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Acts of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Modern Times

Acts of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Modern Times

Acts of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Modern Times


Among those who brought Christianity to Cyprus were the apostle Paul and Barnabas, a native Cypriot. However, they soon met stiff opposition from a false prophet who sought to influence the Roman proconsul. In modern times too, the clergy have violently opposed Jehovah’s servants, but government officials have not always agreed with this.


In Guadeloupe, a mixture of cultures—African, European, and Asian—has given birth to a refreshing way of life in which gentleness and kindness are prevalent. These qualities have also helped thousands of people to be receptive to the message of God’s Kingdom and to become worshipers of the true God.


A Catholic country? In many respects, yes. Yet, 135 years ago the government ordered the confiscation of all church property. Only recently has it become possible for religious groups to own property again. Why is it that so many people in Mexico today are eager to study the Bible with Jehovah’s Witnesses? Read this up-to-date report.