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Country Reports (Part Two)

Country Reports (Part Two)

Country Reports (Part Two)

LEBANON Population: 2,520,000

Peak Publishers: 1,130 Ratio: 1 to 2,230

We have many things for which to be thankful. For the first time since 1963 we have averaged a 10-percent increase in publishers. Thirty-four overseers, assistant congregation servants and Bible study servants attended the two-week Kingdom Ministry School course, which was a stimulus to the work. Also, over forty from Lebanon attended the “Peace on Earth” assemblies.

Despite opposition, sheeplike persons are found and respond to the good news. A special pioneer writes: “While giving the sermon to an interested householder, we were rudely interrupted by a neighbor who entered the home and began to speak abusively of Jehovah’s witnesses. Then he grabbed my Bible, tore it up and stamped out of the house. This did not frighten the householder, but we were without a Bible. Her brother had one, so she sent her daughter to get it. The brother came instead and invited us to his home. We were able to give him a good witness from his own Bible. Arrangements were made for a back-call to discuss the subject of the trinity. He further requested that this subject be discussed in the presence of the local Catholic Action group. After this discussion, he was convinced of the doctrine’s falsity. Not willing to wait for the next visit, he visited us in our home. Then we had to return to his home, but the Catholic Action group and others in the community threatened to do us harm if we did. We made the call, and there were no difficulties. That week the interested person attended a meeting at our Kingdom Hall. The study with him was held twice a week. For convenience he wanted the study held in his brother’s home. This was done, even though his brother was an ardent churchgoer and at first refused to attend the study. But with encouragement and tact he began to attend and now is an ardent attender of all meetings at the Kingdom Hall, though it is many miles distant. In less than five months both began publishing, also the brother’s wife. All are planning on baptism at the coming assembly.”

There is a need to follow up all placements even though conversation with the householder may be brief. The circuit servant, working with another publisher, placed three booklets with a woman though the door was opened just a crack. It was a very brief call, but he encouraged the sister to return. About a month later the sister, along with a companion, made a visit and immediately started a study. On one of the visits the husband was at home and from another room listened in on the conversation between the sister and his wife. Soon he came out to take part in the conversation. However, he had his doubts about the Bible as being God’s Word. On the next visit the sister brought her husband with her, and a study was started with the husband also. Shortly both man and wife started coming to the meetings. The wife quickly got rid of all shackles of Babylon the Great, and she was out in the service and baptized at the latest circuit assembly. The man, though, had some cleaning up to do. He was a Mason, and it was difficult for him to give it up. It was patiently explained to him that his organization was religious and part of Babylon the Great and that for him to publish and dedicate himself to Jehovah he must “Get out!” Just a short time ago he got together all his things pertaining to the Masons and told the brother that he would appreciate it if he would burn all of them. He broke off all associations with them, and he, too, is now a publisher along with his wife and three children, aged thirteen, fourteen and fifteen. He and two of his children hope to get baptized at the coming “Peace on Earth” assembly to be held here in October.

One never knows where the seeds of truth will drop and take root. A brother writes: “I was doing the house-to-house work when I met a young man of the Moslem religion who accepted the Paradise book. I made an appointment to visit him three days later with the circuit servant. When we returned, he was waiting for us. We were amazed, for during those three days he had read the complete book. A study was arranged with him, his younger brother, his sister and aunt. After three weeks he and his brother attended the book study as well as the public talk. Being afraid to take his stand for true religion, the older brother stopped attending the meetings. However, the younger one continued, and the study was continued with him at another home, as his brother turned out to be an opposer and even tore up his Bible and books. The younger brother is the first at the meetings and the last to leave, and he has enrolled in the Theocratic Ministry School and given two talks. Now he is a publisher of the good news and preparing himself for baptism.”

The branch office also looks after the work in Abu Dhabi, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Syria.

ABU DHABI Population: 12,000

Peak Publishers: 3 Ratio: 1 to 4,000

The brothers are keeping regular in service in this oil-rich sheikhdom. At the beginning of the year a sister moved from India to work there, and she has been able to witness to those with whom she works. She writes that one of them has “comprehended the subjects the name of God, the sin of Adam, and whether Jesus had brothers and sisters. He is progressing, and we hope that in time he will realize the need of fleeing from Babylon the Great.”

IRAN Population: 26,284,000

Peak Publishers: 19 Ratio: 1 to 1,383,368

People in Iran are listening to the truth, as shown by the following experiences. A man learned about the truth while in Germany; in fact, he studied with a Witness there. On his return to Iran he wanted to continue his study, but he lives near the Afghanian border. However, he has already made one trip to the congregation in Tehran, spending a few days there enjoying the meetings and further discussions in connection with the Truth book. Another man lives about 130 miles away from the nearest publishers. It is very difficult for the brothers to get to him. But this young man is coming to them quite regularly. One time he even spent his holiday in Tehran so he could catch up on his studying and association with the brothers. He is showing fine progress and is developing respect for Jehovah and his organization. These experiences give reason to expect the seed of truth to spread outside of Tehran.

IRAQ Population: 8,440,000

Peak Publishers: 3 Ratio: 1 to 2,813,333

Life is difficult in Iraq, but the three unbaptized publishers are doing what they can to comfort the people and give them the hope of life in God’s new order of things. During the Memorial the circuit servant was able to visit them. He gave the Memorial talk, and these new publishers were very pleased with its simplicity and lack of ritual. They were greatly encouraged by his visit, but they need mature assistance regularly. Will you go there to help them?

JORDAN Population: 2,520,000

Peak Publishers: 33 Ratio: 1 to 76,364

Toward the beginning of the year four special pioneers from Lebanon were assigned to Jordan. They have done good work in the field and in assisting the congregation. As a result, literature placements were the best since 1952. There are more Bible studies being conducted and a fine increase in publishers.

By the end of the year all the special pioneers sent to Jordan had left the country, but during the year one of the local publishers started in special pioneer work, so the country is not left without pioneers.

KUWAIT Population: 468,000

Peak Publishers: 7 Ratio: 1 to 66,857

The majority of the publishers in Kuwait are sisters, and this makes it difficult for them to engage in the public ministry in this Moslem land. But they are reporting field service regularly, and the one brother there is visiting the sisters and conducting the various meetings with them and giving some of the public talks. Most of the witnessing is done incidentally, but each publisher is conducting a Bible study. Seven attended the Memorial talk this year.

QATAR Population: 55,000

Peak Publishers: 1 Ratio: 1 to 55,000

In July 1969 a baptized brother moved from his native India to do secular work in this Moslem land. He is doing what he can to preach to the inhabitants. This is the first report from Qatar since September 1963.

SAUDI ARABIA Population: 8,000,000

Peak Publishers: 3 Ratio: 1 to 2,666,667

Both publishers in Saudi Arabia were able to attend the “Peace on Earth” assemblies held in Europe this summer. Both have good field service averages and are conducting some studies. By the end of the year one of the publishers had returned to Lebanon. So this leaves Saudi Arabia with one publisher of the good news.

SYRIA Population: 5,761,349

Peak Publishers: 146 Ratio: 1 to 39,461

Jehovah’s people in Syria are taking full advantage of the opportunities open to them to preach the good news of the Kingdom to others. The government accuses them falsely of being Zionists, but this does not deter the brothers. During the year an effort was made to contact officials of the Syrian government, leaving them documents showing the nonpolitical nature of our work. But this seems to have had little effect. The brothers, though, are able to carry on their ministry with little interference from the officials.

A call was made on a young man who is paralyzed and an effort was made to interest him in the truth. However, members of a Protestant religious sect interfered with the call and put the sister out of the house. The young man did not do or say anything in her defense. After three months it was decided to return to him again, a different publisher going to see him. The publisher was received well, and a Bible study was started. He has been overjoyed at the prospect of running and walking again, in God’s new order. Again these religious fanatics interfered with the study, but this time they failed. The fleshly brother of the paralytic came for a visit and was amazed at the change in his brother; he had become a happy person. He, too, learned of the hope of the new system and within three months began to publish the good news.

Brothers in Syria take full advantage of incidental witnessing as shown by this experience: “I work for the government, and one day I had to go to my director’s office to sign some papers. On entering, I found that the director was not present, but there was an old gentleman there. We exchanged greetings. He asked me about my schooling and what I did after working hours, etc. I explained that after work I spend my time reading the Bible and preaching the kingdom of God to other people in harmony with Matthew 24:14. He interrupted me and, in a very low voice, asked, ‘Are you one of Jehovah’s witnesses?’ Before answering that question I prayed to Jehovah in my heart, hoping that this man was not from the secret police, asking for strength to give a witness. Then I boldly said, ‘Yes, I am!’ This older man then clapped his hands together for joy, because he had been looking for Jehovah’s witnesses to continue his association with them, as he had associated with them in Lebanon. An appointment was made to see him at his home, and now a Bible study is being held with him.”

LEEWARD ISLANDS (Antigua) Population: 61,664

Peak Publishers: Ratio: 1 to 518

It was back in 1963 that Brother Knorr said he would keep in mind the possibility of paying a visit to the smaller islands in the eastern Caribbean. He kept it in mind for five years, and how happy all of us in the Leeward Islands were that he was able to visit here briefly during this past service year. The brothers came from five islands for his talk that stressed the high standard of Jehovah’s organization. We were glad to have an overflow crowd of 281 at our Kingdom Hall.

Appreciation for Jehovah and his righteous requirements is growing steadily in the hearts of peace-loving people in the Leeward Islands, including Antigua, Anguilla, Dominica, Montserrat, Nevis, St. Eustatius, St. Kitts and St. Martin.

In Antigua three families have been moved by learning the Bible requirements to put their lives in harmony with the high standards of Jehovah. One young woman had studied the Society’s publications for nine years, but with the introduction of the Truth book the material started to take effect. She commenced attending the congregation meetings regularly and would have liked to have participated in the ministry, but she was shown from the Bible that first she would have to straighten out her marital status. For many years she had been asking the man she lived with to marry her, but he kept putting her off, and nothing further was done. Since talking did not work, perhaps writing a letter would. She wrote him exactly what was in her heart: Either marry her or give her enough money to buy a bed, and she would go home to her mother with their small children. The following day he gave her money to arrange for the wedding, and in two weeks they were married. Now she is sharing in the ministry with the brothers as she had longed to do.

Soon after, the Anglican minister stormed into their home and handed the surprised husband an eviction notice, stating that by the first of August they were to have their house moved off the land that was owned by the church. The husband was shocked since they had lived there in an unmarried state for ten years, and now that they had straightened out their lives and his wife was showing interest in the Bible, the minister of his church was evicting them. The husband moved the house and now encourages his wife in the way of the truth.

In another family, after straightening out marital affairs, we have five happy publishers.

Another man who was having a Bible study, but delayed straightening out his marital affairs, was so impressed by the practical counsel at the “Peace on Earth” International Assembly in New York that he promptly made arrangements to get married. When those of us from the branch arrived back from the assembly, he met us with his marriage certificate rolled up in his hand, requesting help in the field service and inquiring when he could get baptized.

ANGUILLA Population: 5,810

Peak Publishers: 15 Ratio: 1 to 387

Much work has been done by the brothers during the last service year, and Jehovah has blessed their efforts with two new workers in the harvest.

During the political unrest this year Jehovah’s witnesses continued peacefully in the door-to-door ministry and conducted their Bible studies. This enabled people to see “the distinction between . . . one serving God and one who has not served him.” (Mal. 3:18) One person was moved to say: “Everyone is taking part in politics except Jehovah’s witnesses. Their religion must be the right one.” Another remarked to a brother in the service, “You people go about teaching the Bible, but our minister goes in the pulpit on Sundays and talks politics.” The special pioneer was encouraged by the progress made by one person he has studied with for three years. Being a staunch church member, her home was decorated with many religious pictures. After studying Chapter 16 in the Truth book, all the pictures came down except one, “the sacred heart of Jesus.” Later the special pioneer suggested studying Chapter 16 over again. When he came for the study, the picture of the “sacred heart” was gone. She has since had her name taken off the church membership roll and is now joyfully sharing in the field service.

DOMINICA Population: 63,609

Peak Publishers 177 Ratio: 1 to 359

For years the people in the small villages scattered along the coast of this island have been held under the control of the parish priests. Since Vatican Council II many changes have taken place, and one priest ordered all the images to be taken out of the church. The workmen doing the removing simply lassoed the images and brought them down in a cloud of dust as they smashed on the floor. To some parishioners this was shocking, but one villager remarked, “It looks like Jehovah’s witnesses have won the victory.” A seventy-six-year-old lady who had gone to this church all her life and was strongly rooted in the Catholic faith told the special pioneer who conducts the study with her: “I was afraid to listen to you when you first called at my home, for I thought you would pull me away from my church. But when you showed me what the Bible teaches, it made me think seriously about what the church was doing all these years.” When Chapter 16 of the Truth book was studied, on “Popular Customs That Displease God,” this elderly lady said, “Wait a minute,” and went into another room. She returned with a cross and chain. “Could I put that on my neck again? Never!” With that she broke it into pieces and threw them into the garbage. At the circuit assembly held in this village in May this lady and her son were baptized. Her nephew is now studying and participates in the door-to-door ministry. Truly the Word of God is alive and exerts power.

MONTSERRAT Population: 13,430

Peak Publishers: 31 Ratio: 1 to 433

Without doubt the most interesting and outstanding event of the year for Jehovah’s witnesses in Montserrat was the circuit assembly held in March. The Secondary School auditorium and Home Economics facilities were utilized. A search for rooms to accommodate the fifty-eight brothers who came over from Antigua by chartered plane was successful. The local radio station gave us excellent coverage. Everyone on the island knew of the assembly and received an invitation to attend. How many would respond to the invitation? With beaming faces we watched as 132 filled the auditorium. A good witness was given. A businessman who had delegates in his home remarked on the warm and friendly atmosphere he observed at the assembly. “When I go into the church across the street,” he said, “hardly anyone talks to another. It’s your religion that makes the difference.” Following the assembly the home economics teacher commented, “You people left the school so clean you could eat right off the tables.”

Nearly three hundred persons attended the funeral of a seventy-year-old brother who died suddenly in January just four months after having symbolized his dedication. Formerly prominent on the island as a boxer and estate foreman, he was mourned by many former associates. Many island officials attended the funeral discourse delivered from the front porch of the small Kingdom Hall, and many favorable comments were heard.

NEVIS Population: 12,770

Peak Publishers: 30 Ratio: 1 to 426

Many persons are dedicated servants of Jehovah God today because a thoughtful relative took the time to interest them in the good news of the Kingdom. A native of Nevis learned the truth in Bermuda. When he returned to his native island for a visit, his former sports-minded friends could not understand why he did not have the interest in sports that he had formerly. The reason? He had an assignment-that of helping members of his family to learn about the new system of things. Almost every evening he would get family groups together and discuss Bible subjects and stress the need for a systematic study of the Bible. When the brother had to leave, the local congregation carried on with the Bible studies. At the circuit assembly held here in April the mother of one family symbolized her dedication by water baptism and the youths are attending the Kingdom Hall and sharing in the meetings. With assistance from the overseer they too are progressing toward dedication. What a fine reward for taking time to assist one’s relatives!

ST. EUSTATIUS Population: 1,335

Peak Publishers: 1 Ratio: 1 to 1,335

The sister here continues to preach the “good news” and to aid her children to study the Bible regularly. When the circuit servant and his wife visit, a Theocratic Ministry School is held, with the children acting as householders. They enjoy this very much and clap for each student talk, especially for their mother’s talk. Can you imagine how they would enjoy attending meetings at a Kingdom Hall? Six interested persons attended the public talk during the latest visit of the circuit servant.

ST. KITTS Population: 38,113

Peak Publishers: 96 Ratio: 1 to 397

The special pioneers are thrilled with the fine success they are having in conducting Bible studies with the Truth book. One special pioneer sister writes: “We really do appreciate the direct way in which the Truth book is written. I had conducted a study with a lady for one year. When we studied Chapter 15, ‘Get Out from Among Them,’ I asked her: ‘If what the other religions teach is false, what are you going to do?’ Her reply was: ‘I will inform the minister that I no longer wish to be a member of his church.’ This she did. The following Sunday the minister’s entire sermon was concerning this lady. He told his parishioners that when Jehovah’s witnesses called at their homes they could give them water to drink or something to eat, but when it comes to the Bible they were not to enter into a discussion, because Jehovah’s witnesses know their Bibles and ‘they will tie you up.’ The parishioners were also instructed to go to the home of this lady and make her see the error of her course and help her return to church. He said he would call later. Not one of the parishioners obeyed and neither did the minister call. The lady is now a zealous publisher of the ‘good news’ and desires to be baptized at the earliest opportunity.”

ST. MARTIN Population: 9,547

Peak Publishers: 55 Ratio: 1 to 174

Jesus said, ‘My sheep know my voice,’ and so honesthearted ones in St. Martin are recognizing the voice of the Right Shepherd. A young man on the French side of the island obtained a copy of the Watchtower magazine. What he read impressed him deeply. He wrote the branch office requesting a correspondence course to learn more about the Bible. He was provided with even better than a correspondence course. A capable brother from the local congregation gave personal assistance by conducting a Bible study using the Truth book twice each week. He had no end of questions, and one hour for each study was not enough to answer them. His progress in understanding was rapid. After three months he was attending the congregation meetings and learning to make expression before others of his newfound truths. He attended the circuit assembly held in the neighboring island of Anguilla and there received training in the field service. He returned to St. Martin filled with zeal for Jehovah and within a short time was conducting a Bible study with a person he contacted in the ministry. He attended the international assembly in New York, where he symbolized his dedication by water baptism.

LIBERIA Population: 1,100,000

Peak Publishers: 537 Ratio: 1 to 2,048

News that a delegation of twenty-six Witnesses would fly to the “Peace on Earth” assembly in New York stirred the interest of the “Roving Reporter,” a popular radio program. The producer invited three brothers to answer questions over the air about the assembly, such as: “Why such a theme as ‘Peace on Earth’ when this world is anything but peaceful?” After fine Scriptural answers, the topic came up as to whether the churches are losing their influence. To discuss this, a second interview was arranged and broadcast a few days later. The information presented was appreciated so much that a third invitation was extended for the brothers to discuss the results of the assembly upon their return from New York. In all, forty-one delegates from Liberia attended international assemblies.

Do you witness to children? At one door a circuit servant met a ten-year-old lad whose parents were not at home. The brother carefully explained about the world in which suffering and death would end and left the tract Life in God’s New Order. The boy was so impressed by the witness that he interested his father in reading the tract. At the next call the circuit servant met the father, who began asking questions based on the tract. During the discussion the Truth book was placed and a study demonstrated. The family accepted an invitation to attend both the Saturday and Sunday talks of the circuit servant. Soon they became regular attenders at all the meetings and now are preparing to publish the good news. And it all started because time was taken to give a good witness to a young boy.

True worship requires a complete break from superstitious customs. A Lutheran evangelist studied with a special pioneer and learned that his church had loaded him down with false Babylonish doctrines while permitting him to practice pagan superstitious customs. Resisting such customs of his family and tribe would surely bring down their wrath on him. Would he accept the freedom offered by the truth or stick to his man-pleasing religion? The test came when he was asked to contribute toward the payment of a fine levied on the family when his uncle broke a law of the tribal secret society. The evangelist refused to be involved and was promptly expelled from the family. Then his mother died and strong pressure was put on him to make sacrifices to the “spirit” of the deceased. Again choosing freedom-giving true worship, he explained in a powerful witness why he could not engage in this superstitious custom. Since then he has enjoyed Jehovah’s blessings and plans to be baptized soon.

“You will die in a few months’ time!” This was the prediction made by the relatives of an old native woman because she threw away all her “juju medicine” upon accepting the truth of God’s Word. Despite this dire warning, she continued in Jehovah’s way and symbolized her dedication by water immersion. When the circuit servant visited the following year, did he report on the death of this old illiterate sister? Far from it! She was very much alive physically, and one of the happiest publishers in the group spiritually.

LUXEMBOURG Population: 334,790

Peak Publishers: 513 Ratio: 1 to 653

An outstanding feature of the past year was the dedication of the new missionary home and Kingdom Hall. It is a very fine building, accommodating ten full-time preachers, and the branch office.

“I had a fine opportunity to witness in a doctor’s waiting room by offering the Watchtower and Awake! magazines. I pointed out to the waiting patients that many people wet their fingers to turn over the pages of the magazines they are reading and which are available in the waiting rooms, and that this is actually uninviting and not healthful either. Therefore I have my own clean reading material with me, which, of course, is quite different too. I emphasize the importance of these magazines, and there are always people who are willing to read them. I appreciated it very much when I was able to place thirty magazines during two visits to the doctor.”

Witnessing to our fellow workers brings good fruits too. This we learn from these two experiences: “My husband was working as a cook with one of Jehovah’s witnesses. The Witness took every opportunity to speak to him. In the evening when my husband came home from work he told me all the things he had learned from the Witness, and each time we had sharp differences of opinion. I found it ridiculous for a man to be speaking about religion. It just happened that my husband as well as the Witness left their jobs and for some time they did not see each other. So my husband was very happy when the Witness visited us. As a result, I became interested too, and now we both are happy to be Jehovah’s witnesses.”

“One of my fellow workers was a Witness, and oftentimes we discussed Bible prophecy. Later I changed my job and did not have any contact with him. Reading the daily newspaper with all its bad happenings, I remembered what I had been told by the Witness about Bible prophecies. I always had great respect for the Witnesses, so I visited my former worker for further information. I agreed to a Bible study, and now I am happy to be one of their brothers.”

MALAGASY REPUBLIC Population: 7,011,563

Peak Publishers: 370 Ratio: 1 to 18,950

How important it is to look after interested ones when a publisher moves away. One publisher writes: “A brother asked me to take over a Bible study with a man, his wife and their daughter when he had to move to another city. The daughter showed much zeal, preparing well for the study and asking many questions during the study when she did not understand. One day as we were discussing the interfaith movement she said: ‘Well, this only makes matters worse. Would it not be better for me to quit these contradictory religions and join the one that follows the Bible?’ She left the church and soon began preaching from house to house. Later she asked, ‘What do I have to do to get baptized?’ After her baptism she vacation pioneered, and now she is an enthusiastic special pioneer.”

The importance of calling back on not-at-homes is shown by what this special pioneer writes: “While making a back-call I noticed someone in the house next door, where no one had been at home on my previous visit. After finishing my visit I called at this home. The people were very happy to see me, saying, ‘You must be sent by heaven because we have a big problem.’ The problem was that they wanted their two small children baptized on the following ‘Christmas Day’; however, the pastor, who played favorites with his church group, would not accept the request of these humble people. They asked me, ‘Would you baptize our children?’ I explained the Bible views on baptism, which they readily accepted. A Bible study was started, and they started regularly attending the meetings, having completely changed their minds about having their children baptized.”

The following experience from a missionary shows we must sound the truth down into the heart: One man was studied with for some time. Jehovah’s righteous principles on marriage had been thoroughly discussed when the Living in Hope booklet was studied, and he was in agreement and declared that he was legally married and so started out in the preaching work. Now, many people in the Malagasy Republic feel that a marriage is legal when an arrangement between two families is made and the couple start to live together. This is their custom. This was the case with this person; so it was brought to his attention that his “marriage” was not in fact a marriage because it had not been legalized, so he could no longer go out in service. When he realized this he literally ran to the authorities, and in three weeks he had his marriage legalized. The very next Sunday morning, there he was at the Kingdom Hall with his briefcase, ready to go in the service.

MAURITIUS Population: 802,096

Peak Publishers: 199 Ratio: 1 to 4,030

Another fine year of service has passed, a year of many blessings for all of us working throughout the islands of the Indian Ocean, namely, Mauritius, Réunion and Rodrigues.

One week before the circuit assembly a man who had studied for over seven years but had never taken his stand for the truth asked to be baptized. The committee kindly but firmly explained that baptism was a symbol of dedication to Jehovah but that he had never done anything to show that he was dedicated to God. They suggested that he wait another six months during which time he would be able to show that he had really entered into a special relationship with Jehovah. Even though he pleaded that a special concession be made for him, the committee stood firm, though he went away with tears in his eyes. This so jolted him out of his rut that the following weekend he was out in service. The broad smile on his face at the end of the morning’s work showed clearly the pleasure he had found in overcoming the fear that had held him back so long. Since then he has become one of the hardest workers in the congregation, and since his baptism he has vacation pioneered and is looking eagerly forward to sending in his regular pioneer application.

A thirteen-year-old publisher placed two magazines with a young man paralyzed from the waist down. On the return visit the offer of a study was made and accepted. The young man read the Truth book through the first week and on being brought the ‘Impossible to Lie’ book he carefully read that through too. He quickly saw the need to make changes in his life. Since the age of thirteen he had been bedridden after a fall from a tree. During this time his mother had been practicing witchcraft, and he had been used by the demons to pass on their messages. He explained to his mother what the Bible said; together they burned their images and he, balancing on his crutches, destroyed the stone altar in the garden.

Three young girls walked into the Kingdom Hall one day and stayed through to the end of the meeting. When approached afterward, they said that they had come of their own accord, as they realized that what Jehovah’s witnesses have been saying for many years is all coming true. A study was arranged with them and they are making fine progress, even though they are persecuted by their relatives. They are regular attenders at all meetings.

RÉUNION Population: 442,406

Peak Publishers: 367 Ratio: 1 to 1,205

God’s Word is an effective aid to anyone who desires to change his personality. The following experience shows the truthfulness of this: While going from door to door a full-time minister placed a Truth book with a young woman. “I’ll take it just to please you,” she said. “My husband is not at all interested in religion.” Making the return call, the pioneer could not help but wonder what the reaction of the husband would be. To her surprise, he said: “Great was my astonishment to learn, as I read through the book, of the many blessings that Jehovah has reserved for us under his kingdom. Up to this moment, in fact, I was convinced that a world of justice would never exist. I cannot let it rest here; my wife and I have made a firm decision to study the Bible.” One week later they were attending all meetings, and within two months the husband had started preaching and was enrolled in the Theocratic Ministry School. He had written a letter to the priest of his village to say that he had broken all ties with the church and that he had begun to serve God in harmony with his Word the Bible. He made a number of changes that worked out to the benefit and the happiness of his family. He gave up hunting, which used to keep him away from his family on weekends, and he also gave up sport, which used to consume much of his time. Both he and his wife are zealous publishers; the husband already conducts three Bible studies with others, and both are looking forward to the next assembly to symbolize their dedication to Jehovah.

RODRIGUES Population: 23,390

Peak Publishers: 15 Ratio: 1 to 1,559

The Anglican church came to the fore during the year as persecutors of true Christians, their priest being the instrument used to expel three of our young publishers from school for refusing to repeat Anglican prayers. The priest struck one of the children and tore his book bag. When the matter was presented to the Ministry of Education in Mauritius, the officials said they had heard nothing like it except what they read about the Dark Ages. Due to very poor communications, about three months passed before the authorities in Rodrigues invited the parents to send their children back to school again. However, by this time all had found alternative means of educating their children.

The publishers had been told not to visit a certain house as the man did not want the Witnesses to call. One sister did not have a clear conscience when so doing, so she sent her young son and he placed two magazines with the woman. Next time around she sent her daughter, who also placed two magazines. Together they made the back-call, and the mother started a study with the woman. A while later the husband of the lady came to the sister’s house to do some repair work, so she took the occasion to witness to him. Afterward he was less opposed to his wife’s study of the Bible. The Anglican priest came to the woman and told her she was a “Judas”; he insulted her, told her she was illiterate and that the publisher that studied with her was illiterate. How could they know better than he who had been to a university? The lady replied that it was a case of God choosing the foolish ones of the world, that he might put to shame the wise men. (1 Cor. 1:27) After that visit she told her husband that she had put her foot in Babylon the Great for the last time. She has never been to church since and is now a publisher of the good news. Her husband also attends meetings occasionally.

MEXICO Population: 46,482,410

Peak Publishers: 42,802 Ratio: 1 to 1,086

In Tamalin, Veracruz, the majority speak the Mexicano dialect and are illiterate. There was a meeting of the school professors with the school director and department of education inspector. Everybody in town was supposed to attend, including Jehovah’s witnesses. However, the Protestant sects and spiritualists were not present and only a few Catholics. Jehovah’s witnesses were represented by a brother who took the booklet Learn to Read and Write with him. When the brother was asked what was done in the meetings, the brother presented the booklet and commented that we teach reading and writing and related cultural subjects. He was commended. To investigate they went to the hall on a Saturday when the Theocratic Ministry School was in progress, and a man whom they knew as illiterate was giving a six-minute student talk. When the brother, who speaks Spanish with difficulty, finished, the school director said, “It isn’t possible that this man we have known as an illiterate can converse in Spanish, much less speak to an audience, but it is so.” Again the brothers were commended for their good work.

A circuit servant went with a sister to conduct a study she had had for two years. He noticed that the house was full of images. After the study the man and his wife were asked if they had any questions. Their response was that they understood everything, but wanted to know how life would be in the new order. This was explained, and then the circuit servant said, “Do you know who will be the only ones who will live under such conditions?” They hesitated; so they were shown from the Scriptures that only those who dedicate themselves to Jehovah and worship and serve him will do so. Then their question came: “Do you mean that these images that we call ‘saints’ should not be in this house?” The Bible answer was given. They asked permission to stand up, and they went directly to the images and broke them up and burned them. Then they asked: “Now can we go in the field service?” After ascertaining that they were legally married they were informed they could go in the service. Now they do this as well as attend all of the meetings. Frankness and clarity in showing what to do and how to do it are necessary to help people on the way to life.

A brother visited a family that had several questions they wanted answered. After three visits a study was started and good progress was made, but then the family had to go to Mexico City to renew the contract of the eldest daughter with a moving-picture studio. The girl was offered one million pesos ($80,000)​—the solution to all her financial problems for ten years or more. She did not sign immediately but returned home and asked the brother: “What should I do? We have studied and we know that kissing and other actions in romantic scenes is toying with immorality and I understand this is not right.” The mother said that she did not want her daughter to continue in her career, but they wanted to know what to do, because the new contract would solve all of their financial problems, paying for the mortgage on the house, school tuition for the younger daughters, food, clothing, as well as all the comforts to which they were accustomed. Bible principles were considered and they were shown that it was a personal decision. On the next visit, great was the brother’s joy when the young lady said: “I know that this contract would solve my family’s financial problems and that all I need to do is dial the phone number of the producer and ask him to send me the contracts, but I have decided not to sign them. My mother agrees with me, because we do not want to do anything contrary to Jehovah’s will.” They all continue to study as a happy family, even though it was necessary to sell the house, television set, refrigerator and other things. They look forward to getting baptized.

MOROCCO Population: 13,750,000

Peak Publishers: 153 Ratio: 1 to 89,869

The following experience shows the need to be patient in teaching non-Christians the truth, and the results that can be obtained. A missionary sister contacted a young, twenty-year-old Jewish girl on a Saturday and offered her the magazines. Since she observed the sabbath, the magazines were refused. Following the young lady’s request, the magazines were brought back Sunday morning and were accepted. A brief sermon was presented, followed up by the presentation of the Paradise book. She refused the book, saying that she read and understood the Bible perfectly. Then the missionary went on vacation and contact was lost during this period. When she was next contacted she said: “Where have you been? I have so many questions for you!” She was then called on regularly every Sunday morning. The discussions always ended with Jesus, and each week the same scriptures on the Messiah were shown. One Sunday morning she came running out to greet the missionary, saying: “I found something here in Isaiah 7:14!” Well, the missionary had been showing her that very text for six months and it just then got through to her! Soon after that she started to participate in the field ministry, doing so in secret because of the opposition of her parents. When her parents found out what she was doing, she was threatened with all sorts of violence. Then she decided to get baptized, which presented an even greater problem. To be able to get baptized without raising too much suspicion from her parents, she took her bathing suit out of the house a month ahead of time. In spite of strong opposition she was baptized. This, of course, was not the end of her problems. A month later was Jewish Passover time and it fell on the same night as the Memorial. She started gradually and tactfully to tell her parents that she was baptized and why she could not celebrate the Passover with them. After some discussion, she came to the Kingdom Hall for the Memorial ten minutes late but all smiles. Upon arriving home she was beaten, her hair was pulled and she was thrown to the floor, but she remained undaunted. She is very happy to be one of Jehovah’s Christian witnesses and is continuing as a fine publisher. Near the close of the service year, she had the privilege of being among the happy throng at the “Peace on Earth” International Assembly held in New York as one of the delegates from Morocco.

The need to use every opportunity to give a witness is borne out by this experience. A special pioneer coming to conduct a home Bible study rang the doorbell. The lady who studies was not at home, but the next-door neighbor opened her door and asked, “Did you ring at my door?” As soon as she realized that it was not her bell that had rung, she closed her door. The following week exactly the same thing happened. This time the special pioneer went to her door and rang the bell. When she answered, the brother asked her if she had any idea of his purpose in calling on her neighbor. Of course, she did not know, and the opportunity was taken to give a good witness. After about ten minutes her husband, who is a mathematics teacher, arrived, and the brother was invited to come inside. After an hour discussion, the man said, “You are really making me think over my communist, atheistic ideas, but I am not convinced yet. Anyway, you can be sure that I shall buy a Bible.” On the third call a study was established with both of them. Wonderful discussions were held, and after only two months both gave up smoking, having been heavy smokers. Upon being commended for their regular meeting attendance, the husband said: “Now with all honesty I can say that I am deeply convinced that this is the truth, and nothing will stop me from taking my stand for Jehovah.” In the third month of their study they showed their stand for Jehovah by taking a zealous part in the preaching activity. They plan to be baptized at our next local assembly.

Morocco also has oversight of the work in Gibraltar.

GIBRALTAR Population: 24,680

Peak Publishers: 38 Ratio: 1 to 649

Should we witness at our place of employment to people who seem to be opposed? One of our brothers who was baptized this year gives his own experience as an answer. “I was opposed to Jehovah’s witnesses and their work. One of my fellow office workers became one of Jehovah’s witnesses and discussed the truth with some of the other employees. Since the only way to get out of listening to him would have been to leave the office, I listened. I then asked questions with the idea of going to the priest to get good arguments for combating these teachings. Alas, neither he nor I could come up with valid arguments to overturn the Witnesses’ teachings. A while later this same office worker invited me to listen to a recorded radio discussion held between a Witness and several clergymen on Christian doctrine. I was so impressed that I requested a home Bible study. This created tremendous problems, especially with my family. The worst opposer was my brother. I encouraged him to look into it before taking such a strong position and to investigate what the Bible says. Being an intelligent young man, he took my advice. Today he studies, attends all the meetings and is anxiously waiting to be able to share in the field ministry. My wife will be baptized at the London international assembly and now even my father-in-law is studying.”

NETHERLANDS Population: 12,800,000

Peak Publishers: 17,405 Ratio: 1 to 735

How would you react if door after door were slammed in your face while working from house to house? It all depends on the perseverance you have. A special pioneer sister experienced this door-slamming but, although discouraged somewhat, she tried to put more enthusiasm into her presentation. At the next door a young lady invited her in after she heard that the sister wanted to talk about the Bible. The lady asked whether she was a Witness, and then asked about many doctrines of the Dutch Reformed Church, with which she lately disagreed more and more. She also said that that week her mother had prayed to God to send somebody to speak Bible truth, and she had promised that if such one would come she would open herself up for God’s spirit. At that moment the mother herself came in and the conversation became very interesting. She told the sister that she had never wanted to contact the Witnesses, although she had a brother who is a Witness himself. The church had forbidden them to talk to the Witnesses. Now her brother had sent her a Truth book and an Evolution book with a scripture from Proverbs 16:25. This gave her a shock, but started her thinking also. She remembered how her son was irritated because a bar had been set up in the church basement and the young people were more interested in the bar than in the Bible. This boy tried to instill more spirituality into his friends by discussing Bible doctrines. So, he had to prepare for it, and he chose the subject of the trinity. The Truth book became his reference work, but after studying Chapter 3 he quit believing in the trinity. The sister readily started a Bible study that is held regularly. The mother felt that her prayer was answered, and she and her son have started to attend the meetings regularly and to witness to their relatives. The daughter, whom she met first, wants to attend the meetings with her fiancé the father is becoming more and more friendly, and the youngest daughter with her boyfriend also wants to talk with this pioneer sister now. What fine results because the sister did not let herself be discouraged in difficult territory.

People and circumstances change, and this is a reason why we always should have a positive attitude as far as the prospects for Bible studies are concerned. A brother wrote this experience about his mother: Because he and his family took positive steps concerning the truth he was abandoned by his mother, who managed to have all her other children, his own fleshly brothers, turn their backs on him. His mother withdrew all the financial assistance she had given him, and this meant much to him because of being in poor circumstances. However, while progressing in the truth he overcame this difficulty. He always maintained some contact with his mother and did not repay evil for evil, but she did not want the truth. One day, after a fine day of field service, he and his wife decided to see the mother, and he put a Truth book in his pocket, just in case. At the end of a general conversation and just before going home he said that he had something that his mother could read to get an answer that would explain her disappointment in the Catholic church. Then he left. Three days later his mother called him and wept over the phone about her former bad conduct with reference to him and his wife. She had read the whole book and understood the ideas so well that on her own initiative she threw away all her religious wall decorations, her religious literature and her horoscope, and now she asked for a Bible study. This was immediately arranged for, and she is planning to visit her other sons to give them a witness.

NETHERLANDS ANTILLES (Curaçao) Population: 141,393

Peak Publishers: 307 Ratio: 1 to 461

Here in Curaçao, Aruba and Bonaire we have enjoyed another exciting year in the service of Jehovah. The highlight of the year was the “Peace on Earth” International Assembly. Over ninety from Curaçao and Aruba attended the assembly in New York, with three from here getting immersed there. Another twenty-four attended the assembly in Nuremberg and three more were immersed there. Most of the brothers are home now, greatly stimulated by these wonderful assemblies.

Excitement on the other side of the ledger was the riot here in Curaçao on May 30. When one hears of riots and revolutions in other places they should never think, “It can’t happen here.” That was the attitude of many people in Curaçao until May 30. When our zone servant visited during the first week in May he gave an outstanding talk to over 500 at the Buena Vista Kingdom Hall. In his talk he warned against being complacent and having the attitude that conditions would always be calm and quiet. After he left one publisher remarked that he sounded a bit gloomy in his talk. Less than four weeks after that, rioting, looting and burning such as was never dreamed of took place here in Curaçao. As a group, Jehovah’s witnesses were without a doubt the calmest people on the island. Even some of those studying the Bible with us said they were comforted by the things they had learned from the Bible and were pleased to know why such things are happening now.

Incidental witnessing has proven to be profitable, and many of the publishers take advantage of the opportunities they have to do this. One brother in Curaçao is an eye specialist. In his busy clinic he keeps a stack of books (mostly the Truth and Evolution books) and magazines handy in various languages. He finds wonderful opportunities to give a witness to patients who are depressed or discouraged. Often literature is placed, subscriptions are obtained and even home Bible studies arranged for by this doctor in his clinic. Prejudice is being overcome by this brother’s preaching in his clinic, because many people in Curaçao think that only am ha-arets (very ordinary people) ever become Jehovah’s witnesses. Some are so surprised to learn that this doctor is a witness of Jehovah that they change their attitude toward the organization.

ARUBA Population: 59,424

Peak Publishers: 150 Ratio: 1 to 396

The population of Aruba increased less than 500 during the last year. Many people continue to leave Aruba in order to find employment elsewhere, and some of our brothers have left too. For this and maybe other reasons, there was a slight decrease in the number of publishers, but still a good witness has been given in Aruba during the last service year.

The majority of the people in Aruba are Catholic at least in name, but like so many Catholics around the world, many are bewildered because of all the changes being made in the Catholic religion. Even some of the priests are confused. One Dutch priest in Aruba had several long, friendly discussions about the truth and the Bible. He took literature from the missionary and local overseer, also subscriptions for both magazines in Dutch, and these he now receives regularly.

As the following experience will show, it is a good idea to carry a copy of the Truth book along while doing magazine work. While doing magazine work on magazine day in Aruba, one brother was invited in by a lady who told him that she had just lost a son in death two days before. The brother had the Truth book with him, so he brought it out and turned to the chapter on “Where Are the Dead?” He discussed some points, looking up certain scriptures from the Bible. The lady was so pleased and comforted by the explanation that a home Bible study was started at once.

BONAIRE Population: 7,844

Peak Publishers: 2 Ratio: 1 to 327

Bonaire means “good air.” Bonaire is a beautiful island with a lot of stones on top of the ground. It has been stony ground as far as the seeds of truth are concerned. Theocratic progress has been slow there over the years. Still there is interest to be found. Recently a publisher from Curaçao who was visiting Bonaire for the weekend placed two books, two booklets, and twelve magazines and obtained two new subscriptions in two hours on a Saturday afternoon. Arrangements have been made to send two special pioneers to Bonaire to help with the work there.

One publisher from the congregation in Bonaire was baptized at the “Peace on Earth” International Assembly in Nuremberg.

NEWFOUNDLAND Population: 510,000

Peak Publishers: 832 Ratio: 1 to 613

A remarkable thing happened in the small congregation of Aspen Cove, Newfoundland, showing the blessing and direction of Jehovah on our work. Recently four families, along with other individuals in the community, showed a desire to learn the truth. They began regularly attending the congregation meetings at the Kingdom Hall. Paying more than the usual attention to the things said, they appreciated that what they were hearing was the truth. They wanted to make more rapid progress. Of their own initiative they wrote to the brothers in the congregation and actually asked if they would please come to their homes and study the Bible with them. Without hesitation they were introduced to the six-month Bible-study course using the Truth book. All families are making very fine progress. Seven have stopped smoking and severed their relationship with worldlings. Some are now sharing in the ministry, and the congregation reported a 45-percent increase in publishers. All praise goes to Jehovah for granting these blessings.

Showing an intense interest in people in our territory assignments can be most rewarding. A special pioneer arranged a study with a lady, and each time she would conduct the study she would hear noises upstairs. She inquired if someone else was home. The lady of the house stated that it was her mother but did not appear anxious for the pioneer to meet her. Each time the study was conducted the pioneer would make inquiry about the mother. After several months, the householder finally said, “Would you really like to meet my mother?” She cautioned the pioneer not to get offended if the mother got upset, explaining: “The Pentecostal clergyman has been here to see her several times, and she spoke very abusively to him, and she may do the same to you.” The special pioneer approached the seventy-six-year-old mother and first asked about her health. It appeared as though tears were in her eyes, so quickly the pioneer produced the Truth book and, opening it to the first picture, used the Bible to show the mother how the earth is to become a beautiful paradise. She was delighted with this Bible explanation and took the book, showing an intense desire to have a personal copy. Since receiving her copy she has read it through three times. As other people come to visit her, she discusses the hope of life on a paradise earth with them. As a result, the special pioneer has been able to add three more Bible studies to her total, and these are all visiting one another, discussing the information they are studying and greatly rejoicing in their newfound knowledge of Bible truth.

The Watchtower and Awake! magazines have played a big role in spreading the good news of the established Kingdom. The special issue of Awake! on the theme “Is It Later than You Think?” was left with a Catholic lady in an outlying area of the territory. This lady was very difficult to contact during the winter months because of impassable roads. So three months elapsed before another contact was made. In the meantime what was happening? The lady read this special issue of Awake! over and over again, keeping it by her bedside so she could read it before going to sleep. Her appreciation for the value of The Watchtower and Awake! prompted her to send for a subscription for both. She reads each issue as soon as it arrives and looks up the Scripture texts cited to enhance her knowledge. One Bible truth really impressed her, as she stated: “I have learned that it is wrong to worship God through idols. I have read in the Scriptures that some of the early Christians burned books on these matters worth 50,000 pieces of silver.” (Acts 19:18-20) A Bible study has been arranged with this sincere person. This former Catholic has severed all connections with her church and expresses her joy and happiness in finding the truth that leads to everlasting life.​—Rev. 18:4.

We are pleased that more than six hundred brothers and sisters from Newfoundland were among those who attended the “Peace on Earth” feast this year. All were happy to receive the “vehicles” for use in the ministry. What a fine climax to a most satisfying and rewarding year of service. Truly Jehovah is blessing his people with spiritual prosperity in these urgent days. How pleased we are to see His hand in directing our work, and we do thank him for the increase he has given. May all praise always go to our God, Jehovah.

NEW ZEALAND Population: 2,780,839

Peak Publishers: 5,266 Ratio: 1 to 528

One small congregation of fourteen publishers enjoyed an increase as a result of a study started with two youths. Soon after the study was begun the mother of the youths asked the congregation servant for spiritual help on behalf of her daughter who was having marital problems. The Bible study that was started with this young couple produced an unexpected chain of fruitfulness. Observing the marvelous change for the better in the marriage, another daughter asked for a Bible study in which the mother soon started sharing. In turn, yet another daughter, a daughter-in-law and the father of the family requested Bible studies. The husband of the couple who were having marriage problems has had his sister at the meetings and is now conducting a Bible study with his parents. At the end of the service year several of these persons were planning baptism at the international assembly to be held in November. What a thrill to see the Word and spirit of Jehovah operating in such a wonderful way!

In this day of exciting increases, sometimes the most unlikely prospects can prove to be fruitful. A pioneer’s fleshly sister had stated that the religion of Jehovah’s witnesses was never to be mentioned to her. However, when this unbeliever visited the pioneer for a short stay, the pioneer invited her to accompany her to the service rendezvous one morning to hear the discussion of the day’s text. Surprisingly the invitation was accepted. The pioneer sister is still amazed at the result. A double subscription for the magazines was requested. As the “unbelieving” sister left to travel home she accepted a Truth book and some tracts. Reading the Truth book on the journey home, this now-interested person prayed to Jehovah to help her. Within a few weeks she began attending meetings in her own town and began placing Truth books with others. How thankful the pioneer sister is that Jehovah’s spirit moved her to make that unorthodox invitation to attend the service rendezvous!

Many honest-hearted persons are now searching for the truth and, having looked fruitlessly in Babylon the Great, they are quick to recognize the Fine Shepherd’s voice when they hear it. A pioneer sister tells of calling on a young Catholic girl who had always firmly rejected the Witnesses and yet who on this occasion invited her inside, saying that she had ended her association with the Catholic church and was searching for the true religion. Representatives of three other religions had been invited to have discussions with her but were dismissed when they expected her to accept their teachings without question. This she was unable to do. Now, would Jehovah’s witnesses be any different? Questions flooded forth, and later she admitted she was somewhat disconcerted that the pioneer sister seemed to have all the answers soundly backed up with Bible proof. A Bible study was started and then interrupted because of personal problems. Then the Truth book became available, and when the study was started again the ex-Catholic girl began attending meetings right away, and she was sharing in the field service when five chapters of the Truth book were yet to be studied. Now baptized, she has her own Bible students attending meetings. So typical is this experience of many in these days that it highlights the urgency of our being in the field as often as possible to enable thirsty ones to hear the Fine Shepherd’s voice.

To the list of innumerable experiences testifying to the effectiveness of the Truth book, we add another to show its power to aid even young children. After a few weeks’ study with a young mother and her two boys, aged eight and ten years, the older boy was moved to ask if it was proper for him to attend the one hour of religious instruction given by a clergyman each week at school. Principles were discussed and the decision was left to the family. Soon after, when the clergyman began to teach the trinity doctrine at school, the boy of his own volition privately approached the instructor and said he could not remain in the class if such things were to be taught. At the boy’s request, his mother sought and obtained exemption for him from attending this class. A little later the time came for the boys’ birthday celebration. The mother let the boys think about it. The ten-year-old was definite in rejecting the idea as pagan. The younger lad made out a list of guests to invite to celebrate his birthday, but after second thoughts threw it into the fire. Both had acquired this firm approach to Bible principles through study of the Truth book.

NICARAGUA Population: 1,841,759

Peak Publishers: 1,166 Ratio: 1 to 1,580

Our three missionary homes are still vitally needed to care for the many new ones and to provide training in organizational matters. Fully one-half of all our publishers did not know the truth five years ago. The growth has been so rapid that in some areas there are not enough mature ones to train those just starting in the service.

Have you ever sent a gift subscription to someone in another country? A brother in California did so. He sent one to a friend in Managua. The branch office arranged for a back-call to be made. Both the husband and wife became very interested, and as this gift subscription is expiring one year later, they intend not only to renew it but to symbolize their dedication by baptism, as they are both publishers now.

How would it affect you if you had some close member of your family disfellowshiped? Would it strengthen your faith in Jehovah or weaken your own spirituality? We hope the following words from a sister will encourage you: “When I started publishing I had very little understanding of Jehovah. I had many problems. Then my brother was disfellowshiped. I could understand, however, that Satan was waging war. A short time later, my sister was also disfellowshiped. I looked for a way to overcome my sorrow and to draw closer to Jehovah. I could only think of applying for the vacation pioneer work in order to serve Jehovah even more, not less. I received so many blessings that I continued on as a regular pioneer. Now how happy I am to be a special pioneer and to enjoy peace with Jehovah and to feel really protected.”

We are very happy to have the aid of seven families who are serving with us where the need is greater. One married couple who graduated from the first class of Gilead had to leave the missionary work when their family came along. But the missionary spirit never left them! They are now serving with us along with their two sons. The father and his sons are special pioneers and the mother is a regular pioneer. The father is also an overseer, and his sons are assistant ministerial servants. What an encouragement they have been to the brothers! Another brother serving here with his family notified his employer that they would be attending one of the “Peace on Earth” assemblies in the States and said that he wanted him to understand this before working for him. The employer agreed that he could take the time off; and later, to ensure the brother’s return, the company paid the air fare for the brother, his wife and two children to Chicago and back. All of these brothers have a real pioneer spirit, and we are truly grateful for their fine assistance.

NIGERIA Population: 55,620,286

Peak Publishers: 54,179 Ratio: 1 to 1,027

War or no war, “this good news of the kingdom will be preached” in the Nigeria branch territory.

The neutral stand of the brothers during the war has been a great source of protection for them. Many authorities on both sides have come to appreciate that Jehovah’s witnesses have nothing to do with the conflict. Although the brothers generally have not been officially persecuted because of their neutral stand, some sisters and young brothers have gone through fiery testing of their integrity because of efforts to conscript them into the armies.

Many relief shipments of tons of food and clothing have been dispatched to the needy brothers in the war area. The Society was able to send members of the Bethel family to visit and encourage our brothers now in “refugee camps” located in areas ravaged by the civil war. The visiting brothers were able to deliver relief materials donated by our brothers from other parts of the country. As expressed in letters from a camp near Port Harcourt, the visit left them “impressed, refreshed and happy as if the longed-for Kingdom has been inherited.”

Proper Christian subjection, including the payment of taxes, does not go unnoticed, as shown by a recent event in Obafemi. The natives rioted over the payment of taxes, resulting in the loss of several lives, and the army was called in to quell the violence. As the brothers gathered for their weekly study, soldiers entered and demanded an explanation for the meeting. Upon finding out it was a Bible meeting of Jehovah’s witnesses, the officer in charge of the group asked the soldiers to leave, adding, “Jehovah’s witnesses are not tax agitators.”

Some fine experiences have been enjoyed by the brothers as a result of their honesty. The following experiences demonstrate that the good example of Jehovah’s witnesses can change even violent opposers: A man who was an ardent churchgoer as well as being a polygamist (not unusual here) drove the brothers from his home whenever they called, charging them with being false prophets. One day as he was returning from work he dropped an envelope containing a considerable sum of money. It happened that a pioneer sister and two other publishers returning from back-call work picked up the envelope, which had the man’s name on it. The following day they went to his house to return it. On seeing the publishers at his door he began to shout and curse as before, but when the envelope was produced, he was struck dumb. Looking in the envelope, he saw that the money was intact. As a result, his whole attitude changed. He took literature and a Bible study was arranged. He then called his wives and children to come and see “the true children of God.” Soon he stopped attending church. Then he called his family together and arranged for his “junior wives” to be married off to others. Now he is an active witness for Jehovah, all as a result of honest conduct.

The congregations and isolated groups in war-torn eastern Nigeria have been organized into fourteen circuits that are now operating. The circuit servants are demonstrating courageous leadership. These mature, willing brothers continue fearlessly to visit and serve the congregations and isolated groups.

The brothers meet regularly every Sunday for their public talks, and the book “Your Will Be Done on Earth,” which has been covered twice, is being used for the Sunday study as sufficient copies of The Watchtower are not available for the brothers. Service meetings are based on material from old copies of the Kingdom Ministry as well as sample copies of the current issues received from abroad. Many brothers are still using the 1967 Yearbook, as that was the last one that everyone received. The other meetings are being held with fine support. The zeal of the brothers is high as they continue the Kingdom work despite pressures from hard times.

Niger is also cared for by the Nigeria branch.

NIGER Population: 2,870,000

Peak Publishers: 31 Ratio: 1 to 92,581

The small group of eleven special pioneers and a handful of publishers are working diligently in this sparsely settled Moslem land. Although the increase is not extraordinary, it was very encouraging to have four new ones baptized during the past service year.

One of the outstanding events of the 1969 service year was the dedication of the first Kingdom Hall in Niger, a new Kingdom Hall in Zinder. Already it has resulted in greater interest in the truth as well as increased meeting attendance.

A new publisher who was baptized at the circuit assembly in Niamey wrote a letter of appreciation to the branch office in Lagos for sending special pioneers there. The new brother writes: “This is to show my gratitude to Jehovah and his organization for sending pioneers to speak the truth that leads to perpetual life. It has made it possible for many people to come to know Jehovah and his purpose. I thank, too, the pioneers who volunteer themselves to come to this land where the sun in burning like fire; yet without discouragement they continue to let their nets down for a catch.” He mentioned that his desire is to become a pioneer himself in order to render help to those still outside Jehovah’s organization.

NORWAY Population: 3,834,800

Peak Publishers: 5,075 Ratio: 1 to 756

The brothers in Norway appreciated very much the opportunity to go to Copenhagen to attend the international “Peace on Earth” assembly. They had a delightful time.

This experience shows the importance of using all opportunities to preach. A sister had to travel a great distance to attend an assembly, so while on the bus she presented the good news to a woman who was sitting next to her and offered her the Truth book. She explained how the book could be used as an aid to Bible study, and mentioned that Jehovah’s witnesses offer free Bible studies in the homes. The sister felt very encouraged after this successful “visit,” and great was her joy when on her way back home she happened to sit next to the very same woman. She told the sister that she had read the whole book but that she ought to study it. The sister asked: “When do you want the study started?” “Now, right here in the bus,” said the woman. The study has continued, and this interested woman is now walking on the road that leads to eternal life.

Under special conditions it may be wise to start studies directly in the Bible. A sister met a woman who had been a member of the Mormon Church for ten years. She proved to be very spiritually minded, and a study was started on the first call. But the sister had to be very cautious. She could not mention that the Mormons were at fault, and she could not show her any literature. Hence, the study was conducted solely in the Bible. However, the woman soon had confidence in her and after four months she accepted ten of the Society’s books and read them all. After another two months she started to attend all the meetings, and she also started out in the service.

What a handbill can do is well illustrated by this experience: During the circuit servant’s visit a publisher invited a young man to the public talk. The young man put the handbill in his pocket but did not show any special interest. However, the following Sunday both he and his wife came to the Kingdom Hall and attended the public talk, the Watchtower study and the concluding talk of the circuit servant. After the meeting they approached the publisher and wanted to talk more with him later, so he arranged for them to visit him one evening the same week. They came at the appointed time and the discussion lasted until twelve o’clock. When they were about to leave, the man asked somewhat timidly: “We wondered if we could have a Bible study.” And his wife said: “Yes, that’s why we came tonight.” The publisher joyfully arranged for a study, and after nine months they started out in the service. They also witnessed to their relatives, and the man’s sister and her husband became so interested that they attended the assembly in Copenhagen. During the assembly they, too, asked for a study.

The importance of working the same territory many times is shown in the following experience: As two brothers were about to ring a doorbell, the door was opened and a woman came out asking if they were Jehovah’s witnesses. Several times she had refused to talk with the Witnesses, but after a while she realized that she did not really know what they believed. Now she wanted to know and had been waiting for someone to call. A study was started right away. On the second study her brother and sister-in-law were present. They also wanted to know what the Bible teaches. In spite of opposition from her friends who told her that they did not want to visit her anymore if she continued to study with the Witnesses, the study has continued with all three persons. The woman and her sister-in-law have started to attend meetings, and they accept everything they are taught from the Bible. The woman’s brother has expressed his desire to be a follower of Christ and a witness of Jehovah.

OKINAWA Population: 972,000

Peak Publishers: 374 Ratio: 1 to 2,599

In Okinawa a woman in many cases is treated more as a house slave than as a wife. The custom is that the woman stays home, raises the children, and at all times attends to her husband’s needs when he is there. He has no objection to her going to church sometimes, but when she starts “walking in the truth” and starts believing and acting on the truth, the husband also starts acting.

So when the wife of a schoolteacher accepted the truth, her husband did everything he could think of to stop her. No matter how he opposed her she would not stop, but she became stronger each time. For every word he said she had an answer from the Bible. So he began to get all kinds of books to gain information to refute her, but it all proved useless against the truth of God’s Word. Since she was so busy with her religion, he thought, he would make himself busy by getting a musical instrument and enjoy himself and try to find peace of mind; but it did not help. He even threatened that if she did not stop he would kill himself. Then one day he saw his wife, who was also a schoolteacher at that time, being ridiculed and criticized by other teachers concerning her Christian stand. Instead of joining the persecutors of his wife, he now took her side on the issue. In order to give an answer to their charges he started to read the Society’s publications, and the more he read the more he became convinced that his wife had the truth. He started to attend meetings with his family. He made rapid progress, got baptized and is now an overseer of one of the largest congregations in Okinawa. He now visits many opposing husbands and helps them see the need to study God’s Word and find real happiness as he has done. He is now a very happy man over a happy congregation and with a happy family of seven, all doing very well serving the happy God.

Another sister was very severely persecuted by her husband. One day when she came home from meeting, he tied her up, pointed a knife at her and said, “If you do not quit this religion I’m going to kill you.” The sister just closed her eyes and prayed to Jehovah silently and did not say anything to him. Knowing that he could not scare her, he cut the cord that bound her. Then again he came home one night angry that his wife was going out witnessing and to meetings. She and her children were already sleeping under the mosquito net. He started scolding her and put fire to the mosquito net, saying that if she would not stop he would burn them all up. When the fire started burning furiously, his wife under the net calmly prayed to Jehovah. Then the man got frightened and began to put out the fire himself. Another time her husband was drinking beer while waiting for her to come home from the meeting. He said, “I told you to stop this religion and you keep disobeying.” He broke the beer bottle at the bottom and jabbed her with it. Blood started dripping from her head so she went to bandage it up, and she went to bed that night all bandaged up. The next day she left home early. Her husband, thinking that she had gone to the hospital, felt bad and was worried all day. But instead of going to the hospital, she enjoyed a whole day of service. After that her husband stopped opposing her so much, knowing that it was impossible to stop her. Then she enrolled as a pioneer. The husband now began to realize that since she had gotten the truth, his wife had become a very good wife, managing their home very well and also training their children so well that he could see a great difference between them and the neighbors’ children. Now he is becoming so favorable to her religion that recently he sent her to driving school to obtain a driver’s license. Then he bought a car for her and said that she could do God’s work better with it.

Another sister’s endurance has helped her children to embrace the truth. To stop her from studying, her husband tore up all her Bibles and books. When this did not stop her, he kept constantly persecuting her verbally as well as beating her sometimes. He constantly kept up his grumbling and attacks to wear her out. On meeting nights he would bring his friends so that she had to stay home and serve them. Realizing his scheme, she prepared all their needs ahead of time, putting all their food and things before them and then would say: “Excuse me, I must go to the Bible study. I will be back by 9:30, so please help yourself while I’m away. The husband looked at her with his mouth open but did not have the courage to stop her before his friends. When she got back, everything was a mess. But she patiently cleaned up and continued to endure his constant attacks on her. He has been persecuting her for nearly three years now, but even with all this persecution she enjoyed vacation pioneer service during the circuit servant’s visit in March of this year. Seeing their mother’s endurance, patience and joy amid all this opposition, her two daughters began to study, realizing there must be something worth while in their mother’s beliefs for her to take all this abuse and still remain joyful. Before she got the truth she had been going to all kinds of Japanese religions, but there was no joy in her. Now, even under these severe pressures, they could discern that she was joyful and happy. She now has had the joy of seeing one of her daughters get baptized, and another, who is married, has started out in the service. Her youngest son who is back home from college has taken sides with his mother, seeing the unreasonableness of his father’s actions. The husband stubbornly still keeps opposing her, but says of her, “If it were not for this religion and Jehovah, she is the best wife in the world,” not yet realizing that it is Jehovah and the true religion that have made his wife the best in the world.

PAKISTAN Population: 128,000,000

Peak Publishers: 151 Ratio: 1 to 847,682

Bible studies provide a source of immeasurable joy to both publishers and householders alike. This proved to be true for a sister who for many years rarely conducted a Bible study, even though she is regular in the ministry. She and her companion, while sharing in house-to-house work, met a lady whose mother and sister knew of Jehovah’s witnesses. When the study arrangement from the Truth book was presented, both she and a young man, a family friend, eagerly joined in the study. From that day on, the sister’s joy and the joy of the interested persons have increased with each successive study. Now both persons are sharing the good news with their friends. Both have attended meetings, much to the delight of the sister, and the young man, who was raised a Catholic but whose father is a Muslim, is regularly attending congregation meetings and studying and talking about a hope the like of which, he says, he has never heard before.

The teen-age daughter of the family, who moved from West Pakistan to East Pakistan last year, writes her thoughts and experiences after a year of serving where the need is greater with an isolated group: “Since coming to Dacca a year ago, to our great joy we find the Muslim people very receptive, and most of our literature placements have been with them. At present our small group is conducting five Bible studies with Muslims, among whom is a young boy with whom I study. He first subscribed for The Watchtower a year ago, and after a month he began to attend the Watchtower study regularly, then gradually the Theocratic Ministry School. At present we are studying the Truth book, but because of family opposition he leaves his Bible and book with me. Despite these difficulties, he manages to prepare before each meeting and shares in making comments. Now he feels that Jehovah’s witnesses really have the truth, and it is my joy to help him find it in this newly opened territory.”

AFGHANISTAN Population: 14,000,000

Peak Publishers: 6 Ratio: 1 to 2,333,333

Afghanistan is under the supervision of the Pakistan branch and has developed rapidly over recent years, but along with material progress have come problems previously unknown, such as student revolts. Now many persons are asking what these changes mean and what the future holds. In order to give tactful answers to these questions (because open preaching is still not possible), the brothers keep literature and Bibles in many different languages. It is wonderful to observe someone reading the Bible for the first time in his life and to see how surprised some are to find in 2 Timothy chapter 3 such a fitting description of our generation.

Just prior to leaving for the “Peace on Earth” assemblies in Europe, a brother wrote: “I just received a letter from a student whom I contacted in a restaurant. I always keep alert for such opportunities to talk to people. Since he was concerned about student revolts, I showed him from the Bible the meaning of such conditions. I made arrangements to meet him again, and for six weeks we studied together for two hours several times a week. Then it was time for him to leave here to return to his hometown. And from there I just received his letter, written in Persian: ‘I have started preaching about what I learned in our studies, but I still need your help. I have found a friend who speaks English, so please send me the Truth book so that he can translate it.’ This, then, was the result of our unique study, conducted with the student using an Arabic book and myself an English one while we carried on our conversation in Persian.”

PANAMA Population: 1,417,100

Peak Publishers: 1,711 Ratio: 1 to 828

Many brothers are getting good results by going out into the isolated and hard-to-reach sections. The district servant reports that after a circuit assembly in an outlying section he visited a congregation up in the mountains with the circuit servant. There are no roads that go on farther into the mountains from their Kingdom Hall, so the brothers there have to walk several hours to get to some of their territory. About one of these trips he says: “We started out at eight in the morning and walked until noon before reaching the place. After a refreshing drink from a green coconut, we met the group with which we were to work and started calling at the homes in the village. The place was small, and within an hour we had finished. By that time we were ready for the fine rice-and-chicken dinner some of the sisters had prepared for us. Then the congregation book study was held in an orange grove with over sixty in attendance. At the conclusion all were invited to come to the Kingdom Hall on Sunday for the special meeting, and we left for the trek back to the congregation headquarters where we were lodged for the week, getting there after sunset. Yes, we were physically tired, but very happy to have had such a part in spreading the good news. The week’s visit ended on Sunday with first an hour in field service, then a baptism of four new publishers, followed by the public talk. Time was taken out for those who had come from afar to prepare and eat some rice, and after that activities were resumed with the Watchtower study and an encouraging talk by the district servant. The day’s program finally ended with a wedding being performed in the Kingdom Hall for a couple who had studied and learned what Jehovah’s requirements are regarding Christian marriage and who had arranged their lives in harmony with Bible principles so that they, too, could take up the preaching of the good news. What a blessing and joy we had had!”

Many of the publishers are seeing the need of urgency in teaching others the truth and have accepted wholeheartedly the Society’s suggestion of teaching the truth in six months. A sister reports: “Imagine my Joy over the results of a study with a young girl whom I found working as a maid for one of my students. She had heard some of the truth before, but because of opposition from the family she was living with she had left that home and procured employment with this lady so that she could get time off to attend the meetings each week. I began to study with her and, because of her intense interest, decided to study twice a week. Within a few weeks she was accompanying me in the house-to-house ministry, and in the course of six months we had studied the Truth book and two other books, as well as the questions on basic Bible doctrines as shown in the ‘Lamp’ book. From the very beginning she had a burning desire to return to visit her parents who lived quite a distance away in the country to tell them all about the truth before it was too late. So within seven months from the time she first heard the truth and began studying she was baptized, enrolled as a vacation pioneer and on her way to her assignment​—back home to take them the message of God’s kingdom. The circuit servant visited there just before the end of the service year and reported that she is having fine success. All but one of her brothers and sisters are studying with her, and she is conducting fourteen Bible studies with others in the community.”

The Evolution book is very popular among younger people. One special pioneer reported visiting a local high school and placing books with several of the teachers. Permission was asked and granted to speak with the students in several rooms about it; so the pioneer and another local publisher were able to place over a hundred and thirty books in the school, laying a foundation for many back-calls.

PAPUA Population: 600,597

Peak Publishers: 486 Ratio: 1 to 1,236

The branch office in Papua looks after the work in a number of different places. These include Bougainville, Manus Island, New Britain, New Guinea, New Ireland and the Solomon Islands.

Moved by the Society’s counsel that brothers help their unbelieving wives, a brother decided to teach his wife how to read. This he did using the Paradise book and the Bible. At first his wife laughed at the points made by her husband, but gradually the ring of truth prevailed. She left her false religious association and was finally baptized. She is now a fearless Witness herself, taking advantage of every opportunity to witness to others. Several women from a nearby rubber plantation came to use her sewing machine. She witnessed to all of them. When one of the women showed interest, she started a home Bible study with her. In six months the woman became a publisher. Within a year after starting to study she was baptized, and she began vacation pioneering right away. From that she progressed to regular pioneering. All this because a brother followed the Scriptural counsel to help his unbelieving wife.

Even those with physical disabilities can share in vacation pioneer activity. One sister who has been crippled with polio since she was a child is a very zealous publisher despite her handicap. But she wanted to share in the vacation pioneer work too. How could she get around so that she would be able to meet her goal of hours? After starting her work as a vacation pioneer she arranged with the local ferryman, who carried persons across the river in his canoe, to help him with his work. So, as she paddled people across she would take the opportunity to witness to them all. She has placed much literature and witnessed to many pastors from Christendom’s churches. These persons are very difficult to reach in the regular house-to-house activity, so her handicap has turned out to be an advantage in this case. Encouraged by her experiences, this sister regularly enrolls as a vacation pioneer, and her face radiates the joy she receives from her work.

BOUGAINVILLE ISLAND Population: 72,490

Peak Publishers: 2 Ratio: 1 to 36,245

Although the Kingdom work got established here only during the last two months of the service year, prospects seem good. Already the brothers are well known to the many Europeans and local people. Some work has been done, and as the brothers get settled we look forward to being able to share some of their experiences with you. It is reported that there are very good prospects for employment for brothers here, as full-scale copper-mining operations are due to commence here soon. We plan full-scale “fishing” activity for the area too! Would you not like to join in that work?

MANUS ISLAND Population: 20,647

Peak Publishers: 15 Ratio: 1 to 1,376

Keeping the Kingdom Hall neat and clean each week should never be regarded as a thankless task, one that goes unnoticed. The brothers on Manus Island spent many hours keeping up the grounds and keeping the hall itself in good repair.

