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Acts of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Modern Times

Acts of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Modern Times

Acts of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Modern Times


For over 60 years, Jehovah’s Witnesses in Moldova suffered under the Romanian monarchy, the Fascist regime, and the Communist regime. Under the monarchy and the Fascist regime, extra pressure was exerted by the Orthodox Church. Nonetheless, Moldova now has one of the world’s highest ratios of Witnesses to population! Read how Jehovah fortifies all who fear him and grants victory to all who refuse to cave in to fear of man.

The Two Congos

What does the word “Congo” mean to you? For many, it calls up images of steaming jungle, so dense that sunlight does not reach the ground. Amid the cacophony of monkeys and birds, you hear the sound of drums that bear messages from distant villages. Perhaps you envision a river, mighty and dark, twisting slowly like a gigantic snake through the very heart of Africa. Congo is all of this and much more. Two countries share the name of the river that separates them. Your faith will be strengthened as you read how courageous men and women spread Bible truth throughout this fascinating region of the earth.