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Welcome to the Centennial Meeting of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania

Welcome to the Centennial Meeting of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania

Welcome to the Centennial Meeting of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania

TODAY, the Watch Tower Society is known around the world wherever the work of Jehovah’s Witnesses is known. In 205 countries people are taking in Bible instruction in some 190 different languages. Their lives are greatly benefited from dissemination of Bible truths by the Watch Tower Society.

Through the initiative and the coordinating efforts of this Society, the work that began with one congregation in Allegheny, Pennsylvania, in the 1870’s has spread to 46,235 congregations throughout the world. The Society has worked closely with the Bible Students, now Jehovah’s Witnesses, during times of trial and testing from within and persecution from without, through two world wars and countless local upheavals and times of trouble. It has provided continuity to the work of restoring basic Bible truths in these last days.

This annual meeting, which also marks the 100th anniversary of the Watch Tower Society, provides an opportunity of reviewing how well the Society has fulfilled its purpose, and of looking ahead to the work yet to be done.

In Bible times the locations of important happenings were often marked as reminders of such events and their significance. Many of the activities of Jehovah’s Witnesses today had their beginnings in the original class, or congregation, of Bible Students here in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It is thus appropriate that the 100th anniversary of the Watch Tower Society be held in this city, and that we use the opportunity to reflect on what has taken place during the last 100 years with benefit to the work ahead.

There is, indeed, much evidence that Jehovah has proved to be with his people and that he has blessed and established the work of their hands—accomplished by the instrumentality of the Watch Tower Society. Therefore, in accord with the thoughts of Psalm 78:2-7, it is appropriate that we use this occasion to relate to the newer generation the “praises of Jehovah . . . and his wonderful things that he has done.”

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Watch Tower Building, 4100 Bigelow Blvd., Pittsburgh

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Jehovah’s Witnesses Assembly Hall at Coraopolis, Pennsylvania