingdom to share, and they know that when they do this God is well pleased. This is just what our brothers have done in the French-speaking Caribbean islands of Guadeloupe and Martinique and in South American French Guiana. Jehovah has been well pleased with the work of our brothers, and he has richly rewarded them with a very fine increase during this past service year.

Long-suffering can bring good results in time. Yes, even after many, many years. Never say that someone who seems to be strongly opposed to the truth will not accept it later on. This is what a brother said regarding his own wife. He has been in the truth for twenty-one years now, and for twenty years his wife had been opposed to the truth. He says: “Soon after I got in touch with the truth my wife became very much opposed. Not only was our family life very much disturbed, but I also had to endure all kinds of hardships as she tried to discourage me. Sometimes it was very hard. For instance, no meals were prepared when I arrived home from work. No clothing was cleaned and ready, and this was to prevent me from attending meetings. Sometimes it was filthy language on her part toward me or refusing to talk for days at a time to discourage me regarding the truth. Even witchcraft was used to throw a spell on me. But I turned each time to Jehovah in prayer, and I trusted Him to help me develop the good quality of long-suffering in order not to lose my Christian balance. I also hoped that one day her attitude of heart would change. To reinforce my faith and courage I entered the full-time service, and I have enjoyed that service for ten years now. This has helped me to endure.

“I always tried to show patience toward her, and little by little her rebellious attitude changed and our relationship became less tense. Whenever possible I would witness to her, trying to help her without shocking her feelings or reproaching her. Recently I presented to her a copy of the new book The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life, and tactfully suggested a home Bible study. To my great joy she accepted! But she requested at the beginning to have all the doors closed so as not to be seen by any neighbor. You know, here in tropical countries doors always are wide open. After a few studies she started to talk to her neighbors about the name of God, and there was no need to close the doors any longer! During the visit of our circuit servant to our congregation I encouraged her to attend the meeting on Sunday. She agreed to come. I can tell you that it was a very great surprise for the brothers who were accustomed to seeing me always alone at the meetings. There I was sitting beside my wife in the Kingdom Hall after more than twenty years! I thank Jehovah with all my heart for this rich blessing. She is now progressing well, and how grateful I am to Jehovah that he helped me cultivate the fruit of the spirit, long-suffering, because I can now see the result: My wife has started to walk on the path of life!”

FRENCH GUIANA Population: 40,000

Peak Publishers: 115 Ratio: 1 to 348

Psalm 37:5 says: “Roll upon Jehovah your way, and rely upon him, and he himself will act.” This is particularly true when a Christian stays faithful and keeps integrity even in great danger of death. A sister in French Guiana gave birth to a child that had been dead in her womb for two days. This brought many complications with regard to her health. Her body became infected, and she rapidly became very weak. The doctors asked for her blood type so as to give a blood transfusion. In spite of her very critical state she refused it. The doctors told her: “You yourself are a nurse. You know quite well the condition of your health. You are going to die if you refuse blood.” She answered: “If it is to be so, kindly, please, let me die in peace.”

Seeing that that kind of pressure was unsuccessful, the doctors tried to influence her in other ways. “Think about your three small children. They need your care. You ought not to leave them alone without a mother.” In spite of that and her concern about her children, she kept her integrity. Then they tried to use a very good friend of hers who was her workmate in the hospital to influence her. However, instead of dissuading her, the friend herself became very deeply moved by the sincerity and faith of the sister and failed in her endeavors. The doctors sincerely desired to do their utmost to save the sister, and in spite of her firm decision regarding blood they continued to give good care to her through other means. However, her state of health was so critical that finally they said: “It is finished. She will not pass alive through the night.” Despite the doctors’ predictions, the next day she was still living and even made a slight improvement. Little by little she gained strength and made a complete recovery. She said later: “Even though I was enduring great physical pain and though it was a very severe test to face, I can tell you that I prayed to Jehovah day and night and I did feel a great internal strength.” The improvement became more evident each day, and eight days later she was able to leave the hospital and attend the circuit assembly! Three months later she had the great privilege of attending the “Peace on Earth” International Assembly in New York with twenty-four delegates from French Guiana. Yes, she was there with her husband and her three children. Faithfulness toward the laws of God and integrity in all circumstances are always richly rewarded.

MARTINIQUE Population: 330,000

Peak Publishers: 462 Ratio: 1 to 714

The book “Let God Be True” is still working, as the following experience shows. Some time ago a sister asked a publisher if she would like to go along with her to pay a visit to a person who expressed the desire to get in touch with one of Jehovah’s witnesses. “On a Sunday morning we went and found the person, who received us with much hospitality. She told us the reason why she wanted to be visited. She said: ‘A few months ago, I was cleaning my sister’s apartment as she was away on vacation, and in the basket of wastepapers to be destroyed I found the book “Let God Be True.” As I am interested in matters regarding my Creator and his written Word the Bible, I was caught right away by the striking title of the book and I started to read it. Soon I realized that I had come to find a document of great value. When my sister came back from vacation I asked her where she got the book. She answered that she obtained it from her hairdresser, who is one of Jehovah’s witnesses. Since that time I have been looking forward to meeting you people.’

“She asked many questions and all were answered from the Bible to her very great satisfaction. When leaving we invited her to the meetings at the Kingdom Hall that afternoon. To our surprise, when we arrived at the Kingdom Hall half an hour before the meeting she was already there waiting for us! A home Bible study was started with her the following week. It was a real pleasure to see that person absorb the waters of truth as dry land receives the rainfall. She made good progress in a short period of time, and eight months later she expressed the desire to be baptized during a circuit assembly. She is now a zealous publisher of the Kingdom good news.”

GUATEMALA Population: 5,014,289

Peak Publishers: 1,883 Ratio: 1 to 2,663

Every year seems to bring even greater blessings than the previous year. The introduction of the Truth book, although always in limited supply, seemed to impel Jehovah’s witnesses in Guatemala to increased door-to-door work. Especially in rural areas the publishers enthusiastically covered the territory, planting the truth as never before. Some congregations and isolated groups placed more books in one or two months of this year than were placed in the entire previous year.

The 1969 Yearbook told of a faithful special pioneer who had helped a former Protestant group to learn the truth. Our brother works untiringly in the vineyard. In August of 1968 there were thirty publishers; in August of 1969 there were sixty. Now he reports that another man in an isolated area, before knowing the truth, being disgusted with the four Protestant groups, decided to build a small chapel on his own property. He invited others to help him, but to no avail; so he built it himself. When it was finished, the Protestant groups asked permission to use it, but he refused, saying that the place was for pure worship. Finally he relented and loaned the room to a Protestant missionary on a trial basis for two weeks, after which the owner told the missionary that he was like the rest and that he was still looking for the right religion for his “house of prayer.” In due time this sincere man heard about the Society’s publications; and when Witnesses were working in the village near his home, he went to look for them and found them resting under a tree. He listened to the message, obtained literature and then told them about his “house of prayer,” offering them the use of it. Arrangements were made for the special pioneer to give a Bible talk, and twenty-four attended. When a second public talk was given with about twenty-five present, a Protestant preacher tried to assert that Jesus was God. Neither the humble special pioneer nor the audience would have understood the grammar of John 1:1, but he knew how to “sound down” the truth into minds and hearts of learners. He asked, Who sent the life of Jesus into Mary’s womb for nine months? Was the universe without a God during this time? When Jesus was born, how was he nourished? Did Jehovah suckle at the breast of a mere woman? When Jesus began to walk, was it at the moment of birth or did he first crawl as other children? Their simple minds could see the points made. They reasoned that Jesus would crawl first as other children do. Then, was Jehovah crawling on hands and knees while yet controlling the universe? Most of the audience shook their heads indicating rejection of the trinity and acceptance of the Bible truth that Jesus was the Son of God, sent to earth to do his Father’s will.

From the talks a Bible study was started in the “Good News” booklet. The owner of the house had found the true religion, so he told the special pioneer that he wanted to give the chapel to Jehovah’s witnesses. The pioneer suggested that they continue to use it for Bible instruction, and a weekly study is being held, with various interested persons attending.

Many inquiries about serving where the need is great have been answered by the branch office during the year. Eighty persons from foreign lands are actually serving now in Guatemala, twenty-one of whom are pioneering. It touches the hearts of the Guatemalan brothers when they see how brothers from other lands have sold their property and reduced their personal belongings to a few trunkfuls or perhaps what could be loaded in a pickup truck and have come to help in the “fishing” work. With 825 publishers in Guatemala City, and a population of 600,000, the need is not nearly so great in the capital as it is in the provincial sections of the country. It is hoped that more of those who have come to serve where the need is great will quickly learn enough of the Spanish language and adapt their way of living to be able to move out to these smaller towns where the need is greater.

GUYANA Population: 710,000

Peak Publishers: 1,140 Ratio: 1 to 623

We had a visit of the president of the Society during the month of December and the zone servant during the month of May. Then about one hundred of the local brothers traveled to New York for the assembly. At the writing of this report we are looking forward to our “Peace on Earth” assembly. There is much yet to be done here in Guyana, and we are aware of that. The people here are friendly and will listen to us as we witness; however, many will not act quickly because of being afraid of what the neighbors will say.

The following experience emphasizes the need to start studies immediately and to make back-calls on all placements. A young man’s appetite was whetted for the truth in 1960 by reading a fellow worker’s Paradise book. But he could not get in touch with Jehovah’s witnesses nor could he get a book of his own. In 1964 a young publisher began to call on him, placing magazines regularly, even some books and a Bible, and extending invitations to come to the meetings; but no study was started. However, in 1968 a Witness couple contacted him, started a Bible study on the first call and then invited him to the meetings. Even though he had been invited before and had never accepted, this time he did and he has been attending meetings ever since. He said concerning his first meeting: “I was surprised not to see one statue or image. The meeting was so orderly, and after the meeting everybody was so friendly.” From this point on, progress was made in his spiritual growth, and at our “Peace on Earth” assembly in Georgetown he plans to symbolize his dedication by water baptism.

Emphasizing this same point again is the experience of a brother who plans to get baptized at our “Peace on Earth” assembly. He is now sixty-nine years old. He began reading our literature forty-seven years ago when he was twenty-two. But no one conducted a study with him until 1968 when he was in Montreal, Canada. After he returned to Guyana the study was continued, and as a result, he was able to qualify as a publisher and get baptized.

A special pioneer making an effort to obey 2 Timothy 4:2, traveled from his home village to another village about seven miles away. He traveled by “push cycle” (bicycle); the village that he traveled to is named No. 68 and is along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. When he got to the village he said that he first approached Jehovah in prayer for direction. He then went to the school, and he was warmly received. After introducing himself to the head teacher, he was asked to address the entire school. He spoke on the subject “Religion Approved by God.” Using James 2:22, 25, he stressed the importance of setting a good example. After he finished his talk, he showed them the Evolution book and offered it to the teachers. The first teacher that took one was so impressed with it that he accompanied the brother to see the other teachers, telling them of the value of the book. As a result, eight were placed.

HAITI Population: 4,000,000

Peak Publishers: 1,674 Ratio: 1 to 2,389

Endurance produces excellent results, as the following experience, related by a congregation overseer, shows: “I presented the truth to a family that manifested much interest in a Bible study. However, the husband was actively opposed. He did not want his wife and his children studying with Jehovah’s witnesses, nor did he want them attending meetings in the Kingdom Hall. I did my best to help them progress spiritually and to know the course of conduct to follow in a divided household. They continued their Bible study secretly and attended meetings when the occasion was favorable for it. To their misfortune, the oldest daughter, an enemy of the truth, gave away their activity to the head of the family. As a consequence they underwent violent persecution, insults and threats of all sorts and were even deprived of certain immediate needs. I did not cease to comfort them,” reports the overseer, “showing them the words of Jesus saying that ‘you will be persecuted by those close to you, but by your endurance you will acquire your souls.’ (Matt. 10:36; Luke 21:19) Finally the oldest daughter, who had observed and denounced the activities of the others to the father, was set free by the truth. As strange as it might seem, she took on herself the duty of writing her father to ask him for freedom of worship for the family. Following this, three of them symbolized their dedication to Jehovah during the last national assembly. The three had the privilege of serving during the month as vacation pioneers. In the meantime three others were also baptized. Finally, although he did not yet accept the truth, the position of the father softened greatly in comparison to what it had been and, as a result of their endurance, eight members of this family are now zealous publishers of the good news.”

A special pioneer told us what happened after a group of about forty Protestants came to listen to a Memorial talk specifically to find something to criticize in the way Jehovah’s witnesses handle this occasion. After the Memorial he was approached by several Protestants who had been troubled by what they had heard. They wanted to have a more complete explanation about the unleavened bread and the wine. In addition, they wanted to know why we celebrate the meal each year and not every three months or each week as in Christendom. Having obtained the answers to these questions and having been satisfied by them, they decided they would no longer take the emblems in their churches, and this did not fail to get the attention of the local minister. In addition, twenty-five of them asked for a Bible study. Already three of these are participating in the field service and, of these three, one was the assistant minister or deacon. He even accompanied the circuit servant during the week of his visit. While they were preaching in the block where the minister lives, they came, quite naturally, to his door. On seeing them he said, “Isn’t everything you’ve taken out of my church enough for you? Have you come to get me too? I’m telling you now, I shall never be one of you.” And at that he slammed the door in their face. The neighbors who had observed the scene accorded the brothers a very warm reception after that, realizing that we really do have the truth.

HAWAII Population: 807,500

Peak Publishers: 2,980 Ratio: 1 to 271

The Truth book has proven to be a powerful instrument of Jehovah to attract new ones to his organization and aid others to be reactivated. During the year, the Society assigned the islands in the southwest Pacific known as Micronesia to the Hawaiian branch. Micronesia comprises the islands of the Marshalls, Truk, Ponape, Yap, Palau and Saipan. Guam also was assigned to the Hawaiian branch. Throughout this new territory, five circuit assemblies were held during the year, and a number of new missionaries were assigned to work there.

Two magazines were placed with a busy housewife. On the return call the publisher met the woman’s husband. The Truth book was placed and it was suggested that he read the chapter on “Why It Is Wise to Examine Your Religion.” Numerous questions were answered to satisfy his great thirst for the truth, and he began to read many of the Society’s older publications. He attended a public talk and learned that his secular work as a submarine designer was unscriptural, so he quickly resigned from his job. Fully convinced that he had found the truth, he and his family began to make rapid progress in Jehovah’s organization. Just three months from the time of the return call on his wife, he was baptized, and his wife followed him six months later. How grateful the sister is that she made the back-call on a magazine placement with a busy housewife!

A sister took the circuit servant along on a Bible study with a young housewife. It was discovered from the housewife that her unbelieving husband was concerned about her association with Jehovah’s witnesses, as he feared all family recreation would be eliminated upon her becoming a Witness. It was explained that recreation was fine for family relaxation if controlled and properly balanced with spiritual matters. She explained this to her husband, and the following Sunday he and the family attended the public talk. A Bible study was arranged. Putting Kingdom interests first, the husband gave up his work at night and, later, gave up his second secular job. The couple enrolled in the Theocratic Ministry School. Prior to her baptism, the wife was conducting three Bible studies; and as for the husband, the day after his discharge from military service, he engaged in the field ministry. Both were baptized this year, and the wife has already enjoyed the privilege of vacation pioneering. What fine results from efforts put forth to aid an unbelieving husband into the truth!

A catechism teacher accepted a Truth book and, despite having many controversial questions, she finally accepted the Bible’s viewpoint. Her husband forbade the sister’s visits, and while she was intending to tell the sister this, the discussions were so interesting she never did so. The sister prayerfully considered the problem of the husband’s opposition and visited when the husband was home. She was received warmly, and many questions were answered. He agreed to a Bible study, and after two studies he attended a meeting. He then expressed his desire to go from house to house but was told he could not advocate two religions and would have to make a decision on which religion to choose before engaging in this work. The next week they both severed their connection with Catholicism; three members of the family immediately became publishers. Now knowing the truth, they decided against building a new home, and he quit his high-paying job, which demanded too much of his time. He purchased an entire theocratic library and spends several hours daily reading from it. Both husband and wife have expressed their desire to symbolize their dedication to Jehovah at the next circuit assembly. How long did it take for this family to experience such marvelous spiritual growth? Just three months!

A back-call was made on a householder with whom a magazine containing an article on the Ouija board had been placed, and an Evolution book was placed. The householder asked why Jehovah’s witnesses were disliked. When invited, she and three others attended the Tuesday-night book study; since then she has been regular at all the meetings. The publisher asked if she could study twice a week, but the woman requested a daily study if this was not being too selfish. After three weeks of study, she began to share in the field service. She was aided with a schedule to go out in service several times a week. She started a study with her landlady, and now her husband and the landlady attend meetings. She plans on being baptized at the next assembly.

GUAM Population: 99,464

Peak Publishers: 50 Ratio: 1 to 1,989

During the year the Kingdom Hall was expanded to seat 200, and two missionary rooms were added. We are grateful to the Society and to the local brothers for their generous assistance that made this possible.

Making calls on not-at-homes is vital to a thorough coverage of our territory and to search out the deserving ones. A not-at-home call was made, and the lady turned out to be a former publisher, inactive for many years. A study was started in the Truth book, which she already had, and she began to make fine progress. Her husband, a Catholic and reportedly a former leader of a village gang, had a reputation for being temperamental. The inactive publisher was encouraged to invite her husband to sit in on the study, and he responded. She mentioned that her brother and sister were formerly associated with the Witnesses. A call was made on them and a Bible study was started. Combining all of them into one study proved most successful, strengthening them to make a united front against opposing relatives and visiting priests and nuns. They attended the meetings after the first study, and now after two months of study they are regular at meetings and active proclaimers of the Kingdom good news.

