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Coping With the Turbulent Seas of Restless Mankind

Coping With the Turbulent Seas of Restless Mankind

Coping With the Turbulent Seas of Restless Mankind

The prophet Isaiah compared the wicked to the sea that is being tossed about, and he foretold that ‘there is no peace for the wicked ones.’ (Isa. 57:20, 21) How well this describes the turbulent situation we see about us! As the time approaches for the “great tribulation” to be unleashed, the “seas” of mankind keep churning up tidal waves of world-shaking events. (Matt. 24:21) However, we have experienced that Jehovah offsets such shocks by strengthening our worldwide brotherhood with infusions of his holy spirit and by keeping us spiritually fed with a steady flow of publications together with remarkable conventions. Thus, he guides us safely through these turbulent last days.​—Isa. 30:20, 21.

For example, during the 1990 service year, on November 9, 1989, the Berlin Wall began being demolished. This resulted in a flood of newly liberated peoples as well as fresh situations that would affect our global preaching work. How would our brothers in the many lands of Eastern Europe be strengthened and become spiritually up-to-date? The Governing Body immediately initiated a spiritual rehabilitation program. In line with Matthew 24:45-47, translation in these lands was quickly adjusted so that, in short order, The Watchtower was appearing semimonthly in full color in some nine of their languages. The Society’s factories in nearby countries have done marvelous work in printing and shipping magazines and other spiritual food to those who have needed it so much.

It was decided also to arrange for special international conventions that would extend into the 1991 service year. The Berlin international convention of July 24-27, 1990, nine months after the opening of the wall, was part of the program. What a time of thrilling developments this year has been, as is borne out in the global report published in this Yearbook!

Recounting what had been done during the 1991 service year in Eastern Europe and the vast area of the Soviet Union, nine of us members of the Governing Body spoke to the entire Bethel family assembled in their various locations on Monday, September 9, 1991, following the Watchtower Study. It was a unique meeting of the Bethel family that lasted over two hours. Further doors of theocratic opportunity were described as being opened, with new congregations sprouting everywhere! Pioneers in these former Communist lands eagerly swelled the ranks of full-time preachers around the world. Once again Jehovah’s Witnesses were seen preaching publicly in cities where the work was formerly banned! The New York Times of September 1, 1991, reported that “Jehovah’s Witnesses looking for converts” could be observed publicly on the streets of the city of St. Petersburg, formerly Leningrad.

On the heels of the sweeping changes, three special international conventions were held during 1991: Budapest, Hungary, July 26-28; Prague, Czechoslovakia, August 9-11; and Zagreb, Yugoslavia, August 16-18. As the many delegates from more than 30 countries met their Eastern European brothers for the first time, their cheerful smiles turned into tears of joy.

At the same time, during July and August, several district conventions were held in the Soviet Union. At seven of these conventions, namely, Tallinn in Estonia (now an independent nation), Usolye-Sibirskoye in Siberia, Alma-Ata in Kazakhstan, and Kiev and Lvov in the Ukraine, plus Odessa and Chernovtsy, the total attendance peaked at 74,252, with 7,820 persons baptized​—a striking 10.5 percent! What a great blessing it was that these conventions could proceed to their completion even through the period of the turbulent events of August.

Letters of rejoicing over the conventions came in to us from our brothers in the Soviet Union. Here is one example, dated July 10, 1991: “Dear Brothers: We are very grateful for the beautiful literature we are receiving. Every time I go on return visits and put literature into my witnessing bag, I thank Jehovah very much and give thanks for those who worked hard in supplying this literature for us in the Soviet Union. You have prepared such attractive spiritual food for us. Also, the people that we place the literature with in the field tell us to thank you for it. P.S. I have prepared five persons for baptism at the coming convention in Tallinn, July 13, 14.”

The thirst for accurate knowledge is demonstrated by the desire for the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures to be translated into the local languages of the peoples living in the countries formerly behind the old Iron Curtain. Such rejoicing filled the stadium at the Prague international convention when the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures was released both in Czech and in Slovak. The audience stood up and applauded for ten minutes. These are the first New World Translations available in the languages of any of the former Communist lands.

In order to carry out our accurate Bible education on a high, global level, it is planned for the complete New World Translation, now available in 11 languages, to appear in many more tongues spoken by Jehovah’s continuously incoming great crowd. To oversee this work, we have set up in Brooklyn the Translation Services Department. Also, in view of the opening of so many doors for preaching, the number of missionary students in the forthcoming 93rd class of Gilead, to be enrolled during the service year of 1992, will be doubled. And the Gilead School Extension Class in Germany and in India will be opened again to train full-time servants for the Eastern European and Asian fields. All these wonderful developments show the importance of continuing to trust in Jehovah.

We continue to hold firmly to what Paul stated at 2 Timothy 3:16, 17: “All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.” We are glad to be following our King and High Priest, Jesus Christ, in approaching the time for the sanctification of Jehovah’s majestic name! We rejoice in the prospects of the new service year, and with you we take to heart our 1992 yeartext: “Rejoice in the hope. . . . Persevere in prayer.”​—Rom. 12:12.

Your brothers in Jehovah’s active service,