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Subject Index

Subject Index

Subject Index


Abel, offering made by, 45

Adam, once walked according to holy spirit, 38

Angels, are “godlike ones,” 21

assemblies of, 22-26

back preaching work, 159, 160

made as spirits, 18-21

man is lower than, 21

materialized before global deluge, 68, 69

Anointing, helped Jesus teach Scriptures, 95

of Jesus, 93-96

with holy spirit, 113, 114

Apostles, expectations regarding Jesus’ kingdom, 107, 108

Ark of the covenant31

Assemblies, of spirit persons, 22-26


Babylon the Great, anointed remnant freed from, 161, 162

identified, 161

Bans, on Watch Tower publications, 142

Baptism, in holy spirit, 111-113

John’s, in symbol of repentance, 111

of Jesus fulfilled prophecy, 92

with fire, 126, 127

Beelzebub, 47, 98

Bible, product of holy spirit, 57-63

prophecies from God, 60-63

writers, 57-63

Bible Students, Christendom tried to exterminate, 142, 143

“Born again,” for entrance into heavenly kingdom, 115-117

God’s spiritual sons need to be, 115

“great crowd” not, 132

Bread, Jesus’ human body likened to, 167

Bride, of Christ, 166

resurrection of Christ’s, 178


Cain, not “seed” of God’s “woman,” 44

sinned against holy spirit, 44-46

Cherubs, materialized, 29

speedy in flight, 30

subject to Jehovah, 30, 31

Christ, when Jesus became, 90-92

Christendom, church members, 139

comparable to the “congregation in Laodicea,” 140, 141

establishment of, 55, 140

to be baptized with fire, 126, 127

tried to exterminate Bible Students, 142, 143

Circumcision, fleshly not needed for heavenly inheritance, 119, 120

Congregation, anointed to preach, 121, 123, 126

built on Jesus, 107, 108

“gates of Hades” would not overpower, 108

of Christ’s disciples born, 121

Congregations, number, 159

Constantine the Great, 55, 140

Conventions, Cedar Point, Ohio, in 1919, 145

Cedar Point, Ohio, in 1922, 146

Columbus, Ohio, in 1931, 149

Washington, D.C., in 1935, 156

Conversion, of first Gentile to Christianity, 124, 125

of Saul (Paul), 124

Cornelius, conversion to Christianity, 124, 125

Creation, preaching in all, 126

Creator, “a Spirit,” 6

man’s relationship, 5

Cures, by Jesus, 98


Dates, 2370-2369 B.C.E., global deluge, 66

1513 B.C.E., Israel’s Red Sea crossing, 64, 65

1512 B.C.E., tabernacle set up on Nisan 1, 71

1027 B.C.E., temple completed, 72

607 B.C.E., temple destroyed, 77

515 B.C.E., rebuilt temple completed, 78

2 B.C.E., Jesus born, 89

30 C.E., John the Baptizer imprisoned, 95

33 C.E., birth of “new creation” on Pentecost, 121

Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem on Nisan 9, 165

Jesus’ last Passover, 138

Jesus’ promise to the evildoer on Nisan 14, 179

Jesus resurrected Nisan 16, 26, 110

60-61 C.E., Paul wrote to Christians from Rome, 126

70 C.E., Jerusalem destroyed, 123, 164

1914 C.E., Gentile Times ended, 142

Jehovah took kingship of world, 147

outbreak of World War I, 139

1918 C.E., officers of Watch Tower Society imprisoned, 142, 143

1919 C.E., Cedar Point, Ohio, convention, 145

“spirit of life from God” entered witnesses, 146

Watch Tower Society’s officers released from prison, 144, 145

1922 C.E., Cedar Point, Ohio, convention, 146

1931 C.E., Columbus, Ohio, convention, 149

name “Jehovah’s Witnesses” adopted, 149

1935 C.E., “great crowd” explained as earthly class, 132

Washington, D.C., convention, 156

David, a true prophet, 77

God’s spirit empowered, 76, 77

Death, faithfulness to, 131, 132

of Jesus Christ, 99-101

“second death,” 182

Demons, identified, 47, 48

Devil, a “manslayer,” 40, 41

called Beelzebub, 98

earthly seed, 44

likened to a serpent, 41

mankind ruled by, 50

meaning of name, 39

original position, 42, 43

sinned against holy spirit, 46, 47

spiritual father of sinners, 39

spiritual seed of, 42, 43

tried to seize sovereignty, 47

worshiped by mankind, 50, 51


Energy, formula, 9

God is reservoir of, 8-11

Ephesus, congregation, 151

Evildoer, Jesus’ promise to, 179

Ezekiel, vision of dry bones, 161


Family, God’s heavenly, 23

Fire, baptism with, 83, 126, 127

Firstborn, Jehovah’s, 25-29, 33, 34

Firstfruits, spiritual, 116


Gentile, conversion of first to Christianity, 124, 125

Gentile Times, ended in 1914, 142

Gideon, Jehovah’s spirit enveloped, 73

Gifts, of holy spirit, 129

God, does not need man-made temple, 7

evidence of existence, 10, 11

heavenly family of, 23

his “woman” identified, 103

holy spirit pleads with, 135, 136

is light, 17

lifetime unbounded, 8

“only-begotten Son” of, 27

principal study for man, 17

reservoir of energy, 8-11

“seed” of his “woman,” 104, 105

Source of spirit, 11, 12

universe cannot contain, 8

Governments, symbolic heaven, 152

“Great crowd,” call upon Jehovah’s name, 151

consists of “other sheep,” 154, 155

explained as earthly class in 1935 C.E., 132

have holy spirit on them, 157, 158

not spirit-begotten, 156, 157

not taken into the new covenant, 157

share in worldwide witness work, 159

their “spirit” responds to earthly hope, 156, 157


Hades, “gates” of, would not overpower congregation, 108

Heaven(s), holy spirit’s effects there, 33

place of activity, 31, 32

symbolic, 152, 170, 176

Heel, of “seed” healed, 103

“Helper,” arrival of, 110-114

is holy spirit, 108-110

“Holy nation,” produced by the new covenant, 117

Holy spirit, a force, 12-15

active in Noah’s day, 68, 69

active when judges governed Israel, 72-76

Adam once walked according to, 38

anointed congregation to preach, 121, 123, 126

anointing with, at Pentecost, 33 C.E., 113, 114

arrival of, 110-114

backed rebuilding of temple, 77, 78

backed Solomon’s temple construction, 72

backed tabernacle builders, 70, 71

baptism in, 111-113

begetting by, 114-116

behind Kingdom preaching, 96-98

Bible is product of, 57-63

caused virgin birth, 87, 88

deeds of valor by means of, 64-72

defined, 11

effects in heaven, 33

empowered David, 76, 77

fruitage, 35, 36

gifts of, 129

“helper” of the congregation, 108-110

how it bears witness about spiritual sonship, 127-132

humans can get, 12

intercessor in prayer, 132-136

Jehovah teaches by, 105-108

Jesus as agent in pouring out, 113

Jesus begotten by means of, 102

Messiah anointed with, 81, 82, 93, 94

Messiah would baptize with, 83

“new creation” came alive by, 137

operated through Jesus, 95, 96

operated upon and through the Word (Logos), 28

pleads for “holy ones,” 135, 136

prophecies by means of, 60-63

resisting it in New Order, 179

sealing with, 113, 114

sin against, 39, 44-47, 98, 99, 179, 182

Source, 6, 11, 12

taken from rebel angels, 43

to be with Jesus’ disciples “forever,” 139

upon anointed remnant and “great crowd,” 157, 158, 161, 162

will be behind New Order, 163, 176-178, 181, 183

yielding to it in New Order, 179

(See also “Spirit.”)


