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Faithfulness to Its Purpose Ensured by Faithful Men

Faithfulness to Its Purpose Ensured by Faithful Men

Faithfulness to Its Purpose Ensured by Faithful Men

A CORPORATION is only a legal instrument, and what it accomplishes will be determined by those persons who support it and those who share in managing its affairs. When the Watch Tower Society was incorporated, voting membership was opened to anyone who had contributed at least $10 to the funds of the Society. The idea was to limit the membership to those who had a genuine interest in advancing the purpose of the Society and who had no interest in personal gain.

When selecting traveling representatives (Pilgrims) for the Society the qualifications to be looked for in these men, as outlined in Zion’s Watch Tower (September 1, 1894), were: “unexceptional character, polished with the truth; of meekness—that they might not be puffed up and thus be injured themselves, while seeking to help you; of clear conception of the Lord’s great plan and fully imbued with its spirit; . . . of known fidelity to the ransom; of humble mind who seek not to preach themselves, but Christ—not to air their own knowledge, but his Word in its simplicity and power.”

Charles Taze Russell also advised the editorial committee of the Watch Tower that would continue the work following his death that if it was necessary to select any replacements, “purity of life, clearness in the truth, zeal for God, love for the brethren and faithfulness to the Redeemer shall be prominent characteristics of the one elected.” He further urged that neither the Society nor members of the Editorial Committee be connected with any other publications in any manner or degree.

He further stated: “As for compensation, I think it wise to maintain the Society’s course of the past with respect to salaries—that none be paid; that merely reasonable expenses be allowed [food, shelter and a moderate allowance] to those who serve the Society or its work in any manner.” These provisions were to ensure that only men of devotion to the Lord and the purposes of the Society would have influence on the Society’s operation.

To ensure that the members of this corporation be men devoted to the purpose of the Watch Tower Society, Article V of its charter was amended in 1944 to state: “Its members shall be only men who are mature, active and faithful witnesses of Jehovah.” There are at present 439 members from all states of the United States and 78 other countries around the world. All of these are faithfully advancing the purposes of the Watch Tower Society, many full time.

A testimony to the caliber of faithful men who have served with the Watch Tower Society can be seen in the fact that during a period of 100 years only four different men have served in the responsible position of president of the Society. The first three presidents of the Society, Charles Taze Russell, Joseph Franklin Rutherford and Nathan Homer Knorr, served many years faithfully until their death and never deviated from their devotion to Jehovah and his purposes. The president now serving, a nonagenarian, Frederick William Franz, has a record of 71 years of faithful and loyal service to Jehovah and in full support of the purposes of the Watch Tower Society.

The other six brothers currently serving on the Society’s board of directors, plus the additional seven brothers who together make up the 14 members of the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses, each have a record of more than 40 years of faithful, dedicated service to Jehovah. These preside over the worldwide activities of Jehovah’s Witnesses and the various nonprofit corporations that have been formed.

This is not mentioned to eulogize or to praise anyone, but it is appropriate to acknowledge the indebtedness of the Watch Tower Society to all those loyal dedicated brothers and sisters who, in connection with their service to the Most High God, Jehovah, have cooperated with the Watch Tower Society in carrying out its purposes from those early days in Pittsburgh until now. Jehovah has used men and women of faith to carry out his work in modern times just as he did centuries ago.

Jehovah has surely proved to be with his people during the past 100 years—and in this connection has made good use of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. We can be confident that he will continue to make good use of this legal instrument in carrying on the preaching of the good news of the Kingdom throughout all the world as a witness to all nations right down to the end of the present system of things.—Matthew 24:14.

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C. T. Russell, 1884-1916

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J. F. Rutherford, 1916-1942

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N. H. Knorr, 1942-1977

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F. W. Franz, 1977-

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A few of the many faithful brothers who have cooperated closely with the Watch Tower Society in carrying out its purposes

Grant Suiter

W. K. Jackson

J. O. Groh

T. J. Sullivan

A. H. Macmillan

W. E. Van Amburgh