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Doing Jehovah’s Work in Jehovah’s Way

Doing Jehovah’s Work in Jehovah’s Way

Doing Jehovah’s Work in Jehovah’s Way

Our 1990 field service report truly gives us much cause for rejoicing. As we consider the progress made, the new peaks in publishers in country after country, the great number of people baptized, and the opening up of the preaching work in countries where the brothers previously worked under ban, we are impelled to sing praises to Jehovah God for the way he has made things grow. Indeed, our spiritual paradise is flourishing! And we commend you brothers for your diligent and faithful service.

As we rejoice in all this prosperity, does that give us grounds for becoming complacent? By no means! Not only must we continue to walk in a way that pleases Jehovah but we also need to be ever mindful of the apostle Paul’s counsel to “keep on doing it more fully.” (1 Thess. 4:1) How can we ‘do it more fully’? By making sure that we are doing Jehovah’s work in Jehovah’s way.

Jehovah is displeased if his work is not done in his way. The results will not be for the good. For a striking example of this, consider when King David was having the sacred Ark transported to Jerusalem. Bringing the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem was Jehovah’s work, but the way David first tried to do it​—on a wagon instead of on the shoulders of the Levites—​was not Jehovah’s way. The results were disastrous! In time David saw his mistake and then proceeded to have the Ark carried Jehovah’s way. Then, the time came for truly great rejoicing.​—1 Chron. 13:6-11; 15:12-29; 16:1-36.

Today, Jehovah’s work for us is twofold. It consists of preaching this good news of the Kingdom and of making disciples of those who respond favorably. In this regard, we must say to you concerning the past service year: “Well done!” When we think of you, these words by the apostle Paul come to mind: “I thank my God always upon every remembrance of you . . . because of the contribution you have made to the good news.” (Phil. 1:3-5) How, though, can we more fully do this work in Jehovah’s way? By continuing to serve shoulder to shoulder with “the faithful and discreet slave” as represented by the Governing Body. This slave is Jehovah’s instrument for getting this work done; by cooperating with it, we will have His continued blessings.​—Matt. 24:45-47.

But in order for us to cooperate fully with the visible channel Jehovah God is using, we must also work along with the ones that the theocratic organization has placed in positions of oversight in our own congregations. Remember Paul’s advice: “Be obedient to those who are taking the lead among you and be submissive, for they are keeping watch over your souls.” (Heb. 13:17) Yes, to do Jehovah’s work in his way means for us to cooperate wholeheartedly with the elders in our congregations, who are taking the lead.

To do Jehovah’s work in Jehovah’s way also means doing it “whole-souled as to Jehovah, and not to men.” (Col. 3:23) It also calls for unselfish deeds on our part. That is why we are admonished: “[Do] nothing out of contentiousness or out of egotism, but with lowliness of mind considering that the others are superior to you.”​—Phil. 2:3.

To do Jehovah’s work in Jehovah’s way also means to do it joyfully, not reluctantly, not begrudgingly. You no doubt remember that time and again Jehovah God stressed the importance of this to his ancient nation of Israel. Jehovah wanted them to rejoice in him in every undertaking of theirs.​—Deut. 28:45-47.

For us as Christians, the same rule applies. We are repeatedly encouraged to “rejoice in the Lord,” as the apostle said. “Once more I will say, Rejoice!” (Phil. 4:4) That is why we are also told: “Let each one do just as he has resolved in his heart, not grudgingly nor under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Cor. 9:7) Undoubtedly, to do Jehovah’s work in Jehovah’s way means we will do it with joy, yes, with eagerness, with zeal.

Important also is the manner of our speaking. The apostle Paul asked others to pray for him that he might give the witness “with freeness of speech.” (Eph. 6:19) So resist being timid or diffident in speaking the truth; continue to preach with boldness. At the same time, we want to give a reason for our hope to everyone that demands it of us, but with “deep respect.”​—1 Pet. 3:15.

Then again, for us to do Jehovah’s work in Jehovah’s way means not to neglect details but to remember that “the person faithful in what is least is faithful also in much.” (Luke 16:10) Thus, in the Pentateuch we read more than 30 times that Moses did “just as Jehovah had commanded” him.​—Ex. 39:21.

What does that require of us today? That we be conscientious in keeping house-to-house records and making return visits where interest has been manifested and that we be dependable and faithful in caring for our home Bible studies. It also means giving thought to our dress and grooming so that we always look presentable.

Our yeartext for 1991 is: “Let anyone hearing say: ‘Come!’” (Rev. 22:17) That is a command that we should keep ever in mind. To the extent that we do, we will also bring praise to Jehovah God and waters of truth to thirsty ones, and we ourselves will also be refreshed.​—Prov. 11:25.

Certainly, Jehovah has richly blessed us this past service year. We here at world headquarters are happy to be fellow workers with you, and our earnest prayer is that all of us may continue faithfully doing our Father’s work his way.

Your brothers,