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A Wealth of Wisdom in Pocket Size

A Wealth of Wisdom in Pocket Size

A Wealth of Wisdom in Pocket Size

A number of pocket-size books have been published by the Watch Tower Society. Dealing with a variety of topics, they provide a wealth of divine wisdom. All these books are hardbound, with 192 pages, and are only 25c each.

TRUE PEACE AND SECURITY​—FROM WHAT SOURCE?: In frank terms this book discusses the problems facing mankind and which must be solved to bring true peace and security. Bible standards that lead to a successful, secure life are considered. This book analyzes problems and clearly identifies the source from which true peace and security will come in our generation.

THE TRUTH THAT LEADS TO ETERNAL LIFE: For many persons, understanding the Bible has been a great problem. They have wanted something easy to read, something that presents Bible teachings simply and clearly. Now this is available in “The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life.” This book may be obtained in over eighty languages. The English edition will be sent unless you specify otherwise.

LISTENING TO THE GREAT TEACHER: One of today’s great problems is how to rear children in the right way. They need to learn and apply the high moral standards found in the Holy Scriptures. This book helps parents to teach their children the Bible. It is designed to be read by parents and children together. Illustrated; large print; easily understood.

IS THE BIBLE REALLY THE WORD OF GOD?: Because of living in a materialistic, faithless world, many persons today need help if they are to accept the Bible as God’s inspired Word. Convincing evidence is required to aid them. Now, in this one book, you will find an array of convincing facts, real evidence showing that the Bible is truly God’s Word.

DID MAN GET HERE BY EVOLUTION OR BY CREATION?: Today the teaching of evolution saturates school textbooks and other publications. Now you can help school-age youths and other persons to evaluate the evidence. The facts can be examined and the reader can see for himself which is most reasonable​—a popular theory or the Bible’s account of man’s origin and his future. Illustrated.

To order, see addresses on the last page.