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Acts of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Modern Times

Acts of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Modern Times

Acts of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Modern Times

What could be a greater privilege than serving as a witness of the true God, Jehovah! Jesus Christ was such a witness. (Rev. 3:14; John 18:37) Jehovah’s Witnesses today look to him as their exemplar. In upwards of 200 countries and lands they are publishing the good news that God’s Kingdom by Christ now rules, the present ungodly system will soon end, and this earth will become a paradise where lovers of righteousness can live forever.

In the following pages we will travel to various parts of the earth to see how this work of preaching and teaching got started there and the conditions under which it is carried out. The accounts are truly faith inspiring.

BOLIVIA: When two missionaries arrived here in 1945, there were no others of Jehovah’s Witnesses in this land. Their own knowledge of Spanish was very limited. How did they go about spreading the Kingdom message quickly to all the major cities? What obstacles had to be overcome to reach remote villages in the Andes? Who welcomed their message?

NETHERLANDS: Eighty years ago lovers of truth here began to see clearly the difference between the true religion and the false. Courageously they shared with others what they learned. Intense opposition resulted. Despite brutal Nazi persecution during World War II, they increased rapidly. Many have come into Jehovah’s organization. Not all have remained. But the distinction has become clear “between one serving God and one who has not served him.”​—Mal. 3:18.

NIGERIA: Here is a nation that includes extraordinary diversity. There are hundreds of tribal groups. About half the people are Muslims; many are professed Christians, and not a few sacrifice to fetish gods. How do such people respond to discussion of religion? What accounts for the increase of Kingdom proclaimers here from one in 1921 to well over 120,000 today?

May these accounts move you to take full advantage of your opportunities to serve Jehovah, and may they help you to remain ever solid in the faith.