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Watch Tower Society Incorporated for Dissemination of Bible Truths

Watch Tower Society Incorporated for Dissemination of Bible Truths

Watch Tower Society Incorporated for Dissemination of Bible Truths

ARTICLE II of the charter of the Watch Tower Society states: “The purpose for which the corporation is formed is, the dissemination of Bible truths in various languages by means of the publication of tracts, pamphlets, papers and other religious documents, and by the use of all other lawful means which its Board of Directors, duly constituted, shall deem expedient for the furtherance of the purpose stated.”

The Society was not to seek financial gain but only to finance the spreading of Bible truths. Membership was to consist of those who personally supported this activity by their contributions. The Watch Tower Society would continue to be involved in the preaching activities of the Bible Students, later known as Jehovah’s Witnesses.

In agreement with this principle the charter was amended in 1944 to read as follows: “The purposes of this Society are: To act as the servant of and legal world-wide governing agency for that body of Christian persons known as Jehovah’s Witnesses; to preach the gospel of God’s Kingdom under Christ Jesus unto all nations as a witness to the name, word and supremacy of Almighty God JEHOVAH; to print and distribute Bibles and to disseminate Bible truths in various languages . . . explaining Bible truths and prophecy concerning the establishment of Jehovah’s kingdom under Christ Jesus.”

The first office of the Watch Tower Society was in a building at the corner of Federal and Robinson Streets, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the location from which Russell had earlier directed his chain of clothing stores.

The Watch Tower Society continued the work of exposing false religious creeds and establishing Bible truth. During a time of growing infidelity in the world, it presented arguments against the evolution teaching, higher criticism and any other trend designed to undermine faith in the Bible.

In addition to preparing tracts, pamphlets and magazines, Russell authored a series of books on Bible truths entitled The Millennial Dawn, later called Studies in the Scriptures. The Society encouraged all the Bible Students to share in voluntary tract distribution, either on streets in front of churches or at people’s homes, putting them under the door. Full-time ministers known as colporteurs would spend their time calling on people from house to house and presenting books to them. However, this was no book-selling campaign but rather a preaching of the good news.

In discussing the work of the colporteurs, it was stated in Zion’s Watch Tower of December 15, 1898: “Nor do the Colporteurs merely circulate the Dawns [bound books] . . . they . . . note the interested ones and call in the evenings and help them.” So the object was not merely to sell books but to arouse interest and make return visits where possible to help individuals grow in Bible knowledge.

By the end of the 1880’s there was a need for increased space, so in 1889 the Watch Tower Society moved into their newly built, four-story brick building at 610-14 Arch Street in Pittsburgh. This building was called the Bible House and served as an international headquarters for the Watch Tower Society, since its activities were expanding to other countries.

In 1909 it was decided to move the headquarters of the Watch Tower Society to Brooklyn, New York, which would be a more suitable center for the expansion of the preaching work on an international scale.

A mission structure at 13-17 Hicks Street, Brooklyn, New York, that had been used by the Plymouth Congregational Church was purchased and remodeled so that it provided space for offices, a shipping department and a small printery, as well as a large meeting hall with 800 seats on the second floor. At nearby 122-124 Columbia Heights the former four-story brownstone parsonage of Henry Ward Beecher, who had been minister for that church, was purchased for use as residence facilities for the headquarters staff of 30.

For the past 75 years the Watch Tower Society has had its world headquarters in Brooklyn. (From July 1918 until September 1919 the headquarters were temporarily located in Pittsburgh on the second floor of the Martin Building at 119 Federal Street.) In order to hold title to property in New York State and better to administer the needs of the growing activities from Brooklyn, New York, an associate corporation was formed under New York law by the name of People’s Pulpit Association, now the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. This corporation cooperates closely with the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania.

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First office of Watch Tower Society

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First Bible House staff, Pittsburgh

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Bible House, Pittsburgh

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Millennial Dawn series

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Offices and meeting hall, Brooklyn

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First Bethel Home, Brooklyn