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1. A son of Rimmon the Benjamite. He and his brother Rechab were chiefs of marauding bands belonging to Saul’s son Ish-bosheth. Baanah and his brother murdered Ish-bosheth while he was taking a siesta, but when they brought his head to David, who had recently been installed as king, he ordered them killed, had their hands and feet cut off, and had them hanged by the pool in Hebron.​—2Sa 4:2-12.

2. A Netophathite, father of one of David’s mighty men, Heleb (Heled).​—2Sa 23:29; 1Ch 11:30.

3. One who was possibly a leader of those returning from Babylonian exile with Zerubbabel.​—Ezr 2:2; Ne 7:7.

4. One of “the heads of the people” whose descendant, if not he himself, attested to Nehemiah’s “trustworthy arrangement.” (Ne 9:38; 10:14, 27) He may be the same as No. 3, above.