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This word is used in certain modern translations (JB, NE, NW) to render the Hebrew cheʹrem, also rendered in the New World Translation as “thing devoted to destruction.” The Hebrew word refers to that which is irrevocably and irredeemably devoted to God and thus separated out for sacred use, but is most frequently used with reference to things thus separated for complete destruction. It can apply to an individual person. (Ex 22:20; JB here reads: “Anyone who sacrifices to other gods shall come under the ban [“be devoted to destruction,” NW]”; Le 27:29) Or it may apply to his possessions (Ezr 10:8); to an animal, to a field, or to any article so devoted to sacred use (Le 27:21, 28); or to an entire city and all things therein.​—De 13:15-17; Jos 6:17.

Sacred bans figured in certain prophecies. (Mic 4:13; Zec 14:11) For a complete discussion of the subject, see DEVOTED THING.