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Bible Prophecies Made Clear

Bible Prophecies Made Clear

Bible Prophecies Made Clear

THE BOOK OF REVELATION: Would you like to know the meaning of the prophetic mysteries in the Bible book of Revelation? This knowledge is available. Obtain the books “Then Is Finished the Mystery of God” (dealing with the first thirteen chapters) and “Babylon the Great Has Fallen!” God’s Kingdom Rules! (on Revelation chapter 14 through 22). Both of these hardbound books will be sent to you, post-paid, for only $1.25.

THE BIBLE BOOK OF EZEKIEL: The volume “The Nations Shall Know that I Am Jehovah”​—How? contains an absorbing verse-by-verse consideration of Ezekiel, with its meaning for our day. Only 50c.

THE BIBLE BOOKS OF HAGGAI AND ZECHARIAH: A fascinating, detailed consideration of Haggai and Zechariah and their prophetic significance for our day is contained in the book Paradise Restored to Mankind​—By Theocracy! It is only 50c.

Bible Teachings Explained

LIFE EVERLASTING​—IN FREEDOM OF THE SONS OF GOD: This book explains many Bible teachings such as how God will soon liberate mankind from oppressive rule, sin and death. It considers the Lord’s Evening Meal, marriage, the places of man and woman in God’s arrangement and the sacredness of blood. Only 50c.

“THINGS IN WHICH IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR GOD TO LIE”: Outstanding Bible doctrines are made clear in this beautifully illustrated book. It is just 50c.

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