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Bible Topics for Discussion

Bible Topics for Discussion

Bible Topics for Discussion

1. Ancestor Worship

  A. Worship of ancestors is in vain

Ancestors are dead, unconscious. Ec 9:5, 10

Original ancestors unworthy of worship. Ro 5:12, 14; 1Ti 2:14

God forbids such worship. Ex 34:14; Mt 4:10

 B. Humans may be honored, but only God worshiped

Youths should honor older persons. 1Ti 5:1, 2, 17; Eph 6:1-3

But God alone to be worshiped. Ac 10:25, 26; Re 22:8, 9

2. Armageddon

  A. God’s war to end wickedness

Nations gathered to Armageddon. Re 16:14, 16

God fights, using Son and angels. 2Th 1:6-9; Re 19:11-16

How we may survive. Zep 2:2, 3; Re 7:14

 B. Love of God not violated

World extremely corrupt. 2Ti 3:1-5

God patient, but justice requires action. 2Pe 3:9, 15; Lu 18:7, 8

Wicked must go so righteous can prosper. Pr 21:18; Re 11:18

3. Baptism

  A. A Christian requirement

Jesus set example. Mt 3:13-15; Heb 10:7

Symbol of disowning or dedication. Mt 16:24; 1Pe 3:21

Only for those old enough to be taught. Mt 28:19, 20; Ac 2:41

Immersion in water is proper way. Ac 8:38, 39; Joh 3:23

 B. Does not wash sins away

Jesus was not baptized to wash away sins. 1Pe 2:22; 3:18

Jesus’ blood washes away sins. 1Jo 1:7

4. Bible

  A. God’s Word is inspired

Men were moved by God’s spirit to write. 2Pe 1:20, 21

Contains prophecy: Da 8:5, 6, 20-22; Lu 21:5, 6, 20-22; Isa 45:1-4

Entire Bible inspired and beneficial. 2Ti 3:16, 17; Ro 15:4

 B. Is a practical guide for our day

Ignoring Bible principles is fatal. Ro 1:28-32

Man’s wisdom no substitute. 1Co 1:21, 25; 1Ti 6:20

A defense against strongest enemy. Eph 6:11, 12, 17

Guides man in the right way. Ps 119:105; 2Pe 1:19; Pr 3:5, 6

 C. Written for peoples of all nations and races

Bible writing began in the East. Ex 17:14; 24:12, 16; 34:27

God’s provision not just for Europeans. Ro 10:11-13; Ga 3:28

God accepts men of all sorts. Ac 10:34, 35; Ro 5:18; Re 7:9, 10

5. Blood

  A. Transfusions violate sacredness of blood

Noah was told that blood was sacred, was the life. Ge 9:4, 16

Law covenant prohibited feeding on blood. Le 17:14; 7:26, 27

Prohibition repeated to Christians. Ac 15:28, 29; 21:25

 B. Question of saving life not justify breaking God’s law

Obedience is better than sacrifice. 1Sa 15:22; Mr 12:33

Putting one’s life ahead of God’s law is fatal. Mr 8:35, 36

6. Chronology

  A. 1914 (C.E.) ends Gentile Times

Line of kingdom rulers interrupted, 607 B.C.E. Eze 21:25-27

“Seven times” to pass until rule restored. Da 4:32, 16, 17

Seven = 2 × 3 12 times, or 2 × 1,260 days. Re 12:6, 14; 11:2, 3

A day for a year. [Makes 2,520 years] Eze 4:6; Nu 14:34

To run until Kingdom’s establishment. Lu 21:24; Da 7:13, 14

7. Church

  A. Church spiritual, built upon Christ

God does not dwell in man-made temples. Ac 17:24, 25; 7:48

True church is spiritual temple of living stones. 1Pe 2:5, 6

Christ, cornerstone; apostles, secondary foundation. Eph 2:20

God to be worshiped with spirit and truth. Joh 4:24

 B. Church not built upon Peter

Jesus did not say church built upon Peter. Mt 16:18

Jesus identified as the “rock-mass.” 1Co 10:4

Peter identified Jesus as foundation. 1Pe 2:4, 6-8; Ac 4:8-12

8. Creation

  A. Agrees with proved science; disproves evolution

Science agrees with order of creation. Ge 1:11, 12, 21, 24, 25

God’s law of “kinds” holds true. Ge 1:11, 12; Jas 3:12

 B. Creative days not 24-hour days

“Day” can mean simply period of time. Ge 2:4

Day with God can be long time. Ps 90:4; 2Pe 3:8

9. Cross

  A. Jesus hanged on an execution stake as a reproach

Jesus was hanged on an execution stake or tree. Ac 5:30; 10:39; Ga 3:13

Christians must bear stake as reproach. Mt 10:38; Lu 9:23

 B. Should not be worshiped

Displaying Jesus’ stake a reproach. Heb 6:6; Mt 27:41, 42

Use of cross in worship is idolatry. Ex 20:4, 5; Jer 10:3-5

Jesus a spirit, not still on stake. 1Ti 3:16; 1Pe 3:18

10. Death

  A. Cause of death

Man had perfect start, prospect of endless life. Ge 1:28, 31

Disobedience brought sentence of death. Ge 2:16, 17; 3:17, 19

Sin and death have passed on to all Adam’s children. Ro 5:12

 B. Condition of the dead

Adam was made to be a soul, not given one. Ge 2:7; 1Co 15:45

It is man, the soul, that dies. Eze 18:4; Isa 53:12; Job 11:20

Dead are unconscious, know nothing. Ec 9:5, 10; Ps 146:3, 4

Dead asleep awaiting resurrection. Joh 11:11-14, 23-26; Ac 7:60

 C. Talking with the dead impossible

The dead not alive with God as spirits. Ps 115:17; Isa 38:18

Warned against trying to speak with dead. Isa 8:19; Le 19:31

Mediums, fortune-tellers, condemned. De 18:10-12; Ga 5:19-21

11. Devil, Demons

  A. The Devil is a spirit person

Not evil within oneself but a spirit person. 2Ti 2:26

Devil as much a person as the angels. Mt 4:1, 11; Job 1:6

Made himself Devil by wrong desire. Jas 1:13-15

 B. The Devil is the invisible ruler of the world

World under his control as god. 2Co 4:4; 1Jo 5:19; Re 12:9

Allowed to remain until issue settled. Ex 9:16; Joh 12:31

To be abyssed, then destroyed. Re 20:2, 3, 10

 C. Demons are rebellious angels

Joined Satan before Flood. Ge 6:1, 2; 1Pe 3:19, 20

Abased, cut off from all enlightenment. 2Pe 2:4; Jude 6

Fight against God, oppress mankind. Lu 8:27-29; Re 16:13, 14

To be destroyed with Satan. Mt 25:41; Lu 8:31; Re 20:2, 3, 10

12. Earth

  A. God’s purpose for the earth

Paradise made on earth for perfect humans. Ge 1:28; 2:8-15

God’s purpose is certain. Isa 55:11; 46:10, 11

Earth to be filled with peaceful, perfect men. Ps 72:7; Isa 45:18; 9:6, 7

Paradise to be restored by Kingdom. Mt 6:9, 10; Re 21:3-5

 B. Will never be destroyed or depopulated

Literal earth to be permanent. Ec 1:4; Ps 104:5

Mankind of Noah’s time destroyed, not earth. 2Pe 3:5-7; Ge 7:23

Example gives hope of surviving in our time. Mt 24:37-39

Wicked destroyed; “great crowd” survive. 2Th 1:6-9; Re 7:9, 14

13. False Prophets

  A. False prophets foretold; existed in apostles’ day

Rule to determine false prophets. De 18:20-22; Lu 6:26

Were foretold; recognized by fruits. Mt 24:23-26; 7:15-23

14. Healing, Tongues

  A. Spiritual healing has permanent benefits

Spiritual sickness is destructive. Isa 1:4-6; 6:10; Ho 4:6

Spiritual healing the primary commission. Joh 6:63; Lu 4:18

Removes sins; gives happiness, life. Jas 5:19, 20; Re 7:14-17

 B. God’s Kingdom will bring permanent physical cures

Jesus cured infirmities, preached Kingdom blessings. Mt 4:23

Kingdom promised as means of permanent cure. Mt 6:10; Isa 9:7

Even death will be abolished. 1Co 15:25, 26; Re 21:4; 20:14

 C. Modern faith healing lacks evidence of divine approval

Disciples did not miraculously heal selves. 2Co 12:7-9; 1Ti 5:23

Miraculous gifts ended after apostles’ day. 1Co 13:8-11

Healing not sure evidence of God’s favor. Mt 7:22, 23; 2Th 2:9-11

 D. Speaking in tongues only a temporary provision

