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Third king of the ten-tribe kingdom of Israel; son of Ahijah of the tribe of Issachar and of insignificant background. He usurped the throne by killing his predecessor Nadab, after which he struck down the entire house of Jeroboam, as had been prophesied. (1Ki 15:27-30; 14:10) Baasha, however, continued Jeroboam’s calf worship, and extermination was also promised for his own house for this. (1Ki 16:1-4) When he waged war against Judah, Asa induced the king of Syria to harass Baasha from the N. The fortified city of Ramah, which Baasha was building, Asa then razed. (1Ki 15:16-22; 2Ch 16:1-6; see ASA No. 1 [Intrigue and Warfare Against Baasha].) After having ruled from about 975 to 953 B.C.E., Baasha died and was buried in his capital, Tirzah. His son Elah became king in the 26th year of Asa the king of Judah (1Ki 16:8), but in the 27th year of Asa (1Ki 16:15) Zimri rebelled and wiped out Baasha’s house, fulfilling Jehovah’s decree.