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The Governing Body

The Governing Body

The Governing Body

The Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses consists of eleven brothers, all anointed of God. They are as follows: Frederick W. Franz, Raymond V. Franz, George D. Gangas, Leo K. Greenlees, John O. Groh, Milton G. Henschel, William K. Jackson, Nathan H. Knorr, Grant Suiter, Thomas J. Sullivan and Lyman A. Swingle. It was determined on September 6, 1971, that the chairmanship for the Governing Body should rotate according to alphabetical arrangement. So for the past year Frederick W. Franz served as the presiding overseer at the meetings of the Governing Body. Each member of the Governing Body also takes a turn at the head of the Bethel table, acting as chairman for a week at a time. This has proved to be a very fine arrangement, and there is a rotation of elders at the head of the table in each of the Society’s branch offices.

The group of eleven members have been meeting regularly each week during the past year to discuss spiritual matters and to make appointments of elders, and they gave very careful consideration to the book Organization for Kingdom-preaching and Disciple-making before it was published.

It has been an extremely busy year for the Governing Body, but a very joyful one, and all appreciate their privileges of service and offer prayers in behalf of God’s people everywhere at each meeting.

Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania

The annual meeting of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania was held on October 1, 1972, at the Civic Arena in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The program this year was unique. It began at 8:30 a.m. and Brother T. J. Sullivan was called on for prayer. This was followed by Brother Lyman Swingle, who considered the morning text and comments with a very fine discussion. Then a number of members of the corporation who are branch overseers gave reports on the work in the lands where they are serving. Brother Kelsey from Germany gave a report on the work there. He was followed by Brothers Diehl from Switzerland, Little from Canada, Shalkoski from Jamaica and Simpkins from Mexico. These reports were most enjoyable. Brother Milton Henschel then read a number of telegrams and messages that came from far and wide greeting those in attendance at the annual meeting. Then Brother F. W. Franz gave a very interesting discourse concerning some of the problems of the day.

A little after ten o’clock the annual business meeting was called to order and, by proxy and persons present, there were 423 members of the Pennsylvania corporation in attendance. They reelected as members of the board of directors for three years M. G. Henschel, N. H. Knorr and L. A. Swingle.

Following the business meeting the graduation of the fifty-third class of Gilead got under way. Brothers Glass and Dunlap, instructor and registrar for the school respectively, gave their last words of counsel to the forty-eight graduates. Brother Knorr then gave a talk on the subject “The Name in Which All Nations Are Choosing to Walk.” His remarks were based on the text found in Micah 4:5, where it says: “All the peoples, for their part, will walk each one in the name of its god; but we, for our part, shall walk in the name of Jehovah our God to time indefinite, even forever.” There certainly was food for thought presented in this discourse. Immediately following that the diplomas were distributed to the graduating members of the fifty-third class as they came up on the platform and received them from the president of the Society. Brother R. Capriotti read a very interesting letter that the students wrote. This brought us to about 12:15 p.m., at which time the morning session was adjourned.

The Pittsburgh congregation had arranged box lunches and these were passed out to the brothers in the Civic Arena. The brothers enjoyed fellowship together for about an hour and fifteen minutes, and at 1:30 the program began again with a song. Then twenty-seven students gave comments on the Watchtower study for the day. Following that there was a musical program by the students, which was most entertaining. It was very much international. The students sang songs in eleven different languages. This was followed by a very unique drama entitled “Keep Your Minds Fixed on the Things Above.”

At the end of the drama the president of the Society gave some concluding remarks and the meeting was closed with prayer. Then the brothers continued to fellowship and speak with one another, as people were there from all across the United States, Canada and parts of Europe, as well as from islands of the sea. It was a very delightful occasion.

On Monday morning, October 9, 1972, the board of directors met in the Office of the President. There were present seven members, namely, F. W. Franz, J. O. Groh, M. G. Henschel, N. H. Knorr, G. Suiter, T. J. Sullivan, L. A. Swingle. Nomination was made to reelect N. H. Knorr for president, F. W. Franz for vice-president, G. Suiter as secretary and treasurer and J. O. Groh as assistant secretary and treasurer. By unanimous vote the above-named members of the board of directors were elected to the various offices mentioned.

The financial statement of the Pennsylvania corporation was also read. Expression of appreciation was made on the part of the directors on how Jehovah God has blessed the expansion work during the year and what joy they have in serving the theocratic organization in their various capacities.

Discussions were also had concerning the 1973 international conventions, if these be Jehovah’s will, and all look forward to having a share in them. The meeting was adjourned with prayer by the president of the Society.

Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.

In accordance with the requirements of law, charter and notice to the membership, on Saturday, January 1, 1972, the annual meeting of the members of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., was held at the offices of the Society located at 124 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, New York 11201.

The president, N. H. Knorr, presided and A. B. Tedesco opened with prayer. The membership of the corporation stood at fifty-one, and all were present in person or by proxy. Several reports were made on the progress of the work of the Society, and the election of directors took place. The expiring terms were those of L. K. Greenlees, N. H. Knorr and M. H. Larson. All fifty-one members unanimously reelected these directors to succeed themselves for a term of two years.

The meeting was closed with prayer by N. H. Knorr.

Immediately after the annual meeting of the members, the entire membership of the board of directors assembled, and they unanimously reelected the present officers of the Society to carry on in their respective positions for the next year. They were: N. H. Knorr, president; F. W. Franz, vice-president; Grant Suiter, secretary and treasurer; J. O. Groh, assistant secretary and treasurer. The other members of the board of directors are G. M. Couch, L. K. Greenlees and M. H. Larson.

It has indeed been a pleasure for all these brothers to serve in the interests of God’s kingdom and to do so in their various capacities.