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(Berʹa·cah) [Blessing].

1. One of the mighty men skilled in the use of the bow, from the tribe of Benjamin, who joined up with David at Ziklag. This was at the time David was still under restrictions because of Saul.​—1Ch 12:1-3.

2. A low plain in Judah lying between Bethlehem and Hebron. It is presently identified with the Wadi el-ʽArrub, and nearby Khirbet Bereikut (Berakhot) seems to preserve evidence of the original name. This valley runs E-W, connecting the hill country of Judah with the wilderness area W of the Salt Sea.

Following the miraculous victory over the combined forces of Ammon, Moab, and Edom, Jehoshaphat congregated the people at this low plain to bless Jehovah, hence the name of the Low Plain of Beracah (meaning “Blessing”).​—2Ch 20:26.