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1. The king of Ellasar who, in league with Chedorlaomer and two other kings, shared in crushing the rebellion of Sodom, Gomorrah, and their allies and in carrying off Lot and his household. Abraham then overtook the victors, defeated Arioch and his confederates, and rescued Lot. (Ge 14:1-16; see CHEDORLAOMER.) The ancient location of Ellasar is not certain.​—See ELLASAR.

2. The chief of Nebuchadnezzar’s bodyguard, who was under orders to kill all the wise men of Babylon after they had failed to reveal and interpret the king’s dream. Upon learning that Daniel was prepared to reveal the dream and give the interpretation, “Arioch, in a hurry, took Daniel in before the king.”​—Da 2:12-25.