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Jehovah’s Progressive Organization

Jehovah’s Progressive Organization

Jehovah’s Progressive Organization

In the outworking of Jehovah’s marvelous purposes, it is quite obvious that God’s dedicated people have been brought into an organization. Of necessity this means that they must conform to definite boundaries and limitations. For example, the headship of the Great Organizer, Jehovah, must be recognized. Under him all those with delegated authority, including the Lord Jesus Christ, must be submissive. (1 Cor. 11:3) Specific requirements must be met by those privileged to be part of the organization. Also, there are aims and purposes that govern the activity of and give identity to this organized body of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

In these several respects, Jehovah’s earthly organization stands out as separate and distinct from all other organizations. It is also appreciated that without such a theocratic organization the Christian congregation could not accomplish its many assignments “decently and by arrangement.”​—1 Cor. 14:33, 40.

As evidence that such an orderly arrangement now governs our activity, one only has to review the report for the past service year. (See pages 24-31.) It shows how Jehovah, the Head of the organization, has so marvelously used his dedicated and loyal people to give a mighty witness among the nations concerning Christ Jesus, the King, and His Kingdom​—something that could never have been accomplished by Christendom’s nearly one billion disorganized members, each doing what is right in his own eyes.​—Compare Proverbs 26:12.

The progressive theocratic organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses is a publishing and teaching body. Jehovah, the Head, is our “Grand Instructor,” and his beloved Son, Christ Jesus, is our Great Teacher. (Isa. 30:20; Matt. 7:28, 29) Jehovah’s Witnesses, in turn, are ‘sent forth’ ones, obligated to be preachers and teachers of the good news. Their Scriptural message is twofold. First, they show meek and teachable people how they can live forever in Paradise on earth. Second, they warn the wicked that “the day of vengeance on the part of our God” is fast approaching.​—Isa. 61:1, 2; Zeph. 3:8.

To assist his dedicated people to accomplish this twofold publishing work, Jehovah has provided his forward-moving organization with many high-speed offset printing presses as well as modern bookbinding equipment. He has also equipped his people with the latest technology in the field of computer phototypesetting. And in many parts of the world he has provided expanded housing facilities in the way of Bethel homes for the personnel, and printing factories for the machinery in order to get this message into printed form in more than 160 languages.

But more important than the inanimate material facilities, Jehovah has equipped his organized people with the ‘tongue of the wise’ and sent them out from house to house to preach verbally to the people, “whether they will hear or will refrain.” (Prov. 15:2; Ezek. 2:5) We greatly rejoice to see how Jehovah in these “last days” has expanded this teaching body to number more than two million strong. He has put upon them his name, empowered them with his spirit and endorsed them as his witnesses.

And what a joy it is to see that during the past year an all-time peak has been reached in the number of Kingdom publishers! An increasing number were able to engage in some form of “full-time” service​—as auxiliary, regular or special pioneers, others as missionaries, traveling overseers and members of Bethel families. During the past year all of these in special service, along with the faithful congregation publishers, have kept close in mind the yeartext: “Become steadfast, unmovable, always having plenty to do in the work of the Lord.” (1 Cor. 15:58) Were it not for Jehovah’s dynamic holy spirit they would not have been able to carry out his will and purpose. Hence all praise and thanksgiving go to Jehovah for what has been accomplished.

Now we are looking forward with eager anticipation to 1983 and what it will bring forth in the way of special opportunities to expand the Kingdom-preaching and disciple-making work. During this coming year we will continue to beseech Jehovah to give us guidance and direction. We will “go on perceiving what the will of Jehovah is,” in order that we may do it with enthusiasm.​—Eph. 5:17.

To be sure, the economic, social and moral pressures of these “last days” will continue to build. The efforts of Satan and his crowd to disrupt the Kingdom work are certain to multiply, for the Devil knows that even his “short period of time” has been greatly reduced. (Rev. 12:12) It is therefore imperative that each one of us should loyally move ahead with Jehovah’s triumphant organization, doing so in love and unity. The 1983 yeartext, made prominent on the new calendar, will encourage us to do so. It reads: “Clothe yourselves with love . . . a perfect bond of union.”​—Col. 3:14.

Our prayer to Jehovah will continue to be: ‘Teach us to do your will, for you are our God.’ (Ps. 143:10) Or as the apostle Paul expresses it: “Now may the God of peace . . . equip you with every good thing to do his will, performing in us through Jesus Christ that which is well-pleasing in his sight; to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen.”​—Heb. 13:20, 21.

We take this opportunity to send to all our brotherhood throughout the earth our deep love, and appreciation for your faithful service and loyal devotion to Jehovah and his Kingdom interests.

Your brothers,