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Timely Information for Young and Old

Timely Information for Young and Old

Timely Information for Young and Old

The Bible message embraces a wide range of topics that are covered in the following 192-page pocket-size books. You are invited to order whichever books you desire, also any additional copies you may need for your friends of Good News to Make You Happy, at 75c each, postpaid, from the nearest Watch Tower Society office listed on the next page.

Listening to the Great Teacher. A book for parents to read with very young children, instructing them in right principles of living.

Your Youth​—Getting the Best out of It. An aid for teen-agers in successfully facing up to the problems that confront young people today.

Is This Life All There Is? Makes clear the hope for the dead, and that there is more to life than the procession from the cradle to the grave.

The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life. Can help you and your family get a clear understanding of the basic teachings of the Bible.

True Peace and Security​—From What Source? Discusses the problems facing mankind, the remedy and the Bible standards for a satisfying life.

Is the Bible Really the Word of God? Sets out convincing evidence that the Bible is the inspired Word of the Creator of the universe and of man.

Did Man Get Here by Evolution or by Creation? Examines the origin of man, why he is here on earth and what the future holds for mankind.

God’s “Eternal Purpose” Now Triumphing for Man’s Good. Explains how the Bible’s first prophecy is now coming to glorious fulfillment for man’s blessing.

Holy Spirit​—The Force Behind the Coming New Order! A discussion of the various operations of the Creator’s active force down to this day.

Prices subject to change without notice.

Also, Jehovah’s Witnesses will gladly answer your Bible questions at your home or at their local Kingdom Hall.