Imagine the surprise the overseer received when he was asked to go to a large public gathering being addressed by the District Commissioner and the local Member of Parliament. The Kingdom Hall had won first prize for neatness and cleanness in the institution section, and he was to collect the prize! What a witness was given to the town! Such was the interest created that many persons, including the District Commissioner, came to see the Kingdom Hall. Two Catholic priests came one night and wanted to see the Kingdom Hall. Many questions were asked, and a very good witness was given. So even routine tasks like cleaning the Kingdom Hall and keeping up the grounds, when done whole-souled as to Jehovah, can result in a very fine witness being given.

NEW BRITAIN Population: 154,188

Peak Publishers: 96 Ratio: 1 to 1,606

For many years the work on this island has been confined to Rabaul, but now some of those who learned the truth there have moved back to their villages in other parts of the island. Good increases are being experienced, despite violent opposition by the clergy.

Much determination is needed to shepherd some “sheep,” as one brother found out. He arranged for a study with a man who seemed very interested, but on making the back-call the man was not at home. Upon calling at a different time a fine study was held. A time was arranged for the next study, but when the brother arrived no one was at home. When calling at a different time, again a fine study was held. This went on for several weeks. The brother suspected that the man was running away deliberately, not because he had a bad heart but because of harsh opposition. It was later found that the man would run away to his plantation whenever it was time to study or he heard the brother’s motorcycle coming. The brother was aware of this and so would cut off his engine and coast into the person’s yard. The man would be caught unawares and, as always, would thoroughly enjoy the study. Finally, something had to be done in order to help this man throw off the shackles of fear and make progress. One day when the brother came, the wife told him that her husband had gone off into the jungle to work. The brother asked which way he had gone. Reluctantly, the wife showed him the trail. The brother followed the man into the jungle and found him among the trees on his plantation. They had a talk based on the Bible, and Matthew 10:28 was used to good advantage to help him change his attitude toward his opposers. After this discussion he never again ran away from a study. He has since stood firm in face of a raging mob that threatened to beat up the brother. Not long afterward he was baptized, and his wife and son began to publish the good news with him. Now he is an assistant overseer showing determination himself in helping sheeplike ones.

NEW GUINEA Population: 1,357,455

Peak Publishers: 351 Ratio: 1 to 3,867

Publishers here have had good success using the direct approach in offering home Bible studies. One overseer wrote: “The first day of offering a Bible study on a six-month basis brought gratifying results. At the fifth house that morning I offered the study to a man and was thrilled when he replied: ‘Yes! Come inside. I would love to have a study.’ He told his wife and children to leave the room, and we had our first study. After the study I suggested that his wife and children sit in on the next study. The next week the whole family attended the study. Now the whole family come to meetings, give student talks and are enjoying a share in the witness work. He has also interested his brother in the truth and is even having discussions with his former pastor, who is amazed at what he has learned and who wants to know more himself. What a joy it brings me to see him now using the direct approach in offering Bible studies to others!”

We cannot afford to compromise where counsel about keeping clear of anything connected with demonism is concerned. A sister writes: “For some time I have been studying with a family. They made good progress as regards Bible knowledge, but had not progressed much in changing their way of life. There was much dissension in the family. Often I left the study feeling exhausted and at the point of tears. Many times when the subject of demonism was being discussed the mother would get agitated and seem anxious to say something, but she would get such glares from her family that she would not say anything. Finally the mother was immersed. Two weeks later at the Watchtower study, counsel was given that anything in our homes that had been used in demon practices should be destroyed. Immediately her hand went up. Her family had a drum that had been used by a witch doctor in casting ‘love’ spells. Many nights they had visits from demons causing voices and knockings. She wanted to burn the drum right away, but her husband and son opposed her. The drum belonged to the son. It had been given to him when he was a year old. The father was told that while he kept the drum no harm would come to the boy.

“The boy was then shown the scriptures concerning demonism. He let Jehovah direct him and talked to his father. The father was very angry, but the next morning he awakened everyone early, chopped up the drum and threw it on the fire. The results were astounding. Not only have the knockings and voices stopped, but the attitude of the whole family has changed. What a joy they are to study with now! The father and mother thank Jehovah for the family peace and freedom from the demons. Both parents are planning to attend the international assembly in Port Moresby.”

NEW IRELAND Population: 50,129

Peak Publishers: 28 Ratio: 1 to 1,790

Jehovah has blessed the work here, and the brothers have enjoyed many fine experiences in spreading the good news on this island. Early in the service year a truck was made available for the pioneers to use in witnessing, and it was put to good use. There is a road that runs for almost two hundred miles right down the island and most of the villages are located near this road. The pioneers have found a group of interested persons about one hundred miles down the east-coast road. They are now conducting weekly meetings with them, and an average of nineteen regularly attend these meetings.

Some of the group have progressed quickly and are already taking a stand for pure worship. One man had a lot of interest in the political field, being convinced that only the earthly governments could bring peace to the earth. However, after a few discussions using the Bible he began to realize that it is only Jehovah’s kingdom that can bring lasting peace and blessings to man. After just a few months’ study the man broke all ties with politics and Babylon the Great. Now he is putting all his energy into sharing the Kingdom hope with others in his village.

SOLOMON ISLANDS Population: 139,730

Peak Publishers: 503 Ratio: 1 to 278

Endurance over a long period of time can have marvelous results. Eleven years ago a lone man accepted the truth. He was opposed by the whole village, his family and his parents. His father encouraged everyone to make it hard for him so that he would come back to his old mission. But the man stood firm against the opposition and was finally baptized eight years ago. He endured the pressures, but finally he withdrew from the village and built his house a short distance away. All this time he continued to be zealous in the preaching work among his taunters. About two years ago things started to change. Some persons wanted Bible studies. Soon they started to move to live near this brother’s home. A group study was started and it expanded rapidly as others joined the growing village. Even a family of heathens came and joined the group. Alter all of those years of enduring opposition, what a joy it was at the end of last year for this brother to see several of his Bible students get baptized, among them his wife and a brother! Another brother is publishing, along with twenty more in the group. Over forty attend all five meetings that are regularly held in their new Kingdom Hall. The brother is now a regular pioneer and is often joined by his former taunters when they vacation pioneer. This encourages us to keep steadfast even though the situation seems hopeless at first. Truly, a person’s work is “not in vain in connection with the Lord”!

Newly interested ones can do much to aid onlookers to take a stand for the truth if they stand firm when being persecuted. One girl accepted the truth when she left the Anglican hospital for lepers and visited her stepfather, one of Jehovah’s witnesses. When she returned to the hospital, she refused to join in the prayers conducted there. The “Father” became angry, called her names, and even slapped her across the face. He then demanded that the girl be given no food until she joined in the prayers. The matron pointed out that government funds subsidized the hospital and that treatment was for persons of all religions. The bishop in the area was appealed to, but he said that he could do nothing because the girl was of another tribe. The “Father” then contacted those of her tribe, one of whom worked in the hospital, and they berated her for a couple of hours, swearing at her. Finally the girl took her bed and ran away. When the matron found out, she stopped the persecution and sent a letter telling the girl to come back. This stand of the young girl was noted by many because she was not frightened by the mission leaders as many people are. Her half sister, although initially opposed, was so impressed by her firm stand for the truth that she has begun studying.

PARAGUAY Population: 2,258,000

Peak Publishers: 681 Ratio: 1 to 3,316

The effectiveness of the work of Jehovah’s witnesses was sharply impressed on the mind of a young man studying for the priesthood, according to the experience he related to the circuit servant who called on him. This young man had gotten together a group of the more zealous Catholics in his town of ​——​——​ in order to visit the people in another town to encourage them to be better Catholics. On one of his first calls a woman asked him: “Aren’t you Jehovah’s witnesses?” When he replied, “No, we are Catholics,” she said: “Well, at last you are taking an interest in the spiritual welfare of the people. It’s about time that you started doing the same as Jehovah’s witnesses.” The young man had to admit to the circuit servant that Jehovah’s witnesses serve as an excellent example of zeal and interest in their fellowman. He said that as they would approach the houses everyone would ask them if they were Jehovah’s witnesses. He could certainly appreciate the difference between the activity of Jehovah’s witnesses and that of the Catholic church in that town. The young man accepted the “Good News” booklet and asked to be called on again so that he could better understand our faith.

Kind acts can have an even greater effect on those who oppose the truth than kind words, as shown by the following experience. For four years a man had been receiving visits from a special pioneer, but he failed to take a stand for the truth, due largely to the intense opposition of his wife, his mother and some of his other relatives. Then suddenly he fell ill and became a patient in a hospital for some time. During this time none of his so-called worldly friends came to visit him, but the brothers did come regularly and brought not only words of comfort but also other help. His wife was so impressed by the kind and loving interest on the part of the brothers, in contrast with the lack of interest on the part of their other friends, that she agreed to have a home Bible study. Very shortly after this, as she began to appreciate what Jehovah requires of a true Christian, she “cleaned house” religiously speaking and destroyed all her idols and objects pertaining to Babylon the Great. It was indeed a happy day for her husband, herself and their son, along with ten others from this congregation, when they were baptized at a recent circuit assembly.

Interest was found in an isolated, sparsely populated area. The area did not have enough people to keep special pioneers busy as a permanent assignment, yet the sheeplike ones had to be fed, so a special pioneer was assigned on a temporary basis with the objective of establishing an isolated group. Thus the interested ones would have association and opportunities for service. Immediately upon arriving, the pioneer established home Bible studies in the Truth book with all the interested ones and tried to have at least three studies a week with each one. During the second month he introduced the interested ones to all the meetings of the Society, including the public talks, and these were all held in the home of an interested man. The attendance ranged from fifteen to twenty for every meeting. After two months one man began to publish, and he rapidly progressed to the point where he could give some leadership to the others. When the special pioneer left after four months of intense activity among the interested ones, three were publishing, all the meetings were being held, and excellent prospects for further increase were visible in this newly established isolated group. Regular visits from the circuit servant will help to keep them strong spiritually.

PERU Population: 12,500,000

Peak Publishers: 3,852 Ratio: 1 to 3,245

Parents should never think that teaching their children is in vain, even if they do not get a response right away. One sister came into the truth, but her husband and daughters remained violently opposed to any efforts to give them a witness. The oldest daughter was a fanatical Catholic and determinedly took the younger daughters to their first communion and to mass regularly, always with the approval of their father. Nevertheless, as opportunity afforded, the wife would witness, although at the same time she suffered much abuse in her own home. The time came when her oldest daughter took a trip to Venezuela. There she found many of her Catholic friends involved in spiritism. This confused her, as she remembered her mother’s telling her that spiritism was contact with the demons. Being sincere, she tried to tell her friends that good Catholics should not meddle with spiritism, but they just laughed at her and called her a fanatic. She did not like that! As soon as she returned home she called her mother and said: “Mom, maybe you are not so wrong after all. I think that I would like to see what the Bible really does have to say.” Now the mother has at least one more of the family on her side to help work on the rest of those resisting the treasure she so lovingly offers them.

There are many times in our house-to-house ministry when opportunity arises to speak to young children. One missionary sister found herself confronted by a young girl at her first call. The girl said her mother was not at home and she was all alone. So the missionary explained that she was teaching the Bible and asked the child, “Do you know what God’s name is?” The answer was a polite, “No.” So the sister showed her in the Bible God’s personal name, Jehovah, left her a Bible tract for her mother, and went on to the next door. In the next house, she remembered, lived a lady who had been curt and sharp and quick to shut the door on the last visit. But she knocked anyhow. Sure enough, the same lady came to the door, and just as the missionary was ready to open the conversation, a small, sweet, little voice piped up and said, “Lady, do you know what God’s name is?” The little girl from next door had walked over the few short paces separating the two doors and was the first to speak. The householder looked down at her surprised, and answered: “Why, no, I do not believe that I do. You tell me​—what is it?” She got her answer from the child, and the missionary took up the conversation from there and had an animated discussion terminating with a book placement, principally because the sister had taken time to witness to the little girl.

A special pioneer working in isolated territory in the jungle came across a young lady who had obtained the book From Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained while visiting in one of the larger towns. In the rush of things and for lack of time, she forgot about the book packed among her things. Months later when she had to visit her sick mother she knew that she was going to have much time on her hands, so she looked among her things for something to read. She took along her Paradise book. At first she just looked at the pictures, but then she started reading it thoroughly. She noted the questions at the bottom of the page and accustomed herself to trying to answer each one. But the numbers between parentheses puzzled her, and she did not know what they were for. Some time later one of her relatives sent her a Bible as a gift, and she noted that some of the names in the Bible were the same as those in her Paradise book. Although she had never seen a Bible before, she figured out how to use the chapters and verses noted in her book with her Bible. As she read, she constantly made corrections and changes in her life to line up with what she now knew to be the right religion. When she read about Daniel and saw the picture of him praying, she prayed to Jehovah God the same way he did. All these little changes in her life did not go unnoticed, as her mother one day exclaimed: “Daughter, what has happened to you? You have changed so much since you have been reading that book.” The only thing the daughter could say was, “Mother, this book has taught me who God is, and I believe it.” How happy the special pioneer was finally to locate this “sheep.” Since the pioneer group was only passing through the village on their coverage of the isolated territory, arrangements were made to have a study through correspondence with her. The pioneer was struck with the thought that Jehovah’s holy spirit can very easily see that a piece of literature gets into the most isolated place into the hands of those who might prove themselves to be of his “sheep” class.

PHILIPPINE REPUBLIC Population: 37,000,000

Peak Publishers: 49,257 Ratio: 1 to 751

“I myself, Jehovah, shall speed it up in its own time.” (Isa. 60:22) Certainly there has been a speeding up of the ingathering work in the Philippines during the service year just ended. There were 5,746 more publishers in the field each month than in the previous year, and the number of those baptized, 6,381, is the largest ever recorded in this land.

One major factor in this growth is the use of the six-month study course in the Truth book, which was released at our nine district assemblies during the year. A special pioneer reported starting four new studies in the month following the release of the book, while another helped three persons to dedication in a little over six months by applying the six-month study suggestion immediately.

A schoolteacher was so thrilled with the Truth book that she asked to study it twice a week. She completed it within three months and was baptized less than six months from the initial contact. Now she has permission from the head teacher to conduct a study at school with those who desire it, and nine of her pupils were studying when the service year ended.

When the six-month study course was offered to a lawyer who had not been willing to study previously, he was so enthusiastic that the first study lasted for three hours. All connections with Babylon the Great were severed after only a few studies, and he and his entire family are now attending meetings regularly. Another person, a nurse, after four months of study in the Truth book disposed of her religious images and missals as well as her favorite horoscope books.

The failure of Christendom’s religions to teach the Bible has caused many to turn to the truth. A young man who had gone from one religion to another searching for understanding finally was satisfied when his aunt, a Witness, was able to answer his many Bible questions. However, his wife, a sincere Catholic, could not believe that her church could be mistaken. To prove her husband wrong, she ordered a Catholic Bible from her parish priest and, when she and her husband went to collect it from the priest, he said: “The Bible is a nice book. You see, I’ve just read the first two books and it’s really very good! You know, we have been having a convention, and each day we are assigned certain subjects in the Bible to report on. This is the first time we have really read the Bible. We never did this in the seminary.” When the wife heard this she interrupted, “You never did, Father?” He replied, “Ah, well, if we ever read it at all, it was very little,” emphasizing how little by putting his thumb and forefinger together with a tiny gap in between. He continued: “We concentrated on the rituals, church doctrine, prayers and commentaries on the Bible. That’s all we had. You can ask any priest​—he’ll tell you if he’s honest enough. It is only recently that a study of the Bible has been encouraged by the church.” After hearing that voluntary confession, the wife changed her viewpoint entirely, studied the Bible diligently, and both she and her husband were baptized together early in the service year.

Pioneers who answer the call to move where the need is great have many fine experiences. One pioneer in Davao moved to a distant mountain territory on the recommendation of the circuit servant. In a Protestant village he found many hungering for the truth, so much so that they followed him from house to house until the last house was simply full of people. He studied with these humble people in a large group, and it was not long until many of them were regularly attending the meetings. However, a test came when it was found that most of them were married only by tribal law. When they realized God’s requirements on this matter, they all went to the nearest municipality to legalize their marriages. It can be imagined what a witness this gave to the town officials, especially since some of them were grandparents! Later they received persecution because of their neutral stand and their children were often beaten at school, but they stood firm. How great the joy of the pioneer was when he saw twenty-two of these persons baptized at the circuit assembly! The congregation there has almost doubled its publishers as a result, and each is now averaging nineteen hours a month in field service.

Sticking to God’s righteous principles regardless of the cost brought blessings to a Christian couple in Quezon City. The sister, expecting her eighth child, became very ill during the seventh month of her pregnancy. A doctor in a Manila hospital informed her that a normal delivery would result in death to both mother and child and recommended a cesarean section in order to at least save her life. However, he refused to perform this operation without blood; and when the couple stood firm for the sanctity of blood, he discharged her from the hospital. They were able to find a sympathetic doctor elsewhere who respected their principles, and he not only performed the operation without blood but also saved the life of the premature child. Now mother and child are healthy, and the whole family is happy that no compromise was made on God’s law.

A letter received at the branch office shows that children at a very early age can be taught appreciation sacred things. It reads: “Enclosed is the amount of one peso [25c] as my personal donation to the Society. Perhaps you wonder why I am contributing this small amount, since I am only six years old. When Daddy brought me to Bethel with him I asked him where the money came from and he told me the brothers all over the world contributed voluntarily. So I saved 10 percent of the spending money I get for doing household chores for my parents. I still cannot write what I want to say, so I just asked my mother to write for me so that I can send my love to you brothers serving at Bethel.”

PORTUGAL Population: 9,470,000

Peak Publishers: 6,037 Ratio: 1 to 1,569

This has been a year filled with one grand blessing after another. Month after month new peaks were reached in many aspects of our ministry, all reflecting outstanding growth and expansion. The brothers recognize the urgency of the times and are gladly saying: “‘Come!’ . . .let anyone that wishes take life’s water free.” The “Peace on Earth” assembly in Paris was the greatest event in theocratic history for the Portuguese brothers, as 2,767 Portuguese were present. It is a pleasure to report on six countries, Portugal, Angola, Azores, Cape Verde Islands, Madeira and Portuguese Guinea.

If you do secular work, is it possible to seize opportunities like this one to give a witness? A brother sold a washing machine to a man and his wife at his business establishment. Later, some mechanical trouble developed, and the couple phoned the brother to come and repair the machine. When the work was completed, the couple thanked the brother for his diligence and kindness, and then remarked about the tragic state of affairs in the world. Our brother agreed, but also said we are living at a time when there is every reason to rejoice. When asked why, he said it would be impossible to explain without referring to the Bible. Immediately the couple said: “Do you know anything about the Bible? There is one right behind you on the bookshelf.” A Bible study was started, and within four months the couple were attending meetings and publishing the good news. Six months after the first study, both the man and his wife symbolized their dedication to Jehovah by water immersion.

A mother and daughter began to study the “Good News” booklet last October. Both were very sincere Catholics, attending mass daily, taking communion, attending confession, going on a yearly pilgrimage to Fatima and regularly contributing to the church. Their home was full of images, and candles were always burning. After several months of study, the mother cleaned out of the home all saints, images and candles. Next she stopped contributing to “the sacred heart of Jesus.” The priest’s aunt was sent to visit them in order to find out what had happened. Upon learning they were studying with the Witnesses, the priest’s aunt tongue-lashed them for not attending church and displayed great alarm at the removal of all the images from the home. Her attempts to embarrass the mother and daughter were in vain. The mother and daughter then asked the priest’s aunt to explain who the true God really is. Could she tell them what his name is? Where is it in the Bible? Now the priest’s aunt was the embarrassed one! A bold defense of God’s name was made. The mother and daughter are regularly attending congregation meetings and are happy to be counted among those who have come out of Babylon the Great.

There is no reason to fear opposition. This is often the outcome: An interested lady was studying the Bible in her home with a Witness when the police called saying a tenant in the building had phoned advising them there was a meeting of the Witnesses being held there. The police observed there was no meeting in the home, but only two women studying the Bible. The women were taken to police headquarters and advised they should not assemble with Jehovah’s witnesses. Later, a letter was written to the apartment owner, accusing this interested lady of studying the Bible with a prohibited religion. When the husband, who was not studying, noted all this talk against the Witnesses, he became determined to find out just what was so bad about these people. He started to attend his wife’s study and found himself learning many things that had previously puzzled him. It is a pleasure to say that this man and his wife are now regularly attending congregation meetings.

ANGOLA Population: 5,300,000

Peak Publishers: 203 Ratio: 1 to 26,108

A sister writes her own experience: “Five years ago I started to study the truth, quickly made progress and even shared in the door-to-door ministry. However, a trip to Europe interrupted my Bible study. When I returned, the anxieties of life succeeded in crowding out any time for God’s Word, and I admit I took time only to attend the Memorial celebration each year. Last year I again attended the Lord’s evening meal. However, I was shocked into my senses when a person approached me, radiant with joy, and said: ‘You are the sister who knocked at my door and first told me about the blessings of God’s kingdom. I have never forgotten you and many times wondered where you were. Of course, meeting in homes as we do, it is hard to locate one another. You know, I have been a baptized publisher for several years already.’ I was deeply stunned and could not stop thinking about this sister’s words, her happy spirit and joy. Without knowing it, I had helped someone come to a knowledge of the truth. But what was I doing about the truth? Nothing! I decided to request a Bible study, and before the month was through, it was being held regularly. Soon I was attending all meetings, and what a joy it is to tell you that I symbolized my dedication to Jehovah by being baptized at the marvelous ‘Peace on Earth’ assembly in Paris!”

A number of brothers still remain in prison, some for over eight years now. At the time of writing this report, three responsible brothers have been in jail for over two months. What a joy to say, though, that all the brothers, whether in jail or out, reflect the same spirit as that related at Philippians 1:12-14!

AZORES Population: 348,000

Peak Publishers: 100 Ratio: 1 to 3,480

The following experience shows how the truth is liberating new ones from Christendom’s bondage: A married woman was enjoying a Bible study in her home. But as soon as she stopped attending mass, her mother complained to the priest. The priest sent a nun to visit the woman and instruct her to burn the Bible. The nun tried to intimidate her, relating accounts of how the Witnesses are greatly persecuted. A strong warning was given to stop the Bible study. When the publisher returned for the next weekly study, she noticed that the woman was disturbed. The nun’s visit was recounted, so the publisher showed the woman what the Bible says about Christians’ being persecuted. The woman carefully noted the Scripture references and said she personally wanted to present this information to the nun when she called the next time. Several days later when the nun appeared, the daughter confidently explained why she would continue to study the Bible rather than destroy it, and why Christians expect persecution. The nun replied: “I see you are becoming quite well versed in Scripture. Well, we admit the Bible is God’s Word, although there are some differences in Bible translations. So what you do is your decision; but whatever that is, don’t stop attending mass.” The married daughter has severed all contacts with the church and continues to study. Her nephew also studies now, and a fine witness is being given to other relatives.

CAPE VERDE ISLANDS Population: 218,000

Peak Publishers: 5 Ratio: 1 to 43,600

The “sheep” are hearing the voice of the Right Shepherd even in these faraway places. As a devout Catholic, a young man diligently studied his religion. Desiring more knowledge, he enrolled in a special catechism course. He became seriously disturbed at not being able to understand the “holy trinity.” On completing the course he returned the diploma he was given because he was not satisfied with the priest’s answer about the trinity doctrine. Shortly after, he met the only person on the island with a knowledge of the truth and asked him to explain this doctrine. The publisher gladly showed him what the Bible says, as, for example, at John 14:28. A regular Bible study was started, and this man was among the three baptized this year. He also had the privilege of attending the “Peace on Earth” assembly. He said: “Attending this assembly is like drinking a glass of cool, clean water after you have been drinking lukewarm, muddy water all your life.”

MADEIRA Population: 300,000

Peak Publishers: 64 Ratio: 1 to 4,688

The transforming power of God’s Word can readily be seen in this experience: A lady had traveled to the United States for the express purpose of acquiring wealth. She was envious of her brother who lived in a spacious home and was materially well off, while she lived in a very modest home. Shortly after she returned to Madeira, her daughter received a witness and told her mother what good things she had heard. The mother became interested, but contacts were difficult since sickness occurred in the family and the mother was constantly at the hospital. Finally a regular study was started with the mother, who quickly perceived that she had found the true religion. Until this time the mother had practiced witchcraft, gambled greatly and was involved in contraband practices. Now her conscience bothered her greatly, since she knew God did not approve of such things. Her faith grew stronger until one day, after only three months of studying the Bible, she decided to end her illegal practices, quit gambling and abandon witchcraft. The very day after she canceled a bet she had previously made, her “lucky” number was drawn in the lottery and the prize was $7,000. Firm in her resolve to serve Jehovah rather than return as a captive to any so-called gods of “fortune,” she has made a clean break and is now a publisher, already having made her dedication to serve Jehovah.

PORTUGUESE GUINEA Population: 625,000

Peak Publishers: 1 Ratio: 1 to 625,000

A sister accompanied her husband during the year to this overseas province, since he had been transferred to serve here. She viewed this as an excellent opportunity to make known the good news in this land where black magic is so prevalent. She writes that in their practice of spiritism entire communities will spend up to fifteen days in continuous feasting and ritualistic ceremonies and force even passersby to share in the eating of animal sacrifices. All this is done in fear of so-called departed spirits. In spite of such demonistic beliefs, the sister now conducts seven Bible studies, and one of the students will soon be ready to share in field service. Due to a grave illness on Memorial night, resulting in the death of her oldest son, this sister faithfully celebrated the Lord’s evening meal thirty days later, together with a small group of eight people. What a happy event, to report the celebration of the Memorial for the first time in this land!

PUERTO RICO Population: 2,756,400

Peak Publishers: 5,442 Ratio: 1 to 507

Many have been the blessings showered upon Jehovah’s servants in Puerto Rico during the past year. Almost one thousand new Kingdom publishers have been added to the ranks of God’s people; Kingdom Halls have up to 200 percent in attendance; a fine new branch office and Kingdom Hall was built by brothers and dedicated, and over one thousand brothers and sisters were able to attend the International assembly in New York. From all walks of life the “other sheep” are coming into the fold, and many and varied are the experiences of the brothers in the field, not only in Puerto Rico, but also in the Virgin Islands and Tortola, which are also cared for by the branch office in Puerto Rico.

Can young people stand firm for the truth? In answer a mother writes: “My teen-age sons always bear witness at school, and this produced fruit when a young lad whom we will call ‘George’ began studying the Bible with them. Soon this young boy was talking to his parents about the good things learned, but to his dismay this brought censure from them because they were Roman Catholics. His mother even came to our home to have the studies stopped. One evening my sons and George were standing outside our home when George’s father drove up, leaped out of the car and chased after his son. Then he turned on us in a blind rage and accused us of ‘making his son crazy’ and, since he was intoxicated, called us vile names and offered to fight my husband. A quiet answer caused him to drive off, but still in a rage. Shortly thereafter George was locked out of his house for a whole night, and later he was evicted from his home completely with nothing more than the clothes on his back. A kind Witness took him in for a while until his family finally took him back again. Still he had a hard fight for the faith because he became strangely quiet and said he was struggling with a voice that told him to curse Jehovah. We learned that his mother had asked a spiritist to curse the boy, and so it appeared that the demons were trying to break him down, but by prayer and study this new problem was overcome. Then George began to work in his spare time to obtain money to attend the international assembly in New York, and there his strong faith and firm stand were rewarded as he symbolized his dedication to Jehovah by water immersion.”

Unity of thought and teaching helps meek persons accept the truth, as can be seen from the experience of a brother who talked freely to a fellow worker about the Kingdom. The man took the magazines, but he would mock the brother and laugh at the idea of being able to live in a new order without sickness or death. He said the magazines were just for his wife. Then he moved away, and for a year the brother did not hear from him. But how great was his joy to learn after a year that the man was studying the Bible. Why the change? Well, a publisher of the good news called at his new home, so the man thought he would ask him questions to see if this Witness would give him the same answers as his previous fellow worker. He was amazed to receive not only the same answers and Scripture texts but also the answers to many other points in his mind. At once he realized that this was the truth. Now he is a dedicated witness for Jehovah and conducts two Bible studies. His wife has joined him and conducts four Bible studies. A congregation book study is conducted in his home, and due to his sowing the seed among his family, his father and all of his natural brothers are attending the meetings at the Kingdom Hall.

The importance of helping all members of the family cannot be overemphasized, so a sister who conducted a Bible study with seven members of a family of nine tried her best to include in the study another son who lived in the house. At last she was able to talk with him, and even though he had been a “hippie” for many years he agreed to join in the study. He attended mass at the Catholic church but said he found it empty and without hope. Soon the whole family, including the young man with his long hair and without socks on his feet, attended the Memorial celebration. So much did he enjoy the discourse that he started coming regularly to the Kingdom Hall, and soon began to apply Bible principles to his life, including his manner of dress. He had been visiting a psychiatrist in order to find a solution to his problems, but soon he realized that such visits were a waste of time because he had found the solution in God’s promise of His kingdom. Using his time wisely, he preached to all his friends, including many among the “hippies,” and even though many mocked and scorned, some of his friends have come to the Kingdom Hall to hear for themselves the “good news of the kingdom.”

TORTOLA Population: 8,800

Peak Publishers: 40 Ratio: 1 to 220

The truth has taken a firm hold on the island of Tortola, and so many interested persons are coming to the little Kingdom Hall that oftentimes the attendance is double the number of publishers. Interesting to note is the fact that with thirty-six publishers, around fifty requests for rooms were sent in for the district assembly in Puerto Rico.

The zealous efforts of one young Witness are producing good results, as is shown by the following letter sent in to the branch office: “All through the school term I tried to witness to my teacher, who is a Baptist; but he would not listen and refused to take any literature, saying that my religion was false and not based on the Bible. Then one day we had to write an essay on what we wished to be when grown up, so I wrote my essay identifying myself as one of Jehovah’s witnesses and pointing out that we stand for the truth and Bible principles. I explained our work and the hope of the Kingdom and concluded by saying that I wanted to be a minister of Jehovah forever. To my surprise the teacher read my essay to the whole class, saying he had enjoyed it, and when he finished all the children cheered. Since then I have placed a Truth book with the teacher and hope to start a Bible study with him.”

Even on small islands Satan is busy trying to break down the faith of God’s people. A young woman, a schoolteacher, began studying in her home but did not succeed in convincing the rest of her family to study. Soon her mother began to oppose her daughter and finally stopped the Witness from coming to her home. Even though the daughter had left the Methodist Church, the mother told the publisher that they were in a religion already and her daughter was not going to leave it to become one of Jehovah’s witnesses. The daughter then arranged to study at the Kingdom Hall, even though her mother threatened to throw her out of the house if she continued. When the news came of the international assembly in New York in July, the young lady approached the school authorities to arrange her vacation so as to be able to attend. This was granted, but once again Satan got busy, and three weeks before the assembly the vacation was canceled. Now what would she do? With faith in Jehovah she quit her job, went to the assembly and was among the more than 2,900 who were baptized. She is now waiting for the time when she can enter the full-time pioneer ranks.

VIRGIN ISLANDS (U.S.) Population: 41,000

Peak Publishers: 219 Ratio: 1 to 187

Jehovah’s people on the islands of the sea have been rejoicing greatly this past year, and great strides have been made toward maturity. It was fine to see that around one hundred, or almost 50 percent of the publishers, could attend the international assembly in New York city in July.

We can be sure that a firm stand for the truth will bring the blessing of Jehovah. A young publisher was having great opposition from her husband until he told her that she would have to decide between him and this “new religion.” He threatened to leave home if she attended one more meeting. When she went to the next meeting, he packed up his belongings and moved out, leaving his pregnant wife alone in the apartment. Shortly thereafter the sister was baptized. Five months passed and the husband, realizing that his wife was not giving up her worship of God, came home with a changed attitude. Now it is hoped that it might be true in this case: “Wife, how do you know but that you will save your husband?”

‘My sheep hear my voice,’ said Jesus, and this is true even in remote areas. A pioneer writes: “I was working isolated territory, and, after placing a Truth book with a young Catholic woman, I invited her to the Kingdom Hall, although I did not think she would be able to come. You can imagine how delighted I was when the following Sunday I heard a familiar voice make a comment at the Watchtower study, and there was this young lady participating in her very first meeting. She arranged to study at my house since I could not visit her in the country, and now after sixteen months she is baptized, conducts several Bible studies, has applied for vacation pioneering and hopes to be a regular pioneer later on.”

RHODESIA Population: 5,070,370

Peak Publishers: 11,131 Ratio: 1 to 456

It brings great happiness to be able to submit such a fine report on the faithful activities of our brothers and sisters in Rhodesia, Malawi and Mozambique.

A cause for outstanding joy during the year has been the fact that we have been able to hold circuit assemblies again for our African brothers, the first since 1965. Although there are still a few circuits where they cannot have them, all the brothers are benefiting by combining some of the circuits. In one circuit the assembly was held at the very place where the local authorities had just a few months previously denied entry for religious purposes to three of the Bethel brothers. The circuit servant wrote: “Thank you for encouraging us to go ahead in the belief that, if Jehovah willed, we would have the assembly. Our assembly went well from start to finish.”

How much do you appreciate spiritual things? In an area where a circuit assembly could not be held the overseers were invited to meet for a weekend with the district and circuit servants for special meetings. Here is what the district servant wrote about their appreciation for this arrangement: “One overseer walked for two days to get to the meetings. Another was going to walk over twenty miles back. When asked why he did not take a bus, he replied that he wanted the shilling to buy sugar for the visit of the circuit servant. He preferred to walk that distance.” Needless to say, he did not have to walk the twenty miles or more.

There is no shortcut to spiritual growth. To the extent that one applies himself, he is going to progress. A missionary tells how she was able to help a young Portuguese woman make very rapid advancement by encouraging her personally to study other publications of the Society besides the Truth book, which they were studying together. “Going through What Has Religion Done for Mankind? in about a week, she saw that Christmas, Easter and birthdays were all pagan. She immediately applied what she learned and told everyone she wasn’t celebrating these days anymore. When I commended her for this, she said, ‘Well, if I compromise now, it will be harder later on, won’t it?’

“I was longing to get this person into the service. Since we have a growing Portuguese population, I suggested she come along and translate for me. She readily agreed. However, I explained that before she could represent herself as one of Jehovah’s witnesses she should show her desire to be one by attending the meetings and receiving instruction. Her answer was, ‘I will start right now.’ She has been coming ever since. She is now conducting four studies of her own, and at one time had seven. She is planning on baptism very soon​—all this within ten months.”

One source of many blessings this year was an arrangement we had for getting unassigned territory worked. About twenty-five of our regular pioneers were invited to spend from two to five months in territory where no Witnesses were known to live. Because of this arrangement more isolated groups came into existence, more territory was covered and many were contacted and helped who had at one time been associated with Jehovah’s people. As one of the pioneers said: “I have never found so much joy as I am presently experiencing in this area. Here many people are interested in the truth. I am writing to ask if it will be all right for me to remain here indefinitely. If I leave, these people might cool off because of staying a long way from a congregation. So I am asking if I can continue as a special pioneer.” Several of these brothers have asked to become special pioneers.

This report would not be complete without mentioning the “Peace on Earth” International Assemblies. We are very happy that about seventy delegates from Rhodesia attended one or more of these assemblies overseas.

MALAWI Population: 4,042,412

Peak Publishers: 17,201 Ratio: 1 to 235

The 1969 service year was marked by intermittent periods of persecution for Jehovah’s people in Malawi. A number of the sisters were again physically abused and raped. Brothers had their houses burned or pulled down, all their belongings stolen or destroyed, and others were prevented from cultivating their land so that they and their families were without food. In some cases, hooligans came and uprooted the new shoots of maize after brothers had laboriously planted and cared for their fields. There seems to be no end to the inhuman tortures these hooligans can devise. This can be seen from the case of a brother who was forced to lie prone on his stomach while they laid bricks on his back and then danced on the bricks until he vomited as a result of the ill-treatment.

Many expressions of appreciation have been received for the relief supplies of food provided for the Malawi brothers. As a result of the donations of Jehovah’s people world wide, it has been possible to distribute over 296,000 pounds of maize and 22,750 pounds of beans to needy brothers. In a few instances, however, hooligans came and stole from the brothers food that had just been donated to them. At the end of the year there was just one circuit in which relief supplies of food were needed.

What has been the effect of the brutal measures taken against our brothers and sisters? In some cases it has resulted in brothers’ being able to give a fine witness. (Luke 21:13) This is illustrated by the experience of one congregation overseer of whom the hooligans wanted to make a public spectacle. He was covered from head to foot in dust, decorated with all sorts of flowers and then escorted from house to house by the gang and was told to tell everyone he was one of Jehovah’s witnesses. Needless to say, the brother was pleased to have this opportunity to share in what might be called “legal” house-to-house work!

Many of the Malawi people have a deep respect for God and his Word. They know that persecution is a mark of true Christianity. A young man of twenty-five was very zealous in politics and sold political cards. He lived in a village where the brothers had preached for over fourteen years with no apparent results. In January 1968 this man began to show interest after realizing that “this must be the true religion because of this persecution.” He attended the meetings during the circuit servant’s visit in November and, when he returned home, told his wife of the good things he had learned. She, too, became interested and a Bible study was conducted with both of them and both continued to associate with the congregation. When it became known that this young man wanted to be one of Jehovah’s witnesses, the local leaders of the Malawi Congress Party sent their youths to ask him to sell political cards, but he firmly refused. They told him he would be killed, but he said: “If I die, not because of stealing or adultery, but because of the Word of God, I am glad.”

The young man continued to preach steadfastly and walked forty miles to be baptized in March. As a result of his preaching, his wife, his elder brother and his brother’s wife were also baptized in June.

The Bible comforts us with the words: “Any weapon whatever that will be formed against you will have no success.” (Isa. 54:17) The truth of these words is emphasized by the experience of a young man who was chased for a mile by his father with a spear in his hand. Eventually the father threw the spear at his son, but missed the mark. Why did the man take this drastic action against his own son? Because the boy was believed to be studying the Bible with Jehovah’s witnesses and attending their meetings. But the man’s action was to no avail. The young man continues in his association with God’s people and is now contemplating baptism.

Due to their not being able to witness openly from house to house in many areas, the brothers have become expert in other methods of witnessing. One of the circuit servants was impressed by the fine increase in the congregation he was visiting. From a discussion with the overseer he learned that a number of persons had been freed from the grip of Babylon the Great by brothers who were alert to witness at every opportunity. A witch doctor abandoned his superstitious practices, had a regular Bible study and accepted the truth because a brother fearlessly engaged him in conversation and discussed paragraph 46 in the Living in Hope booklet with him, dealing with spiritistic practices. A leader of the Presbyterian Church became interested because a brother, after asking him how he was as he passed him on the road, tactfully mentioned that the man was spiritually unwell and illustrated it by asking him Bible questions that the Presbyterian was unable to answer. A well-respected member of the Roman Catholic Church accepted the truth along with all his family because of an incidental conversation with a brother concerning the trinity, resulting in a Bible study in his household.

Following the Society’s counsel, the brothers have used this time while their public ministry is prohibited to concentrate on their internal ministry. As a result of this, 1,218 persons were taught to read during the year in the schools operated by the congregations, compared with a total of 269 in 1968 and 436 in 1967. Emphasis on the regular weekly family study has also resulted in an improvement in the spiritual structure of many families. The commendable attitude of our brothers in Malawi is summed up by the conclusion of one of the brother’s letters to us. He writes: “I hope Jehovah will open the way for finding the ‘other sheep’ before Armageddon. Will you, please, pray for us?”

MOZAMBIQUE Population: 6,650,000

Peak Publishers: 2,838 Ratio: 1 to 2,343

It is noteworthy that every year since 1957 has seen an increase in publishers in Mozambique. However, it was not until 1966 that the 1,000-publisher mark was passed. In the three years since that we have seen the number of publishers surpass 2,000, and now the number is moving rapidly toward 3,000. The 1969 service year showed an increase of 34 percent over 1968. This phenomenal growth has been accomplished in spite of the fact that Jehovah’s witnesses are viewed in Mozambique as they are in Portugal, since Mozambique is administered as a Portuguese overseas province. Thus the brothers have to work very carefully.

An interested person living in Mozambique who has been corresponding with a sister in Portugal wrote to the brothers caring for the work in Portugal as follows: “For some time now I have been following the way of God, and I now consider myself one of Jehovah’s witnesses. My study has been entirely by means of correspondence, since to my knowledge there are no Witnesses living in this city. I have already given a witness to many people, and I am happy to say that at least two people show much interest in the Kingdom message. I would very much like to be baptized and be able to associate with other brothers to learn the right manner to preach the good news from house to house. It is my desire to dedicate myself to the service of God.”

A circuit servant has made good use of the Society’s tracts. He has found the one entitled “What Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Believe?” to be especially helpful in awakening interest and starting studies. After asking questions on the tract, he then introduces one of the Society’s booklets or even the Watchtower magazine. This procedure of using this tract in the ministry and helping others to do the same has helped to get a congregation of thirty-four publishers established in one area and other studies started elsewhere.

As a result of a disfellowshipped man’s joining the secret police and giving information about the brothers, many of the responsible servants in some of the congregations in southern Mozambique have been arrested and are in prison along with the circuit servant. However, Jehovah’s organization is ready to meet with such emergencies, as is shown by the fact that servants from nearby congregations have accepted additional responsibilities and have moved in to help those congregations whose servants have been imprisoned.

It was reported from the Lourenço Marques area that on May 20 and 22 there were two meetings held by members of all religions to try to solve the problem of what to do about Jehovah’s witnesses when they come around preaching. They decided that when the Witnesses call they should notify the police to come and arrest them, or else they should shout and attract attention. These two meetings were called by the Catholic church. But in spite of this the brothers continue to preach in harmony with Matthew 10:16. The brothers say they try to organize small groups but find it difficult since so many want to attend. It appears that the more the Devil tries to interfere, the more the increase!

SENEGAL Population: 3,500,000

Peak Publishers: 158 Ratio: 1 to 22,152

The branch in Dakar looks after the interests of the Lord’s work not only in Senegal, but also in Gambia, Mali and Mauritania, for which reports are herewith given.

In view of the delicate situation in this territory, the work of making disciples calls for great patience and loving and tender care of those who have been skinned and knocked about by Christendom’s religious shepherds. People in general are disappointed by the poor example of their religious leaders who not only fail to condemn and uproot immoral practices but even openly condone them.

How diligently we must follow the perfect example of our Great Teacher Jesus Christ in his loving concern for the lost “sheep” is demonstrated by the following experience: “Occasionally the Society sends out subscription expiration slips, and we are encouraged to contact these former subscribers to invite them to renew their subscriptions and also to assist them to progress. But to what extent should we go in our efforts to locate these persons? I received slips for a man whose subscriptions for both The Watchtower and Awake! had expired. I made diligent efforts and many inquiries in order to try to locate him but without success, as another publisher had originally obtained the subscriptions. What should be done? Destroy the slips? Rather, I decided to write to the address shown. You can well imagine my surprise one day when I was in the service, when a man came running up to me waving his arms with a letter in his hand and asked me if I knew who had sent it! How happy I was to inform him that it was the letter I had sent him. The first thing he said was that he wanted to resubscribe and also continue with his Bible study. The publisher who had originally contacted this man had left the country so he had lost all contact with the truth. Now I am happy to conduct a home Bible study with this interested person, the result of taking the time to write to someone who could not be contacted directly. He may well prove to be one of the ‘sheep’ of Jehovah mentioned in Matthew 18:14; we certainly keep praying so.”

Traveling offers an excellent opportunity for incidental witnessing. There are many ways to strike up a conversation with your fellow passengers, and sometimes all you have to do is open a magazine. Soon its attractive titles will capture the attention of the person sitting next to you. This is what happened in the case of a traveling missionary who writes: “Sitting down at the side of a young African man, I took out the latest copies of the magazines. Before I had occasion to strike up a conversation with him, to my astonishment he took the two issues right out of my hand, saying, ‘I just love those magazines! Can I have them?’ During the discussion that ensued I found out that his brother was very interested in the truth and had attended meetings. Unfortunately the man had not had the same opportunity, owing to the demands of his secular work. On arriving at Senegal I left him with my personal copy of the Truth book, taking his name and address so that a study could be started with him when he arrived in America to take up his new post. Within two weeks a brother visited him from the nearby congregation. The man had made inquiries among all his friends as to the location of the Kingdom Hall. He had read the Truth book all the way through and was thoroughly convinced that it was in complete accord with the Bible. The brother spent two hours discussing the subject of the Kingdom with him and arranged a home Bible study. However, when this young man learned that it was only for one hour, he requested three studies weekly! Two visits were finally agreed on and, along with one of his friends, this man is now making fine progress in the truth.”

GAMBIA Population: 316,000

Peak Publishers: 7 Ratio: 1 to 45,143

In spite of the many obstacles and difficulties that the brothers in Gambia have to cope with, they continue steadfastly in their efforts to help humble ones. Taking advantage of the needs of poor people for secular education and medical assistance, the false shepherds of Christendom use coercion, false accusations and other unchristian methods to keep people away from the truth. This was illustrated in the case of the funeral of a faithful brother whose family was not in the truth. After many years of serious illness the brother fell and was injured in his room, and later he was taken unconscious to the hospital, where he fell asleep in death. His wife, who opposes the truth, refused to allow the brothers to conduct the funeral service. She claimed that her husband was a Catholic; and while he was unconscious in the hospital, she invited a Catholic priest to rebaptize him and say prayers, etc., and now she wanted a Catholic burial. It was even falsely announced in the church that it was the brother who sent the call for the priest and confessed to the priest before his death. All this was to prejudice the people against Jehovah’s witnesses. However, the special pioneer writes: “Behold a man I knew from the day I entered the country, Sunday, December 21, 1958, with whom I slept my first night, and who was baptized in the year 1961; and until the date of his death, December 17, 1968, for ten complete years our dear brother never attended any church or church ceremony at all. What a false and corrupt religion this is! Really, these people are vultures waiting for the people to die in order to benefit from even their death! From this sad experience the brothers have learned to make a documentary agreement before death in order to have a decent Christian burial and glorify the name of the loving God, Jehovah, by stressing the wonderful hope of the resurrection.”

