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Arabah, Torrent Valley of

Arabah, Torrent Valley of

At Amos 6:14 the prophet warns the kingdoms of Judah and Israel that the land will be oppressed by a foreign power all the way from “Hamath down to the torrent valley of the Arabah [Desert Plain].” (Compare 2Ki 14:25.) While the term “Arabah” is applied to the entire Rift Valley region from the Sea of Galilee on down to the Red Sea, here it has particular application to the area from S of the Dead Sea down to the Gulf of ʽAqaba. Thus, while the expression “torrent valley of the Arabah” might have reference to a wadi such as the torrent valley of Zered, which empties into the S end of the Dead Sea (“the sea of the Arabah,” De 3:17), it is notable that the expression used by Amos is the exact equivalent of the Arabic name applied to the region running from the S end of the Dead Sea to the Gulf of ʽAqaba, namely “Wadi el-ʽArabah.” Amos’ prophecy indicated a complete overrunning of the entire land once controlled by Judah and Israel, from N to S. During the following century this prophecy saw fulfillment in the invasions of Assyrian kings, including Tiglath-pileser III, Shalmaneser V, Sargon II, and Sennacherib.