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“Your Labor Is Not in Vain”

“Your Labor Is Not in Vain”

“Your Labor Is Not in Vain”

How the Corinthian congregation must have been reassured by the statement of the apostle Paul to them, “Your labor is not in vain in connection with the Lord”! (1 Cor. 15:58) As part of the inspired Word of God, Paul’s encouragement strengthens us as well. We have considered some highlights of the splendid results of the activities of Jehovah’s Witnesses throughout the worldwide field during the service year of 1981. Now we look ahead and do so with the conviction that our future “labor” will not be in vain but will likewise be blessed by Jehovah, the God whom we love and who “is near to all those calling upon him, to all those who call upon him in trueness.” (Ps. 145:18) For the accomplishments of the theocratic organization of his witnesses, we give him all the credit.

It seems that in all probability during the centuries since the death of the apostles, even since the culmination of the great apostasy by the formation of Christendom in 325 C.E., Jehovah had some on earth at all times who were loyal to his Word, his teachings, Christ Jesus as the Redeemer and to himself as the Supreme One. If this is correct, he was not at any time entirely without witnesses. Of course, such would not have been organized, at least not in a large organization. There were religious organizations, but these were and are part of Babylon the Great, false religion, and in fact Christendom is the most reprehensible part of Babylon the Great. But what a wonderful change we see in the developments of the past century!

No longer is it just a matter of there possibly being a person here and there throughout the decades endeavoring to adhere to Jehovah’s Word of truth. Rather, in Jehovah’s purposes the time arrived for an earth-wide witness to be given to all the nations in all the inhabited earth. This is a witness or testimony to the establishment of his kingdom, such being in order at the time of the Kingdom’s establishment. According to the prophecy of our Lord Jesus Christ, the witness itself constitutes a part of the sign of his presence and the end of the old system of things. When that time came with the end of the Gentile Times in 1914, Jehovah, by the direction of his spirit, raised up faithful ones who congregated and formed the basis for an organization that could, and did, become adequate to meet the demands of the times to carry on a worldwide witness work.

In the preceding report we have briefly noted the development of this organization as demonstrated in the increasing number of Kingdom proclaimers, especially since the year 1918. Why this change? Why this ORGANIZATION of united Christians, devoted to the study and application of God’s Word in their lives, including their personal participation in aiding others to come to an understanding and appreciation of the Scriptures pointing to our day? Because this is the time of the Kingdom! This is the day to which the prophets looked forward. This is the “time of the end.” (Dan. 12:1, 4) Hence, an overriding factor in the lives of Jehovah’s Witnesses is the fact that their heavenly King, Christ Jesus, is now ruling in Kingdom power and directing Kingdom activity on earth through the holy angels. Jesus’ loyal followers have complete faith in the inspired Scriptures, so they are convinced that Jehovah is the one to be worshiped and served. Those from among mankind who render such worship and service will receive Kingdom blessings of life. As they have been doing for the past decades and especially since the spiritual fall of Babylon the Great in 1919, they continue to preach the Kingdom message.

As all mankind go deeper and deeper into the time of the end, the conditions of the last days grow more and more difficult to deal with, and more critical. (Luke 21:25, 26; 2 Tim. 3:1-5) These terrifying circumstances emphasize the need of all persons to accept the help Jehovah provides through his Word, his spirit and the organization of his faithful people. This assistance through the earth-wide congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses is necessary for anyone to serve Jehovah successfully. At this stage of the affairs of man, it is absolutely impossible for anyone, professed Christian or otherwise, to stand independent of the one organization that is bearing witness worldwide to Jehovah, his goodness and supremacy in accord with the 145th Psalm 145 and, in fact, in accord with all the Scriptures.

The developments touched on by this brief report are significant as part of the “signs of the times.” (Matt. 16:1-4) We appreciate your reading the report, and as we expressed at its outset, we hope you have done so with interest and with profit. We trust that the Kingdom message will be a blessing and a comfort to you, strengthening your hope in Jehovah’s provisions and enhancing your appreciation of what Jehovah’s Witnesses are doing throughout the earth.

As Jehovah’s Witnesses, we enjoy great privileges. Our laying hold on such privileges has certainly not been in vain during the past year, nor will such be in vain during the time that lies ahead.

Be assured of our loving interest toward you and the entire association of our brotherhood everywhere in all lands throughout this earth, which Jehovah will, in his due time, make glorious to his praise.

Your brothers,