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Acts of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Modern Times

Acts of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Modern Times

Acts of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Modern Times


Imagine preaching the good news in a land of fjords, mountains, ice, snow, and reindeer​—a land where the shimmering northern lights illuminate the winter sky. Norway is just such a country. Read of our brothers who traveled by boat and on skis to reach people dwelling in remote places and of a brother who walked to the meeting barefoot. Learn, too, how Christians displayed faith and courage under the yoke of Nazi occupation.


The self-sacrificing love that Jesus said would identify his disciples is evident in the history of this African country. Amid a climate of ethnic hatred leading to horrific genocide, Jehovah’s people risked and sometimes lost their lives to protect one another. Here is an unforgettable story of endurance under persecution and ban and a record of integrity in the face of hardship, trial, and terror.