MALI Population: 4,200,000

Peak Publishers: 6 Ratio: 1 to 700,000

There is little change in conditions in this isolated territory. The special pioneer and the few publishers in Bamako have put forth a good effort during the service year. It was very encouraging to see some improvement in their ministry, especially during the second part of the service year. Without any interference from the Adversary, they have been able to share in all features of the work. They are receiving the spiritual food regularly and through the visits of the circuit servant they are stimulated in their Christian lives and activities. During his last visit the circuit servant wrote: “The brothers in Bamako manifest a very good mental attitude, and their zeal keeps increasing. Although they were somewhat discouraged by the persecution last year, they have recovered their moral force and determination by Jehovah’s help and spirit and are determined to stay in their assignment as long as it depends on them.”

MAURITANIA Population: 1,000,000

Peak Publishers: 2 Ratio: 1 to 500,000

Conditions continue to be most unfavorable for our work in this sunburned, desert territory. However, we are grateful to Jehovah to have been able to accomplish some witnessing in three different localities of this vast desert territory during the last part of the service year. Due to his secular work, a young brother was moved to two different places, and he did good work at each place in his efforts to witness for the name and kingdom of Jehovah. He placed some literature, but due to moving he was not successful in conducting a Bible study.

SIERRA LEONE Population: 2,180,623

Peak Publishers: 819 Ratio: 1 to 2,663

The branch in Sierra Leone looks after the work in Sierra Leone and in the republic of Guinea. We have reports from both places.

One missionary took seriously the admonition appearing in the Kingdom Ministry on ‘letting the blind ones see’ by visiting a local school for the blind, where she obtained a list of names of graduates who could read Braille. True to Jehovah’s promise at Isaiah 29:18, “And in that day . . . out of the darkness even the eyes of the blind ones will see,” one young man employed at the school was attracted to the truth. Every day during his lunch period he came to the missionary home for his daily Bible study. He soon completed the “Good News” and Living in Hope booklets and then started to study the Truth book in Braille. Progress was very rapid. In a few weeks he enrolled in the Theocratic Ministry School and within five months qualified to share in the ministry, setting a fine example in the congregation for less handicapped ones.

A circuit servant wrote about the benefits of taking time to teach his two-year-old son the meaning of all the pictures in the Paradise book. During the month of July alone, the son was instrumental in assisting his mother to place twelve Paradise books and eight other bound books. As the mother took her son from house to house, she would just ask the boy to point out to the householder the meaning of some of the pictures during her presentation. The people were so impressed that a number of them quickly voiced their desire for the literature.

One never gets too old to change his religion or his way of life. An elderly widow, although a church member, would make and sell bootleg liquor and, often after going to church on Sunday, would get drunk. Could this woman change her course in a period of six months with the aid of the Truth book? A few weeks of study saw many changes taking place. She soon destroyed her cross and religious calendars, and burned her prayer book and books on astrology. She then stopped cooking for the dead, resigned from her church and stopped making illegal liquor and getting drunk. She started to attend the meetings at the Kingdom Hall and within a few months qualified for the ministry. Although her former associates saw the remarkable changes in her life, they still tried to get her to return to church. Her adamant refusal to go back to her former way of life has won her great admiration by the majority in her village.

Adhering to Christian principles concerning marriage affairs and registration brings manifold blessings. During the year a large number took steps in order to qualify for the ministry. One man had three wives, but upon learning that a Christian is to be the husband of only one wife, he dismissed the two younger ones from his compound. This won him deep respect from his senior wife and she started taking the truth more seriously. But even one of the younger women, although disappointed at being dismissed as the man’s wife, knew how hard it had been for the former husband to take this step and thus knew it must have been only his high regard for Bible principles that gave him the courage to do so. This increased her own respect for Bible principles, and she asked for a Bible study with Jehovah’s witnesses. This young woman soon found what she could do with her own life, now a single one, and she dedicated it to Jehovah, symbolizing it by being baptized.

Kingdom Halls are springing up throughout towns, villages and bush country. In one of the larger towns where there are only nine publishers, the brothers decided to build a Kingdom Hall. The project became the center of attraction, and the brothers were chided for building such a large structure, since there were only a handful of Witnesses in the town. But when the people saw the brothers’ determination and how they were working day and night, their jeers turned to cheers. Several of the townspeople volunteered their labors and transport. Others gave donations. How happy these few brothers were to find over two hundred attending their first meeting. Several prominent officials were present and expressed their delight that the brothers now had a permanent hall in which to meet.

GUINEA Population: 2,500,000

Peak Publishers: 118 Ratio: 1 to 21,186

A few years ago all the publishers in the capital at Conakry except one left the country. This left little hope of the congregation’s surviving there. However, we are happy to report that, after our sending two special pioneers there during the year, the congregation has been revived with a small nucleus around which to build for the future. What has been most encouraging is the fact that the government officials permitted the brothers in the capital to open a Kingdom Hall with a sign on it. While there are only five congregation publishers reporting, they now have an average of twenty to thirty persons regularly attending their meetings.

Do we always appreciate what strenuous efforts some of our brothers have to make to attend an assembly? A head of a Protestant mission, after two years of study, got up enough courage to take a positive stand for the truth. His earnest desire was to attend a circuit assembly and be baptized. But how could he do that when he lived eighty miles away from the assembly town with no transport and little money? By walking, of course; and that is what he did. Although achieving his goals of attending and getting baptized, he found expenses at the assembly town were greater than he expected, and soon his money was exhausted. He did not plead or beg the brothers for help, but found employment at the assembly town to pay his expenses, including enough for his return journey home.

One special-pioneer brother was selected to represent the Guinean brothers at the “Peace on Earth” International Assembly in Paris, and the local brothers write that they are thrilled to hear the experiences encountered on his trip. Again we wish to thank all the brothers world wide for their generous contributions that made this possible.

SINGAPORE Population: 1,865,000

Peak Publishers: 201 Ratio: 1 to 9,279

A young Chinese man who was a Baptist was very disappointed with the church when the pastor, accompanied by some richer members of the church, refused to speak to him when they met in the marketplace. He tried another church, the Adventists, but found their explanation of the sabbath not too convincing. In this state, he came into possession of an old copy of The Watchtower in Chinese. It made sense to him, and immediately he sat down and wrote to the Society’s branch address. However, it happened to be the old address, and he never got an answer. He figured that there must be people distributing the magazine, so he asked his people to keep watch for someone selling The Watchtower. “Regardless of cost, obtain some copies,” he said. Well, one day a Witness called, but a visitor in the home answered the door and said they did not need any of those magazines. Later on when the others in the house learned who had called they said, “Those are the people we want to see!” Someone went out and found the Witness and obtained magazines. From then on things moved. The young man got the new address and wrote, and a call was made on him. He showed great interest, attended the next meeting, and has been a regular attender since. He has begun witnessing from door to door. He recently married and his wife is also making fine progress in the truth. So lost “sheep” continue to be found.

It has been noticed that people are changing these days. Even Roman Catholics who rarely listened to the message are now giving a hearing ear. One Catholic lady who was contacted took the magazines and manifested interest. A back-call was made, a book placed and a study arranged. But she had one question, “Is it true that Jehovah’s witnesses refuse blood transfusions?” This kind of question usually brings the call to an abrupt end, but in this case it was the other way around. The woman had been a nurse and was impressed by a man who refused to allow a blood transfusion for his son. At that time she was very angry, but now, some years later, she thought that the man had integrity, different from other people, and she wondered what his religion was. She would look into Jehovah’s witnesses. During the week she got sick, and while she was ill in bed her eight-year-old daughter brought in the Truth book opened at the picture in the front and asked for an explanation. She told the child that she was sick and asked her to put the book back. However, the child wanted to know what the picture was about, so she took it to school and during the catechism class asked the nun. The result was a letter from the nun to the mother asking why she was studying such a book as this. The mother felt moved to reply, saying among other things, “All I am doing is studying the Bible, and this I have a right to do.” The publisher explained the meaning of the illustration on the next call, and the woman is now studying the good news and looking forward to the joy of living when her child can put her arms around the neck of a lion. She is glad she listened to Jehovah’s witnesses.

The branch in Singapore also looks after the work in Malaysia, for which a report follows.

MALAYSIA Population: 8,967,000

Peak Publishers: 164 Ratio: 1 to 54,677

Although race riots broke out in the nation’s capital in May, Jehovah’s people continued with their peaceful work of helping people of all races to learn the truth that leads to eternal life. The Truth book in English and Chinese is being received with tremendous response. A sister who works in a bank wrote to say: “When I read in the Kingdom Ministry the experiences of others who were buying out time for the ministry, I was encouraged to imitate their fine example. The next morning when I went to work I took with me twenty Truth books, and right away I placed them all among the staff. The following day I took along another twenty and was successful in placing all of these in neighboring offices. This was very encouraging for me because I had thought that very few of these people would accept our literature. However, I continued taking along some books for two weeks, and during my lunch period and before office work started I kept placing books. As a result, I was able to place 113 books within two weeks. All this has made me very happy, and I am now helping some of the seeds sown to grow.”

Another sister writes: “While witnessing in a poorer class of territory I met an Indian boy who was interested in the Bible. No literature was placed, but I promised to call back, and I did. A book was placed and a study was started. After the second study he came to the Kingdom Hall, but then family opposition set in. His mother cut off his allowance of money, so he walked to the hall, three miles from his home. His faithfulness was rewarded, for after two months of walking his father presented him with a bicycle! However, family opposition was not the only problem he had to overcome. As the study progressed he confessed to using drugs and having the unclean habit of smoking, besides other undesirable, worldly ways. This was due to the unwholesome influence of worldly association. But he soon realized that to gain Jehovah’s favor he would have to exert himself to put on the new personality. He put forth the effort, and one by one he got rid of his bad habits, including cutting off association with his worldly ‘friends,’ who began taunting him. After two months of regular study he enrolled in the Theocratic Ministry School. A month later he expressed the desire to participate in the field ministry. Having been informed of the high standard required to qualify as God’s minister, he worked hard at meeting the requirements, and five months after his first study he had the joy of reporting as a publisher of the Kingdom good news. Truly the Word of God exerts power, especially so when it is so clearly presented in these ‘last days.’”

SOUTH AFRICA Population: 19,167,000

Peak Publishers: 20,445 Ratio: 1 to 937

Here in South Africa we have just completed a most enjoyable and exciting year in the service of Jehovah. We got off to a good start early in the service year with the “Good News for All Nations” District Assemblies and the release of the wonderful little Truth book. Then things really started moving, after a few years of apparently standing still. The number of publishers increased rapidly, and by April we reached a new peak. We also had the joy of seeing the greatest number ever baptized in any one year. A further impetus was provided when more than five hundred brothers from this country planned to attend the “Peace on Earth” International Assembly in London. Excitement ran high when it was learned that for the first time African brothers from this country would be granted passports to attend an overseas assembly. Ten of these were full-time workers who were sent by the Society by means of the convention travel fund. We wish you could have seen the happiness and appreciation of these brothers. They, and all the others who have been assisted, wish to thank all the brothers world wide for their loving contributions toward this fund.

In addition to giving oversight to the work in South Africa, the branch also cares for Ascension Island, Botswana, Lesotho, St. Helena, South-West Africa and Swaziland. First we report on South Africa.

This year a special effort was made to reach the many farmers on large stretches of land in this country. Most of these farms are miles apart and can be reached only by car. At the Society’s office these farm territories were properly mapped out, and congregations were encouraged to apply for farm territory. The response was good. Some congregations accepted territory more than two hundred miles from their homes. Thousands of miles were covered in order to reach these farmers with the good news of the Kingdom. One car group covered about two hundred square miles, during which time they visited one hundred farms and placed ninety Truth books. Many truth-hungry people have been found and are now being assisted by means of correspondence or by return visits from these brothers. Some congregations have arranged to go back once a month over long distances to care for these sheeplike ones.

Kindness and tact can often assist a person to accept the truth. A sister relates: “When my husband first became interested in Jehovah’s witnesses I made every effort to make it unpleasant for him. The brother who came to conduct the study always came by bicycle in fair weather or foul. He never missed a week. When we had bad weather for a whole month, with continuous rain for days, I thought at last he would not be here for the study. (I had to sit in every time, but always showed hostility so that they seldom spoke to me directly but remained polite.) But right on time the brother was there for the study. This shook me and started me thinking, Why all this trouble to study the Bible? Then one day my husband invited the pioneers to lunch. Out of sheer spitefulness I burned the food. After the meal the pioneers came up to me and thanked me for the lovely meal they had enjoyed. Their politeness was too much for me, so that night I took up some of the literature and the Bible and started to read with real interest. My husband never said a thing to rebuke me while I did these terrible things to him and to the two Witnesses who visited him. As a result of the brothers’ kind attitude I continued investigating and am now a Witness myself, happy that Jehovah was patient with me. My daughter is now a pioneer in the congregation, and we are happy to be a united family in Jehovah’s service.”

A sixty-nine-year-old clergyman of the Nazareth Baptist Church who had served as a minister since 1920 and who twice a year had to visit nearby countries as well as congregations in various parts of this country as guest speaker came in contact with the truth. A study was started in the Paradise book. This sincere man began to see the great difference between the teachings of his church and the truth. He asked his whole family to join him in the study. By December 1968 he had made up his mind. He requested many copies of the Paradise book and other booklets, which he offered to members of his former church when he gave them a farewell sermon. He told them that he was leaving the church because he had found the way leading to eternal life. He also visited all the other congregations in other provinces and in nearby countries where he used to preach. In February of this year he dedicated his life to Jehovah and later was baptized at a circuit assembly. His family joined him in the preaching of the good news of the Kingdom. His daughters are enrolled in the Theocratic Ministry School, and the whole family is making fine progress in the truth.

Can a person who was a robber, gambler and murderer be changed by the truth? Such a man found himself in prison serving out a fourteen-year sentence. Later he was transferred to a work colony on the farms where there was a prison library. Although not interested in religion, the Paradise book caught his attention. He read it again and again and became convinced that this was the truth. Through the warden, who was studying with Jehovah’s witnesses, he obtained some magazines. Like soft rain on fertile soil the truth was sinking into his heart. He started going from cell to cell with the good news. When he was released recently, he immediately contacted the Witnesses and informed them of seven “ready made” Witnesses who are looking forward to getting baptized as soon as they are released. At the time of writing this experience this once lawless man has become a zealous, dedicated brother and a law-abiding citizen.

The good conduct of Jehovah’s people at their assemblies does not go unnoticed. A sister and her son took a taxi to a hospital for medical treatment. The taxi driver recognised the sister as one of Jehovah’s witnesses, as he used to be the caretaker at a hall that was often used for district assemblies. He told the sister about something the Witnesses did not know of, something that went on behind the scenes. The Council controlling the renting of this particular hall was prejudiced against Jehovah’s witnesses, as most of them belonged to the Dutch Reformed Church. But, as all people in the community had the right to hire the hall, they rented it to the Witnesses on the first occasion, having asked the caretaker, now the taxi driver, to look for complaints against the Witnesses so that they would have grounds for refusing the use of the hall in the future. The Monday morning after the assembly they called him in to report on the complaints he had against Jehovah’s witnesses. He answered: “My only ‘complaint’ against them is their outstanding conduct, cleanliness and their respect for the Council’s property. Children pick up papers around the hall; lavatories are spotless; and to crown it all, on Sunday evening when their sessions closed, the men took off their good suits, put on working clothes and cleaned the hall.” Ever since that fine report we have had no difficulty in obtaining this hall for district assemblies.

ASCENSION ISLAND Population: 1,217

Peak Publishers: 7 Ratio: 1 to 174

The work on Ascension Island received a real boost when the pioneer from St. Helena island moved there with his family for nine months of the service year. A thorough witness was given to those on the island with some very fine results. Several families and individuals began to associate after studying for only a short time.

Is 10 p.m. too late to conduct a home Bible study? Not with one family! The man worked shifts until after 9 o’clock some weeks, so it was arranged to have a regular study at 10 p.m. As it was very hot, they would have the study on the verandah, in the open where the neighbours could see them, and this resulted in ridicule from the neighbours. As the man progressed and realised it was the truth he was learning, he commented: “Now I see why more people are not Jehovah’s witnesses, because they are afraid of what their neighbours would say and think.” The family began attending meetings and enjoyed them. After hearing at the Tuesday book study how urgent the time is and about the work still to be done, the man started witnessing to all his workmates the next day and was overjoyed to find one man who asked for a Bible and book so that he could study.

The pioneer brother and his family had to move back to St. Helena. They keep in touch with some of their Bible students by writing letters, and the only sister on the island continues to give them personal assistance. Can you perhaps come and help the “sheep” on this island?

BOTSWANA Population: 543,000

Peak Publishers: 187 Ratio: 1 to 2,904

The truth is reaching out into the farthest corners of this land. In the northwest, in the swampy region, was found a woman who comes from a Bushman tribe. Bushmen are among the most primitive peoples of the earth. These little hunters still use the bow and poisoned arrows. But she accepted the truth and is now in a position to witness to other Bushmen in their click-language. Hence the prospect of seeing some of these primitive people among the Armageddon survivors is brightening.

There was great excitement among the brothers when they heard that one of the special pioneers had been invited by the Society to attend the “Peace on Earth” International Assembly in London. When the brother received the letter of invitation from the Society, informing him that the Society would pay his fare, he gratefully acknowledged it, but said he would not accept it since he would not be able to pay for his food and accommodation in London. However, that very same day a family phoned the branch office and offered financial assistance for one of the African brothers who was invited and who might not have the necessary funds for personal expenses. How extremely grateful this brother was to benefit from this offer and be able to attend the assembly!

A constant effort is being made to spread the Kingdom message into the more densely populated areas by appointing more special pioneers. However, the demand for more workers still far exceeds the supply. During the year a couple from England moved in to serve where the need is greater, and they have been assigned to witness to the English-speaking population. But more helpers are needed in this section of the field also.

LESOTHO Population: 968,000

Peak Publishers: 343 Ratio: 1 to 2,822

The brothers in Lesotho have had a very good year in preaching the good news, and Jehovah has blessed them with a fine increase. Sheeplike persons from all walks of life are accepting the truth. To give the work a further stimulus and help build up the organizational ability of the brothers in Lesotho, a white special pioneer couple from South Africa were asked whether they would be willing to accept a special-pioneer assignment in Maseru, the capital of Lesotho. Would you give up a comfortable flat in a city with a happy congregation, to live under primitive conditions with people whose language you could not speak? Would you accept such an invitation if it meant forfeiting an overseas trip to an international assembly? This is what this couple did. The wife’s parents had invited this couple to accompany them to the London assembly and offered to pay their air fare. But in order to free themselves from secular work so as to be able to accept the invitation to Lesotho, this couple requested that the air fare rather be given them to pay off their debt on the car. The parents agreed, and now the couple are enjoying some wonderful experiences as special pioneers in a congregation that needs them and loves them and views them as a gift from Jehovah.

The district servant relates the following experience: A local brother conducted a home Bible study for some time with a man who had been a lay preacher in the French Mission Church for twenty-eight years. During our visit to the congregation, he was assisted to change the study from the ‘Impossible to Lie’ book to the Truth book and the study was conducted several times during the two weeks. By the termination of our visit this man said that many stumbling blocks had been removed from his path and that now he was determined to inform his family of his decision to be baptized as one of Jehovah’s witnesses and encourage them to take a like course. He was also determined to return to each of the churches in which he had preached during the past twenty-eight years and ask for an opportunity to tell these congregations the truth. What a fine example set by a man seventy-six years of age!

ST. HELENA Population: 4,701

Peak Publishers: 36 Ratio: 1 to 131

The arrival of the Truth book on the island gave a great stimulus to the work, bringing Bible studies up to 1.5 per publisher. One brother relates how the book helped a family who were spiritually “dead” for ten years: “They came along to the circuit servant’s talk on Sunday afternoon for the first time and stayed for the Watchtower study and final talk. Since then the family have attended the Theocratic Ministry School and service meeting and are progressing well.”

A fine witness was given again on this island. But a generally easygoing attitude is still the greatest obstacle, even affecting the brothers at times and making progress slow. Previously, wars, crimes and political disturbances had never really affected the people on this island. But this year a commercial take-over brewed into political strife, and the people were roused into a frenzy. Who took the lead in this? The clergy, singing “Onward, Christian Soldiers!” Posters of a violent nature were everywhere, disturbing the islanders for quite a few months. The next posters that went up around the island were advertising the public talk for the circuit assembly of Jehovah’s witnesses with the title “God’s Way Is Love.” What a contrast! A man, seeing the poster, came up to us and said: “This is what we need.” And the man against whom the islanders were so bitter came to the public talk, listening attentively and looking up all the scriptures. Even the Seventh-Day Adventist leader came to attend the talk.

SOUTH-WEST AFRICA Population: 574,000

Peak Publishers: 179 Ratio: 1 to 3,207

With the use of the Truth book in Afrikaans many new home Bible studies have been started and more people are taking a firm stand for the truth.

Age does not prevent a sister who is in her seventies from sharing in street magazine distribution. To her, Magazine Day is the highlight of the week’s activity because she cannot walk from house to house to share in the regular preaching work. With the kind help of the other brothers in the congregation, she regularly makes her way to a busy street corner on Saturday morning, taking a chair with her. While sitting on the chair she offers the magazines to the public passing by and usually places about sixty magazines during four hours on the street. People are getting to know her now, and they often ask her for the latest copies. This faithful example has been a great encouragement to many of the younger publishers to have a regular share in the distribution of magazines.

Due to good behaviour, some prisoners in one of the local gaols are allowed to work in the homes of the prison staff. One of these works in the home of a sister. A special pioneer reports: “On visiting this sister I noted the prisoner’s genuine friendliness and good disposition. I left him two magazines to read, and when I called back he requested a Paradise book. Seeing his interest in the Bible, I offered him a study. He was so pleased and appreciative that we were able to complete the ‘Good News’ booklet in six studies. This meant much preparation on his part. At this point we received the Truth book in Afrikaans and were able to go directly to Chapters 14 and 15. He was able to see immediately the need to get out of Babylon the Great. Now that he has covered a few chapters in this excellent publication he has expressed the desire to be baptized in the near future as soon as he is released.”

SWAZILAND Population: 395,000

Peak Publishers: 640 Ratio: 1 to 617

During the year the work in Swaziland continued to make steady progress. To ensure that all people in Swaziland hear the good news before the end, arrangements were made during the branch servant’s visit from South Africa to reassign most of the special pioneers to territories where the need is greater. This is resulting in a fine witness being given throughout Swaziland.

