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(Abʹdon) [from a root meaning “servant”].

1. A judge, the son of Hillel the Pirathonite of Ephraim. (Jg 12:13-15) According to Josephus (Jewish Antiquities, V, 273 [vii, 15]), his rule of eight years was one of peace, and the Bible record makes no mention of wars during that period. Abdon’s 40 sons and 30 grandsons all “rode on seventy full-grown asses,” a sign of considerable wealth and rank at that time. At the end of his judgeship, Abdon was buried in his native Ephraim.

Some would connect Abdon with “Bedan,” mentioned at 1 Samuel 12:11; however, Bedan is more likely identified with Barak, whose name appears in this text in both the Greek Septuagint and the Syriac Peshitta.

2. A Benjamite, firstborn son of Jeiel and evidently a brother of Ner, Saul’s grandfather.​—1Ch 8:29, 30; 9:35, 36, 39.

3. An official in King Josiah’s court (2Ch 34:20), called Achbor at 2 Kings 22:12.​—See ACHBOR No. 2.

4. A son of Shashak of the tribe of Benjamin; a headman dwelling in Jerusalem.​—1Ch 8:23-28.

5. One of four cities in the territory of Asher given to the Levites of the family of Gershon (Gershom). (Jos 21:27-31; 1Ch 6:71-75) It is probably Khirbet ʽAbdeh (Tel ʽAvdon) about 6 km (3.5 mi) E of Achzib. This site lies on the N side of the Wadi Qarn (Nahal Keziv) and at the foot of the hills of Galilee and hence near the N end of the Plain of Asher.