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Abbreviations Used in This Publication

Abbreviations Used in This Publication

Bible Translations

AB The Amplified Bible (1965), Zondervan Publishing House

An The Anchor Bible (1964 and following years), W. F. Albright and D. N. Freedman, general editors

AS American Standard Version (1901; as printed in 1944), American Revision Committee

AT The Complete Bible​—An American Translation (1939; as printed in 1951), J. M. Powis Smith and Edgar J. Goodspeed

BC Sagrada Biblia (1947), José María Bover and Francisco Cantera Burgos, Madrid, Spain

BE The Bible in Basic English (1949), Cambridge University Press

By The Bible in Living English (1972), Steven T. Byington

CB The New Testament​—A Translation in the Language of the People (1937; as printed in 1950), Charles B. Williams

CC The New Testament (1941; as printed in 1947), Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Revision

CK The New Testament​—A New Translation in Plain English (1963), Charles K. Williams

Da The ‘Holy Scriptures’ (1949 Edition), J. N. Darby

Dy Challoner-Douay Version (c. 1750; as printed in 1942)

ED The Emphatic Diaglott (1864; as printed in 1942), Benjamin Wilson

ER English Revised Version (1885; as printed in 1893), Cambridge University Press

Fn The Holy Bible in Modern English (1903; as printed in 1935), Ferrar Fenton

Int The Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures (1985 Edition)

JB The Jerusalem Bible (1966), Alexander Jones, general editor

JP The Holy Scriptures According to the Masoretic Text (1917; as printed in 1952), The Jewish Publication Society of America

KJ King James Version (1611; as printed in 1942)

Kx The Holy Bible (1956), Ronald A. Knox

La The Holy Bible From Ancient Eastern Manuscripts (1957), George M. Lamsa

Le The Twenty-Four Books of the Holy Scriptures (1853; as printed in 1914), Isaac Leeser

LXX Greek Septuagint (originally produced in the third and second centuries B.C.E.), as edited by Alfred Rahlfs (1935)

LXX, Bagster The Septuagint With Apocrypha: Greek and English (translation by L. C. L. Brenton, 1851; as printed in 1986)

LXX, Thomson The Septuagint Bible (translation by Charles Thomson, 1808; revised by C. A. Muses, 1954)

Mo A New Translation of the Bible (1935; as printed in 1954), James Moffatt

MR The Modern Reader’s Bible (1907; as printed in 1924), Richard G. Moulton, editor

NAB The New American Bible (1970), Catholic Biblical Association of America

NC Sagrada Biblia (1944; as printed in 1972), Eloíno Nácar Fuster and Alberto Colunga

NE The New English Bible (1970)

NIV The Holy Bible​—New International Version (1978)

NW New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures​—With References (1984)

Ph The New Testament in Modern English (1958; as printed in 1976), J. B. Phillips

Ro The Emphasised Bible (1902), Joseph B. Rotherham

RS Revised Standard Version (1952; as printed in 1971)

Sd The Authentic New Testament (1958), Hugh J. Schonfield

Sp The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ (1937; as printed in 1948), Francis Aloysius Spencer

Sy Syriac Peshitta, originally produced in the fifth century C.E. (edited by S. Lee, London, 1826, and reprinted by United Bible Societies, 1979)

TC The Twentieth Century New Testament, Revised Edition (1904)

TEV Today’s English Version (1976)

Vg Latin Vulgate (originally produced c. 400 C.E. by Jerome; edited by R. Weber, Stuttgart, Germany, 1975)

VM La Santa Biblia, Versión Moderna (1966), Sociedades Bíblicas en América Latina

We The New Testament in Modern Speech (Fifth Edition, 1943; as printed in 1944), R. F. Weymouth; revised by J. A. Robertson

Yg The Holy Bible (Revised Edition of 1887), Robert Young

Books of the Bible

Ac Acts

Am Amos

Ca Song of Solomon (Canticles)

1Ch Chronicles, 1

2Ch Chronicles, 2

1Co Corinthians, 1

2Co Corinthians, 2

Col Colossians

Da Daniel

De Deuteronomy

Ec Ecclesiastes

Eph Ephesians

Es Esther

Ex Exodus

Eze Ezekiel

Ezr Ezra

Ga Galatians

Ge Genesis

Hab Habakkuk

Hag Haggai

Heb Hebrews

Ho Hosea

Isa Isaiah

Jas James

Jer Jeremiah

Jg Judges

Joe Joel

1Jo John, 1

2Jo John, 2

3Jo John, 3

Joh John

Jon Jonah

Jos Joshua

1Ki Kings, 1

2Ki Kings, 2

La Lamentations

Le Leviticus

Lu Luke

Mal Malachi

Mr Mark

Mt Matthew

Mic Micah

Na Nahum

Ne Nehemiah

Nu Numbers

Ob Obadiah

1Pe Peter, 1

2Pe Peter, 2

Phm Philemon

Php Philippians

Pr Proverbs

Ps Psalms

Re Revelation

Ro Romans

Ru Ruth

1Sa Samuel, 1

2Sa Samuel, 2

1Th Thessalonians, 1

2Th Thessalonians, 2

1Ti Timothy, 1

2Ti Timothy, 2

Tit Titus

Zec Zechariah

Zep Zephaniah

Other Abbreviations

a. after

a.m. (ante meridiem), before noon

avdp avoirdupois

b. before

B.C.E. before Common Era

bu bushel(s)

c. about

C. Celsius

C.E. Common Era

chap(s) chapter(s)

cm centimeter(s)

col. column

cu cubic

E east

ENE east-northeast

ESE east-southeast

F. Fahrenheit

ft foot/​feet

ftn(s) footnote(s)

g gram(s)

gal gallon(s)

Gr. Greek

ha hectare(s)

Heb. Hebrew

in. inch(es)

kg kilogram(s)

kl kiloliter(s)

km kilometer(s)

km/​hr kilometers per hour

L liter(s)

Lat. Latin

lb pound(s)

lit. literally

m meter(s)

mg milligram(s)

mi mile(s)

ml milliliter(s)

mm millimeter(s)

mph miles per hour

MS(S) manuscript(s)

Mt(s). Mount(ains)

N north

NE northeast

NNE north-northeast

NNW north-northwest

No(s). number(s)

NW northwest

oz ounce(s)

p. page

par(s). paragraph(s)

pl. plural

p.m. (post meridiem), after noon

pp. pages

pt pint(s)

qt quart(s)

S south

SE southeast

sec(s). section(s)

sq square

SSE south-southeast

SSW south-southwest

Sup superscription

SW southwest

t troy

T.V. Torrent Valley

Vol(s). Volume(s)

vs(s) verse(s)

W west

WNW west-northwest

WSW west-southwest

yd yard

NOTE: All quotations from classical authors are from the Loeb Classical Library, unless otherwise indicated.