Acts of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Modern Times
Acts of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Modern Times
You have just read a few experiences from different parts of the world, which Jehovah’s witnesses have enjoyed during the past twelve months. Now let us look at some countries, and get back to the very beginning of the work of Jehovah’s witnesses in modern times in these countries. Sometimes the present generation just thinks of what it is accomplishing. Really, the present generation of Jehovah’s witnesses is building on what faithful evangelizers did years ago, and it is marvelous in our eyes to see how Jehovah God is directing his people, and has done so over many decades, in order to get the good news of the Kingdom preached to the extent that it is being done at the present time. We feel that you will enjoy to the full the accounts of the struggles that many of Jehovah’s witnesses have had in preaching the good news of God’s kingdom. Particularly will you enjoy the evidence of Jehovah’s rich blessing upon the efforts of his people.