One of the district chiefs called upon a pioneer brother to attend a rural political meeting. The brother did not attend, but instead busied himself with God’s work. The following day he was called before the chief to account for his absence from the meeting. He kindly explained his neutral position. The chief threatened to deport him from the country, but told him to wait until he returned from seeing His Excellency, the king of Swaziland. When the chief brought this case before the king, the king, who is well acquainted with Jehovah’s witnesses, said that they should be left alone. “These people do not belong to any political party. They are neutral and there is no reason to give them a hard time. They are a peaceful people.” When the chief returned he told the waiting brother that he was very fortunate that the king was in a good mood and had pardoned him. The brother happily continues with his preaching work.

SPAIN Population: 31,794,900

Peak Publishers: 8,392 Ratio: 1 to 3,789

The fulfillment of Jehovah’s promise by means of Isaiah that he would ‘speed up’ the increase of his people in his due time has been clearly evidenced throughout the year. Spurred on as never before to reach all honest-hearted persons with the Kingdom good news, publishers have been most diligent in thoroughly covering their congregational territories, and many have been able to move to areas where there is a greater need for Kingdom ministers. There are experiences herewith from Spain, Andorra and the Canary Islands.

With the aid of the Truth book, how quickly sincere persons take decisive action in favor of the basic principles of true Christian worship! A pioneer reports that when he returned for just the second study with an interested family, he noticed that objects of false religious worship had disappeared from the house, although he had made no comment about them. The husband explained that from what he and his wife had learned from their daily examination of the Truth book, not only had they cleaned house religiously speaking, but he had made the decision to disconnect their two television sets, in order to allow more time for Bible study, and, in addition, both had decided to stop smoking. The wife commented that she had already given a witness to her hairdressers. Now they are participating regularly in ministerial activity and have offered their home for Bible study meetings.

A married man told a Witness who called that he was not interested in Bible study, for he had become disillusioned with religion, but that he would not prevent his wife from studying. A Truth book was placed, and the publisher suggested that the husband take a few moments to examine it, so that he would be familiar with what his wife would be studying. When the publisher returned to conduct the first study, the husband was also present and exclaimed: “Last night my wife and I were still reading the Truth book at 3 a.m. We have already reached Chapter 16, and we have learned much. I was so impressed when I read that the Bible forbids the use of images in worship, I got up and disposed of the religious images in our bedroom.” The very next Sunday the couple was in attendance at the congregation’s Bible discourse, and now they too are sharing with others what they are learning.

A husband who felt that his wife’s sincere devotion to certain images of saints was credulous welcomed the offer of a study in the Truth book, In just a short time the wife came to appreciate that “God is a Spirit, and those worshiping him must worship with spirit and truth,” and made the necessary adjustments in her thinking and actions. But as the study continued the husband also found himself confronted with a very difficult personal decision. Since childhood he had dreamed of becoming a great bullfighter. And after long years of effort and great personal sacrifice, he had finally become a matador, fighting in the principal arenas of the nation. Now, just when his long-sought-after dream was being realized, he was caused to think more profoundly in regard to his own life and what he was doing with it. Rather than continuing to risk his life in the arena, he decided to dedicate his life to God and His service, and both he and his wife were baptized at the summer assembly in Rome.

Pioneers called on a crippled lady who had a bitter complaint against God: “What God should do is to see that I walk normally once again.” In time she agreed to a study in the Truth book, and within just a few weeks a marvelous change came about in her personality. She interested her husband in the study, and soon they offered their home for Bible-study meetings. She began to witness by correspondence, but still felt sad when she observed others in the group leaving to participate in the door-to-door ministry. With an important goal in view she has practiced walking with a cane in spite of the eleven metal pins in her femur. Now, with a progressive and bright mental attitude, she is overjoyed to be able to devote from six to eight hours weekly in the door-to-door ministry.

The 6,525 who attended the Spanish sessions of the international assembly at Rome were unanimous in their expressions of appreciation for the outstanding program provided. Strengthened spiritually, all are firmly determined to continue spreading the good news of God’s kingdom during the short time remaining.

ANDORRA Population: 18,200

Peak Publishers: 14 Ratio: 1 to 1,300

In spite of severe obstacles to spiritual progress in this tiny land nestled high in the Pyrenees, how good it has been to see native Andorrans take sides with Jehovah and symbolize their dedication to him by water baptism during this past year. Secular work keeps most Andorrans busy ten hours a day, seven days a week, which severely limits the time available for Bible study and association. However, they realize that “man must live, not on bread alone,” so adjustments are made according to the circumstances so that the Bible study meetings start as late as 10 p.m. Even the winter transportation problems and cold do not stop these hardy people from regularly congregating together. The use of the Truth book during the year has proved to be a marvelous instrument in helping not only the interested persons but also the publishers themselves to appreciate more deeply the urgent need to take a firm stand now on Jehovah’s side. One brother writes of his determined decision: “I needed Sunday afternoons off from my secular work in order to attend the Watchtower study, as well as one day during the week for ministerial activity. My employer at first seemed unwilling to grant my request, but when I told him that I would have to look for another job, he made a special arrangement for me. Later, he kindly approved my request for time off in August to attend the international assembly at Rome, even though he himself had to replace me at the store during this peak period of the tourist season.” How important it is then to keep on “seeking first the kingdom,” knowing that Jehovah is not oblivious to the material needs of his faithful servants.

CANARY ISLANDS Population: 1,154,200

Peak Publishers: 269 Ratio: 1 to 4,291

What a help the Truth book has been in aiding interested persons to take a firm stand quickly for Jehovah’s righteous principles. A married man found it necessary to care for his sick parents during more than fifteen years, with the result that in time he became an unbeliever. His wife continued to worship in the routine manner that she had been taught by the nuns when she had attended a religious school. Then they both agreed to a study of the Truth book with one of Jehovah’s witnesses. After just two months they exclaimed: “How happy we are to know the truth about so many things that previously were so confusing to us! And what particularly surprises us is that the Truth book’s explanation of Bible subjects is so easy to understand that even a small child could grasp it. In the beginning we felt unqualified, but now we not only have become familiar with basic Bible truths, but have been taught how to use the Bible, and already we are able to find the texts almost as rapidly as the speakers on Sunday!” Yes, this married couple are in regular attendance at the meetings and are making steady progress toward Christian maturity.

The Truth book has also been a fine help in aiding those who, for diverse reasons in the past, have fallen into inactivity. A person who had been separated from the congregation for more than two years finally agreed to a six-month study of the Truth book. Within four months he was in regular association once again and expressed his desire to do something that he previously considered as his main obstacle​—preaching to others. As he himself declared: “Each time I study the Truth book, I understand more clearly the Word of God, and I can see that I was previously wasting precious time. It is astounding to see the truth so simply explained, and yet the world in general does not comprehend it! I need more books, for I now have the confidence to speak to and help others, and I find the preaching work a real pleasure.”

SURINAM Population: 375,000

Peak Publishers: 520 Ratio: 1 to 721

Sincere people do not need more than six months before they see the need to flee from Babylon the Great. (Rev. 18:4) A missionary writes: “In December I contacted a sincere Roman Catholic lady in the house-to-house work and placed the Truth book. I began a study with her on the initial call, and she made rapid progress. After our third study she saw clearly what she must do with all the images and ‘holy pictures’ if she wanted to please Jehovah. When I came for our fourth study, all the images were gone as well as her gold medallion of ‘the Holy Mother.’ She began attending meetings after the first month of study and has been a regular attender ever since, bringing her six children. In February her husband began to study and shortly thereafter both saw the necessity of removing the children from the Catholic school and transferring them to a public school. As they said, ‘We can’t be serving at the table of Jehovah and the table of the demons.’ In April she began in the ministry and in July attended the New York assembly. She has expressed her desire to be baptized at the next circuit assembly.”

Some people have to overcome many problems when they learn the truth, as in the case of a certain sister. Shall we let her tell her own story?

“Before I came in contact with the truth I already had many difficulties with the man with whom I was living. We were not married. I wanted to leave him, but I was afraid, since he threatened to do terrible things to me. I was advised by others to seek help through a spiritualist. He gave me many charms to use, but the situation got worse.

“Then a sister began a Bible study with me. I began attending meetings. The man I was living with became worse and worse, opposing me in every possible way, but I kept on.

“Through the Bible studies I learned that Jehovah requires his true worshipers to be entirely free from demonism. I did not delay in burning all the charms I had received. Since then I can say that the truth has made me free from a life of fornication and from demonism. Jehovah has given me the strength to clean up my life by moving to another house with all my children. Now I have dedicated my life to Jehovah.” How true Paul’s words are: “For all things I have the strength by virtue of him who imparts power to me.”​—Phil. 4:13.

SWEDEN Population: 7,941,561

Peak Publishers: 11,150 Ratio: 1 to 712

“A man stood on the stairs, and a young girl lay in a hammock in the yard. We barely had time to mention our errand when she rose and came toward us: ‘Do you speak about the Bible and God?’ She was twelve years old, a Catholic and full of questions about the Bible. We showed her what the Bible said on all that she asked about, and she accepted everything from the Bible. We wondered what to offer her, and decided to offer a Watchtower subscription, since it was during the Watchtower campaign. ‘It is through this magazine that we have gotten our knowledge from the Bible,’ we explained. When she heard the subscription price she said: ‘That I want to have.’ She then spotted a copy of Awake! in my bag. ‘What magazine is that?’ she asked. ‘I want that one also. One cannot get too much knowledge.’ She also took the Evolution book.

“We were going to have our service meeting and Theocratic Ministry School that night, so we asked if she wanted to come and see what took place. Yes, but she first had to ask her mother if she would be permitted to go and so was to call and inform us, and then we would pick her up. So it happened, and when we arrived, the young man whom we had spoken to in the morning was at her side ready to go along, ‘if he would be allowed to do so.’ He was very much impressed by the school and by the fact that even old people sought to improve their ability as publishers. When we rode home, the girl said that she had already read an article in Awake! on the rosary, and added that she had used such a thing for the last time. ‘Now I know that I have found the truth, because you have used the Bible for all the answers you have given me. And now I must hurry to get home to mother and tell her all about it.’ And what have we learned from this experience? That one must never reckon that a child does not understand what we have to say, but if we meet children at the doors we must speak to them.”

A young pioneer brother met a long-haired “mod” who showed interest and a study was started, some of his companions also attending. Most of them were long-haired; some, university students. The evolution theory came up for discussion, and they were very impressed by the pioneer’s ability to refute their arguments. “Where have you learned all this?” they asked. “From The Watchtower and Awake! You may subscribe for them.” As a result, eight subscriptions were taken. The young men started to attend meetings, and the brothers wondered whether they were going to behave or not. They were, however, welcomed, and they sat and listened, meeting after meeting. “And think of our joy when some of them had their hair cut and they shaved and began to wear decent clothing. They are now just as well groomed as our public speakers. One has already started as a publisher.”

One young woman had attended some meetings of Jehovah’s witnesses with her aunt in Finland when she was a child. Later she got married and divorced in Sweden and thereafter took an interest in horoscopes. With some colleagues she visited Africa and there saw a snake charmer. One of the company took a snake and placed it around her shoulders, which gave her a shock. Thereafter she was given to gloomy meditations and soon was wholly bewildered. In this condition, though she started to read the Bible, she was sent to a mental hospital. After a short while she improved and was sent home. Then things began to happen. She saw accidents the day before they actually took place. She even saw​—in a fully awake condition—​the invasion of Czechoslovakia one month before it happened. All this made her very restless. She again started to read the Bible, but voices kept warning her. She spoke at length with her doctor and with the priest. Both were friendly but could suggest no explanation. She then remembered her aunt and called her up twice. The aunt promised to send someone to her through the organization, but this took time. She had not slept for weeks. So she looked in the telephone directory and found the congregation servant’s name and number. He and his wife went there immediately and had a three-hour interview with her, explaining about the demons, etc. That night she slept soundly and has since done away with everything that has any connection with spiritism. She has started at her place of work again, attends meetings in the congregation, and has a regular Bible study.

As this is being written a service year full of exciting happenings has reached its climax. We had peak figures for publishers several months in a row, in the fall and in the middle of winter! And in April, for the first time, we had over 11,000 publishers. In May we placed over 56,000 copies of the Evolution book, which was more than all the bound books placed during the whole of the previous service year. In June we began spreading the Truth book, almost 47,000 of them. In July came the unforgettable New York “Peace on Earth” assembly, which was attended by nearly 700 Swedes, and then in August came the climax for all of us here in Scandinavia: the Copenhagen assembly, where about 10,000 Swedes attended.

I want to express my own appreciation for the statement made by Brother Knorr at the special meeting for Gilead graduates, that the missionaries might get the privilege of living through Armageddon right where they now are, in their respective ‘foreign” assignments, and even be there to welcome the dead when the resurrection begins. This seems to me to be a very satisfactory solution to how things will begin to operate when the post-Armageddon activities start. The Lord surely knows how to arrange matters in a very natural way.

SWITZERLAND Population: 6,115,000

Peak Publishers: 7,071 Ratio: 1 to 865

More and more the people in this country and in Liechtenstein recognize that material prosperity does not bring real satisfaction, neither does it mean the solution to all their problems, but, rather, it often gives rise to other problems. As a result, sincere persons are often more ready today to begin a Bible study with Jehovah’s witnesses. Something that hardly ever happened in former years has repeatedly occurred during this service year, namely, that people have written the Society to ask for a Bible study. For instance, one man wrote: “I herewith request a private Bible study here in my home. Please let me know when someone can visit me.” Another young man wrote: “I feel the need to live in harmony with God, to comply with His thoughts and will, and to spread His Word among the people and arouse them out of their passivity. I therefore ask you to put me in touch with your organization.”

It has often proved effective when, right from the start, publishers have invited the people they study with to come to the meetings. An overseer spoke to a colleague and started a home Bible study with him. At the close of the first study the overseer invited him to the Kingdom Hall. He came with his wife, and neither have missed a meeting since that time. Two months later both the man and his wife joined in the service from house to house. The overseer writes: “This was only possible with the help of the Truth book and regular attendance at the meetings.”

The truth is the only means of defense against the power of the demons. A man, as he explained it, was being tormented continually by the “spirit” of his dead wife. As he was Catholic, he sought to be freed from these appearances by giving donations to his church, but without success. He grew shy of people and became sick and in need of medical aid. When the publishers found him, they offered him the Truth book, drawing his attention to Chapter 7, “Are There Wicked Spirits?” A study was started. In fact, this man wanted the Witnesses to visit him twice a week to study the Bible with him. With little delay he fled Babylon the Great. As he wrote a publisher: “I bless the day on which I was visited by Jehovah’s witnesses, for since that time I have found deep happiness and, after thirty-two years, a definite aim in life.”

The publishers throughout the country, and especially the Bethel family, look forward with joyful expectancy to the time when the new Bethel home in Thun will be ready for occupancy. The erection of the building should be finished about the end of November and then the work on the interior can begin; so in the spring of 1970 the factory and Bethel home should be ready for dedication. We deeply appreciate that, with these new facilities, we shall be able to serve more efficiently not only our brothers in our own country, but also a large number of publishers in many other countries. Our prayers of gratitude ascend continually to Jehovah for the rich blessings he showers upon us.

LIECHTENSTEIN Population: 21,237

Peak Publishers: 7 Ratio: 1 to 3,034

As certain so-called “saints” have been dethroned and many time-honored religious customs are not practiced as hitherto, the people are often heard to exclaim: “One hardly knows what to believe anymore!” This naturally gives the Witnesses a fine opportunity to explain Jehovah’s purposes.

A new tenant took over an apartment, and there he found a thick Bible. The former tenants had thought it was not worth while to take this big old book along with them. A publisher who called there was interested to see this Bible, which turned out to be a Van-Ess translation, which contains the name Jehovah in many places. From the pages of this old Bible this family learned of God’s purposes and blessings, and their appreciation was aroused to gain further understanding.

A young girl from Yugoslavia who was interested in the truth found a position in the household of the reigning prince. As is customary, she was expected to attend prayers in the castle chapel. When she declined to do so, she was told that Her Highness would be displeased if she did not join them in the chapel. This interested person answered: “But God will not be pleased with me if I go there.” And so they left her in peace.

This young girl did all she could now to get in touch with Jehovah’s witnesses, but she hardly knew where to begin. The language barrier made it very difficult for her to make herself understood, so she took the Paradise book and went to the nearby railway station in Switzerland. She showed the people the book, and with many gestures she tried to find where people were living who distributed such literature. But no one understood her. Disappointed, she wrote to her home country for help, and finally through the branch offices she was put in contact with the brothers. This young girl is greatly appreciated by the others serving in the household of the prince, as she is a good and reliable worker. On this account she was permitted to go to Nuremberg, where she shared with great enthusiasm in the assembly with her Yugoslavian brothers and sisters. She was one of the 5,095 persons who were baptized there.

TAIWAN, REPUBLIC OF CHINA Population: 14,000,000

Peak Publishers: 1,087 Ratio: 1 to 12,879

While there was some further cleansing of the organization and another slight decrease this past year in Taiwan, there were some very notable and encouraging trends evident that have promoted much optimism among the brothers. One is that the results of the six-month Bible-study program have started to become evident. While we did not have the Truth book to use at the time of our district assembly in September last year, a program that approximated the material in the Truth book by using the “Good News” and Living in Hope booklets was instituted. With what results? An indication of the results is the fact that forty-eight persons were baptized during the year to compare with seventeen the previous year. Then, at the beginning of June the first shipment of the Chinese Truth book arrived and was shipped out to the congregations.

When the six-month Bible-study program was introduced in Taiwan, many wondered whether it would be effective with the Chinese people as they have generally taken some time before taking their stand for the truth. However, the following experience shows that those who really want life will take their stand quickly. An Awake! magazine was placed with a man who had little interest, but a few weeks later his brother came to the Kingdom Hall with a friend. He had some interest after reading the magazine and handbill that had been left. However, it was the third person in the chain, namely, the friend, who agreed to a Bible study. When he learned that he should prepare well, he immediately set about writing out the answers to all the questions in the “Good News” booklet. Four days after getting the Living in Hope booklet he had studied and marked it from beginning to end. After less than six months’ study, he requested to go in service. In less than a year from his first contact with the truth he was baptized and is now enjoying teaching others at his own two home Bible studies.

The experience of a Chinese couple who repatriated from Indonesia shows how Jehovah hears the cry of those who really are seeking righteousness. The wife spoke no Chinese but she was crying out for the truth about God. She asked her husband to take her to a church to learn about the Bible. He was rather disgusted with what he had seen in the churches in Indonesia and other places where he had been associated with them, but he told her that if she really wanted to serve God then God would send someone to teach her. She prayed that she might find the true religion, and it was not long before a missionary called on her. A study was immediately started in the English Truth book since she knew very little Chinese. After finishing the second chapter she was asked if she had any questions. She responded, “How could I have questions? It’s so clear!” She soon started attending the Sunday meetings with her husband even though at first she had difficulty comprehending much of the talks, as she was just learning Chinese. Then she started attending the congregation book study and making comments at that meeting. She recently began sharing in the ministry and is now overjoyed that her husband has started studying. He is now lamenting having wasted almost a year while his wife was studying. Truly Jehovah knows his “sheep.”

Many times publishers will allow disappointing results on a number of back-calls to cause them to become lax in following up on other interested persons. One never knows which will prove to be a really sheeplike person, so it is necessary to follow through on all of these calls. A circuit servant’s wife working in a large town in central Taiwan met a young university student who was reluctant to take the Paradise book that was offered her. She said that if someone would take it to her at her university dormitory in Taipei she would obtain it there. Even though this type of call does not often work out, the missionary who was given the information made the call, and the girl took the book. A study was started. When she returned home, the local missionaries would study with her; and when she was in Taipei the missionary sister there would study with her. The girl started attending meetings, and when home she began to talk to her mother, who was a firm Buddhist. Her mother started studying and attending meetings, and now that the girl has graduated and returned home she is regularly giving student talks in the little, local congregation and she shares in the field ministry every Sunday. She will likely get baptized at the “Peace on Earth” assembly in Taipei. Surely it behooves us to follow up even slight interest.

We look forward to the occupation of the Society’s new branch office and missionary home, with its fine Kingdom Hall, at the end of September, and then to the “Peace on Earth” International Assembly to be held in Taipei in October. Both of these events will do much to promote the interests of true worship in Taiwan, and all the brothers here are very appreciative of these arrangements made by God’s organization.

THAILAND Population: 33,552,238

Peak Publishers: 353 Ratio: 1 to 95,049

The branch office in Bangkok gives oversight to the work of Jehovah’s witnesses in Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam.

A brother writes: “I always thought that this world had a wonderful design, and that there must be someone controlling and governing it. All things are so complete in their existence, the course of the stars, the sun and the moon, everything being orderly and regular, according to law. So I came to the conclusion that there must be a Creator who governs and maintains things in this marvelous universe. Then came a witness of Jehovah working from house to house. My wife and I listened to the witness she gave concerning a coming state of perfection for the humble ones. Both my wife and I were glad to hear this good news and wanted to learn more. This we did, first at home, then also at the meetings. As we learned, we put away our objects of idolatry and demonism and conformed ourselves to God’s Word and got baptized.” They now rejoice in sharing the good news with others.

The truth is reaching far out not only geographically but socially too, even to higher circles as shown by the following experience: “A professor of one of the Bangkok universities visiting our town told of an instance at the university one day when there was a meeting of the faculty to listen to a foreign lecturer, with some high officials also present. During the meeting a young girl came in carrying a briefcase and offering The Watchtower. The foreign lecturer stopped his discourse and all present listened to what the girl had to say. Some of the dignitaries present questioned her and she answered with confidence, intelligence and coherence, to the astonishment of all. After relating this the professor remarked: ‘You know, there are quite a number of people in high places who fear Jehovah’s witnesses.’ I replied: ‘But they are good people who mean well toward all. Nobody needs to be afraid of them.’ The professor replied: ‘No, it is not that, but they fear Jehovah’s witnesses might have the truth.’”

A young member of a large family became interested in the truth, progressed to baptism, and then began to talk to the other members of his family. The older ones scoffed and persecuted him, but some of the younger ones listened even though they were beaten. Being unable to study at home, he studied with his younger brothers between sales at the market where they were selling goods. Defending his position one day, one younger brother said to the family: “If I become a monk, all of you will have to do obeisance to me, even father and mother, and I would not need to work. But here I work and no one needs to do obeisance to me; please let me go to the meetings.” The reply was another beating. His mother also beat him on the head with a bowl because he would not drink a potion made from watered down burnt paper from a witch doctor. After being forced from home he progressed to baptism, and now it looks as if the process is being repeated with another member of the family.

CAMBODIA Population: 6,000,000

Peak Publishers: 4 Ratio: 1 to 1,500,000

In this country, which has joined itself to the bloc of “neutral” nations, we now have four persons who are truly neutral toward the affairs of this world. Three publishers have come from abroad, and this now makes it possible for the brother who was previously isolated to have upbuilding Christian association.