Was sign; greater gifts to be sought. 1Co 14:22; 12:30, 31

Miraculous gifts of spirit foretold to pass away. 1Co 13:8-10

Wonderful works not sure proof of God’s favor. Mt 7:22, 23; 24:24

15. Heaven

  A. Only 144,000 go to heaven

A limited number; to be kings with Christ. Re 5:9, 10; 20:4

Jesus was forerunner; others chosen since. Col 1:18; 1Pe 2:21

Many others will live on earth. Ps 72:8; Re 21:3, 4

144,000 in special position no others have. Re 14:1, 3; 7:4, 9

16. Hell (Hades, Sheol)

  A. Not a literal place of fiery torment

Suffering Job prayed to go there. Job 14:13

A place of inactivity. Ps 6:5; Ec 9:10; Isa 38:18, 19

Jesus was raised from grave, hell. Ac 2:27, 31, 32; Ps 16:10

Hell will deliver up other dead, be destroyed. Re 20:13, 14

 B. Fire is a symbol of annihilation

Cutting off in death symbolized by fire. Mt 25:41, 46; 13:30

Unrepentant wicked destroyed forever as by fire. Heb 10:26, 27

Satan’s fiery “torment” is everlasting death. Re 20:10, 14, 15

 C. Rich man and Lazarus account no proof of eternal torment

Fire no more literal than Abraham’s bosom. Lu 16:22-24

Abraham’s favor also contrasted with darkness. Mt 8:11, 12

Babylon’s annihilation called a fiery torment. Re 18:8-10, 21

17. Holidays, Birthdays

  A. Birthdays, Christmas, not observed by early Christians

Those not true worshipers observed. Ge 40:20; Mt 14:6

Jesus’ death day to be commemorated. Lu 22:19, 20; 1Co 11:25, 26

Celebration revelries improper. Ro 13:13; Ga 5:21; 1Pe 4:3

18. Images

  A. Use of images, statues, in worship is a reproach to God

No image of God possible. 1Jo 4:12; Isa 40:18; 46:5; Ac 17:29

Christians warned against images. 1Co 10:14; 1Jo 5:21

God must be worshiped with spirit, truth. Joh 4:24

 B. Image worship proved fatal to the nation of Israel

Worship of images prohibited to Jews. Ex 20:4, 5

Cannot hear, speak; makers become like them. Ps 115:4-8

Brought a snare, destruction. Ps 106:36, 40-42; Jer 22:8, 9

 C. “Relative” worship unauthorized

God refused to allow “relative” worship of himself. Isa 42:8

God is the only “Hearer of prayer.” Ps 65:1, 2

19. Interfaith

  A. Joining with other religions not God’s way

Only one way, is narrow, few find it. Eph 4:4-6; Mt 7:13, 14

Warned that false doctrine contaminates. Mt 16:6, 12; Ga 5:9

Commanded to be separate. 2Ti 3:5; 2Co 6:14-17; Re 18:4

 B. “Good in all religions” is not true

Some have zeal but not in accord with God. Ro 10:2, 3

Badness spoils what else might be good. 1Co 5:6; Mt 7:15-17

False teachers bring destruction. 2Pe 2:1; Mt 12:30; 15:14

Clean worship demands exclusive devotion. De 6:5, 14, 15

20. Jehovah, God

  A. God’s name

“God” indefinite term; our Lord has a personal name. 1Co 8:5, 6

We pray for his name to be sanctified. Mt 6:9, 10

Jehovah is God’s name. Ps 83:18; Ex 6:2, 3; 3:15; Isa 42:8

Name in KJ. Ex 6:3 (Dy footnote). Ps 83:18; Isa 12:2; 26:4

Jesus made name known. Joh 17:6, 26; 5:43; 12:12, 13, 28

 B. God’s existence

Impossible to see God and live. Ex 33:20; Joh 1:18; 1Jo 4:12

No need to see God to believe. Heb 11:1; Ro 8:24, 25; 10:17

God is known by his visible works. Ro 1:20; Ps 19:1, 2

Fulfillment of prophecy proves God’s existence. Isa 46:8-11

 C. God’s attributes

God is love. 1Jo 4:8, 16; Ex 34:6; 2Co 13:11; Mic 7:18

Excels in wisdom. Job 12:13; Ro 11:33; 1Co 2:7

Is just, exercises justice. De 32:4; Ps 37:28

Is almighty, has all power. Job 37:23; Re 7:12; 4:11

 D. Not all are serving the same God

Way that appears good not always right. Pr 16:25; Mt 7:21

Two roads, only one leads to life. Mt 7:13, 14; De 30:19

Many gods but only one true God. 1Co 8:5, 6; Ps 82:1

Knowing true God essential for life. Joh 17:3; 1Jo 5:20

21. Jehovah’s Witnesses

  A. Origin of Jehovah’s Witnesses

Jehovah identifies his own witnesses. Isa 43:10-12; Jer 15:16

Line of faithful witnesses began with Abel. Heb 11:4, 39; 12:1

Jesus was faithful and true witness. Joh 18:37; Re 1:5; 3:14

22. Jesus

  A. Jesus is God’s Son and appointed King

Firstborn of God, used in creating all other things. Re 3:14; Col 1:15-17

Made a man born of woman, lower than angels. Ga 4:4; Heb 2:9

Born of God’s spirit, with destiny in heaven. Mt 3:16, 17

Exalted higher than during prehuman existence. Php 2:9, 10

 B. Belief in Jesus Christ essential to salvation

Christ is promised Seed of Abraham. Ge 22:18; Ga 3:16

Jesus only High Priest, ransom. 1Jo 2:1, 2; Heb 7:25, 26; Mt 20:28

Life through knowing God and Christ, obedience. Joh 17:3; Ac 4:12

 C. More than belief in Jesus is required

Belief must be accompanied by works. Jas 2:17-26; 1:22-25

Must obey commands, do work he did. Joh 14:12, 15; 1Jo 2:3

Not all using name of Lord will enter Kingdom. Mt 7:21-23

23. Kingdom

  A. What God’s Kingdom will do for mankind

To bring God’s will to pass. Mt 6:9, 10; Ps 45:6; Re 4:11

A government with king and laws. Isa 9:6, 7; 2:3; Ps 72:1, 8

Destroy wickedness, rule entire earth. Da 2:44; Ps 72:8

1,000-year rule to restore mankind, Paradise. Re 21:2-4; 20:6

 B. Operation begins while Christ’s enemies still active

After Christ raised he had long wait. Ps 110:1; Heb 10:12, 13

Takes power, wars against Satan. Ps 110:2; Re 12:7-9; Lu 10:18

Kingdom established then, earth’s woes follow. Re 12:10, 12

Trouble now means time to stand for Kingdom. Re 11:15-18

 C. Not ‘in hearts,’ not developed through men’s efforts

Kingdom is in heaven, not earth. 2Ti 4:18; 1Co 15:50; Ps 11:4

Not ‘in hearts’; Jesus addressing Pharisees. Lu 17:20, 21

Not any part of this world. Joh 18:36; Lu 4:5-8; Da 2:44

Governments, world standards, replaced. Da 2:44

24. Last Days

  A. What is meant by “the end of the world”

Windup of the system of things. Mt 24:3; 2Pe 3:5-7; Mr 13:4

Not end of earth, but of wicked system. 1Jo 2:17

Time of end precedes destruction. Mt 24:14

Escape for righteous; new world follows. 2Pe 2:9; Re 7:14-17

 B. Need to be awake to signs of last days

Signs provided by God for our guidance. 2Ti 3:1-5; 1Th 5:1-4

World fails to realize seriousness. 2Pe 3:3, 4, 7; Mt 24:39

God not slow, but gives warning. 2Pe 3:9

Reward for being awake, concerned. Lu 21:34-36

25. Life

  A. Everlasting life is assured for obedient mankind

God, who cannot lie, has promised life. Tit 1:2; Joh 10:27, 28

Eternal life assured those exercising faith. Joh 11:25, 26

Death will be destroyed. 1Co 15:26; Re 21:4; 20:14; Isa 25:8

 B. Heavenly life is limited to those in Christ’s body

God selects members as it pleases him. Mt 20:23; 1Co 12:18

Only 144,000 taken from earth. Re 14:1, 4; 7:2-4; 5:9, 10

Not even John the Baptizer to be in heavenly Kingdom. Mt 11:11

 C. Earthly life promised to unlimited number, “other sheep”

Limited number with Jesus in heavens. Re 14:1, 4; 7:2-4

“Other sheep” not Christ’s brothers. Joh 10:16; Mt 25:32, 40

Many now gathering for earthly survival. Re 7:9, 15-17