MARSHALL ISLANDS Population: 18,200

Peak Publishers: 50 Ratio: 1 to 364

The following experience is typical of the fine response to the truth by the Marshallese people. A sermon was given to several families living in the same house. One man showed much interest. He was invited to the meeting, attended and continued to come regularly. He started telling others the Kingdom message, and soon his relatives came to the meetings. He expressed a desire to share in the field service but was told he would have to legalize his consensual “marriage.” He was married by a judge rather than in the Protestant church, and he fully appreciates that only Jehovah’s witnesses have helped them to live true Christian lives. He continues to study hard and desires to be a missionary someday, helping his people on isolated atolls.

One means of reaching those on the widely scattered atolls is through the weekly Sunday-morning radio program. One family from the Jaluit atoll listens to the program every week and considers it their means of receiving spiritual food. This family moved from the district center of Majuro, where they had begun to study and associate with the congregation. This family had a good standing with the Protestant church, but since learning the truth they have stayed clear of Babylon the Great and have maintained integrity in spite of opposition from family members and the church. They use the “Good News” booklet and the Truth book, translated into their language, as aids in gaining further knowledge of Jehovah’s purposes. Because of their expressed desire to serve Jehovah and dedicate their lives to Him, it was arranged to have them continue to study by letter and to go through the questions in the “Lamp” book.

PALAU Population: 11,200

Peak Publishers: 13 Ratio: 1 to 862

A fine potential exists in Palau. The Memorial was attended by 105 persons, and the meetings averaged 25 in attendance at the end of the service year.

A Catholic priest visited a family that was studying, urging them to attend mass and to avoid the Witnesses. One of them who had been studying three months boldly spoke out, saying: “Why should I go to church when you are not teaching the truth? I have learned from the Bible that there is no trinity or burning hell. Perhaps you can explain the trinity to me from the Bible.” The priest replied: “Well, I am not prepared to answer that, but I will look up some information for you.” The interested man then went into the definitions of the Hebrew and Greek words for hell, and this caused the priest to comment: “You do know your Bible. I’ll do some research on this too and then return.” Despite opposition from the priest and also from his family, he continues to study and progress spiritually. He is planning to attend the International assembly in Hawaii and be baptized.

The son of a village chief on an island distant from Koror studies, and he urged the missionaries to come to his village so the people could hear the good news. The only way to reach the village is by boat through crocodile-infested waters. During the circuit servant’s visit the trip was made possible. The brothers worked from house to house placing literature and inviting the people to a public talk to be given that afternoon. What a joy it was to have 114 persons hear the public talk and accept literature in Japanese or English. These friendly people are eagerly awaiting another visit, but in the meantime they are being spiritually nourished by the chief’s son, who eagerly tells others the things he learns.

PONAPE Population: 18,950

Peak Publishers: 38 Ratio: 1 to 499

Four years ago there were no Witnesses on Ponape; but at the end of this service year we had two missionaries, four regular pioneers and over thirty publishers.

Close attention to the youth in the congregation greatly strengthens and encourages them to take a firm stand for the truth, even at school. The largest elementary and intermediate school is located directly in front of the missionary home. Every day during the morning recess, the Witness students come over to the home and read their Bibles together, and after school they return to study the Paradise book for one hour. Their knowledge is reviewed upon arriving home. Their parents and the overseer discuss their report cards with them, giving attention to the portion on “work habits and conduct,” encouraging them to strive for an “excellent” rating on “respect for teachers and respect for property.” This has resulted in model conduct of the Witness children in school amidst delinquency and vandalism on the part of the worldly youths. All baptized youths in the congregation vacation pioneered during the summer school vacation, and each family had one or more members pioneering during June, when twenty out of thirty-six publishers were pioneering.

SAIPAN Population: 8,660

Peak Publishers: 9 Ratio: 1 to 962

During the past year more literature was placed as opposition of the predominantly Catholic populace is being overcome, and the first native publisher was started in the service. A housewife was studying but discontinued due to family pressure. About eighteen months ago a typhoon destroyed 90 percent of all the buildings, including this lady’s home. One evening the missionaries saw her standing where her home used to be, and they asked her what she thought of the storm. She answered, “I thought it was Armageddon.” The study was resumed. Her niece, who is a nun, along with other nuns call regularly to try to turn her away from the truth, but she makes a strong defense of it. She attended her first assembly in Guam and has begun witnessing.

TRUK Population: 26,600

Peak Publishers: 9 Ratio: 1 to 2,956

After two years of clearing legal technicalities, it has finally become possible for the Society to lease land and build missionary homes in Micronesia.

Due to lack of transportation, starting new ones to the meetings can be a problem. The following method was found to be effective, nearly doubling the meeting attendance in just one month. The meeting hall is about two miles from the missionary home, and between the two places several home Bible studies are conducted. Instead of riding, the missionaries began walking to the meetings, inviting these students to walk along with them. The first week they were joined by two persons, the next week by four, the third week by eight, and the fourth week the group had grown to ten. Nearly all of these are new ones that had never attended the meetings before. When they see faces they know among the group, it encourages them to go along.

YAP Population: 6,600

Peak Publishers: 6 Ratio: 1 to 1,100

We rejoice to see forty-five Bible studies being conducted and two newly baptized publishers working with the missionaries even under strong opposition from the clergy of Babylon the Great.

One government official, who was arranging for his five children to be baptized as Catholics, was contacted by the missionaries. A Bible study was arranged twice a week. Learning Jehovah’s righteous standard for marriage, he expressed a desire to legalize his marital arrangement. During the circuit servant’s visit the circuit servant performed the marriage, and the next day the man was baptized. He is now an active publisher and plans to attend the International assembly in Hawaii. Truly, the truth has a powerful transforming power.

HONDURAS Population: 2,494,900

Peak Publishers: 1,300 Ratio: 1 to 1,919

About a year ago two pioneer sisters decided to hunt out a family that reportedly wanted to talk with Jehovah’s witnesses. The two sisters only knew that this family lived on a nearby mountain. After more than four hours of walking and climbing under a blazing tropical sun, they reached the interested family. On this first visit only two members of the family were home, but an animated Bible discussion ensued. As these tired but happy Witnesses returned to their home below, they thought of the need to return and feed these newfound “sheep.” Shortly thereafter another strenuous trip was made, to be rewarded by not only two awaiting them, but twenty-five persons eager to learn the truth. A regular Bible study was established to be held every fifteen days. Now, less than a year later six of these new ones have become active publishers. Every week these new ones spend one day on the mountain witnessing to their neighbors and conducting their own Bible studies. Every Sunday they, along with others, make the six-hour round-trip journey on foot to be able to attend the congregation meetings and join in service with the local congregation.

Are we truly sounding down the truth in the hearts of new ones, including those still in their youth? One youth this year had a fine opportunity to prove that the truths that he was learning in a regular home Bible study were sinking deeply into his heart for future use. This lad was about to graduate from high school. However, the school authorities stated that he must salute the flag and sing the national anthem along with the rest who would graduate. When the lad explained his position, using the example of the three faithful Hebrews, the authorities tried to minimize the issue by saying that even though he wanted to follow an upright course, certainly it would not hurt if he took a little detour. They suggested that he salute the flag this once and then afterward confess it to his religious “superiors,” and then he would be forgiven and everything would be all right. Firmly, the youth stated that Jehovah’s witnesses are not like false religions and that he could not hide from his superiors for they were Jehovah God and Jesus Christ, who see all our acts. He explained that his own Christian conscience, rather than what some other Witness said, would not allow him to participate. The school authorities, angered by this, said that they would not grant him his diploma if he did not obey their wishes. The young lad explained that, even so, he could not obey them, for his record with Jehovah was far more important, resulting in everlasting life, whereas a diploma would not be useful after this system passed away. When this boy did not receive his diploma and the reason became known, it caused quite a stir in local circles. One person told him that he had become famous for his stand. His reply was that he was happy if the reason for this fame was due to keeping integrity to Jehovah. At the last circuit assembly this youth was baptized, and the next month he entered the vacation pioneer service.

