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Acts of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Modern Times

Acts of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Modern Times

Acts of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Modern Times

Austria Stands Firm 66

Is your Christian faith a match for the severe privations of a Nazi concentration camp? Witnesses of Jehovah in Austria stood firm in the face of such cruel persecution at the hands of their oppressors. Find out how they endured.

Barbados Harvests Kingdom Seed 148

Among the sun-drenched islands of the Caribbean, Barbados gives witness not only of sowing Kingdom seed but also of reaping spiritual fruitage. Learn how the seed of the Kingdom message spread to other neighboring islands too.

Ecuador Embraces the Truth 198

Straddling the equator, Ecuador is a land populated by a people as diverse as scantily clothed farmers and business suit bankers. Some of these Ecuadoreans, quick with a handshake and a smile, have for the past 53 years been equally keen to embrace Bible truth. Discover why.