Others raised for life on earth. Re 20:12; 21:4

26. Marriage

  A. Marriage union must be honorable

Likened to Christ and bride. Eph 5:22, 23

Marriage bed must be undefiled. Heb 13:4

Couples counseled not to separate. 1Co 7:10-16

Por·neiʹa only Scriptural ground for divorce. Mt 19:9

 B. Headship principle must be respected by Christians

Husband as head must love, care for family. Eph 5:23-31

Wife, in subjection, loves, obeys husband. 1Pe 3:1-7; Eph 5:22

Children must be obedient. Eph 6:1-3; Col 3:20

 C. Christian parents’ responsibility to children

Must show love, giving time, attention. Tit 2:4

Do not irritate them. Col 3:21

Provide, including spiritual things. 2Co 12:14; 1Ti 5:8

Give them training for life. Eph 6:4; Pr 22:6, 15; 23:13, 14

 D. Christians should marry only Christians

Marry only “in the Lord.” 1Co 7:39; De 7:3, 4; Ne 13:26

 E. Polygamy not Scriptural

Originally man was to have only one wife. Ge 2:18, 22-25

Jesus restored standard for Christians. Mt 19:3-9

Early Christians not polygamous. 1Co 7:2, 12-16; Eph 5:28-31

27. Mary Worship

  A. Mary mother of Jesus, not “mother of God”

God is without beginning. Ps 90:2; 1Ti 1:17

Mary was mother of God’s Son, in his earthly state. Lu 1:35

 B. Mary not “ever virgin”

She married Joseph. Mt 1:19, 20, 24, 25

Had other children besides Jesus. Mt 13:55, 56; Lu 8:19-21

These not then his “spiritual brothers.” Joh 7:3, 5

28. Memorial, Mass

  A. Commemoration of Lord’s Evening Meal

Observed once a year on Passover date. Lu 22:1, 17-20; Ex 12:14

Commemorates Christ’s sacrificial death. 1Co 11:26; Mt 26:28

Those with heavenly hope partake. Lu 22:29, 30; 12:32, 37

How a person knows he has such hope. Ro 8:15-17

 B. Mass unscriptural

Forgiveness of sins requires shedding of blood. Heb 9:22

Christ is sole Mediator of new covenant. 1Ti 2:5, 6; Joh 14:6

Christ in heaven; not brought down by priest. Ac 3:20, 21

No need to repeat Christ’s sacrifice. Heb 9:24-26; 10:11-14

29. Minister

  A. All Christians must be ministers

Jesus was God’s minister. Ro 15:8, 9; Mt 20:28

Christians follow his example. 1Pe 2:21; 1Co 11:1

Must preach to accomplish the ministry. 2Ti 4:2, 5; 1Co 9:16

 B. Qualifications for the ministry

God’s spirit and knowledge of his Word. 2Ti 2:15; Isa 61:1-3

Follow Christ’s pattern in preaching. 1Pe 2:21; 2Ti 4:2, 5

God trains by spirit, organization. Joh 14:26; 2Co 3:1-3

30. Opposition, Persecution

  A. Reason for opposition toward Christians

Jesus was hated, foretold opposition. Joh 15:18-20; Mt 10:22

Adhering to right principles indicts world. 1Pe 4:1, 4, 12, 13

Satan, god of this system, opposes Kingdom. 2Co 4:4; 1Pe 5:8

Christian does not fear, God sustains. Ro 8:38, 39; Jas 4:8

 B. Wife should not allow husband to separate her from God

Forewarned; others may misinform him. Mt 10:34-38; Ac 28:22

She must look to God and Christ. Joh 6:68; 17:3

By faithfulness may save him also. 1Co 7:16; 1Pe 3:1-6

Husband is head, but not to dictate worship. 1Co 11:3; Ac 5:29

 C. Husband should not allow wife to prevent his serving God

Must love wife and family, want life for them. 1Co 7:16

Responsible to decide, provide. 1Co 11:3; 1Ti 5:8

God loves man who stands for truth. Jas 1:12; 5:10, 11

Compromise for sake of peace brings God’s disfavor. Heb 10:38

Lead family to happiness in new world. Re 21:3, 4

31. Prayer

  A. Prayers that God hears

God does listen to prayers of men. Ps 145:18; 1Pe 3:12

