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Does God’s Purpose Include More Than This Life?

Does God’s Purpose Include More Than This Life?

Does God’s Purpose Include More Than This Life?

Is This Life All There Is?

Today many people ask: Is this life all there is? Will our real hope be found in a life after death? What actually happens when a person dies? Does some part of him live on? Is there torment after death? Do dead loved ones need our help? Can they benefit by payment of money to religious organizations? Is there reason to fear the dead? Do they harm the living? Can one really talk with the dead?

You need the answers to these questions. Knowing the truth about life after death can protect you. And there are satisfying answers to the questions just posed. They are found in the illuminating book Is This Life All There Is? Obtain it and also learn about the unique hope the Bible presents for those who have come within death’s grip. This 192-page book will be sent to you, postpaid, for only 25c.

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