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The Governing Body

The Governing Body

The Governing Body

This past year has been a most joyful one for the Governing Body of Jehovah’s witnesses. Each member has had his daily assigned work and each serves in different departments of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society’s offices.

The regular weekly meetings of the Governing Body have been interrupted somewhat during the year because of the many “Divine Victory” International Assemblies. Many members served at several assemblies in the United States, Canada, Europe and the Far East. They had an enjoyable time with their brothers. However, when they did meet they had some very fine discussions on Scriptural matters and problems that have arisen during the year, and the results of their studies proved to be the basis for some very interesting Watchtower articles. In their daily work and through prayer they keep in mind God’s people everywhere.


This year the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania held its annual meeting at its usual place, namely, 4100 Bigelow Boulevard, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

The meeting began at 9:30 in the morning, being opened with prayer by G. M. Couch. The day’s text was handled by C. W. Barber, and then some very interesting experiences were related by branch overseers, W. H. Logan of Taiwan and D. H. Burt of Peru. The work in both of these countries is moving along very well through missionary activity and by the splendid work of all the publishers in these lands.

At 10 o’clock the annual meeting of the Society was called to order by the president, and it was shown that 415 of the members, of the total membership of 427, were present either in person or by proxy. Then he informed those in attendance that Brother T. J. Sullivan, who has been a faithful and beloved brother and director of the Society for approximately forty years, had found it necessary to resign on September 5, 1973. This he did due to physical handicap, mainly his sight, failing health, and his age being eighty-five years. As Brother Sullivan wrote in his letter: “It seems beyond my physical capacity to meet the very heavy requirements of a director of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Under the circumstances therefore it seems entirely in accord with Jehovah’s will . . . that this resignation take place as soon as possible.” Brother Sullivan also wrote that he considered this privilege of service as director “one of the most joyful services which I have experienced since being associated with the Watch Tower Society.”

A few weeks earlier the board of directors had accepted his resignation, so now it was necessary to recommend another director in his place. W. K. Jackson’s name was put in nomination. He was unanimously elected for a period of three years. Brother Grant Suiter was reelected by unanimous vote as a director for three years.

At the meeting some very interesting messages were read to the 2,357 in attendance, and these, along with the warm love and greetings sent from all parts of the world, were appreciated very much. The president of the Society then spoke on the subject “Exulting in Jehovah Despite Hardships of Har–Magedon.” This was a very serious and thought-provoking talk. The readers of The Watchtower will certainly enjoy this material on Habakkuk chapter three when it is published. The president also gave a report on the outstanding features of the field service in the United States. It was the country’s finest year for Jehovah’s witnesses in gathering together the “other sheep,” 55,775 being baptized!

On October 2 the members of the board of directors met for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year. All were in attendance with the exception of M. G. Henschel, who was in Hawaii, serving the international “Divine Victory” assembly. All the officers were reelected, namely, N. H. Knorr, president; F. W. Franz, vice-president; Grant Suiter, secretary and treasurer; and J. O. Groh, assistant secretary and treasurer. These will serve for the ensuing term of one year. The other members of the board of directors are W. K. Jackson and L. A. Swingle.

The financial report, prepared by the secretary and treasurer for the service year ending August 31, 1973, for the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, was read by N. H. Knorr. It was unanimously accepted as read. Other reports were made concerning the work world wide. Expressions were made of the gratifying results of the rotation of the elders in the congregations throughout the world. It is evident that Jehovah’s blessing has been upon this arrangement. It was observed that the 1973 service year proved to be a most active year on the part of Jehovah’s witnesses everywhere, and in closing with prayer expression was made of our deep appreciation for Jehovah’s rich blessing.


Pursuant to the December 1, 1972, letter of notice to members and in accordance with the requirements of law and the charter of the corporation, on Saturday, January 6, 1973, the annual meeting of the members of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., was held in the offices of the Society located at 124 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, New York. The meeting was presided over by the president, N. H. Knorr, and was opened by prayer by C. E. Sillaway. The membership of this New York corporation stood at seventy, and the full membership was present by proxy or in person. One of the matters of business was the election of four directors to fill the vacancies occasioned by the expiring term of G. M. Couch, F. W. Franz, J. O. Groh and Grant Suiter. All four members were unanimously reelected to serve as directors for the ensuing term of two years. Brief reports were made. Brother M. H. Larson outlined some of the changes taking place in Brooklyn by transferring some of the printing work from Brooklyn to the Watchtower Farm facility. J. C. Adams gave a report on the Kingdom Ministry School as it is conducted in Brooklyn. Brother Knorr outlined the magazine printing activities and how transfers were being made now from the Brooklyn branch to Brazil, Japan, Philippine Republic, South Africa, Nigeria, Ghana and Australia, where new facilities were established for the printing of magazines. However, it was pointed out that as far as bound-book production was concerned, this would chiefly be retained in the United States, Germany and Finland.

Immediately after the adjournment of the annual meeting, the board of directors met, and the following officers were elected: N. H. Knorr, president; F. W. Franz, vice-president; Grant Suiter, secretary and treasurer; J. O. Groh, assistant secretary and treasurer. All were unanimously reelected for the term of one year. Other members of the board of directors of the New York corporation are G. M. Couch, L. K. Greenlees and M. H. Larson. All the brothers expressed their joy in serving Jehovah God through their various privileges of service within the corporation and as members of the Bethel family in Brooklyn, New York.