Unrighteous not heard unless course changed. Isa 1:15-17

Must pray in Jesus’ name. Joh 14:13, 14; 2Co 1:20

Must pray in harmony with God’s will. 1Jo 5:14, 15

Faith essential. Jas 1:6-8

 B. Vain repetition, prayers to Mary or “saints” not valid

Must pray to God in Jesus’ name. Joh 14:6, 14; 16:23, 24

Repetitious words will not be heard. Mt 6:7

32. Predestination

  A. Man not predestinated

God’s purpose sure. Isa 55:11; Ge 1:28

Individuals given choice of serving God. Joh 3:16; Php 2:12

33. Ransom

  A. Jesus’ human life paid as a “ransom for all”

Jesus gave his life a ransom. Mt 20:28

Value of shed blood provides remission of sin. Heb 9:14, 22

One sacrifice was sufficient for all time. Ro 6:10; Heb 9:26

Benefits are not automatic; must be acknowledged. Joh 3:16

 B. Was corresponding price

Adam created perfect. De 32:4; Ec 7:29; Ge 1:31

Lost perfection for self and children by sin. Ro 5:12, 18

Children helpless; exact equal of Adam needed. Ps 49:7; De 19:21

Jesus’ perfect human life a ransom. 1Ti 2:5, 6; 1Pe 1:18, 19

34. Religion

  A. Only one true religion

One hope, one faith, one baptism. Eph 4:5, 13

Commissioned to make disciples. Mt 28:19; Ac 8:12; 14:21

Recognized by its fruit. Mt 7:19, 20; Lu 6:43, 44; Joh 15:8

Love, agreement among members. Joh 13:35; 1Co 1:10; 1Jo 4:20

 B. False doctrine is properly condemned

Jesus condemned false doctrine. Mt 23:15, 23, 24; 15:4-9

Did so for protection of blinded ones. Mt 15:14

Truth made them free to be Jesus’ disciples. Joh 8:31, 32

 C. Changing one’s religion essential if proved wrong

Truth makes free; proves many are wrong. Joh 8:31, 32

Israelites, others, left former worship. Jos 24:15; 2Ki 5:17

Early Christians changed views. Ga 1:13, 14; Ac 3:17, 19

Paul changed his religion. Ac 26:4-6

Whole world deceived; must make mind over. Re 12:9; Ro 12:2

 D. Apparent “good in all religions” does not assure God’s favor

God sets the standard for worship. Joh 4:23, 24; Jas 1:27

Not good if not as God wills. Ro 10:2, 3

“Good works” can be rejected. Mt 7:21-23

Recognized by fruitage. Mt 7:20

35. Resurrection

  A. Hope for the dead

All in tombs to be raised. Joh 5:28, 29

Resurrection of Jesus is a guarantee. 1Co 15:20-22; Ac 17:31

Sinners against spirit will not rise. Mt 12:31, 32

Those showing faith assured of it. Joh 11:25

 B. Resurrection to life either in heaven or on earth

All die in Adam; receive life in Jesus. 1Co 15:20-22; Ro 5:19

Difference in nature of those raised. 1Co 15:40, 42, 44

Those with Jesus will be like him. 1Co 15:49; Php 3:20, 21

Those not ruling will be on earth. Re 20:4b, 5, 13; 21:3, 4

36. Return of Christ

  A. Return invisible to humans

Told disciples world would see him no more. Joh 14:19

Only disciples saw ascension; return similar. Ac 1:6, 10, 11

In heaven, an invisible spirit. 1Ti 6:14-16; Heb 1:3

Returns in heavenly Kingdom power. Da 7:13, 14

 B. Recognized by physical facts

Disciples asked for sign of presence. Mt 24:3

Christians “see” presence through understanding. Eph 1:18

Many events make up evidence of presence. Lu 21:10, 11

Enemies “see” as destruction overtakes. Re 1:7

37. Sabbath

  A. Sabbath day not binding on Christians

Law abolished on basis of Jesus’ death. Eph 2:15

Sabbath not binding on Christians. Col 2:16, 17; Ro 14:5, 10

Reproved for observing Sabbath, etc. Ga 4:9-11; Ro 10:2-4

Enter God’s rest by faith and obedience. Heb 4:9-11

 B. Sabbath observance required only of ancient Israel