Israelites, spiritual, Christ’s Bride, 166

new covenant produces, 117

present number, 158

remnant accept obligation as Jehovah’s Witnesses, 150

restoration, 173, 174


Jehovah, calling upon name, 151, 152

cherubs subject to, 30, 31

“firstborn” of, 25-29

teaches by holy spirit, 105-108

took kingship of world in 1914 C.E., 147

universal sovereignty of, 48

worshiped alone in the New Order, 181

Jehovah’s Witnesses, name adopted in 1931, 149

remnant of spiritual Israelites accept obligation as, 150

Jephthah, 73, 74

Jerusalem, destruction in 70 C.E., 123

God executed adverse judgment upon it in 70 C.E., 164

Jesse, Davidic kingdom had roots in him, 171, 172

Jesus Christ, anointing fulfilled prophecy, 95, 96

anointing helped him teach Scriptures, 95

anointing of, 93, 94

baptized to fulfill prophecy, 92

begotten by holy spirit, 102

begotten to be a spiritual Son of God, 92, 93

birth fulfilled prophecy, 89, 90

death, 99-101

God’s agent in pouring out holy spirit, 113

God’s “only-begotten Son,” 27

had to suffer and die, 99-101

holy spirit operated through, 95, 96

human body likened to bread, 167

is the Word, 27, 28

Jehovah’s “firstborn,” 25-29

likeness of his resurrection, 167-169

materialized human bodies, 19, 169

miraculous cures, 98

name prophetic, 88, 89

not “a God-man,” 89

principal “seed” of God’s “woman,” 104, 105

proclaimed good news of God’s kingdom, 96, 97

promise to evildoer, 179

relationship toward Mary, 93

resurrection, 26, 101, 102, 110

rock-mass on which congregation built, 107, 108

rode into Jerusalem on Nisan 9, 33 C.E., 165

symbolic “twig” or “sprout,” 172-174

transfiguration, 58, 59

when he became the Messiah, 90-94

John the Baptizer, birth extraordinary, 78, 79

forerunner of Messiah, 78, 79, 81, 82

his baptism in symbol of repentance, 111

imprisoned, 95

introduced the Messiah, 91

Judges, holy spirit active when they governed Israel, 72-76


“Keys,” of Kingdom, 122, 124

Kingdom, apostles’ expectations, 107, 108

first ‘key’ used, 122

holy spirit behind preaching of, 96-98

Jesus proclaimed, 96, 97

persecution spread preaching of, 124

second ‘key’ used, 124

spread of preaching, 123-126


Lamb, Jehovah’s “firstborn” is sacrificial, 33, 34

Laodicea, congregation compared with Christendom, 140, 141

Life, God’s boundless, 8

Logos (Word), identified, 27, 28

life-force transferred, 85, 88, 89


Man, lower than angels, 21

Mankind, defect not traceable to God, 37, 38

dependent on heavenly realm, 16

rulership of, 50

worship of Devil, 50, 51

Mary, descendant of King David, 86

Jesus’ relationship toward, 93

Messiah, anointed with holy spirit, 81, 82

had to suffer and die, 99-101

John the forerunner, 78, 79, 81, 82, 91

principal “seed” of God’s “woman,” 104, 105

serves as “signal,” 174

“under law,” 84

when Jesus became, 90-94

would baptize with fire, 83

would baptize with holy spirit, 83

Micaiah, vision of heavenly assembly, 23

Miracles, Jesus’ resurrection, 101, 102

Mountains, symbolic, 152, 153


Name, calling upon Jehovah’s, 151, 152

New covenant, “great crowd” not taken into, 157

produces “holy nation,” 117

“New creation,” birth of, 121

came alive by holy spirit, 137

identified, 118-120, 166

“New earth,” 176

“New heavens,” 180

New Jerusalem, Christ’s Bride, 166

heavenly, 164-166


Offering, made by Abel, 45

Order, New, holy spirit will be behind it, 163, 176-178, 181, 183

not a repaired old order, 164

princes in, 180

prospects, 177-183