Outstanding during the year was the thoughtfulness and the love expressed in a number of letters sent from Hawaii, the United States and Canada to this lone brother. These letters were very much appreciated by him. One letter was written by a brother who had just passed through a very disastrous flood in Los Angeles, yet he took the time to show this consideration. This shows that we really have ‘an association of brothers’ world wide.​—1 Pet. 5:9.

LAOS Population: 3,000,000

Peak Publishers: 21 Ratio: 1 to 142,857

In spite of war in this tiny landlocked kingdom of Laos, the “angel flying in midheaven” keeps the door open for the message of the Kingdom to be sounded. Two new Laotian publishers have been started in service during the last service year. A solid foundation is being laid for further increase in the coming months.

When we invite interested ones to attend meetings such as the Watchtower study, and then find them losing interest after a few meetings, could it be because they have not been helped to prepare for the meetings so as to participate even in some small way? When asked by a missionary why he had stopped attending meetings, a young man replied: “I felt ashamed because everyone else was raising his hand to answer but I was not, as I did not know the answers.” Then and there the missionary helped him to prepare a couple of answers for the next meeting. He attended and happily participated. Now he has progressed to the point of preparing his own comments, is attending regularly and wants to share in the ministry.

Another publisher reports: “We met a girl in an office while doing door-to-door work. When we offered her the magazines she said she had been receiving them for some time now from her father, who works in Paris. He had written her often encouraging her to join the religion of Jehovah’s witnesses as it was the only true one. However, she did not know how to join it, or where to find it, and now we had found her! She took the Truth book immediately and a study was started. She has read and underlined the entire book and is asking for additional reading material.” Thus we can see the wisdom of the counsel to tell our loved ones about the truth.

VIETNAM Population: 17,000,000

Peak Publishers: 46 Ratio: 1 to 369,565

The high point for Jehovah’s witnesses in Vietnam this past year was their first circuit assembly in three years. With all the publishers enjoying this fine spiritual provision from Jehovah and with five being baptized at the assembly, all came to appreciate more fully Jehovah’s advancing organization. What a contrast this peaceful assembly was with the conditions in this country that has experienced war for many years now. But despite the activities of Satan to try to blind the people to the real issue, God’s people continue to help the people to realize that man’s only hope for peace is God’s kingdom.

One of the missionaries relates: “After meeting a seemingly very sincere woman, I was quite disappointed to return twice and find her too busy to talk to me. However, her daughter said she would like to buy a Bible. When I returned a few days later with the Bible, I started a study with the woman. She was a very good student, but coming to meetings was her problem. She had seven children to keep her busy and an opposed husband to discourage her. One afternoon I arrived for our study but she was absent. A letter from her explained that she must quit studying as she was wasting my time. ‘I’ll never be able to go to meetings regularly or go in the ministry,’ the letter read. Understanding she did have a problem that she felt she could not surmount, I called a few days later to discuss it with her. After reviewing the scriptures relevant to her responsibility first to Jehovah and then to her husband, she decided she must obey God rather than man and make an effort to come to meetings the first week of every month. After a couple of months I encouraged her to try to come every second week. Jehovah has blessed her sincere efforts to serve him, as now her family of seven children are studying the Bible and her two oldest children accompany her in the ministry every week. Her formerly opposed husband painted the yeartext for the Kingdom Hall and has agreed to have a rendezvous for service in his home.” This illustrates the need of getting to know the real problems of Bible students in order to be able to help them.

TOGO Population: 1,800,000

Peak Publishers: 1,229 Ratio: 1 to 1,465

In our part of the world the education of the people in general is not as high as in more developed countries. Many of our brothers were illiterate before being taught to read and write in the congregations. People ask whether they understand what they are doing. But look! Men and women go by foot forty miles to attend a circuit assembly without material benefits, and then they have to return forty miles by foot again. They have to know and understand what they are doing.

Another example: The family arrangement here cares for each member the same as insurance for people in developed countries. A fourteen-year-old boy learned about the truth, but the family threatened to expel him if he would not stop associating with Jehovah’s witnesses, which would mean the loss of any social security for him. The boy continued to make progress in spite of the threat, so he was expelled. The brothers tried to help him, but he would not accept it, saying: “Nobody shall say I became one of Jehovah’s witnesses for the sake of material benefits.” Now he is baptized and keeps on making fine progress to maturity. Surely, he too knows what he is doing.

Two of our brothers were sent to Germany for secular training. Immediately they associated with the local congregation and learned many things, especially in regard to pioneer service. When the time for the completion of their secular training came, they had to return to Togo. In most cases people cannot find any work after returning from their training, but their case was different. The factory in Germany offered them fine employment because the brothers had proved themselves honest and diligent. The factory would even pay their trip back. Now what would the brothers do? Would they accept this offer or take up full-time pioneer service? They chose full-time service, even though they had to pay for their own trip back. The brothers said: “Now we are not rich in regard to material possessions, but we are rich in the spirit. (2 Cor. 6:10) Our assignment is a virgin territory. After only one month we had to group together our Bible studies in order to care for them all. Now after three months in our assignment as special pioneers we conduct all the meetings like a congregation. On the average we have twelve at the Watchtower study and twenty at the Theocratic Ministry School and service meeting. What a rich blessing from Jehovah!” This shows again that the brothers know what they are doing.

Sometimes people from the outside contribute to the progress of our home Bible studies. One of the missionaries had a Bible study with a Catholic lady, but the study was discontinued due to lack of progress. The woman was told to call on the missionary if she would like to resume the study with progress in mind. Instead of calling on the missionary, she went to the Catholic church. That day the clergyman was talking about the importance of Bible study, and he said all should know the Bible as well as Jehovah’s witnesses. The woman started thinking. First the clergyman had said the Bible is a book of magic and not good for study, and he always talked badly about Jehovah’s witnesses. Now he said we should study the Bible, and the priest even put Jehovah’s witnesses before us as an example. Watching a group Bible study in the church, she realized that she had learned all these things far better and long ago by studying the Paradise book with Jehovah’s witnesses. As a result, she resumed the study with Jehovah’s witnesses having progress in mind, and with a clearer understanding of true religion and the false.

TRINIDAD Population: 935,059

Peak Publishers: 2,030 Ratio: 1 to 461

Once more it is time for some experiences from our brothers in the field in Trinidad and Tobago. It has been an enjoyable year, with many blessings. In December it was our privilege to have a brief but very beneficial visit by Brother Knorr. Then there was the activity in connection with the “Peace on Earth” assemblies and our first charter flight to an assembly in New York city. What a thrill to see so many of the brothers arrange to attend! What a thrill to the brothers who did attend as they gave attention to the sessions and also had the opportunity to visit the Society’s buildings! And now at the end of the service year, the government has acted on our petition and enacted a private bill to create a local association of Jehovah’s witnesses. We hope to be able to acquire land for a new branch building and to begin construction just as soon as possible.

Here is the report of an overseer who is friendly to strangers: “I developed the habit of approaching all strangers at our Kingdom Hall and welcoming them. In doing so, I always ask them if someone is having a Bible study with them. If they say No, I offer to arrange for this to be done. By this method I was able to start a study with a young man who had read the ‘Babylon’ book with interest and then decided to attend the meetings to see what they were like. He attended the meetings regularly and did not miss a session at the district assembly. Shortly he expressed a desire to be baptized, and he was at the next circuit assembly. He wanted to be a pioneer, so he began vacation pioneering. Then he began to study with a friend. Now the friend expects to be baptized at the ‘Peace on Earth’ assembly in October, while the young man plans to be a regular pioneer starting in November.”

Some who sigh and cry over world conditions take immediate action when contacted with the truth. A sister met an elderly woman while in the service. This woman was disgusted with her religion and had rejected many of its doctrines. She was very anxious to know the Bible. She gladly accepted the offer of a Bible study and was amazed at the truths soon learned. In rapid succession she began attending the meetings, participating in the service and preparing for baptism. As soon as she had been baptized, she began to do vacation pioneer work. In spite of ill health, she has been able to vacation pioneer several times, which actually improved her health. Now she no longer sighs with distress, but happily looks ahead to the blessings of the new order of things so near at hand.

God’s Word is alive and exerts power even to the extent of aiding one who is sincere to make necessary changes in his life to please God. A man who was separated from his wife and living with another woman who was also separated from her husband, was contacted and agreed to a Bible study in his home. In time he came to realise that his life was not in accordance with the Bible’s requirements and that he could not be accepted by Jehovah in this condition. He now had to get legal divorces for himself and his partner from their legal mates in addition to supporting eight children. To get money for all this was a big struggle. It took eight years of sacrifice to accumulate the money to obtain the divorces and get married, but he did it because he wanted to get into the new system of things. He has now symbolized his dedication to Jehovah, and his wife plans to do so at the next assembly.

TOBAGO Population: 38,861

Peak Publishers: 77 Ratio: 1 to 505

For the first time since March 1951 a new peak in publishers was reached, and this was a cause for rejoicing. A considerably greater witness was given than during the previous service year. There seem to be good prospects for further advancement in the coming service year.

Jehovah knows those who belong to him, and those who work in the field are privileged to direct such truth seekers to Jehovah and his organization. During the Watchtower campaign a young housewife took a single magazine and the ‘Impossible to Lie’ book from a special pioneer. After the pioneer had demonstrated studying four paragraphs in the book, the housewife wanted to know what she should do to please God. She was willing to have a study, but not until she got married to the man with whom she was living. She talked to him, and he agreed to get married soon. When the pioneer called back she tried to start the study immediately but was not successful. After three months the couple were married and two studies were begun, one with the woman, the other with the husband. In the sixth month of the study the woman started in the field service. Now she devotes two days a week to the service and conducts five Bible studies on Sunday morning. Although she was unable to be baptized this year, she is arranging to do so at the coming “Peace on Earth” assembly.

URUGUAY Population: 2,598,000

Peak Publishers: 2,940 Ratio: 1 to 884

Once again we have reports from Uruguay and also the Falkland Islands.

A store owner who studied the truth for only one month began to preach zealously to his customers and give them tracts and booklets. He kept the “Make Sure” book at hand to help explain the truth when the opportunity was presented. One young man showed much interest in the subject of the “end of the system of things” and wanted to learn more about it. To satisfy his inquiries, the local congregation overseer was called. The next day for two hours the overseer explained the truth from the man’s own Bible. He then revealed that he was a Pentecostal preacher in the “Assembly of God” sect. Being convinced of the truth, he began to attend meetings in the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses. At his second meeting he gave an enthusiastic comment in the Watchtower study. The following week, after having more Bible teachings cleared up, he burned all vestiges of false religion in his house, including pictures of Pentecostal meetings where he was shown on the platform. After one month he began to witness, and first of all he visited his former companions in false religion. He has awakened interest in quite a number of them, including members of his own family. Truly the sheep are responding to the command at Revelation 18:4: “Get out of her, my people,” and this includes those few who are sincere truth-loving members of the clergy.

For several months a study was held in the ‘Impossible to Lie’ book with a professional musician who is also a radio and television artist. He learned and understood the material very well, but would attend only an occasional meeting. When the book The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life arrived, the study was changed to this new publication. Immediately a change was noted in both his and his wife’s appreciation of the truth. The truth was now getting down into their hearts. Within a short time they saw the need of attending meetings at the Kingdom Hall. He now gives student talks in the Theocratic Ministry School and has begun to participate in the field ministry. He has turned down good offers to advance in the music and entertainment world in order to keep himself free to attend meetings and preach. Yes, by applying the fine new counsel on how to use the Truth book effectively, we will not only help people learn the truth, but also get it into their hearts so they will be moved by it and live by it.

FALKLAND ISLANDS Population: 2,300

Peak Publishers: 2 Ratio: 1 to 1,150

This year two single brothers spent two months in the Falkland Islands revisiting the interested ones and conducting studies with them. One new study was started with a lady who had subscribed for The Watchtower and Awake! last year. Appreciating the things she was learning, she had the opportunity to speak up in defense of the truth. One day a neighbor visited her and remarked that “those Jehovahs” were in town again and that if they came to her door she would slam the door in their faces. The interested person reasoned with this would-be opposer and asked how she would like it if she were to visit another country to share something good with the people there and then they slammed the door in her face. Well, this simple and forceful reasoning produced favorable fruits, because only a few days later the missionaries were knocking at her door. Although she was busy at the time, she invited them into her home and listened attentively, accepting the Bible-study aids offered her. The good influence of interested ones can often effectively combat opposition.

Several other studies have been continued regularly during the past year by correspondence and tape recordings. In spite of the lack of personal contact, good progress has been noted and these interested ones have been kept in touch with the organization. As a result of this loving attention, the interested lady from Pebble Island mentioned in last year’s report shows that she is now nearing the point of dedication, writing, “More than anything else I’d love to become a baptized Witness.” She has quit using tobacco and is witnessing to the inhabitants of other islands through correspondence. She writes, “Many thanks for giving me an idea on how to start off in writing to others.”

Although the public talks on tapes sent them are replayed many times and sent to other interested ones to hear, a personal contact with the Witnesses would be of much greater benefit. Yes, the need is still great for anyone wishing to move to the Falkland Islands to give constant help and encouragement to these hungry spiritual “sheep.” Will you consider it seriously?

VENEZUELA Population: 10,113,200

Peak Publishers: 6,333 Ratio: 1 to 1,597

One back-call visit was especially pleasant since the entire family participated in the discussion and asked questions. The father was disgusted with the conduct of those attending the Catholic church in front of their home. Why? Each week a dance was held till late, and much beer was sold to those attending. His conclusion was that it could not be the church of God. The publisher suggested that reading the Bible would help one to identify the religion that is pleasing to God. Each time that some point was explained, especially on the matter of the trinity, he would stare at the publisher in amazement. Despite making arrangements for further back-calls, the brother found the house closed up.

What a surprise one Sunday when the man came to the Kingdom Hall, happily greeting everyone. After the meeting he invited the publisher to his home and showed special interest in the matter of prayer, which subject was covered in the Truth book. By the way, he asked, “What is that little box in the Kingdom Hall that says, ‘Voluntary Contributions for the Construction of a Hall for the Worship of Jehovah’?” The Witness explained what was planned, but that it was difficult to find an appropriate piece of land that was not too expensive in the center of town. The man said, “I have some land available for you.” Thinking, of course, he meant to sell, the Witness asked, “How much would it cost?” Then he said clearly: “If you would like the land, I’ll give it to you. As it is for Jehovah, you can do what you like with it.” The publisher replied, “We would be very grateful to accept it, knowing Jehovah loves a cheerful giver.” The man gave the documents to the publisher the very next day.

The brothers are very happy and soon will begin building the hall right in the center of town. And what about the man himself? He continues to attend the Kingdom Hall and wants all his family to join him. Persistence in making back-calls results in many blessings.

A special-pioneer sister tells this wonderful experience about a member of her own family: “Whenever I had the opportunity to talk to my brother about the truth, he paid little attention, as he was studying in the seminary to become a priest. One day while reading the Bible to himself, he came across the passage at Exodus 20:4, 5. It seemed impossible to him that his own Catholic Bible spoke against the worship of images, but almost immediately he made the decision to leave the seminary, though lacking only three years to become fully ordained as priest. Informing the bishop of his decision, he was asked why, being such a good student, he would do a thing like that. Making reference to Exodus 20, my brother replied, that since they were not telling him the truth, he would look for it somewhere else.

“From that moment his life changed. He came to me and said, ‘You know by now I’ve left the seminary, but I feel bewildered.’ I said, ‘You need the truth,’ so at once I gave him the Truth book and arrangements were made for him to study with my husband. His progress was rapid. Within a month he began to preach. Many people were amazed to see ‘padrecito,’ as they called him, visiting them from house to house. Three months later he was baptized. He has since visited the seminary and explained the truth to his former fellow students. Many showed interest in what he said and six have begun to study the Bible. My brother is very grateful to Jehovah for having freed him from Babylon the Great.”

The truth frees men, and when it reaches the heart of a person it effects great changes. While going from door to door a publisher met a very sad young man who seemed bored with life. He had just been released from jail after serving a five-year sentence, the victim or product of bad associations. He was completely discouraged. Tactfully the publisher conversed with him, and he marveled at the things Jehovah will do in the new system. He had been attending the Adventist church but had not found the peace that his heart desired. On the return visit a study was started in the Truth book. His family opposed him, so he decided to live separately. He regularly attends the Kingdom Hall, is active in the service and is busy studying the questions for candidates for baptism, a step he anticipates taking in the very near future.

A publisher relates how the truth helped a sincere person overcome fear and rejoice in the knowledge of Jehovah. She says: “In the territory I frequently met a Portuguese woman who always listened and took magazines, though she never allowed strange persons to enter the house for fear they would do some harm. This person seemed meek and God-fearing, and I prayed to Jehovah that I could be of help to her. Soon a sister from Portugal began attending our congregation, and she accompanied me to this back-call. The lady was at mass, but we waited. The sister was able to give the sermon in Portuguese and arrange for a back-call. The husband warned his wife that perhaps these Witnesses were with a band of thieves and were trying to gain her confidence. The wife became frightened, but she asked God that if these women had the true religion she would have courage to open the door without fear. The sister returned and began a study in the ‘Good News’ booklet and later in the Truth book.

“As a result, the lady began attending the Kingdom Hall instead of going to mass. Her husband asked the priest to come so his wife could confess to him, but she said the only confession she had to make was that she reads the Bible and she would never stop doing that. Some time later the lady invited the publisher to help destroy all her images and said, ‘Thanks to Jehovah for knowing him and not worshiping dead gods anymore.’ Now the husband reads the daily text every day before going to work, and the lady conducts a study with the children and wants to be baptized at the first opportunity.”

As we end another service year most of the missionaries are back in their assignments, all happy with the wonderful experience of having had the opportunity to attend an assembly and visit their families. They thank the Society and the brothers throughout the world for this provision. We now look forward to another year of praise to Jehovah’s name in Venezuela.


It certainly is fine to see what good progress the work has made in Yugoslavia in the past service year. The brothers receive The Watchtower in four different languages, and they also have the Truth book for their use in the field service. All these publications are produced in Yugoslavia. About 2,500 brothers from Yugoslavia were present at the international assembly in Nuremberg, Germany, and there they had the full eight-day convention program both in Croatian and Slovenian, two of their national languages. The brothers in Yugoslavia can also meet freely in their Kingdom Halls. They are thankful for the measure of religious Freedom they enjoy.

The following experience shows how sometimes hostile husbands react to efforts made to help them understand the truth. A sister had many difficulties with her husband on account of the truth. He was a devout Catholic and very much opposed to the religion of his wife. Therefore the sister asked the congregation servant to call on her husband and give him a witness. So two brothers called on this man. They were received in a most unfriendly manner. In fact, the man chased them out of his house and even threatened to kill them both. But the brothers remained calm and kindly and tactfully said good-by. The sister told the two brothers that her husband had thought about this the whole evening and, being restless, he went to see his clergyman that very same evening to discuss the subject of Jehovah’s witnesses with him. He came home late and very much upset, but this time he was angry with the clergyman. “What the clergyman said about the Witnesses cannot be true,” he said to his wife. “Now I realize that the clergy lie.” He asked his wife to have the two brothers come again in order to study with him! When the two brothers came, they were cordially received by the husband and a study was started. After a short time he was baptized, and he continues to make very good progress. The tactful behavior of the two brothers in the face of his unreasonable opposition had caused him to think and to change.

ZAMBIA Population: 4,100,000

Peak Publishers: 46,478 Ratio: 1 to 88

What a blessed year of Kingdom activity that was! That is how Jehovah’s witnesses in Zambia feel when they reflect on the 1969 service year. One of the wonderful blessings enjoyed by God’s dedicated servants during the first two months of the service year was the program for the “Good News for All Nations” District Assembly, which was attended by a total of 110,952.

Still things were not easy. Toward the end of December 1968 persecution flared up in five of the eight provinces. In the town congregations, more than eighty houses belonging to the brothers had window panels broken; large numbers of brothers and sisters were physically assaulted as they went about trying to make friendly visits on those who had shown a desire to worship with Jehovah’s witnesses. By the middle of January 1969 the situation became even worse in the rural areas. The Witnesses were being hunted like brute beasts from village to village. Well over one thousand brothers had their houses and property completely destroyed; several hundred brothers and sisters were badly beaten, some of them being admitted into hospitals and clinics. One of the brothers had nails driven into his head, and in another area a brother was beaten to death. Three sisters were raped, and many gardens belonging to the brothers were raided and crops slashed to the ground.

Much was done by the Society’s branch office in an endeavor to help the brothers and to make clear the religious position taken by Jehovah’s witnesses. While it is true that this helped in having the persecution stopped, the situation on the whole remained much the same; and, finally, toward the end of the service year a complete ban was imposed on the peaceful preaching activity of Jehovah’s witnesses in Zambia. ‘You can meet in your Kingdom Halls for worship, but you cannot go into public places and from house to house to preach to the people,’ as commanded by Jesus, so the Witnesses are told in Zambia.

Did you know that in Zambia we cannot use a public talk handbill to invite the public to a public talk at the Kingdom Hall or at an assembly? That is the position. But why? Well, in Zambia there is no such thing as a “public meeting” or “public talk.” Because of certain complications, only those who attend our meetings in our more than 800 congregations are invited to attend an assembly and to hear, not a “public” talk, but a “Bible” lecture. It follows then that if people of the public wish to attend an assembly of Jehovah’s witnesses in Zambia, they must first of all become active and regular worshipers with Jehovah’s witnesses by attending meetings at their local Kingdom Halls. It is just as simple as that. If they come without meeting these conditions first, then the door must remain closed for them. They will get no entry into the assembly arena.

Of course, this has caused much curiosity on the part of many people in Zambia who have known Jehovah’s witnesses for many years and who have even attended “public” talks arranged by Jehovah’s witnesses at the assemblies without any reservations. In one of the areas where assemblies were scheduled to be held, a group of twenty people wanted to attend the assembly. However, they knew that they would not be allowed in because they were not worshiping with Jehovah’s witnesses at the Kingdom Hall. So they planned to come to the assembly early, before the assembly started. They shared in preparing the site and built shelters for the delegates. Thus they identified themselves with Jehovah’s witnesses so that they finally made it!

The latest developments in Zambia have helped those who are righteously disposed to see that there is a great difference between Jehovah’s witnesses and the members of Christendom’s churches. They can now see that only Jehovah’s witnesses really know where the remedy is for world turmoil and suffering. They can see, too, that Jehovah’s witnesses lead a completely different way of life because they have the truth.

This is noticed even by government officials. The police officer in charge of one of the rural areas visited one of our district assemblies. The assembly servant took him on a tour of the assembly camp. He showed him the offices and explained the assembly organization to him. As this police official observed the peacefulness of the brothers and the orderliness of the whole arrangement, he remarked: “You people are wonderful. I am sure that if all the people in the world lived like Jehovah’s witnesses do, there would be no troubles, and policemen would not be living in fear.”