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Yeartext for 1972

Yeartext for 1972

Yeartext for 1972

“Say among the nations: ‘Jehovah himself has become king.’”​—Ps. 96:10.

That is what Jehovah’s witnesses have been doing since 1914. They have been telling the human race that they can obtain everlasting life on a healthful paradise earth under a stable government. That government is Jehovah’s. The old, disordered system of things of the past thousands of years must go. It will go in the fiery trouble that is ahead. The new order under Jehovah’s government must come in. This is good news and with it we can do glorious evangelizing work. In his prophecy recorded at Matthew 24:14 and Mark 13:10, Jesus said that this good news of the Kingdom must be preached internationally before the end of this system of things comes. In this year’s Yearbook one can easily see that that is being done. The life-giving message, the evangel, that Jehovah’s Christian witnesses preach and teach is from his Word, the Holy Bible. The message of Jehovah’s witnesses is true. Highly honored are the ministers of God, for they are favored with the privilege of proclaiming and teaching God’s kingdom to all mankind. Forward, then, all you faithful servants of God under theocracy. Move on into the new order. Our leader and reigning heavenly king Jesus Christ moves at the head of the advancing column. Let none break ranks or run in fear and in disorderly panic. We have nothing to fear. On our side is Jehovah God, the Almighty, the Great Theocrat, whom we obey as ruler rather than men. He is over us. It is his work that we are doing, at his command through Jesus Christ. During 1972 may it be the joy of all of Jehovah’s witnesses to make known to everyone, everywhere, just how fully we appreciate that Jehovah is now reigning as God-King.