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‘We are Serving Jehovah!’

‘We are Serving Jehovah!’

‘We are Serving Jehovah!’

“Choose for yourselves today whom you will serve” is the challenge Joshua put before the Israelites 34 centuries ago. Joshua’s response to his own heart-searching words rang clear: “As for me and my household, we shall serve Jehovah.” (Josh. 24:15) Like Joshua of old, Jehovah’s Witnesses of today “shall serve Jehovah.” That was our text for last year. And the report for the 1987 service year vividly shows that Jehovah’s Witnesses in 210 lands are serving Jehovah wholeheartedly!

Did you not rejoice in learning of the new peak in publishers​—3,395,612? What about the number baptized​—230,843? Both increases are visible evidences of Jehovah’s blessings on our worldwide evangelizing work this past service year. Just imagine! The increases we have read about in our Yearbook have been observed from heaven by the holy angels along with Jehovah and Christ Jesus. What joy this must have brought to them!​—Compare Luke 15:6, 7.

Even governmental bans cannot stop Christ Jesus from actively directing his disciples to push forward in the evangelizing work. The record number of 267,296 publishers busy in areas where the freedom to preach is curtailed is living proof of that fact. What fine examples of loyalty these brothers have set​—even at risk of imprisonment or loss of life!

Our brothers have suffered greatly in many places. In one African country, a terrible wave of persecution swept over our brothers from January to April 1987. Scores of them were arrested simply because they were Jehovah’s Witnesses. But theocratic activity has been reorganized, and the work of disciple-making continues. The branch overseeing that country reports: “Inevitably with such persecution there has been a cleaning out of those lacking faith. However, the vast majority remain firm, and the work continues to progress, with many new ones being baptized.”

In some countries where our witnessing activity has been under restrictions, our brothers have been allowed more freedom to preach and meet openly. We are thankful that in these places fair-minded rulers have been moved to lift such restrictions and that prayers in behalf of our brothers have been answered. (1 Tim. 2:1, 2) Quick changes in rulers in some other lands have brought violent persecution. These changed circumstances are not always reported in the Yearbook. Thus, let this be a reminder that we should not become complacent in our worship and conclude that violent opposition happens only in faraway places. Use the experiences in this report both as a source of encouragement and as a strengthening aid for whatever the future may bring. How encouraging are the words of the apostle Paul! He wrote: “If God is for us, who will be against us?”​—Rom. 8:31.

The “Great Crowd” Keeps Growing

We are glad to witness the foretold gathering of the “great crowd,” even though this calls for increased effort on the part of all of us. (Rev. 7:9) More Kingdom Halls and Assembly Halls must be built, and more branch facilities must be enlarged. We truly appreciate the generous donations of labor and finances from our fellow worshipers to assist us in this vast expansion work. The selfishness of the world has certainly not rubbed off on our brothers.​—2 Tim. 3:1, 2.

Some brothers are able to become part of the International Volunteer Construction Worker program and assist in the construction of branches outside of their home country. One volunteer worker wrote us: “I have to say thank you for the exquisite privilege! It is hard to put into words the strength and love that I found in working with my brothers. Their humility, their love for the Bible and Jehovah, and their firm hold on the hope of the new world left me with much to meditate upon at the end of each day.”

True, the marvelous increase in the number of praisers of Jehovah brings many blessings to all of his people, but it also stresses a great need not to slack the hand. The preaching of the Kingdom good news must continue until the end. (Mark 13:10) And as is evident from last year’s Memorial attendance of 8,965,221, there are many more who may yet become our associates in the evangelizing work. So now is the time to ‘exert ourselves vigorously’ in “the work of the Lord.” (Luke 13:24; 1 Cor. 15:58) Does not the example of our brothers, as related in this report, create within us a burning desire to do everything possible toward helping new ones to join us in true worship? Many are entering full-time service. You, also, may be able to join the zealous pioneers, who reached a peak of 665,327 during 1987. If this is not possible because of situations beyond your control, do not be disheartened. Do your best in Jehovah’s service, and he will bless you.​—Luke 21:1-4.

What can all of us do to assist and encourage the many young people associating at our meetings, as well as the newly baptized ones? We need to show understanding and patience. Be kind and sympathetic, and encourage them to make progress, inviting them to share with us in Kingdom activity.

Since we are living in a time of testing, be determined, like Joshua, to serve Jehovah! May the experiences recorded in this Yearbook help us to appreciate Jehovah’s assurance that we need not be afraid. (Isa. 41:10) While world tensions continue to mount, may all of us heed the wise counsel of the 1988 service year text: “Hope in Jehovah and keep his way.”​—Ps. 37:34.

We at the world headquarters care for you and are concerned about you very much. We pray that you will “go on growing in the undeserved kindness and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” and of his God and our God, Jehovah.​—2 Pet. 3:18.

Your brothers,