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Acts of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Modern Times

Acts of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Modern Times

Acts of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Modern Times

Jesus Christ declared that “this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations”—despite opposition and obstacles! (Matt. 24:14) It is inspiring to read how Jehovah’s people in modern times are fulfilling Jesus’ words, no matter what the difficulties. You will be encouraged to read of the development of Kingdom preaching in the following lands:

BELGIUM: Learn how Jehovah’s work started among a few coal miners in the early 1900’s. Then came opposition, especially during the Nazi era. Read of marvelous examples of Jehovah’s protection upon his people—even the determined opposition of a Gestapo chief was frustrated. Postwar nationalism raised other obstacles, yet all were overcome with Jehovah’s help.

ALASKA: In this vast land Jehovah’s people have endured cold, snow and ice to reach people with the good news. Missionaries from Gilead helped blaze the trail of Kingdom preaching, getting the work on a solid footing. Learn how the missionaries coped with witnessing when there were only a couple of hours of light each day during the winter months. Reaching people in the interior has been a great challenge, yet the Kingdom message has gone out to all the inhabitants of Alaska, including the Indian, Eskimo and Aleut people.

FIJI AND NEIGHBORING ISLANDS: Here is a remarkable story of brothers going where the need is greater to open up the Kingdom work in remote islands of the South Pacific. The problem of vast distances and opposition from officials had to be overcome. This was done, all glory going to Jehovah.

May these accounts inspire you to overcome any obstacles or opposition in your territory as you endeavor to reach the people with the good news before the end comes.