A devout Catholic having family problems sought the spiritual advice of a priest, but, to her dismay, the priest had nothing to offer as a spiritual guide. About this time in October of last year a missionary sister placed The Watchtower and Awake! with this woman. The sister recorded the call in her notebook and made regular visits to establish a magazine route. At first the woman was very cool toward her, but as time passed, the woman thought about how this Witness was so concerned with helping her spiritually. At every call this sister always had a Scriptural thought of encouragement to express. Finally the woman invited the sister in and explained her family problems. The Witness helped the woman to see what the Bible offered for counsel. Shortly thereafter a Bible study was started. Soon this person began to attend the congregation meetings. One day she asked the Witness studying with her if “she was in a proper condition to go in field service.” The sister reviewed with her the requirements as outlined in “Your Word Is a Lamp to My Foot,” page 108. Then the woman humbly admitted that her conscience was bothering her, for various men would use her rooming house as a place to bring prostitutes. With kindness and tact the sister patiently helped the new one to see the need of rendering clean service even at the expense of self-sacrifice. That same week the woman cleaned up her rooming house. She refused to allow anyone a night’s lodging if it was for an immoral purpose, even though her business suffered badly and was the only means of support for her and her children. She even went so far as to change the name of her rooming house to include the word “Family.” In each of the rooms she put small signs saying, “Sir, please cooperate with this Family Rooming House. Do not bring indecent women. Thank you.” For the next twenty days she lost almost all her business. However, she was not worried, for she put her confidence in Jehovah. Now this person has a good clientele with respectable families frequenting her rooming house. She started to publish the same week that she cleaned up her rooming house and plans to be baptized at our coming “Peace on Earth” assembly. How blessed was the sister who took the time to record all calls where she placed literature and to return patiently time and again to nourish a spark of interest in a person’s heart.

HONG KONG Population: 4,000,000

Peak Publishers: 225 Ratio: 1 to 17,778

A wave of unprecedented prosperity swept Hong Kong during the past year. Many are pointing to this rapid recovery from the disturbances of 1967 as proof that Hong Kong can always overcome her problems as she has done in times past. This has given the people a false sense of security, and they place their entire hope and trust in material things. But Jehovah’s witnesses in Hong Kong think differently. They sense the urgency of the times and the need to keep busy in preaching this good news of the Kingdom for a witness. During the past year they have been more diligent than ever in attending their meetings and sharing in the ministry. More maturity is evident and there have been new peaks in almost every feature of the ministry.

The brothers were delighted when they received the Truth book in Chinese before the service year ended, and already it is having good effects. Its simple and direct approach appeals to those of honest heart. One Chinese housewife who has traveled a lot and who has known of the truth for fourteen years was quickly awakened to her Christian responsibilities when she studied the Truth book. She immediately began attending meetings, shared in the ministry and dedicated her life to Jehovah.

Two magazines helped one young woman to get started on the way to life. The missionary from whom she had taken them returned a week later and found her ready to study the Bible. After three studies she accepted the invitation to attend meetings. Her willingness to attend all the congregation meetings and read other publications of the Society rapidly built up her appreciation and love for Jehovah and his organization. Today she is a dedicated sister and is assisting two more to study the Bible.

The Hong Kong branch looks after the island of Macao also.

MACAO Population: 375,000

Peak Publishers: 7 Ratio: 1 to 53,571

In addition to giving another fine witness to the people in Macao during the past year, some of our brothers have paid special attention to their relatives with good success. One dedicated brother recalls that seven years ago he and his whole family studied the Bible together, but one by one they all drifted back to their former ways and only he progressed to dedication and baptism. He has always had the desire to help his family, and during the past year he made a special effort to revive the home Bible study with the aid of the Truth book. What a joy it was to see his father begin to grow in appreciation of Jehovah’s purposes. One of his young sisters also made fine progress and is presently having a share in the ministry. Another young sister attending a Catholic school has now become much more friendly and regularly attends the weekly meetings. Certainly, loving concern for one’s own relatives can result in getting them started on the road to everlasting life.

ICELAND Population: 202,191

Peak Publishers: 133 Ratio: 1 to 1,520

Being alert to each opportunity is good, as this very fine account by a special pioneer aptly illustrates: “Two years ago my wife and I visited a couple who had studied for some years without much progress. This evening their young daughter was at home, and we used the opportunity to offer her a home Bible study, which she accepted. The study was held regularly, and she soon began attending meetings. Then last summer she went to see her sister in Lebanon. While there, she tried to see the Witnesses, but in vain. However, she brought her sister home with her, and not long after that this younger sister phoned us and asked for a study herself. Naturally, we were happy to assist her. She also made rapid progress, so a third and even younger sister also got to be interested and started studying and attending meetings with her sisters, and their mother began going with them. Then a cousin of these sisters got to know of this and asked the oldest of them to come and explain the truth to her, but as her husband showed no interest, she arranged to meet them in her mother’s home. The sister invited us to come too. At the first call we had the opportunity to explain the truth for three hours and arrange for a home Bible study, which has been held regularly since. This interested woman is now planning to attend the meetings even though they are held seventy kilometers from her home. As matters developed, all three sisters decided to go to the ‘Peace on Earth’ assembly in Copenhagen this summer, and their mother went with them. There the oldest sister was baptized, and the next oldest has decided to follow her example at the next circuit assembly in Iceland. The others are also progressing well toward that vital step.”

That Copenhagen assembly was a milestone for the Icelandic brothers, too, as more than a hundred attended there, and a total of five were baptized. All told, 80 percent of the publishers in Iceland went abroad to attend assemblies this summer, at a great cost, of course, but they counted it more than worth it to attend this wonderful spiritual feast prepared by Jehovah for his people.

INDIA Population: 534,000,000

Peak Publishers: 2,831 Ratio: 1 to 188,626

We in India are quite excited to know that our publisher-to-population ratio outstripped India’s population increase this year. The ratio has improved more than 10 percent, with an average publisher increase over last year of 14 percent. It has certainly been a very happy and eventful year of service.

Those adhering to Hindu beliefs are mostly either too proud of their so-called philosophy or too steeped in superstition to make a meaningful investigation of Jehovah’s foretold purposes by a study of the Bible. But progress is being made, even among these. Six percent of our total publishers were formerly Hindus. Christendom’s false religious dogmas and evil practices have done much to prejudice the minds of sincere Hindus. It seems as though Christendom, in the past, as a “dragnet,” has gathered in many “fish,” and it is from among these that many are now being found who long for a clearer understanding of God’s Word and purpose, and they are responding to the invitation to ‘come, and take life’s water free.’ They are happy to find understandable truth and to ‘know God and obey the good news about our Lord Jesus.’ Actually 93 percent of the publishers in India were formerly associated with the various sects of Christendom, including 25 percent from the Roman Catholic organization. A letter received at the branch office recently well illustrates this. It said: “I am an ex-Catholic priest . . . During my theological course, as a result of my Aramaic studies, I couldn’t find any reason to agree with the Catholic doctrines of trinity, the divinity of Christ, the idea of hell and purgatory, etc. I left the Catholic church in my quest for truth according to the Holy Bible . . . I am now further stimulated in the way of truth by the frequent visits of pioneer workers of Jehovah’s witnesses, and I realize that I had been in close touch with these fundamental doctrines through my humble personal studies for the last ten years. Now also I am studying the details and principles of this well-systematized organization . . . I have purchased many books, such as The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life, ‘All Scripture Is Inspired of God and Beneficial,’ New World Translation, ‘Babylon the Great Has Fallen!’ etc., and I am a subscriber to The Watchtower and Awake! On Sundays I travel thirty kilometers to attend the meetings and Bible class.”

A sister sitting in a doctor’s office got talking to another woman in the waiting room and mentioned that the time would come when there would be no sickness. The woman’s husband, overhearing this remark, thought it was some faith-healing propaganda and began to interrupt. He was then drawn into the conversation, and the result was that our sister was invited to their home for a further discussion. When she went she found a priest present. He, too, listened and arrangements were made for a still further visit. The next time our sister found several present, including a Seventh Day Adventist pastor. The following week the circuit servant was due to serve the congregation, so invitations were given to these people to attend meetings at the Kingdom Hall. They were present on three occasions that week and then home Bible studies were arranged.

Jehovah’s witnesses are noted for their honesty. In a rural area a sister was a schoolteacher. It was a common practice for the teachers to falsify their attendance records so as to create a good impression with the authorities. Our sister refused to do so. She was called before the headmaster to explain why she was reporting only actual attendance figures, since her reports were affecting the school’s averages. She was even threatened with transfer to some other school if she did not do as the other teachers were doing. Our sister remained true to her sense of Christian honesty and explained to her superiors what her understanding of Christianity really was. She still teaches at that school.

The degenerate ways of the “West” gradually seep through into India, as in the rest of the world, though we in India do not see so many of the “mini” miniskirts, or the unbrushed, shaggy-haired specimens of adult males as in London or New York.

