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Worldwide Report

Worldwide Report

Worldwide Report


Number of lands: 30

Population: 33,773,304

Number of publishers: 92,691

Number of Bible studies: 44,999

At a remote railway station in rural New South Wales, Australia, two publishers set up a literature stand whenever one of the two interstate trains was due. Because the trains​—the Indian Pacific and The Ghan—​stop there for up to two hours, the publishers have enjoyed many fine conversations with passengers and have placed much literature. In fact, on their return journey, a few passengers have even made a “return visit” on the publishers.

The conductor on The Ghan usually announces any attractions that passengers may enjoy while the train is stopped at the various locations. Having earlier obtained approval from the Kingdom publishers, he now includes their literature stand in his announcements. Yes, thanks to the resourcefulness of these isolated Witnesses, travelers from all over Australia and from overseas are receiving a fine witness.

A missionary couple in Kosrae, Micronesia, placed a Knowledge book with a Baptist minister in his 80’s. The book was in the Kosraean language, which is spoken by fewer than 10,000 people. The minister expressed appreciation for the book. When the couple made a return visit on him, he said that he had encouraged members of his church to accept our literature. Naturally, the missionaries asked why. “Because our religion does not offer books in our own language,” he replied. The missionary couple now have regular discussions with this elderly cleric.

In the Marshall Islands, a missionary sister was asked to study God’s Word with an inactive sister. Not getting any response, the missionary asked the woman: “How do you feel when others tell you that they love you?” Puzzled, she replied: “No one has ever told me that.” The missionary then leaned over, hugged her, and said: “I love you. And Jehovah loves you even more.” The inactive sister began to cry, and from then on her attitude toward Jehovah changed. She began to make spiritual progress by starting a program of daily Bible reading, attending all the meetings, and even sharing in the auxiliary pioneer work. Then, in January 2002 she turned in her application to serve as a regular pioneer. She has since started many Bible studies and has even spent one month witnessing on an outer island where the need is greater.

While relaxing on the beach with some friends, a missionary in New Caledonia witnessed informally to a young woman from France who was in the islands visiting relatives. The woman was a soldier and had served in Sarajevo. The missionary asked the woman if she would like to live among people who truly love one another. The soldier said yes, but she felt that only a powerful government with an efficient army could bring about true peace.

The missionary then explained that her Witness friends, even though they were of different nationalities, were united by their faith in God and love for him. After an enjoyable discussion, the two arranged to meet on the following day to discuss matters further. The soldier kept her appointment and enjoyed her first Bible study. Thereafter, she began to attend all the meetings. Her spiritual appetite grew, and as her vacation drew to a close, she had a study every day. Then after attending an assembly and touring the local branch office, she returned to France, where she is continuing to make spiritual advancement.

Jeannie is a young publisher who lives in Papua New Guinea. She often takes to school the book Questions Young People Ask​—Answers That Work. One day her English teacher asked all in the class to prepare a short talk on a topic of their choice. Jeannie chose drugs and alcohol, basing her outline on section 8 in the Young People Ask book. Her teacher was so impressed with her talk that he told her she could “use up the entire class period” if she wished. So that is what Jeannie did. Her teacher then asked her if she would like to give her talk to the tenth grade class the following day. Jeannie accepted the invitation. After the talk, her English teacher told her that if the school should hold a speech night, he would try to have her on the program. As a result of her two discourses, Jeannie received requests for 64 copies of the Young People Ask book. Additionally, two girls requested copies of the Require brochure, and Jeannie was able to start a Bible study with both girls.

Because of ethnic violence in the Solomon Islands, many brothers have lost properties and are struggling financially. One couple whose house had been destroyed decided to share in working some unassigned territory, even though this meant exhausting their meager funds. They offered their canoe for the trip and enjoyed what they later described as their best witnessing experience ever. Already they are planning to follow up on the interest shown. But how will they manage financially? Well, about a week after they returned from the seldom-worked territory, a man with the necessary finances approached them and offered to buy the property from which they had fled during the fighting.

On the island of Santo in Vanuatu, the local Kingdom Hall usually served as the site for district conventions. By 2001, however, the number of publishers had outgrown the hall. So the brothers rented a small stadium that, until then, had been used only for sporting events. Concerned that the delegates might damage the facility, the manager charged a high fee, even though the brothers assured him that they would clean the stadium before and after the convention and also do some repairs.

Because the manager owns a local store, he saw the Witnesses purchase materials to clean and repair the stadium. Curiosity then moved him to go and see what was happening. When he arrived at the stadium, he saw over 100 volunteers scrubbing, sweeping, and painting, and repairing toilets. He left speechless. Soon, the stadium​—spotless and repaired—​was the talk of the town. When the brothers went to pay the fee after the convention, the manager’s attitude had completely changed. He gave them an 80-percent discount and said that in the future, Jehovah’s Witnesses could have the stadium free of charge! The 300 publishers were thrilled to have 832 attend the convention and to see 13 baptized.


Number of lands: 47

Population: 3,869,881,970

Number of publishers: 561,276

Number of Bible studies: 390,151

The India branch is delighted to report that a fine witness was given to much of the country by way of a televised video. A TV station heard about the video The Bible​—Its Power in Your Life, produced by Jehovah’s Witnesses. Subsequently, the station wrote to the world headquarters in New York for permission to broadcast the video in conjunction with the program Home Shanti (Home Peace). Approval was granted, and the India branch states that the video was “beamed to households in the entire territory” early in 2002.

In Israel a sister who knew sign language passed a deaf couple, Benny and Sharon, on the street. Instead of catching her bus home, she stopped and witnessed to the couple, and they invited her to their home. Benny’s initial curiosity turned into genuine interest in the Kingdom message, and soon he was attending congregation meetings. However, besides being totally deaf, he also has very limited vision. Hence, it was a struggle for him to travel to meetings and to understand the sign-language interpreter. But he made the effort, and at the same time, he continued to harmonize his life and personality with Bible principles.

In view of Benny’s disabilities, his progress has been remarkable. He comments at meetings, gives lively student talks in the Theocratic Ministry School​—even though he delivers them through an interpreter—​and has recently become an unbaptized publisher. His wife, Sharon, who also has limited hearing and vision, began studying later but is making fine progress. Understandably, Benny and Sharon have been sharing their newfound faith with many of their hearing-impaired acquaintances.

In Japan a sister named Fukue considers her special territory to be the people she meets through her three children. Her territory includes immediate neighbors and parents she meets at kindergarten, at school, and at school meetings for parents. Whenever she introduces herself, she makes the simple but heartfelt statement that the Bible is a valuable aid to her in rearing her children. Then she discreetly moves on to some other topic. But having broken the ice, she finds it much easier to bring the Bible into subsequent discussions. Has Fukue’s method been effective? Yes, so far she has helped 12 persons to baptism, five of whom are now pioneering. Fukue works hard at informal witnessing because that is how she herself learned the truth.

In a small town in Kazakhstan, a woman had a child who fell ill and later died. Then her second child died, just after it was born. Suffering physically and emotionally, the woman ended up in a hospital. While she was lying in bed one night, she heard a nurse whispering. Listening closely, she realized that the nurse, one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, was actually praying for her, even mentioning her by name. The next morning, the nurse comforted the woman with the hope of the resurrection. Shortly thereafter, the woman was released from the hospital.

One day five years later, this woman overheard her relatives talking with someone about the same things the nurse had mentioned in the hospital. Convinced that the stranger must be one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, she introduced herself, and a Bible study was arranged. Determined not to waste another five years, she studied diligently and made excellent spiritual progress. Before long, she dedicated her life to Jehovah and was baptized. Imagine her excitement when at her first assembly, she met the very nurse who had comforted her over five years earlier! In tears, she said: “I might not have accepted the truth had it not been for your quiet prayer in that hospital. It touched my heart deeply.”

A sister who works with 20 other women at a bank in Taiwan decided on a novel approach to try to interest her fellow employees in God’s Word. During one noonday break, she prepared a written invitation “to attend a free Bible discussion that will take about 30-45 minutes per week during the lunch break.” The discussion, she said, “will help you to gain a basic knowledge of the Bible.” She signed the invitation and put a copy on each desk in the office. That very afternoon, four persons accepted her offer.

In Thailand a man named Arun became interested in Jehovah’s Witnesses through a friend at work. “I noticed that ever since my workmate had begun to associate with the Witnesses,” explained Arun, “he made positive changes in his life, and I wanted to do the same.” Arun gambled and used drugs. Although he had tried to stop these bad habits, he had not succeeded. He was married and at one stage had thought that having a child might make him become more responsible. But after their little girl came along, nothing changed. “Finally,” said Arun, “my wife could endure the situation no longer, and she left me, placing our daughter in the care of an aunt.”

At this low point in Arun’s life, his workmate invited him to the Kingdom Hall. Arun went, and even though he understood little of what was said from the platform, he enjoyed the warm, friendly atmosphere. Thereafter, he regularly attended the meetings, accepted the offer of a Bible study, and began to apply what he learned. Keen to restore his marriage, he approached his wife about the matter, but she could not believe that he had really changed. “I witnessed to her and invited her to meet my new friends,” said Arun, “but she refused, saying that I was being deceived. However, I kept on visiting and encouraging her. After about five months, her heart softened and she came with me to a meeting. Shortly thereafter, she also accepted a Bible study.”

Now Arun, his wife, and their little girl are together as a united and happy family. Both parents were baptized in 2001 at the district convention in Bangkok. What is more, Arun’s younger brother, who also lived a dissolute way of life, has likewise responded to the good news and is now an unbaptized publisher.


Number of lands: 45

Population: 727,550,200

Number of publishers: 1,456,309

Number of Bible studies: 647,279

Because of a congenital disease, 25-year-old Eva, who lives in Tiranë, Albania, is 44 inches [113 cm] tall. Despite challenges, however, she enjoys auxiliary pioneering, even though some people make fun of her because of her height. Instead of reacting angrily, Eva treats everybody with respect and always wears a smile, which thoughtful individuals notice. One such person was a woman whose 26-year-old daughter suffered from depression. The woman had taken her daughter to the hospital and to various religious organizations, hoping to find a cure. Then one day she observed Eva’s happy disposition and decided to pay her a visit. When Eva answered her door, the woman asked her if she would study the Bible with her daughter. Naturally, Eva said yes. Before long, the daughter’s health began to improve​—so much so that the mother asked to join in the study. Eva now brings mother and daughter to the meetings regularly, and both are making fine spiritual progress.

A youth named Benjamin grew up in a Christian home in Belgium. However, in his early adolescence, Benjamin began to lead a double life. While pretending to live by Bible principles, he joined a group of youths who drank heavily, took drugs, and used tobacco. Benjamin also listened to debasing music. Before long, he began to suffer demon harassment and alcoholic comas​—yet, he continued taking hard drugs. He lost all notion of personal hygiene and became seriously ill. At this low point in his life, he discovered that his so-called friends did not care for him in the slightest! Only then did Benjamin take a good, hard look at his life and where he was headed. Wisely, he decided to return to those who would show true love to him, namely, his family and Jehovah.

From the outset, however, Benjamin’s resolve was tested. He experienced intense demon attacks, and his girlfriend begged him not to associate with the Witnesses. She even had Catholic priests and apostates try to dissuade him. But with the loving, patient help of his parents and congregation elders, Benjamin began to build a living faith in Jehovah, recognizing that God’s law truly “is perfect, bringing back the soul.” (Ps. 19:7) As a result, he finally turned his back on his past life. Benjamin’s health has improved, and he has found true happiness.

While engaged in street witnessing, a couple from a French-speaking congregation in Britain approached two women from Zimbabwe. The Witnesses explained that they were offering free home Bible studies and asked whether the women spoke French. They said no but expressed a desire to study God’s Word. Both women soon began to attend the Congregation Book Study. At the conclusion of their first book study, a brother showed them the experience of Nathan Muchinguri of Zimbabwe, recounted on page 20 of the 2002 Yearbook. When they saw the photograph of Brother and Sister Muchinguri on page 21, they cried out in surprise. It was a picture of their grandparents! The women explained that back in Zimbabwe, they had lived far away from the rest of their family and had lost contact with them. Naturally, they asked if they could keep the Yearbook. The two women now study regularly, fortified by the faithful example of their grandparents.

While serving in an isolated territory in the Czech Republic, two sisters met a hospitable lady who invited them in. However, she had definite opinions on certain Bible subjects, such as what it means to have the “gifts of the spirit.” (1 Cor. 14:12) Furthermore, she refused to read from the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, preferring instead to use her Ecumenical version. After an apparently fruitless one-hour discussion, the sisters had to hurry away to catch their train. They were more than mildly relieved to have that challenging call behind them. However, one of the sisters discovered that she had left her Bible and notes back at the lady’s house, which meant returning there. What a pleasant surprise awaited them! The woman said that she took the liberty of examining the sister’s Bible and admired the quality of the translation, the cross-references, and the concordance. She then asked if she could have a New World Translation. What is more, she agreed to a Bible study. Since then, her mother has also joined in the study.

A sister in Reykjavík, Iceland, works at a Marine Research Institute that hosts a fisheries training program. Recently, 14 persons from various developing countries attended the six-month course. The sister offered each trainee a copy of the book Is There a Creator Who Cares About You? She had obtained copies in Chinese, English, Portuguese, Spanish, and Vietnamese. All 14 persons accepted the book. The faces of a man and woman from Vietnam lit up at seeing a publication in their own language. “I can’t believe it!” the man said. “I am so surprised. How did you get it?” A Ugandan was already familiar with the book and recommended it to the others. A lady from Cuba said she wanted a copy because her 13-year-old daughter has started asking difficult questions about life.

Before the trainees left for their respective countries, the sister informed them that she had put some literature (10 Knowledge books, 30 magazines, and 10 brochures) on a table in the classroom for them to take to read on the plane going home. Needless to say, the first thing she did on the Monday morning after they left was go to that table. “I was expecting to find a few leftover Knowledge books and magazines,” she said, “but the table was bare!”

A young man in Latvia, whom we shall call Arthur, had no interest in God. Yet, he found it difficult to accept that humans evolved from apes. In 1996, Arthur got into serious trouble and was put in prison. There he began to think seriously about life. When his parents visited, they encouraged him to read the Bible, thinking it might help him. Then one day in 1998 as Arthur was writing a letter, a cell mate handed him a book to support the paper. That book happened to be You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth. Curious, Arthur opened it, became engrossed, and read it from cover to cover in three days. Another inmate had a copy of the Knowledge book in his cell. When he observed Arthur’s interest in the Bible, he gave the book to him. He also passed on the address of a Witness whom he knew.

Arthur wrote to the Witness and thereafter began to study the Bible by correspondence. When released from prison in April 2000, he immediately started to attend congregation meetings. But what about his parents, who had earlier encouraged him to read the Bible? Naturally, Arthur shared information about his newfound faith with them. The result? They too commenced studying God’s Word. Imagine their joy when all three were baptized at the same special assembly day in March 2002!

As a young man, an orthopedic surgeon in Spain studied for the ministry at a religious seminary. Becoming confused, after three years he left as an atheist. Although he had a negative opinion of Jehovah’s Witnesses, he was curious to know how such “simple” people could have so firm a grasp of the Scriptures, when he, who had spent years in a seminary, knew very little. His interest in the Witnesses grew when on one occasion, hospital staff showed prejudice toward him. This reminded him of the way that the Witnesses are sometimes treated. Following that experience, the surgeon accepted a free home Bible study. Before long, he became so impressed with what he was learning that he studied up to three times a week! He also began to attend all the meetings and joined the Theocratic Ministry School. Recently, he was baptized.


Number of lands: 56

Population: 739,543,571

Number of publishers: 915,262

Number of Bible studies: 1,550,572

In Benin, Kingdom Hall construction is generating much enthusiasm among the brothers, giving a fine witness. At the dedication of one Kingdom Hall, a prominent member of the local community said to one of Jehovah’s Witnesses: “Your church is the most beautiful place of worship here, and it will always be such. Why do I, a fervent Catholic, say that? Just recently, our Catholic community was given 17,000,000 CFA [$23,000, U.S.] to finish the construction of our church, which was started in the 1950’s. But the clergy misappropriated the money. A Catholic community in another part of the city had saved 3,000,000 CFA [$4,000, U.S.] to construct a church in their area, but this too has ‘disappeared.’ That is why I can say that this building is and will remain the most beautiful one in the city.”

In certain lands an attachment to fetishes makes it difficult for new ones to take a stand for Bible truth. Consider the example of a family in Côte d’Ivoire that performed daily rites before their fetish. When one of the girls took a stand for Bible truth and refused to participate in false worship, the family feared that a curse would fall upon her. Nevertheless, the girl remained steadfast, which led to opposition and her having to leave home. Yet, she did not hold a grudge against her family but continued visiting them.

The result was that her grandmother began to take an interest in the Bible, even asking the granddaughter to return home, which she did. The grandmother continued to advance spiritually and was baptized at the age of 62. Impressed with what the grandmother had learned, the girl’s mother also began to study God’s Word, and now she too witnesses to others. Yes, three generations have been set free from false worship, and all because a girl kept her integrity to Jehovah and did not cease showing love to her family.

In Mozambique brothers regularly visit prisons to conduct Bible study classes with inmates. In 2001 a breakout occurred at one of these prisons. However, the inmates who had been attending the study classes refused to escape. The authorities observed this and commended Jehovah’s Witnesses for their work. Now the authorities encourage all inmates to study with the brothers. Because of the remarkable improvement in their conduct, two prisoners have already had their sentences reduced. One of them is looking forward to being baptized at the next district convention.

Twenty-seven-year-old Judith, who lives in Namibia, was involved in a car accident that left her paralyzed from the neck down. She became suicidal, thinking: ‘Why did this happen to me?’ People from various churches came to visit her and to pray that she might walk again. When their prayers went unanswered, they told Judith that God must be punishing her for some reason. This made Judith think even more about suicide. But first she wanted to know why God was punishing her. So one day she asked her mother to invite the pastor of a local church to their home. While Judith waited for the pastor to arrive, Jehovah’s Witnesses called. Judith accepted their offer of a home Bible study using the Knowledge book, hoping that the Bible might answer her troubling questions. When studying chapter 8, “Why Does God Permit Suffering?,” she learned that her accident was not an act of God. “Imagine my relief and joy when I learned that evil things do not come from Jehovah!” she exclaimed. Judith continued to study, dedicated her life to Jehovah, and now looks forward to the new system, when she will once again be sound in health.

During the Rwanda genocide in 1994, a young woman named Chantal fled to neighboring Burundi. There she found a copy of the book You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth and read it from cover to cover. After returning to Rwanda, she was unable to locate the Witnesses because her family lived in an isolated area. However, her mother did meet two Kingdom publishers who were witnessing at the market. So that they could meet Chantal, they wrote on a piece of paper the days they planned to be at the market and gave it to Chantal’s mother. On one of the designated days, Chantal sat by the market entrance, holding up the note for all passersby to see. How delighted she was when the brothers saw her and introduced themselves! Seeing her genuine interest, they invited her to the upcoming Memorial, which Chantal attended​—even though she had to walk for two days to reach the meeting location!

From then on Chantal went to the meetings regularly, despite the distance. Sadly, her family turned against her. One of her brothers even chased her out of the house with a machete on one occasion! But Chantal remained steadfast. A year later, meetings were being held closer to her home, although still about an eight-hour walk away. Nevertheless, Chantal was now able to have her own Bible study for the first time. Before long, she dedicated her life to Jehovah, and now she serves as a regular pioneer. And what about her family? Well, they had a complete change of heart. The brother who chased her out of the house is now a regular pioneer, another brother was recently baptized, and her mother is an unbaptized publisher. Furthermore, an isolated group has been established in their area, so now the family has a mere five-minute walk to the meetings.

Thembisile is a zealous sister who lives near one of the royal kraals, or compounds, in Swaziland. She wanted to witness to the residents of the kraal, but tight security presented a challenge. After praying about the matter, she mustered up courage and proceeded to the kraal. She witnessed to the guards, one of whom accepted the brochure You Can Be God’s Friend! After questioning and searching her, they let her in​—much to her delight. Thembisile was even more surprised at the friendliness of the residents. She now works the territory regularly and has started three Bible studies. Moreover, the police now give her a warm welcome. In fact, one day a guard said to her: “Feel free, Madam; just enter. You are doing a wonderful work here.”


Number of lands: 56

Population: 807,517,534

Number of publishers: 3,023,062

Number of Bible studies: 2,676,288

In a small town in Argentina, two special pioneers saw a couple pushing a handcart that held an injured dog. The pioneers offered to drive them and the dog to the veterinarian. The couple accepted appreciatively, especially since none of their neighbors had offered to help. The pioneers learned that the man was a Catholic catechist and participated with his wife in all the local processions held in honor of the saints. Yet, their deep involvement in the Catholic Church did not prevent them from accepting the Watchtower and Awake! magazines. After calling on this couple for about two years, the pioneers invited them to the Memorial. That night it rained heavily, yet the couple came and were impressed by the warm welcome they received. What is more, they said that for the first time, they understood the meaning of the Lord’s Evening Meal. They now enjoy a regular Bible study and attend all the meetings, without worrying about what their Catholic neighbors might say.

While witnessing in Barbados, a pioneer sister and another Witness were walking along the street when they passed a woman standing in her doorway. They began to witness to her but were taken by surprise when, as if expecting someone, she said: “Please come in. I will get my Bible.” The sisters went in, sat down with the householder, and demonstrated the study arrangement, using lesson 1 in the Require brochure. Afterward, the woman asked the pioneer sister if she was the one who had telephoned and offered her a free home Bible study to be held that very morning. “I told her that it was not I,” explained the pioneer. “So whoever had called apparently did not show up. But we are glad that we came precisely at 11:30 a.m., when the study was to be held.” This lady is progressing well and is already attending meetings.

Open-air markets can be a fruitful territory for witnessing. A missionary in Bolivia relates: “My husband placed a tract with a lady selling items from a cart at the farmers’ market. She was friendly, so I returned and offered to study the Bible with her, using the Require brochure. ‘Are we going to study here?’ she asked. ‘No problem,’ I said. ‘I’m used to it.’ So now when I arrive, she offers me her little stool, and we study right there beside her cart. When customers arrive, she attends to them, and then we resume the study.”

A woman in Canada obtained a copy of the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures from a friend. She thoroughly enjoyed reading it and decided that she wanted to learn more. So she went to the official Internet site of Jehovah’s Witnesses ( and then wrote a letter requesting a Bible study and a copy of the Knowledge book. When two sisters called and gave her the book, she clutched it tightly and said that she would have the entire book read by the next morning! The following evening she attended her first meeting and felt immediately at ease among the brothers and sisters. She made rapid spiritual progress and is now an unbaptized publisher with a view to baptism in the near future.

In Colombia a woman named Sol suffered from a disability that kept her bedridden. She would refuse to see anyone except members of her own family. One day a neighbor, one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, gave Sol’s mother some copies of The Watchtower and Awake! to pass on to Sol. Eventually, Sol agreed to see the neighbor, who offered to study the Bible with her. Sol accepted, and about a year later, she attended the Memorial. That was the first time she left the house in seven years. Two days later, she attended her first assembly. Although she cannot even sit up, Sol now shares in the field ministry. How? The brothers wheel her from door to door by means of a special bed they made for her. Thanks to Sol’s example and encouragement, her mother is now baptized and two of her siblings are pioneers.

A newly appointed special pioneer couple in Costa Rica visited a lady in their territory. When they arrived, they told her that the local branch office of Jehovah’s Witnesses had received a call from her daughter-in-law, a Witness living in the United States, asking that someone visit her mother-in-law. “To our surprise,” the pioneer couple related, “this 65-year-old lady started crying. She said she couldn’t believe that we were already there, since she had only recently talked with her daughter-in-law, who encouraged her to listen to what the Witnesses have to say. She never imagined that we would show up so soon.”

According to the pioneers, this was the first time that the lady was willing to talk with the Witnesses. She was an active Catholic, and for the preceding 12 years had even made an in-depth study of Catholic beliefs in order to teach others. The pioneers were delighted to clear up many of her questions about the Bible and Jehovah’s Witnesses, after which she agreed to a Bible study. Her husband and daughter also want to learn more about God’s Word.

A member of the Puerto Rico Bethel family states: “I arranged to take the July 8, 2002, Awake! entitled ‘The Police​—Why Do We Need Them?’ to the captain at police headquarters. He was very impressed with the articles and recommended that I take copies of the magazine to the local mayor and also to the other police stations in the area. In fact, one of the other officers arranged to take me in a police vehicle to all the other stations. What is more, this officer also authorized me to take future articles to those under his command. ‘This will give the police force what it needs​—psychological and spiritual help,’ he said.” In one month, this Bethelite called at eight police stations, and many officers asked for extra magazines. Overall, he placed 164 magazines and added five persons to his magazine route.

In the islands of Trinidad and Tobago, a woman who had been a prominent member of the Nazarene Church for 25 years went to a circuit overseer’s talk in response to an invitation from a workmate. At the conclusion of the meeting, the circuit overseer approached her and engaged her in friendly conversation. This amazed her because at her own church, people tended to associate with one another on the basis of race and class. In fact, because she was of a different race from her husband, her church associates treated her unkindly. So her experience at the Kingdom Hall and the personal encouragement she received from the circuit overseer moved her to accept a Bible study. Within six months she became an unbaptized publisher, devoting 70 to 100 hours to the ministry each month. She was baptized at the “Zealous Kingdom Proclaimers” District Convention in 2002 and hopes to become a regular pioneer. She is also helping her seven-year-old daughter, who now gives talks in the Theocratic Ministry School.

In Uruguay a door-to-door salesman who was selling necklaces with crucifixes came to the home of a Witness. The sister took advantage of the opportunity to explain from the Bible why she could not purchase his products. The salesman not only respected her comments but expressed his interest in spiritual matters. In fact, he said that he had associated with a number of different religions in order to find answers to his questions, but to no avail. In the end, he concluded that the churches were more interested in money than in helping people spiritually. Before he left, the sister invited him to the Kingdom Hall.

That was the last she saw of him until about a year later when he again showed up at her door. To her great surprise, he said: “This time I am here, not to sell anything, but to let you know that I am up to chapter 15 of the Knowledge book.” He explained that his whole family was studying and attending meetings. Upon leaving, he said: “We will see you at the assembly next weekend.”

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New Zealand

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Papua New Guinea

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Congo (Kinshasa)

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