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Watch Tower Society Is Accomplishing Its Purpose

Watch Tower Society Is Accomplishing Its Purpose

Watch Tower Society Is Accomplishing Its Purpose

THE Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania was originally chartered for the purpose of disseminating Bible truths by means of the printed page. Has it carried out that purpose? The chart below presents the impressive report of the number of tracts, booklets, magazines, books and Bibles that have been published and distributed.

In addition, the Watch Tower Society has maintained and operated in Brooklyn and through 95 branches around the world many buildings, offices and factories. Though set up to meet the needs connected with the managing of property, administering finances and producing Bible literature, it is not a business corporation concerned with holdings, financial returns and production reports. Throughout its 100-year history it has worked to support the preaching of the good news and has been interested in building up people spiritually.

Through this corporation, men have labored hard and long to awaken people to the meaning of the times in which we are living, to arouse appreciation for God’s love and a desire to serve him, to build up confidence in the Bible as God’s infallible Word, and to help men and women get a thorough understanding of it.

It is perhaps this involvement with people that is unique with the Watch Tower Society. From its beginning it involved its readers as associates in distributing Bible literature and teaching others, and showed great concern for the readers of its publications.

Today the Watch Tower Society is closely involved with and has the support of a worldwide brotherhood of more than 2,600,000 active Witnesses of Jehovah. There were about 7,000,000 in attendance at the Memorial of Christ’s death in 1984 and who are showing interest in God’s promises.

So whereas we have witnessed a remarkable advancement of technology of every sort in the world, the Watch Tower Society and all associated with it have freely made use of such technology to build up the spiritual lives of people and to help men, women and children to cultivate the fruitage of the spirit: love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, self-control.—Galatians 5:22, 23.

These people are known worldwide for their high moral standards, their honesty and truthfulness, their respect for and obedience to the laws of the land where they reside. Truthfully it can be said that the Watch Tower Society is carrying out its purpose: “to improve men, women and children mentally and morally by Christian missionary work and by charitable and benevolent instruction of people on the Bible and incidental scientific, historical and literary subjects.”

[Chart on page 26]


1879-1918 419,194,085(Mags. incl.) 10,150,665 429,344,750

1919-1983 2,364,604,245 5,514,682,225 508,660,881 8,387,947,351

------------- ------------- ----------- -------------

TOTALS 2,783,798,330 5,514,682,225 518,811,546 8,817,292,101

[Picture on page 26]

The book The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life, 105,316,837 copies produced in 115 languages

[Pictures on page 27]

Watch Tower Society has concentrated on building up men, women and children spiritually by instruction in the Bible