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Annual Meeting

Annual Meeting

Annual Meeting

In accordance with the provisions of law and the charter of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, the annual meeting of its members was held on October 1 1970, at the Society’s registered offices, 4100 Bigelow Boulevard, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213. At 9:55 a.m., A. D. Schroeder, who is one of the instructors for the Kingdom Ministry School, spoke to the audience of 2,659 on the day’s text. Promptly at 10:00 a.m. the President of the Society, N. H. Knorr, called the meeting to order and asked G. M. Couch to open with prayer.

The report of the Secretary and Treasurer, Grant Suiter, showed that on October 1, 1969, there were 471 members and that during the course of the year there was a drop in membership of thirteen persons, twelve by death and one by expulsion, thus leaving the membership at 458 as of October 1, 1970. Four hundred and forty-eight of these members responded either in person or by proxy to the annual meeting announcement and so there was a quorum to transact the business of the day. Two vacancies on the board of directors were occasioned by the expiration of the terms of T. J. Sullivan and Grant Suiter. Both of these brothers were nominated for reelection and they were unanimously voted in again as directors of the Watch Tower Society for a period of three years.

The question was put before the members as to whether they would want to accept an invitation from the committee of the Jehovah’s Witnesses Assembly Hall located near Buckingham, Pennsylvania, north of Philadelphia, to meet there on October 1, 1971. The motion was made to accept the invitation, and it was unanimously voted that the next annual meeting of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania would be held in Buckingham, Pennsylvania.

Some brothers had come from faraway places, and the President of the Society invited them to make reports on the work of Jehovah’s witnesses in their lands. G. G. Reuter of Germany was asked to speak, also H. E. Shalkoski reported on the work in Jamaica, where he is branch servant. Hong Kong was represented by the branch servant, K. N. Gannaway.

The President of the Society then spoke to all assembled on the subject “Worldwide Witnessing Versus World Conversion.” The material covered proved to be very upbuilding. Proof was presented showing that, just as in the days of the early Christians when a worldwide witness was given, so today a worldwide witness is being given. Shortly after noon the meeting was adjourned and closed with prayer.

On Friday morning, October 9, 1970, all the members of the board of directors of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania assembled in the Office of the President. Prayer was offered to Jehovah God, thanking him for his guidance and direction, and it was requested that his holy spirit continue to guide his servants during the days ahead. The board of directors unanimously reelected N. H. Knorr as president, F. W. Franz as vice-president, Grant Suiter as secretary and treasurer and J. O. Groh as assistant secretary and treasurer. The other members of the board of directors are M. G. Henschel, L. A. Swingle and T. J. Sullivan.

A brief report was made on the accomplishments during the past twelve months and what the plans for the future are. The meeting adjourned with a prayer.

Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.

On Saturday morning, January 3, 1970, in accordance with notice to the membership the annual meeting of the members of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., was held at the offices of the Society, located at 124 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, New York 11201. The vice-president, F. W. Franz, presided in the absence of N. H. Knorr, who, while present by proxy, was personally in Mexico at the time of the meeting. All fifty-four members were present in person or by proxy. The terms of L. K. Greenlees, N. H. Knorr and M. H. Larson expired. All three were renominated and unanimously elected as directors for an ensuing term of two years. A very interesting report was made by H. E. Miller on the field service activity in the United States. M. H. Larson spoke relative to the publishing work of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York. G. M. Couch noted that there were 1,325 persons then at Bethel, with 71 more members situated at Watchtower farms. The meeting had been opened with prayer by W. P. Heath, and it was closed with prayer by A. B. Tedesco.

The annual meeting of the board of directors was held immediately following the meeting of the members, and the entire membership of the board was present, with the exception of N. H. Knorr, who was absent and in Mexico. The vice-president, F. W. Franz, presided and the meeting was opened with prayer by G. M. Couch. All the officers of the Society were nominated and elected to succeed themselves, namely, N. H. Knorr as president, F. W. Franz as vice-president, Grant Suiter as secretary and treasurer and J. O. Groh as assistant secretary and treasurer for the ensuing term of one year. F. W. Franz offered the closing prayer.