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Acts of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Modern Times

Acts of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Modern Times

Acts of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Modern Times

Jehovah’s Witnesses preach the “good news” today in 206 lands. What a great prophet Jesus Christ was to foresee such global Kingdom preaching! (Matt. 24:14) How the preaching work was started in these various lands has proved to be inspiring reading. In the next 223 pages, consider the lives and activities of many of the persons who shared in starting and developing the Kingdom-preaching activity in the following two countries:

CHILE: The desire to open up the preaching work in Chile grows within a brother pioneering in Argentina. He goes to Chile in 1930, the only Witness in all the land. As he preaches, the first one to respond asks: “And the others, when will they come?” With complete faith in Jehovah, the pioneer replies: “They will come.” And come they did! From 28 publishers in 1939, the Kingdom proclaimers have grown to over 16,000 today!

ITALY: When the Society’s first president, C. T. Russell, visits Italy in 1891, he interests a Waldensian professor in the truth to the extent that he begins to translate the Society’s publications into Italian. During the Mussolini era, the clergy, backed up by Fascist henchmen, do all in their power to crush completely the few Kingdom proclaimers. But Jehovah provides escape. Read how the Kingdom publishers have grown from about 90 at the end of World War II to over 90,000 today! It is one of the most thrilling stories ever told about the acts of Jehovah’s Witnesses in modern times.

Your reading these stirring reports of Christian faith will encourage you to carry on in the ministry that the Lord Jesus has given us​—the preaching of the “good news” worldwide.