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Yeartext for 1981

Yeartext for 1981

Yeartext for 1981

“Your loyal ones will bless you. About the glory of your kingship they will talk.”​—Ps. 145:10, 11.

What a great, grand and glorious God Jehovah is! Most fittingly the psalmist David felt impelled to ‘exalt, praise and bless’ Jehovah and to make declaration about his kingship, his mighty acts, his graciousness, his dignity, his mercy and his goodness! And what a comfort it is to know that our God is always near to those who call upon him in trueness, and who fear to displease him! Generously he satisfies the rightful desires of all his faithful servants and justly guards and preserves all those who love him.​—See Psalm 145.

To be loyal means to adhere tenaciously to one’s God, one’s principles and one’s ruler in spite of pressures or temptations to deflect. Loyalty is a quality that applies in all relations of confidence and trust. It applies to husbands and wives in the marital relationship, and to children and parents. Revelation 15:4 tells of those who ‘fear Jehovah and glorify his name because he alone is loyal.’ King David appreciated Jehovah’s exemplary loyalty, for he wrote: “With someone loyal you will act in loyalty.”​—Ps. 18:25.

How can Jehovah God’s servants today manifest their loyalty? First of all by their upright conduct, producing the ninefold fruitage of God’s spirit in their lives, and doing so in spite of temptations coming from within and without. (Gal. 5:22, 23) And secondly, loyalty requires all these to do as David of old did, make known Jehovah’s marvelous qualities, his kingship and his wonderful works on their behalf.

How many reasons we have to bless and praise Jehovah! A knowledge of Jehovah God, of his attributes, his purposes and his will for us; a warm personal relationship with our God, including the blessed privilege of prayer; the joys of associating with our brothers at congregation meetings and at larger gatherings, such as the past year’s “Divine Love” District Conventions. And then there are the many opportunities that come our way to make known to others the things we have learned, by witnessing both formally and informally. Every day it is our privilege to extol Jehovah for his qualities and his goodness toward us, at least in our hearts and among ourselves. And if it be within our power may we, along with God’s organized people, never let a week go by without availing ourselves of the privilege to ‘bless Jehovah and to talk about the glory of his kingship’ to outsiders.