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Acts of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Modern Times

Acts of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Modern Times

Acts of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Modern Times

Jesus stated that his followers would do greater works of preaching by extending the disciple-making work to the extremities of the earth. (John 14:12; Acts 1:8) How grand that final report will be when the preaching work during this time of the end is fully accomplished, in fulfillment of Matthew 24:14! Yet even now it is thrilling to learn through reports published regularly in the Yearbook of how the Kingdom work was started and how it developed in lands throughout the earth.

This Yearbook will explore the beginnings of Kingdom activity and the progress that has been made thereafter in the following lands:

JAMAICA: Learn how the preaching work got started back in 1897. Read about a visit by C. T. Russell to that island in 1913. You will be amazed at the activity of early full-time preachers who had to travel by foot over mountains and through valleys in order to bring the good news to the people.

ZIMBABWE: This stirring account will greatly encourage you to continue relying on Jehovah. Read about the many difficulties overcome in reaching both the white and the native population in this land when it was under colonial rule. Note the many trials and tribulations endured by Jehovah’s people when war broke out. The account will add much force to the meaningfulness of the scripture: “Many are the calamities of the righteous one, but out of them all Jehovah delivers him.”​—Ps. 34:19.

THE BAHAMAS: This country of many islands has posed a great challenge to the Witnesses. How could they reach the people on the various islands and then cultivate the interest? The use of boats was one solution to the problem. Learn how boats of all types have aided the brothers in giving a witness throughout the beautiful Bahamian islands.

How thrilling it is to have a part in Jehovah’s never-to-be-repeated work in fulfillment of Matthew 24:14! May the reports that follow encourage you to share more fully in giving the Kingdom witness while there is yet time.