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Acts of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Modern Times

Acts of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Modern Times

Acts of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Modern Times

The Bible book of Acts presents the thrilling story of the expansion of Christianity in the first century C.E. Is the history of the Kingdom-preaching work in modern times any less thrilling? No, indeed, for we are living in the “last days,” with the Devil and his demons waging war against those who proclaim God’s Kingdom. (2 Tim. 3:1; Rev. 12:17) To read about the development of Kingdom preaching in various lands today is thus equally upbuilding. We believe that you will greatly benefit by reading about many of the persons who spearheaded the Kingdom-preaching activity in the following two countries:

AUSTRALIA: In this vast land how would the Kingdom preachers reach people in remote areas of the country? Courageous pioneers have gone forward to work the outback areas of Australia, and in this account you will read about some of the most remarkable pioneers of all time. You will find it engrossing, too, to learn how the brothers carried on during the years of the ban in World War II, even holding conventions and printing books.

PORTUGAL: The Catholic Church and the Salazar regime worked together to suppress the activity of Jehovah’s Witnesses. The secret police, patterned after the Gestapo, constantly hounded the Witnesses, but despite all of this the preaching work prospered. The truly remarkable story of the growth of Jehovah’s organization in Portugal will hold your attention all the way and be a source of encouragement.

So, as you read these inspiring reports of modern preachers of the good news, you will be further strengthened to endure in Jehovah’s blessed ministry right down to the end, to the awarding of the prize of everlasting life.​—Matt. 24:13.