Sabbath first observed after Exodus. Ex 16:26, 27, 29, 30

Unique to natural Israel as sign. Ex 31:16, 17; Ps 147:19, 20

Sabbath years also required under Law. Ex 23:10, 11; Le 25:3, 4

Sabbath not necessary thing for Christians. Ro 14:5, 10; Ga 4:9-11

 C. God’s Sabbath rest (7th day of creative “week”)

Began at close of earthly creation. Ge 2:2, 3; Heb 4:3-5

Continued past Jesus’ day on earth. Heb 4:6-8; Ps 95:7-9, 11

Christians rest from works of self-interest. Heb 4:9, 10

Ends when Kingdom completes work toward earth. 1Co 15:24, 28

38. Salvation

  A. Salvation is from God through Jesus’ ransom sacrifice

Life is God’s gift through his Son. 1Jo 4:9, 14; Ro 6:23

Salvation is possible only through Jesus’ sacrifice. Ac 4:12

No works possible in “deathbed repentance.” Jas 2:14, 26

Must work energetically to attain. Lu 13:23, 24; 1Ti 4:10

 B. “Once saved, always saved” is not Scriptural

Partakers of holy spirit can fall. Heb 6:4, 6; 1Co 9:27

Many Israelites destroyed though saved from Egypt. Jude 5

Salvation is not instantaneous. Php 2:12; 3:12-14; Mt 10:22

Those turning back are worse off than before. 2Pe 2:20, 21

 C. “Universal salvation” is unscriptural

Repentance impossible for some. Heb 6:4-6

God has no pleasure in death of wicked. Eze 33:11; 18:32

But love cannot condone unrighteousness. Heb 1:9

Wicked will be destroyed. Heb 10:26-29; Re 20:7-15

39. Sin

  A. What sin is

A violation of God’s law, his perfect standard. 1Jo 3:4; 5:17

Man, as God’s creation, accountable to him. Ro 14:12; 2:12-15

Law defined sin, made men aware of it. Ga 3:19; Ro 3:20

All in sin, short of God’s perfect standard. Ro 3:23; Ps 51:5

 B. Why all have suffered from Adam’s sin

Adam passed imperfection, death to all. Ro 5:12, 18

God was merciful in tolerating humankind. Ps 103:8, 10, 14, 17

Jesus’ sacrifice atones for sins. 1Jo 2:2

Sin and all other works of Devil to be erased. 1Jo 3:8

 C. Forbidden fruit was disobedience, not sex act

Prohibition of tree made before Eve created. Ge 2:17, 18

Adam and Eve told to have children. Ge 1:28

Children not result of sin, but of God’s blessing. Ps 127:3-5

Eve sinned when husband absent; ran ahead. Ge 3:6; 1Ti 2:11-14

Adam, as head, rebelled against God’s law. Ro 5:12, 19

 D. What sin against holy spirit is (Mt 12:32; Mr 3:28, 29)

Inherited sin not such kind. Ro 5:8, 12, 18; 1Jo 5:17

One may grieve spirit, yet recover. Eph 4:30; Jas 5:19, 20

Willful practice of sin leads to death. 1Jo 3:6-9

God judges such, removes his spirit. Heb 6:4-8

We should not pray for such unrepentant ones. 1Jo 5:16, 17

40. Soul

  A. What the soul is

Man is a soul. Ge 2:7; 1Co 15:45; Jos 11:11; Ac 27:37

Animals also called souls. Nu 31:28; Re 16:3; Le 24:18

Soul has blood, eats, can die. Jer 2:34; Le 7:18; Eze 18:4

Man, having life, is said to have soul. Mr 8:36; Joh 10:15

 B. Difference between soul and spirit

Life as a person or creature is soul. Joh 10:15; Le 17:11

Life-force activating souls called “spirit.” Ps 146:4; 104:29

When one dies, control of life-force returns to God. Ec 12:7

God alone can put life-force into action. Eze 37:12-14

41. Spirit, Spiritism

  A. What the holy spirit is

God’s active force, not a person. Ac 2:2, 3, 33; Joh 14:17

Used in creation, inspiration of Bible, etc. Ge 1:2; Eze 11:5

Begets, anoints, Christ’s body members. Joh 3:5-8; 2Co 1:21, 22

Empowers, leads God’s people today. Ga 5:16, 18

 B. Life-force called spirit

Principle of life, sustained by breathing. Jas 2:26; Job 27:3

Power over life-force resides with God. Zec 12:1; Ec 8:8

Life-force of humans, beasts, belongs to God. Ec 3:19-21

Spirit committed to God with hope of resurrection. Lu 23:46

 C. Spiritism must be shunned as work of demons

God’s Word forbids. Isa 8:19, 20; Le 19:31; 20:6, 27

Fortune-telling is demonism; condemned. Ac 16:16-18

Leads to destruction. Ga 5:19-21; Re 21:8; 22:15

Astrology forbidden. De 18:10-12; Jer 10:2

42. Trinity

  A. God, the Father, one Person, greatest in universe

God is not three persons. De 6:4; Mal 2:10; Mr 10:18; Ro 3:29, 30

Son created; God alone before. Re 3:14; Col 1:15; Isa 44:6

God ruler of universe at all times. Php 2:5, 6; Da 4:35

God to be exalted above all. Php 2:10, 11

 B. Son inferior to Father before and after coming to earth

Son obedient in heaven, sent by Father. Joh 8:42; 12:49

Obedient on earth, Father greater. Joh 14:28; 5:19; Heb 5:8

Exalted in heaven, still subject. Php 2:9; 1Co 15:28; Mt 20:23

Jehovah is Christ’s head and God. 1Co 11:3; Joh 20:17; Re 1:6

 C. Oneness of God and Christ

Always in complete harmony. Joh 8:28, 29; 14:10

Oneness, like that of husband and wife. Joh 10:30; Mt 19:4-6

All believers must have same oneness. Joh 17:20-22; 1Co 1:10

One worship of Jehovah through Christ forever. Joh 4:23, 24

 D. God’s holy spirit is his active force

A force, not a person. Mt 3:16; Joh 20:22; Ac 2:4, 17, 33

Not a person in heaven with God and Christ. Ac 7:55, 56; Re 7:10

Directed by God to accomplish purposes. Ps 104:30; 1Co 12:4-11

Those serving God receive, guided by it. 1Co 2:12, 13; Ga 5:16

43. Wickedness, World Distress

  A. Who is responsible for world distress

Wicked rule cause of bad times today. Pr 29:2; 28:28

Ruler of world the enemy of God. 2Co 4:4; 1Jo 5:19; Joh 12:31

Woes brought by Devil, time short. Re 12:9, 12

Devil bound, glorious peace follows. Re 20:1-3; 21:3, 4

 B. Why wickedness permitted

Devil challenged loyalty of creatures to God. Job 1:11, 12

Faithful given opportunity to prove loyal. Ro 9:17; Pr 27:11

Devil proved a liar, issue to be settled. Joh 12:31

Faithful rewarded with everlasting life. Ro 2:6, 7; Re 21:3-5

 C. Prolonged time of the end is merciful provision

As in Noah’s day, takes time to give warning. Mt 24:14, 37-39

God not slow, but merciful. 2Pe 3:9; Isa 30:18

Bible helps us avoid being caught unawares. Lu 21:36; 1Th 5:4

Seek God’s provision now for protection. Isa 2:2-4; Zep 2:3

 D. Solution to world distress not from men

Men very fearful, perplexed. Lu 21:10, 11; 2Ti 3:1-5

God’s Kingdom, not men, will succeed. Da 2:44; Mt 6:10

To live, sue for peace with King now. Ps 2:9, 11, 12

44. Witnessing

  A. All Christians must witness, tell good news

Must acknowledge Jesus before men to be approved. Mt 10:32

Must be doer of Word, demonstrating faith. Jas 1:22-24; 2:24

New ones, too, should become teachers. Mt 28:19, 20

Public declaration brings salvation. Ro 10:10

 B. Need for repeated calls, continued witnessing

Warning of end must be given. Mt 24:14

Jeremiah announced Jerusalem’s end for years. Jer 25:3

Like early Christians, cannot stop. Ac 4:18-20; 5:28, 29

 C. Must bear witness to be free of bloodguilt

Must warn of approaching end. Eze 33:7; Mt 24:14

Failure brings bloodguilt. Eze 33:8, 9; 3:18, 19

Paul freed of bloodguilt; spoke full truth. Ac 20:26, 27; 1Co 9:16

Saves both witness and one listening. 1Ti 4:16; 1Co 9:22