INDONESIA Population: 110,000,000

Peak Publishers: 2,117 Ratio: 1 to 51,960

The Truth book is proving to be of great benefit to those not professing the Christian religion. An English-language teacher studied the first chapter of the book with a missionary. Realizing the urgency of the times after studying just the first chapter, she asked for more than one hour of study. Chapter 2 drew this comment from her, “The more I study this the more I love it, but my Islamic teachers will tell me I am making trouble for myself. However, I’m going to continue, as I’m not sure which is the right way to serve God.” Her reactions after having considered Chapter 3 were: “I am no longer praying five times a day as my former custom was over the past twenty-five years. Now I pray from the heart, and I no longer pray to Allah, but to Jehovah.”

In a small congregation of just sixteen publishers, fourteen took part in the vacation pioneer service. This fine example is the result of encouragement of the pioneer service. Most of the brothers thought that the vacation pioneer service was just not possible for them. The overseer thought differently, knowing that it is practicable. He served as a fine stimulus to the brothers and to the congregation. He knew, too, that they just needed some help. As a fine “shepherd,” he arranged a program to call on the brothers individually, working out a schedule for them, lovingly showing them how they could enjoy the two-week vacation pioneer service. This proves again that response to the vacation pioneer service depends much on personal help and encouragement.

A tactful illustration drove home to a person who was a heavy smoker the need to discontinue the filthy habit. Using the comparison of a worldly monarch visiting his subjects, the publisher pointed out that in welcoming him a guard of honor was selected. The king then inspected the guard of honor, closely scrutinizing their bearing, clothing and equipment. Applying the illustration, Matthew 25:31 was read, pointing out that the King of kings is now inspecting all mankind. He was reminded of the consequences, as revealed in Luke 19:44, to those not prepared for the inspection. This person who was having a Bible study was then asked if he thought anyone would be found smoking when under inspection by the king. The sheeplike person got the point and immediately discontinued smoking.

Principled love and loyalty to the Creator, Jehovah, produces fine fruits. A fifteen-year-old Moslem girl, studying with one of Jehovah’s witnesses, soon began attending meetings despite opposition from her religious parents who tried to hinder her and discourage her in many ways. On her expressing the desire to attend a circuit assembly, the parents threatened her with expulsion from the home if she attended. But the girl attended the assembly; so on returning home the parents told her to leave immediately. The girl respectfully and calmly replied that she would comply with her parents’ wishes. She proceeded to pack her belongings, but before taking leave she removed all her rings, and turned them over to her mother, together with other valuables that she had received from her. The mother could no longer restrain herself and broke down and wept, imploring the girl to remain. The father, observing the steadfastness, courage and faith of his daughter, no longer insisted that she leave the home, and the opposition ceased. The loyal love of the girl has left a lasting impression on her parents, and the girl is making fine progress in The Way.

IRELAND Population: 4,396,000

Peak Publishers: 876 Ratio: 1 to 5,018

The recent riots in Northern Ireland caused much suffering, and tension still runs high throughout the province. However, even in the worst-hit areas, the advancement of the good news continues, especially by visiting interested persons. Several of our brothers live in the districts where the rioting took place, but none were injured. Their peace and calm amid the fear and agitation that prevailed really stood out. Also manifested was the complete failure of Christendom’s churches to teach genuine Christian conduct as, regardless of the social issues involved, the fighting was between Catholics and Protestants. Pioneers reported that numerous back-calls had been lost as people fled or were burned out of their homes. On the other hand, there are already indications that some people are willing to give more consideration to the truth. Typical is a policeman who, before the outbreak of violence, just accepted magazines occasionally. Now he has requested a Bible study for himself and his wife, despite his being on constant call.

Illustrating the value of incidental witnessing and warm fellowship at the meetings is the experience of a young man who was a Catholic. He had been informed about Jehovah’s witnesses due to incidental witnessing by a very zealous brother who has since died. This initial witnessing prepared the way and, when contacted later, he agreed to have a home Bible study. His spiritual appetite was so whetted that he requested three Bible studies a week. During the second month of these studies when the congregation meetings were discussed, he immediately said he would like to attend. He attended the next meeting and was overwhelmed by the warm friendliness of the congregation. He could not imagine such warmth continuing. Week by week, as he saw this brotherly love undiminished, he was deeply impressed. The following month, when field service was explained, he expressed the desire to participate. When his secular work began to interfere with his regular attendance at meetings, he changed his employment, making sure that his new employer made provision for him to attend meetings and assemblies. He was baptized at the last circuit assembly and is now conducting a progressive Bible study with a fellow employee.

Although interested ones are responding quickly, it is still not without determined opposition, particularly from family and friends. Aiding such interested ones calls for constant love and alertness on the part of publishers and pioneers. One man accepted two magazines from a special pioneer. On the return visit he showed considerable interest, much to the annoyance of his wife, who walked out of the house, telling the brother: “Never come to this house again.” Before leaving, the brother gave the man additional literature and left his own address. Three weeks later the man arrived at the home of the special pioneer, saying he had read the literature and realized he had found the truth. Wondering how to aid his wife, he asked if he should continue to attend mass. The brother said that this would have to be his own decision, and asked: “Can you continue to say ‘Amen’ to what you hear there?” The reply was “No.” Then, appreciating the need to set the right example, he added: “Better to stop now than in three weeks’ time.” He immediately began regular attendance at the congregation meetings, and a Bible study was conducted in his car out in the rurals. He soon began to share the truth with others. His wife left him, and declared she would not return until he gave up his “new religion.” Although being severely tested in a number of ways, he has held firmly to the truth and was baptized at the circuit assembly. He is now sharing in all features of the ministry.

ISRAEL Population: 3,833,300

Peak Publishers: 170 Ratio: 1 to 22,549

Throughout another year of international tension and unrest in the Middle East, the New World society has continued to present a living example of the mutual trust and unity that is produced as a fruit of true worship among members of different racial groups. In Israel the congregations are composed of both Jewish and Arabic brothers and sisters as well as some from other national groups, yet the same harmony of thinking and action that characterize Jehovah’s people in all the world is clearly in evidence here. Border clashes and other incidents do not restrict the activity of the congregations; the Kingdom publishers continue to point enthusiastically to God’s kingdom as the only remedy to problems in the Mideast and elsewhere.

Several local publishers were able to attend international assemblies in Europe and the United States, and they returned thrilled with their first taste of such large gatherings.

It has been a year of progress and increase, with new peaks in the number of publishers being attained in December and April. A fine response to the Kingdom message was noted; for example, in the case of one family who studied some six years ago but who, through fear of neighbors, did not continue at that time. It appeared that they had forgotten what had been learned. However, the young daughter, who was twelve at that time, did not forget. Now old enough to decide for herself, she recently visited a local sister’s home to request a home Bible study. Her obvious enthusiasm and happiness over what she was learning quickly stimulated interest on the part of her parents, so that they plucked up courage to have the brothers visit them again. Their earnest appreciation, in turn, attracted others among their relatives, so that, from the various studies held, seven members of the family were baptized during the past year, with two now serving as vacation pioneers and the daughter making plans to enter the regular pioneer ranks. How important it is to include young members of the family in the home Bible study! At times it is their enthusiasm that stimulates others in their family to continue studying.

It is always a source of inspiration to observe physically handicapped publishers busily engaged in comforting others rather than expecting sympathy from them. One young sister, a polio victim and seriously crippled since childhood, radiates constant joy and enthusiasm for the truth. Although living fifteen miles from the congregation and having to travel by service taxi each way, she never misses a meeting or an opportunity for field service. She is able to share in the house-to-house ministry by visiting all the ground floor apartments while other publishers care for the upper floors. In addition, her incidental witnessing has been especially fruitful. A similarly handicapped girl is coming along well following a Bible study conducted by mail (she travels over twenty miles to the nearest congregation), and a deaf-mute girl is making steady progress. But her greatest thrill came through the results of a study that she started with a fellow pupil at a trades course. This young lady rapidly grew in knowledge and appreciation and was baptized at a recent assembly, serving since then as a vacation pioneer. We were all so happy that our crippled sister had the joyful privilege of traveling to the “Peace on Earth” assembly in Paris this year.

ITALY Population: 54,033,652

Peak Publishers: 15,346 Ratio: 1 to 3,521

Rich blessings have marked the last service year as a new milestone in the history of Jehovah’s witnesses in Italy. During the year we received seven new publications in the Italian language; there was the “Peace on Earth” International Assembly in Rome; we had a good increase in the number of publishers, and the witnessing work spread to include 64 percent of the country.

The assembly badge that we wear announcing the public talk gives many opportunities to witness. Here is an experience from one sister: “On the bus my assembly badge attracted the attention of a young lady, and I took the opportunity to explain something to her about our religion. She was sincerely interested. She said she had studied the Bible at the university, but did not know it thoroughly. I got her address and after the holidays I wrote her a letter and sent two magazines. She replied, thanking me for the magazines and saying, among other things: ‘I found the magazines very interesting. I read them at one draught.’ Besides, she said that she would like to have someone call on her. I arranged for a sister to visit her, and just twenty days later I got another letter, saying: ‘I want to thank you, and I haven’t got words enough to do it, for having given me the joy of knowing the truth about the true God, because in church I learned wrong things.’ Now this young lady studies regularly every week, showing an earnest interest in the truth.”

During the summer months many people who live in town leave for their holidays. However, this does not mean that a publisher needs to be discouraged if they cannot be found at home. A sister left some literature with a family, but she was later unable to find them at home for quite a while. However, she continued to go to that door and knock time and again. Finally, after some months, she found them again. They had spoken to their relatives who were on holiday with them about the literature they had received, and these, too, had shown interest in the truth. At the end of November a study was started with this family, with the relatives taking part also. They all showed appreciation for the truth and were invited to attend the public talks. After a short while they enrolled in the Theocratic Ministry School, and in December of the same year they attended the circuit assembly, where they started out in field service.

Are you too new in the truth to start Bible studies? A publisher had been preaching for just two months when he found a family who wanted to study the Truth book. Though having a limited knowledge of the truth, he decided to hold the study. The first evening he found sixteen persons waiting for him for the study. He did not waver but started the study. On the second study twenty-two persons were there waiting for him. With the Truth book it was easy for him to hold the study, and he felt strengthened spiritually. Now, just a few months since the study was started, this publisher has symbolized his dedication to Jehovah by immersion, almost everybody with whom he studies attends meetings, and some have already undertaken preaching activities.

Taking every opportunity to witness gives good results. One day while walking on the road a sister saw before her a pregnant woman carrying two big shopping bags, and she would stop from time to time due to the weight of the bags. The sister walked up to her and offered her help. The lady appreciated this very much and, while walking together, the sister took the opportunity to witness. When the woman’s house was reached, the sister was invited in and saw that the woman had the ‘Impossible to Lie’ book. She had received it some time before. The next day a study was started, with the woman’s husband joining in. That week the local congregation was visited by the circuit and district servants. These people were invited to hear the talk and to see the film “God Cannot Lie.” They made rapid progress, and one month later when a son was born to the woman, they gave him a Biblical name and did not baptize him according to the Catholic custom. After six months of study, both husband and wife started preaching, and after another six months they got immersed.

The Italian branch office in Rome also sent in field reports on Libya, San Marino and Somalia.

LIBYA Population: 1,738,000

Peak Publishers: 46 Ratio: 1 to 37,783

In Libya the work is still banned. But with due precautions all theocratic activities take place regularly without trouble. The efforts the brothers put forth have had Jehovah’s blessing and during this service year new persons have joined the congregation.

Taking every opportunity to encourage people to study the Bible brings good results. One woman who had come over from Italy to join her husband met a family that studied with a sister. As she felt lonesome, this woman would go every day to visit this family. The sister that conducts the study says: “The first time I met her I spoke to her briefly about the importance of studying God’s Word, and then I started the regular study with the family on Chapter 16 of the Truth book, which deals with ‘Popular Customs That Displease God,’ even though I did not think it most fitting for someone who was listening in for the first time. To my surprise, at the end of the study she admitted that the examples cited proved beyond doubt that the cross could not be the symbol of Christianity, that images should not be worshiped, and that Catholic celebrations are not Christian. The next week she was there to listen again as well as every Saturday during her stay in Tripoli. Satisfied with what she had learned in those two months, she declared she would not eat blood sausages any longer and that, once back in Italy, she wanted to get to know others of our faith.”

SAN MARINO Population: 18,000

Peak Publishers: 10 Ratio: 1 to 1,800

The Republic of San Marino is sixty-one square kilometers in area and is situated in the north-central part of Italy. It also bears the name “Ancient Country of Freedom.” But, in spite of this name, the local police try their best to block the ministerial activities of Italian publishers, who for over fifteen years have been going there to preach. Now there is a local group of publishers, who cannot be kicked out when found preaching.

Often opposition gives the opportunity for a good witness. Two sisters were halted by the police and taken to the local police post. They were questioned and, upon being asked who sent them to carry out their door-to-door ministry, they replied with the scripture at Matthew 28:19, 20. The officer told them that he would keep them there for a week so as to find out something more, adding that the preaching activity was disturbing the local clergy, who had ordered a prohibition on the preaching activities of Jehovah’s witnesses. When the officer withdrew to talk things over with his assistant, the two sisters took the opportunity to give a good witness to the four policemen on duty there, leaving eight magazines with them. The officer then returned and told the sisters they could leave, but warned them not to preach anymore from door to door.

An Italian publisher is nicknamed “Jehovah’s-black-car-witness,” and when he enters the territory of San Marino he is kept under watch by the police. One day he had four brothers in his car when he noticed that he was being followed by a police patrol. He told the brothers he would do his best to outdistance the patrol to enable the brothers to get down in the city center, where they could carry out their preaching activities while he would act as bait and play at cat and mouse. He managed it quite well. As soon as the brothers had got off, he continued wandering around followed by the patrol, who stuck to him till the very boundary. The brother then made some back-calls in that section and at midday returned to San Marino from another side. He met the brothers and they all rejoiced, as that morning they had been able to preach without being disturbed and had also left a lot of literature. With happy heart they thanked Jehovah for the privilege they had of declaring His name.

SOMALIA Population: 2,660,000

Peak Publishers: 1 Ratio: 1 to 2,660,000

The isolated sister who lives in this country continues faithfully month after month to devote time to the preaching activity. It is difficult for a lone woman to preach in this predominantly Mohammedan territory. But, nonetheless, some witnessing has been done.

The sister uses every opportunity to witness to all those she contacts, mainly foreigners who happen to be in Somalia for work. Materialism is very evident because the foreigners have transferred there so as to earn more money in a short lapse of time. Thus, as they are very busy with material things, they have little time left for spiritual things. However, some people show interest in the truth and willingly read the literature the sister supplies to them. Should some brother want to move where the need is great, Somalia is one such place to go.

JAMAICA Population: 1,922,000

Peak Publishers: 5,437 Ratio: 1 to 354

More than eight hundred publishers from Jamaica attended the “Peace on Earth” International Assembly in either New York city or Atlanta last summer. All returned “feeling good at heart” because of the fine things learned at the assembly and the wholesome association enjoyed.​—2 Chron. 7:10.

A man accepted the Truth book, but the publisher who placed it failed to make a return visit. In reading the book the man was impressed with the invitation to associate with Jehovah’s witnesses at their Kingdom Hall. He made it a point to find the Kingdom Hall and attend meetings. At the first meeting a brother noticed this stranger and approached him to make him feel welcome. The stranger pulled the book out of his pocket and told the brother that the book suggested that he associate with Jehovah’s witnesses and that was his reason for being there. A home Bible study was arranged, and this newly interested man continues attending the meetings.

In accord with the Society’s suggestion, attention is being given to brothers who have become inactive in their service to Jehovah. Some have responded to the love and interest shown them. A family of seven were inactive for nine years as far as the truth is concerned. Through the urgings of their grandmother, two teenage daughters began to associate again, but this was spasmodic. Later a sister offered to assist by conducting a home Bible study with the family. This was agreed to, but the agreeing was the easiest part. It was most difficult to get the family settled down for the study each time and almost impossible at first to get them to prepare their lessons. An argumentative spirit on the part of one of the young ones and interest in social affairs on the part of another gave the appearance of a lack of interest and the impression that the study would not continue. However, one of the young daughters showed interest, so the study continued. This was the lever that was needed, because through her interest in the truth and increased meeting attendance, her brothers and sisters, mother and father renewed their interest and joined the study. Soon the number increased to thirteen persons in attendance and, during the past service year, five of the children were baptized, together with one of their cousins and a friend who also attended the study. All are very grateful for the loving attention given to them, including the one son who is now a regular pioneer.

The Society’s branch office at Kingston, Jamaica, sends in a report on Cayman Islands also.

CAYMAN ISLANDS Population: 9,394

Peak Publishers: 15 Ratio: 1 to 626

A Spanish-speaking man visited the home of a publisher who took the opportunity to witness to him in Spanish. He was given a copy of the book From Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained, which he read through. When the publisher called on him, he expressed delight over the information in the book. He said that what he read in the book seemed to be the truth and was supported by the Bible. This was different from what he was taught in the religion with which he was associated, so he stopped attending church. A regular study has been started with him in the Truth book, and arrangements have been made for a publisher who can read and speak Spanish to study with him. He has started to attend the meetings and says he is anxious to learn more.

JAPAN Population: 102,230,000

Peak Publishers: 7,637 Ratio: 1 to 13,386

Japan still has its earthquakes. But Jehovah is also ‘rocking’ this nation, so that its “desirable” ones are being shaken from their Shinto-Buddhist foundations. They are coming to ‘fill Jehovah’s house with glory.’ Thus, by the end of the service year, Japan could report twenty-five successive monthly publisher peaks, climaxing in 7,637 publishers in August for a 40-percent increase. And even without the help of district assemblies this year, for the first time more than one thousand new brothers and sisters were baptized.​—Hag. 2:7.

A special pioneer placed the ‘Later than You Think’ Awake! with a man newly graduated from a university. Calling back just before the circuit assembly, he found this person greatly impressed by what he had read. He invited him to the assembly, and he came for the final two days. Between sessions they studied through the entire “Look!” booklet together. On hearing the baptism talk, this person said he hoped he might be ready for baptism at the next assembly. Though there was no Japanese Truth book yet available, the pioneer used selected articles from the Japanese Watchtower and Awake! magazines, as well as the English Truth book, and studied through this entire material in four months. By this time the young man had quit smoking, read five of the Society’s bound books, enrolled in the Theocratic Ministry School and given talks, and gained much experience as a publisher in the field. In July he attended his second circuit assembly and realized his hope of the first assembly, being baptized.

The six-month intensive study program is bearing much fruit. A young lady who had long wanted to understand the Bible was contacted at the last call one morning; so interested was she that she traveled to the pioneer’s house two or three times a week for additional studies, and within four months she was preaching. A new subscriber for Awake! started to study in November, came to all meetings from January on and was immediately impressed by the warmth of God’s people; she studied twice a week from February, and was a publisher conducting a study herself from April. A nurse who started to study in August was attending all meetings within two months, obtained a transfer to a hospital department where she would have no “blood” problems, and was publishing by January, with plans for vacation pioneering. A Buddhist fourth-year college student surprised the publisher who witnessed to her by studying and marking the answers in the entire ‘Impossible to Lie’ book by the time of the second back-call; within just a few months she faced up to severe family opposition when withdrawing from her former Buddhist sect, and she has been bringing her sister and friend to the meetings, where she gives model comments. She is now a joyful publisher in the field. A sister who runs a store witnessed to a customer and started a study in November. The interested person became a publisher from February. She now studies with her children, one of whom has also become a publisher.

A sister who had no study had heard much at the service meetings about starting studies at the first call. She decided to vacation pioneer in order the better to apply these suggestions. She arranged five new studies during her two weeks of pioneering and three more during the rest of the month. A thirteen-year-old publisher was impressed by a service-meeting suggestion that each one should always have a further goal for progress. So he started to offer subscriptions, rather than magazines only. At one of his first calls he was delighted to obtain a double subscription, for The Watchtower and Awake!, from a storekeeper. Next day at school he talked with a friend who had previously taken magazines, and again he obtained the double subscription, as well as starting a study in the “Look!” booklet. His latest goal has been baptism at the “Peace on Earth” International Assembly in Tokyo.

It was with mingled feelings of joy and alarm that a new publisher received her first assignment in the Theocratic Ministry School. Could she do it? Trusting in Jehovah, she gathered her material. But how could she rehearse it effectively? She remembered a church lady whom she had met in service and who had shown some interest in the Bible. So she made a back-call on this person, giving her the talk “God’s People Are Instructed to Get Out of Babylon” and noting her reactions, so as to be better able to arrange for her partner to react the same way. As she concluded her rehearsal, the church lady expressed great interest and requested further information. Another call was arranged for the next week, and, to the publisher’s joy, a new study was started. She is very happy that she took her first Ministry School assignment so seriously.

Former Buddhists who become Jehovah’s witnesses are learning to live by Bible principles. One new Witness was faced with the double problem of a difficult pregnancy and cancer of the chest. Her husband demanded that she have an abortion, but this she conscientiously refused. She also refused the doctor’s prescription of blood for her cancer operation. As a result her husband divorced her and went off to live immorally with another woman. The sister went ahead and had a successful chest operation without blood. Then, in due course, she gave birth to a fine, healthy baby. Realizing that he had lost a very good wife, the husband now asked to come back to her. But she replied that, since she was legally and Scripturally divorced, she could now marry “only in the Lord.” The husband is now studying with Jehovah’s witnesses, in the hope that he may someday qualify to remarry his former wife.

KENYA Population: 10,209,000

Peak Publishers: 731 Ratio: 1 to 13,966

The 119 delegates who were able to attend the “Peace on Earth” assemblies in America and Europe want to express their deep thankfulness to Jehovah and to all the hardworking brothers whom he used to prepare such a rich spiritual feast. It makes us very happy to report unusually good progress in the whole of our territory, which includes Kenya, Burundi, Ethiopia, Seychelles, Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda.

Our peak of 731 publishers for Kenya, which is a 62-percent increase, reflects the warm, friendly, Bible-loving disposition of the people here. There is an entire lack of the inhibitions of the so-called “developed nations.’’ We are greeted with a big smile and a friendly invitation to enter the homes, and we go ahead and introduce the Kingdom message in an entirely relaxed atmosphere. No ridicule here, but a deep respect for what the Bible says, as the following experiences show.

Most of those accepting the truth were formerly married according to tribal custom. Though such marriages are acceptable in the communities, they are not legally binding and can be dissolved for a number of reasons, many times by parents or relatives, outside the control of the marriage partners. So in order to conform with the Scriptural requirements, those dedicating their lives to Jehovah take steps to make their marriages legally binding. Seventy-seven couples have taken this step this year. Doing so has not been easy in the majority of cases, as it has meant expense and effort to travel to centers for the registration of the marriages, often hundreds of miles. This has meant saving for months to get the fare, and often, in addition, there has been considerable opposition from unbelieving relatives. Many interested persons attend these marriage ceremonies and thus are prepared to do likewise when they have advanced sufficiently in the truth.

Love of God and neighbor has caused many to return to the villages with the truth they received in town. As a result of one seed sown by a brother in his village in 1963, there is at present a congregation of seventy-one, including ten regular pioneers, and seven others have left there to serve elsewhere as special pioneers. Writes the overseer of that congregation, “We expect many more to pioneer, so you can always draw your supply from us.” One newly appointed book study servant takes time off from work each month to help his family and interested ones far away in his village. He says that when the group he studies with reaches ten, he will leave his job and go there permanently. Another brother regularly travels forty miles to visit his family. He has helped three of his brothers and his father to get the truth. His father resigned from his church and dedicated his life to Jehovah three weeks before his death. When three clergymen appeared to bury him, the four fleshly spiritual brothers told them their services were not wanted and made them stand to one side while a special pioneer conducted the funeral.

One interested man who had not been visited when the publisher worked his street waited outside his home the following week so he would not be missed again. He was delighted that the brother could answer his questions, which had caused much annoyance to his priest. After four months of study both the man and his wife started to preach. Though quite sick, the wife placed 44 books and 49 magazines in her first month, making 99 back-calls and starting 2 studies.

The Evolution and Truth books enjoyed a wonderful distribution during the year. In just one month a congregation of 22 publishers placed 965 of them.

BURUNDI Population: 2,224,000

Peak Publishers: 25 Ratio: 1 to 88,960

There has been substantial growth in Burundi both in numbers and toward maturity. By the time of the Memorial, when there was an excellent attendance of fifty-eight, the brothers had come together into a closer bond of unity than before. The work has really gone ahead with far better understanding among the brothers, and some who had previously reported through another country are now reporting to their own group. Added to this there has been good increase from among the people of Bujumbura, the capital city. A circuit servant has received a passport and now is able to visit the group regularly, and it is hoped that a special pioneer couple will also receive passports soon in order to be able to move to Burundi to give regular assistance to the group.

ETHIOPIA Population: 25,000,000

Peak Publishers: 384 Ratio: 1 to 65,104

Thirty-three delegates from Ethiopia attended the “Peace on Earth” assemblies in New York and London and have expressed deep appreciation for all that was seen and heard there. One brother expressed great joy for the release of the book Is the Bible Really the Word of God? and placed several copies on his return home.

Many experiences enjoyed show the power of the truth over Satanic influence. Two brothers, in the course of their preaching, came to a house where a man and a woman were fighting. They had recently been divorced, and the woman had returned to the house to claim some of her property. The brothers started to give a thorough witness with regard to living in peace, and the couple gradually calmed down and began to listen seriously. A back-call was arranged and the couple, after a number of further discussions, are now reconciled and their broken marriage has been restored.

In addition to training God’s people to express the message of God’s Word in a worthy manner, the Theocratic Ministry School gives a witness in other ways. One young sister was assigned to give a three-minute lecture on a subject at school along with the rest of her class. The teacher was so impressed that he requested her to put her lecture in writing. She gave him the outline she had used, and he showed it to the other students and also to other teachers. She had the opportunity then to tell many in her class where she received her training and so witnessed to many of them. Her second lecture was attended by all the schoolteachers, and she was selected to represent her school as a speaker.

SEYCHELLES Population: 48,100

Peak Publishers: 7 Ratio: 1 to 6,871

The work has moved ahead well in the Seychelles islands, with three new brothers immersed during the year, bringing the total number of publishers from four to seven. In addition to the fine service activity of the brothers, which was double the suggested goals of the Society, considerable time was spent in building a new Kingdom Hall. This was dedicated during the visit of the circuit servant in June, and twenty-three attended the special dedication program. During this same visit the circuit servant was interviewed by the director of Radio Seychelles and was able to give a very good witness about the work of Jehovah’s witnesses and the Scriptural help they are offering the people of the islands. This was later broadcasted and heard by thousands of the islanders.

SUDAN Population: 15,000,000

Peak Publishers: 49 Ratio: 1 to 306,122

This has been a very encouraging year for our brothers and sisters in Sudan. Previously it had not been possible to arrange for regular visits from outside the country, but this year three such visits were made and all have benefited as a result. There was a splendid response to invitations to share in the full-time service during the year. Up until just over a year ago three very faithful elderly sisters had been the only ones sharing in the pioneer ministry for a number of years. Then two of the younger publishers served as vacation pioneers and enjoyed the privilege so much that they extended their service several months, and one became a regular pioneer. Soon afterward another publisher took up regular pioneer service, and for the last few months two other young publishers have served as vacation pioneers. Of the 49 publishers, 11 attended the “Peace on Earth” assemblies in America and Europe, and they are now sharing their joyful experiences back in their home territory.

TANZANIA Population: 12,231,000

Peak Publishers: 1,116 Ratio: 1 to 10,960

Most of the people in Tanzania are nominally Christian, and among them there are many who have a deep respect for God and His Word. The preaching work has progressed steadily among them during the year in spite of strong opposition from the clergy of Christendom. These have been very active again this year in misrepresenting the brothers, and in some areas they have been successful in causing the authorities to make a number of arrests. Such false shepherds treat their own flocks as callously as they do the brothers. Recently three newly interested persons wrote their priest a formal letter of resignation. Rather than try to help them, he immediately reported them to the authorities as being Jehovah’s witnesses, falsely accusing them of being anti-Christian and succeeding in having them arrested.

Sometimes these church leaders become so obsessed by their authority that they make themselves ridiculous before their own followers. A newly interested man left his former church and told the priest why, showing him from the Bible that his teaching was unscriptural. The priest flew into a rage and, lifting up his crucifix, cursed the man, saying that he would be dead by the end of January, that his brothers would die by the middle of February, and that he would eventually destroy all of Jehovah’s witnesses in the area by his curses. Everyone in the village witnessed the priest’s ravings, and as time went by and they noted that the curse of the priest had failed, a number of villagers sought out Jehovah’s witnesses to study with them. The man came right along into the truth, and his four brothers are now studying and making fine progress.

Though a few have succumbed because of fear and constant pressure, most of our brothers have thrived in the face of opposition. One is a brother who has been a special pioneer for a number of years in difficult territory. He was preaching to the passengers on a bus on his way home when he encountered violent opposition from them and was thrown off the bus halfway to his destination. Soon afterward the bus overturned, killing all the passengers except one. The brother was very thankful that he had not missed that opportunity to preach.

A former bigamist tells of the abundant blessing he has enjoyed since he put away his second wife early in 1968. All his sisters and children to whom he witnessed have taken their stand for the truth and also two other persons. Now he cares for an isolated group of fifteen publishers and, having enjoyed vacation pioneer service, he has applied for regular pioneer work.

UGANDA Population: 8,134,000

Peak Publishers: 75 Ratio: 1 to 108,453

How would you like to attend a meeting where you could not understand the language of the instructor or anyone else in attendance? Suppose this was your first contact with the truth and you were unable to read or write and so were greatly handicapped in learning the unfamiliar language? Would you be willing and happy to attend the meetings regularly? The wives of some brothers in a congregation in Uganda have this problem, for there are many tribal languages, different from the principal languages in which the meetings are held. Yet these women are seen at the meetings regularly. Why is this so? It is because they experience things that are not bound by language​—love, joy and peace—​evidences that God’s spirit is there. These humble women appreciate, too, the change the truth has made in the lives of their husbands, who now have a loving regard for them rather than treating them as servants, as the custom is. These brothers are now helping their wives to read and write, conduct family Bible studies, and explain what is discussed at the meetings. One new sister so assisted now shares in field service and participates in the meetings, even giving student talks.

A brother started a study in the Truth book with a couple whose young child had recently died. The first chapters gave them much comfort and encouragement, and after a few weeks of study the brother noticed that the crosses they had been wearing had disappeared. They had been reading ahead in the book, and when they reached Chapter 16, “Popular Customs That Displease God,” they immediately recognized the cross as being a pagan symbol. Shortly thereafter they decided that they must get out of Babylon the Great, so the man made a journey of two hundred miles back to his hometown personally to deliver their resignation from the church and to make sure their names were erased from the roll. This spiritually rich couple were baptized in June after six months of study, and they are now working toward the goal of pioneer service.

KOREA Population: 31,139,000

Peak Publishers: 10,610 Ratio: 1 to 2,935

The 1969 service year in Korea has proved to be fast-moving and eventful. The increase has been outstanding. There were 2,226 baptized this year. There have been twenty-two consecutive peaks of publishers. There has been no internal loss of publishers from the organization during the year because more were reactivated than became inactive. The potential increase is also greater than ever before as reflected by the 23,796 who attended the Memorial and the peak of 14,818 home Bible studies reported in April.

The Korean edition of the Truth book first appeared on the scene in January, and already most of the first two printings are gone. The emphasis on studying it in six months and directing interested persons to the organization in that time has been especially effective.

It is thrilling to see our brothers gain skill in the ministry and make good use of the tools Jehovah’s organization has provided for us. One special pioneer was refused each few months when she called to offer the magazines to a certain lady. Sensing latent interest, the publisher laid the magazines aside and successfully got the woman to study a few paragraphs of the “Good News” booklet with her. She came back three days later for a second session and, before the lady knew it, she was having a Bible study twice a week. Going into the Truth, book, the sister stressed meeting attendance, and the lady responded. Personal appreciation of the material at the end of each chapter resulted in the lady’s throwing away a Buddhist image given her by her mother-in-law. In four months’ time she had weathered serious family opposition over her refusal to participate in ancestor worship and she had begun preaching to others. All this has resulted from the pioneer’s discerning interest although nothing could be placed initially.

Look at what this tract did! A publisher looking forward to his own baptism gave an experience at a circuit assembly telling how he had received a tract, read it, and was moved to call the branch office to get the address of the nearest Kingdom Hall. After the local brothers arranged a Bible study with him, he wanted to study two times a week, and he never missed a meeting from the first. He began preaching to his friends within eight weeks and is now conducting a Bible study with his younger brother. He related how happy he was to get that tract and how it had changed his life.

Interested people are capable of sensing the urgency of these times if the publisher himself reflects it. A sister in Kangkyung relates that an interested woman she found got so involved on the very first back-call that she forgot all about cooking the family supper that night. A study was started, but the lady wanted to study three times a week. She began attending meetings after the second study. In four months she was preaching, and the fifth month she was conducting a Bible study with someone else. She was baptized as soon as she qualified by completing the required study. Now she is planning to become a pioneer.

Part of their time each week the district servants devote to the pioneers to encourage them, but it is the district servants who come away encouraged after listening to these more than a thousand pioneers and their upbuilding experiences. One district servant asked a seventy-one-year-old regular pioneer sister her secret in getting so many of her studies to the meetings. She had twenty Bible studies and seventeen of them were attending the meetings. She answered that she always started to the meetings two hours early, making the rounds of those needing encouragement to attend. She is not the overly insistent type but is so sincerely interested in their welfare that the sheeplike ones respond. Because of her advanced age this sister works a very small territory near her home, working it over and over again. Recently the branch office noticed that her Bible studies had increased to 25. At a second look, her hours had also jumped to an average of more than 150 for the past five months! She had not planned on that, but said it was necessary to care for the “sheep.”

A sister tells of her unbelieving parents’ attempts to dissuade her from pioneering. One day they destroyed her books, including her Bible. She borrowed another sister’s Bible and went ahead. Next they cut off her hair, thinking to shame her. She tied a kerchief around her head and continued, always careful not to neglect her assigned duties in the home. She reported how much encouragement the brothers at the meetings gave during this period. The spiritual growth of her students also sustained her. Now she has realized her goal of becoming a special pioneer. Her faithfulness finally won over her parents too. Now that she is far from home they regret their treatment of her, and the father reads the Society’s publications regularly. Her own endurance helps her in encouraging others.

All ten of the missionaries in Korea were able to attend the “Peace on Earth” International Assemblies in North America and have returned refreshed. All of them are truly grateful for the generosity of our brothers in making this possible. Indications point to an outstanding assembly in Seoul in October, and all the Korean brothers eagerly await Brothers Knorr and Franz and the more than three hundred foreign delegates who will attend.