Order, Old, faults of, 37

spirit of, 49-56

“Other sheep,” “great crowd” belong to, 132, 154, 155

Othniel, Jehovah’s spirit came upon, 73


Paradise, earthly, 179, 183

spiritual, 173

Paul (Saul), conversion to Christianity, 124

Pentecost, meaning of term, 111

33 C.E., disciples began to prophesy, 122

holy spirit poured out, 111-114, 137

marked birth of “new creation,” 121

Persecution, spread Kingdom proclamation, 124

witnessing despite, 151, 152

Peter, meaning of name, 107

never claimed to be “rock-mass,” 107

Prayer, holy spirit is an intercessor in, 132-136

Preaching, about established Kingdom, 145

about Kingdom, spread, 123-126

angelic backing, 159, 160

holy spirit behind, 96-98

“in all creation,” 126

number of lands, 159

persecution spread, 124

Princes, in New Order, 180

Prophecy, Bible, 60-63

first one uttered by man, 67

fulfilled by Jesus’ anointing, 95, 96

fulfilled by Jesus’ baptism, 92

fulfilled by Jesus’ birth, 89, 90

fulfilled in Messiah’s suffering and death, 99-101

fulfilled when Jesus rode into Jerusalem, 165

of Joel fulfilled, 112

Prophesying, by remnant of anointed disciples, 148


Red Sea, crossing by Israelites, 64-66

Remnant, of spiritual Israel, accept obligation as Jehovah’s Witnesses, 150

Resurrection, figurative, 160, 161

“first,” 169, 170, 178

likeness of Jesus’, 167-169

of Jesus Christ, 26, 101, 102, 110

“Rock-mass,” is Christ, 166

on which Jesus’ congregation built, 107, 108

Rock-masses, symbolic, 152, 153


Samson, Jehovah’s spirit operative upon, 74-76

Sardis, congregation, 150, 151

Seed, Devil’s earthly, 44

Devil’s spiritual, 42, 43

heel wound healed, 103

of God’s “woman,” 104, 105

Serpent, Devil likened to, 41

earthly seed, 44

Shekinah light31

Signal, Messianic king serves as, 174

Sin, against holy spirit, 39, 44-47, 98, 99, 179, 182

Son of God, life-force transferred, 85, 88, 89

“only-begotten,” 27

“Son of man,” identified, 25

Sons, spiritual, 114-116, 127-132

“Sons of God,” angelic, 21

Sovereignty, Devil tried to seize, 47

Jehovah’s universal, 48

Spirit, God is Source of, 11, 12

God’s is a force, 12-15

Greek word, 13

Hebrew word, 13, 14

how holy spirit bears witness with one’s, 127-132

Jesus resurrected as a, 101, 102

of “great crowd” responds to earthly hope, 156, 157

of old order, 49-56

“of undeserved kindness,” 46, 47

(See also “Holy spirit.”)


Spirits, angels made as, 18-21

assemblies of, 22-26

“sons of God,” 21

“unclean,” 48

Sprout, symbolic, 172-174

Stars, named and numbered, 9


Tabernacle, builders backed by holy spirit, 70, 71

set up, 71

Tartarus, 42, 43

Temple, completed, 72

construction backed by God’s spirit, 72

destroyed, 77

man-made not needed by God, 7

rebuilding completed, 78

Transfiguration, of Christ, 58, 59

Twig, symbolic, 172-174


Universe, cannot contain God, 8

will never run down, 10


Virgin birth, caused by holy spirit, 87, 88

Vision, of heavenly assembly, 23


Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, imprisoned officers and associates released, 144, 145

imprisonment of officers, 142, 143

publications banned, 142

Windstorm, symbolic, 153

Witnesses, ‘killed,’ 143, 144

of Jehovah, pre-Flood, 66, 67

“spirit of life from God” entered, 144-150

“Woman,” God’s, identified, 103-105

“seed” of God’s, 104, 105

Word (Logos), identified, 27, 28, 89

life-force transferred, 85, 88, 89

World War I, 139

World War II, 151

Worship, of the Devil, 50, 51


Zerubbabel, rebuilt Jehovah’s temple, 77, 78