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Jehovah’s Word Will Not Return to Him Without Results

Jehovah’s Word Will Not Return to Him Without Results

Jehovah’s Word Will Not Return to Him Without Results

IN YOUR Bible, please read Isaiah 6:6-10. With your mind’s eye, watch in amazement as Jehovah’s seraph cleanses Isaiah’s lips with a glowing coal taken from the temple altar. Listen intently as Jehovah asks: “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Where is Jehovah’s servant to go, and what is he to do? Jehovah commands: “Go, and you must say to this people, ‘Hear again and again, O men, but do not understand; and see again and again, but do not get any knowledge.’”

Does this mean that there was no hope for the nation? Do the final words in Isa 6 verse 10—“that they may not actually turn back and get healing for themselves”—mean that Jehovah’s dealings with Israel had failed? Certainly not!

Jesus Christ himself quoted from this inspired account when discussing the effects of his own outstanding ministry upon the spiritually blinded Jews of his day. He was the greatest of all teachers who ever walked the earth. Jehovah’s spirit was upon him in abundance. Yet, the experience of the Son of God was like that of Isaiah; so Jesus declared: “They have heard without response.” (Matt. 13:13-15) What an awful calamity! Was Jesus’ dynamic ministry a failure? Again we must say, ‘No, emphatically no!’ In the very next verse, Matthew 13:16, Jesus said to his disciples: “However, happy are your eyes because they behold, and your ears because they hear.” Yes, some of the seeds of truth fell on good soil and bore the desired fruitage. The Christian congregation, spiritual Israel, was brought forth. And now, in our day, what a joy it is to see millions of earth’s desirable ones responding favorably to the Kingdom good news!

Isaiah accomplished Jehovah’s purpose in Israel. We know for a certainty that Jesus also did. None of Jehovah’s word, none of what he has purposed, will ever fail. It will all be accomplished to his glory.—Isa. 55:11.

Psalm 46:8 declares that Jehovah “has set astonishing events on the earth.” Particularly since the years 1919-22, he has used what was at first only a small band of Kingdom proclaimers to carry his inspired words of life to the very ends of the earth. In the face of violent opposition by those whom Jesus compared to “ravenous wolves” and “offspring of vipers,” the good news has been preached by an ever-increasing number of zealous Witnesses. (Matt. 7:15; 23:33) These latter ones were appreciative enough to ‘turn back and be healed’ by Jehovah, the Great Life-Giver, and now they are helping others to be healed. In order to accomplish this work in atheistic lands, as well as in countries dominated by false religious shepherds, opposition comparable to a “great mountain” has had to be overcome. Before the Greater Zerubbabel, it has been reduced to “level land,” as foretold at Zechariah 4:7. Truly, the victorious King, Jesus Christ, goes on “conquering and to complete his conquest.”—Rev. 6:2.

How faith-strengthening it is, for instance, to read in the 1995 Yearbook about Jehovah’s servants in Mexico! There, in the past decade, worshipers of Jehovah have increased from about 150,000 to some 400,000. It is almost incredible!

The increase is equally amazing in the Balkans and the Baltic States, as well as in Hungary, in Russia, Ukraine, and other countries of the former Soviet Union. Italy has passed the 200,000 mark, and Japan is nearing it. Despite the turmoil in Africa, fine progress is being made in Mozambique, Nigeria, South Africa, Zambia, and Zaire. And how good it was to learn that Jehovah’s Witnesses in Equatorial Guinea, the Republic of Guinea, Burundi, Nepal, Lithuania, and Moldova had received legal recognition and that they could proceed freely in their lifesaving ministry!

In the Orient, Hong Kong had the unusual blessing of being host to two of the “Divine Teaching” International Conventions. Those conventions constituted an extraordinary event in the history of Jehovah’s servants in Hong Kong. In his own time and way, may Jehovah turn his attention yet further to that huge bloc of mankind of which the population of Hong Kong is only a small part.

Throughout the earth almost eight million lovers of Jehovah attended conventions during the 1994 service year. In the United States branch territory, 168 conventions were held at 65 locations, with a total of 1,481,258 in attendance. This was 45,598 more than anticipated! Those baptized totaled 13,742. All these new evangelizers will certainly help to keep spreading the Kingdom good news among the nations.

Throughout Russia, Ukraine, and the Balkans, 41 “Godly Fear” District Conventions were held, with 368,891 attending and 20,367 getting baptized. In spite of the strife and turmoil in the Balkans, the report from that part of the field was enthusiastic and optimistic. The brothers there rejoice in the prospects for further advancement. What joy these fine reports bring to all of us!

There is no reason to be anxious about the fulfilling of Jehovah’s purposes. They cannot fail. He did not create the earth simply for nothing; he formed it to be inhabited. (Isa. 45:18) At Isaiah 66:22, 23, Jehovah assures us: “‘Just as the new heavens and the new earth that I am making are standing before me,’ is the utterance of Jehovah, ‘so the offspring of you people and the name of you people will keep standing.’ ‘And it will certainly occur that from new moon to new moon and from sabbath to sabbath [or, from month to month and from week to week] ALL FLESH will come in to bow down before me,’ Jehovah has said.” Jehovah’s word cannot possibly return to him without results.

May all the millions now associating with Jehovah’s active servants be motivated to take up his sacred service. Along with the millions already serving Jehovah, may they join in praising his name and in sharing the Kingdom message with other people. ALL FLESH—all who continue to live—must come in and bow down before him. Are you serving Jehovah? If not, now is your opportunity to take up true worship. The time is growing shorter. Do not delay. Make friends with Jehovah and survive into his new world.

May yours be the blessed eyes that see and the blessed ears that hear, and may you be moved to act upon the knowledge you gain. Let the life-giving truth sink deeply into your mind and heart, and then share it with others. In this way fill your life with purpose as you use it to Jehovah’s glory, to the saving of others, and to your own eternal joy.

Your brothers,

Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses