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JW.ORG—“A Witness to All the Nations”

JW.ORG—“A Witness to All the Nations”

Jesus said: “This good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” (Matt. 24:14) The Web site is certainly proving to be a very effective tool in reaching “all the nations” in the short time remaining before the end comes.

A missionary couple in the Solomon Islands were preaching in a seaside fishing village when they came across four elderly men. They saw that the men had mobile phones, so the missionaries asked them if they knew how to use the Internet. They did. The couple then showed them how to access, how to find their own language, how to download the magazines and the Bible, and how to use the section for families and children. When these missionaries are out in the preaching work, they enjoy showing children the video Pray Anytime. After one group of excited children saw the video, they ran off into the tropical jungle singing, “Anytime, anywhere, I can pray . . .”

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

The following are but a few of the many letters of appreciation that have been received by our world headquarters in New York:

“My husband and I moved to Mexico, and we are trying to learn Spanish so that we can preach to everyone we meet. Every time I go to, I thank Jehovah because it has helped me to listen and to learn. There is so much available—magazines, books, music, and dramas—in so many languages. I thank you and love you for all the hard work you do.”—D.H., Mexico.

“I am legally blind, and I absolutely love your Web site because there are so many recordings I can listen to. I am writing to encourage you to continue to put more of your books, brochures, and other printed material into the MP3 format (audio files) because I can listen to them throughout my day.”—K.G., United States.

“I love! It is user-friendly and has inspired me to be more zealous about personal study and my ministry. I am 72 years old, have been baptized for 47 years, and have pioneered for over 30 years. I am the mother of 9 baptized children and have 16 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren. We now have four generations of regular pioneers in our family. I thank Jehovah for this spiritual food at the proper time.”—M.T., United States.

“I am writing this letter at 4:00 a.m. I often spend nighttime hours awake because I suffer from multiple sclerosis and other afflictions, as do so many of our dear spiritual brothers and sisters throughout the world. Jehovah continues to look after us spiritually, and it is in connection with this that I would like to thank you. I tend to think in pictures, which is why the layout of the Web site is good for me personally. The graphs, video clips, and pictures—all tied in with pointed, clear comments—are very much appreciated.”—B.B., New Zealand.

“I am writing to say thank you. I work as a doctor in a remote part of Sri Lanka, where I do not receive the magazines in my language. But thanks to your Web site, I can download and read them in my own language. Your Web site is one of the best gifts that Jehovah has given to people like me.”—N.F., Sri Lanka.

“I’m writing this letter to thank you for all the hard work that you do to help people learn about Jehovah. Please keep making videos for Those videos have helped my family and me with problems. The video that helped me the most is Beat a Bully Without Using Your Fists. Once again, thank you for your hard work.”—Y.S., aged 9, United States.

“I want to thank you and Jehovah for the spiritual food that we have. The Web site has helped me very much, especially the ‘Teenagers’ section. I also appreciate the series Become Jehovah’s Friend. I have three small sisters, and I see what a positive influence this information has on them. Despite being far away from you, we are a united brotherhood because of the love that we all feel for Jehovah. Thank you.”—A.B., Peru.