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A Letter From the Governing Body

A Letter From the Governing Body

A Letter From the Governing Body

Dear Fellow Witnesses of Jehovah:

The apostle Paul took advantage of every opportunity to express his love and appreciation for his fellow believers. To Christians in Rome, he wrote: “I give thanks to my God through Jesus Christ concerning all of you, because your faith is talked about throughout the whole world.” (Rom. 1:8) Yes, throughout the length and breadth of the Roman Empire, those first-century Christians were known for their strong faith, as well as for their zealous preaching activity. (1 Thess. 1:8) No wonder Paul had such deep affection for his brothers!

Like Paul, we give thanks to Jehovah every time we think of you. We love all of you very much! And you can be sure of Jehovah’s love for you personally. Some of you are facing intense opposition, but you keep right on preaching. How the bold and fearless spirit you display must make Jehovah’s heart rejoice!​—Prov. 27:11.

As you carefully read and meditate on the “Acts of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Modern Times” featured in this exciting and faith-strengthening edition of the Yearbook, you will see ample evidence that the Lord Jesus Christ is going forth “conquering and to complete his conquest” and that any weapon whatever that will be formed against the followers of Christ will have no success.​—Rev. 6:2; Isa. 54:17.

To the Christians in Philippi, Paul wrote: “I thank my God . . . because of the contribution you have made to the good news.” (Phil. 1:3-5) We members of the Governing Body feel the same way about you. During the 2007 service year, 6,691,790 publishers spent a total of 1,431,761,554 hours preaching the good news in 236 lands throughout the earth. What a tremendous contribution you are making to the furtherance of the good news! Think of the hundreds of thousands of lives that have been touched through our collective efforts, all to Jehovah’s praise!

On another occasion, Paul showed that he had great empathy for his brothers. He wrote to those in Thessalonica: “We bear incessantly in mind . . . your endurance due to your hope in our Lord Jesus Christ before our God and Father.” (1 Thess. 1:2, 3) Yes, life is not without its challenges. Problems arise, but it is vital that we endure. What challenges are you personally facing? Are you frustrated because a serious illness has severely limited what you are able to do in Jehovah’s service? Has your beloved spouse of many years fallen victim to that most insatiable of enemies, Sheol? (Prov. 30:15, 16) Are you searching, seemingly in vain, for a marriage mate who shares your love for Jehovah while you faithfully adhere to the Scriptural counsel to marry only in the Lord? (1 Cor. 7:39) Are you endeavoring to raise your children amid extremely trying economic circumstances? Whatever your situation, if you keep Kingdom interests foremost in mind, you can be sure that Jehovah will not “forget your work and the love you showed for his name.” Please, brothers and sisters, do not “give up in doing what is fine”!​—Heb. 6:10; Gal. 6:9.

What will enable you to endure? As with the Thessalonians, it is “hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.” For good reason, Paul later compared “the hope of salvation” to a sturdy helmet that can protect a Christian from negative thinking and nagging doubts.​—1 Thess. 5:8.

Really, by joyfully enduring, you are providing an answer to Satan’s taunts in the great issue of universal sovereignty. Satan claims that servants of God are inherently selfish and that while they may be willing to serve God for a limited time, they will slow down in their worship if trials increase or if the system of things goes on longer than they expected. You have the privilege of exposing the Devil as the base liar that he is! Each day of your life brings you closer to the realization of your hope.

Just as Paul welcomed opportunities to commend his brothers for their dynamic faith, their generous contribution to the preaching work, and their endurance, we welcome this opportunity to commend you and to confirm our love for you. Keep up the good work!

May the coming year be filled with rich spiritual blessings. With every good wish, we are

Your brothers,

Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses