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“Come, You People, and See the Activities of God”

“Come, You People, and See the Activities of God”

“Come, You People, and See the Activities of God”

AS Jehovah’s Witnesses, we confidently extend the invitation to people of all the earth to come and see the activities of God. (Ps. 66:5) Jehovah’s activities are very evident not only in nature but also in the work of his people. After you have read the foregoing worldwide report, we ask, Who but God could have impelled and strengthened us to accomplish all that was done during the 1993 service year? For example, the total number of hours spent in preaching was well over 1,057,341,000, which is 32,431,000 more hours than the preceding year. And the average number of Bible studies was up 237,460, to a total of 4,515,587. All of this required extraordinary “power beyond what is normal.” (2 Cor. 4:7) Only God could have supplied the strength necessary. The apostle Paul declared: “For God is the one that, for the sake of his good pleasure, is acting within you in order for you both to will and to act.” (Phil. 2:13) Therefore, to the living God, who puts his holy spirit in us, goes all the credit!

We invite all to come and see how Jehovah’s active force is working among his Witnesses. Love and peace are fruits of Jehovah’s active force, his holy spirit. (Gal. 5:22, 23) Come to racially troubled South Africa and see multiracial construction groups of Jehovah’s Witnesses cooperate in building new Kingdom Halls and meet peacefully together. Come to Israel and see Jewish and Arab Witnesses side by side joyfully preaching the good news of the Messianic Kingdom. In war-torn Northern Ireland, come and see Jehovah’s Witnesses who were formerly warring Catholics and Protestants getting along now as Christian brothers. In the lands of the former Yugoslavia​—Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, and Serbia, where nationalism and religious hatred have resulted in a terrible war—​come, see Jehovah’s Witnesses united in peace and love, no part of that vicious conflict.

In 1993, thousands of delegates from many different countries traveled to “Divine Teaching” District Conventions in many parts of the earth. What did they see? They saw firsthand the activities of Jehovah in Moscow’s Locomotive Stadium and in Kiev, Ukraine. They were thrilled to meet brothers and sisters who had endured decades of Communist rule. These faithful ones can say to Jehovah, as did the psalmist: “You have made mortal man to ride over our head; we have come through fire and through water, and you proceeded to bring us forth to relief. Come, listen, all you who fear God, and I will relate what he has done for my soul.” (Ps. 66:12, 16) Our hearts rejoice to see how Jehovah’s mighty hand worked out matters so that more people in these former Soviet lands have an opportunity to come to know him. How quickly the meek ones are taking their stand! Amazingly, there were 8,891 baptized at just these two conventions in Moscow and Kiev! Truly, the Word of God is moving speedily, and people are talking about his magnificent things!​—Acts 2:11; 2 Thess. 3:1.

The activities of Jehovah are visibly evident in the rapid expansion of new branch facilities throughout the earth. In Brooklyn, New York, prominently facing the Manhattan skyline, stands the Society’s new 30-story residence building at 90 Sands Street. During October, the Bethel family happily toured the lower ten floors, which were ready for use. When completed, this fine new facility will house about a thousand Bethel volunteers. Not just at the world headquarters but throughout the earth, Jehovah has been with us in construction projects, making it possible to obtain land and buildings for branch complexes and Assembly Halls and to rent properties for the Society’s use in many places. Over 57 countries have been involved! Despite shaky economic conditions throughout the world, Jehovah’s hand has not been short in providing his organization with the monetary and human resources needed to advance the Kingdom work.​—Isa. 59:1.

Organizationally, Jehovah has been active in strengthening his people. Evidence of this could be seen in the special meetings of Branch Committee members that were held during 1993 in eight locations, including Watchtower Farms at Wallkill, New York, involving brothers from some 100 branches. Members of the Governing Body and others shared in giving instruction. The responsible brothers attending were better equipped to provide uniform theocratic direction in their respective branches.

As we enter into 1994, let us continue to concern ourselves with Jehovah’s activities. “My Father has kept working until now, and I keep working,” Jesus Christ said. (John 5:17) Assuredly, Jehovah God and Jesus Christ will continue to be active workers, drawing thousands more sheeplike ones into the one flock under the one shepherd. (John 6:44; 10:16) How involved will you be in the activity of God and of his Son? We urge the thousands of youths and others in the congregations: Use your energy to bring glory to God. Orient your life around the preaching and disciple-making activity, which will result in everlasting life for you and for those who listen to you. (1 Tim. 4:16) And to all who have endured in the work for many years, we exhort: “Be courageous and do not let your hands drop down, because there exists a reward for your activity.”​—2 Chron. 15:7; Col. 3:24.

As the great tribulation approaches, the world will become even more insecure and restless than it is. Let us all resolve to apply more fully the wise counsel of the 1994 yeartext: “Trust in Jehovah with all your heart.” (Prov. 3:5) We can fully trust that Jehovah will act in our behalf as we pray and work in harmony with him in the doing of his will.

May Jehovah bless all of you.

Your brothers,

Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses